Through Paranoid Eyes (The Clincher)

And his own words that are nothing but lies
In the last post, I wrote about the inconsistencies in George Zimmerman’s stories about what transpired the night of the shooting. The following 8 photos are video screen shots taken from his reenactment. Below it will be an overhead view of the location, according to George, of where the fight and gunshot took place.
Approximate area where Trayvon stood according to Zimmerman.
The above photos show George’s reenactment positions during the confrontation. I have several problems with that. One, where was Trayvon hiding? The sidewalk paths are open except for the spindly trees — certainly no place to hide. Two, Trayvon was positioned southeast of George, who said he was heading back to his vehicle. In order for this fight to have occurred where George said, it meant he would have had to go to Trayvon. If it was the other way around, the fight would have taken place where George stood, on the sidewalk heading west. The third problem with the scenario George gave was that Trayvon shouted out to him. I’m not a fighter, but common sense tells me that if I am going to surprise someone with a punch, I am not going to say a word beforehand, which would give my opponent a warning first. I’d hit him and then ask him why he was following me.
Do you understand the problem? George would have to have turned toward Trayvon and walked to him. That’s all there is to it. Of course, there’s one more thing that makes absolutely no sense at all, and one of the commenters, CherokeeNative, brought light to it last night, before I had a chance to put this post up. THIS IS THE CLINCHER. To those of you who don’t read the comments, you can see from the next image why there’s a major, major problem with George’s account of the events the night of February 26. Had George been walking back to his truck like he said he was, from east to west, then why was Trayvon’s body found much farther south?
George must have surprised Trayvon, and that means he was never walking back to his truck from checking house numbers, like he said in his reenactment. Nor was he ever asked by the dispatcher to do such a thing.

Reader Comments (245)
Well there you go, my attempt to write WHOOSH it went. A long post which obviously was not meant to be said. I will just be short and say, Dave, absolutely phenomenal! is your post! I hope the prosecution is as observant in detail as you have been because I believe this George Zimmerman is a sneaky one, knows exactly what he is doing, portraying the innocent while actually whipping up all the different stories to prove he is not capable of making good judgement. All this along with hoping for the safety net of the SYG law, which in it's originality would never have covered him, but since it's amendment, if allowed at all, just may in combination bring him an acquittal. It is acknowledged that he has ADD or ADHD. They are usually quite brilliant and clever. I see you were up quite late working on this, as was I, because I couldn't sleep, as always.
[I was actually sleeping and then abruptly woke up. I really wanted to get this post published before going to the hearing this morning, so that was what kept me awake for a few hours more than I wanted. The pictures were already done, but not the 1st map; the one piecing together the 8 photos. My big closing point was, of course, the photo with the location of Trayvon's body. That clearly defines the truth and it's nowhere near what George Zimmerman laid out in his reenactment. That was the 1st thing to hit me when I saw the video. WHAT A LIAR!
Anyway, it's pretty much what CherokeeNative came up with yesterday, although I did come up with mine last week. More power to her, though, because that's what makes this whole discussion work. Surely, I couldn't have been the only observant person, and I wasn't. Let's hope this is a good part of why Zimmerman was charged with second-degree murder.
Thanks, New Puppy. I'm sorry you lost your original comment. Squarespace has a problem in that department and it's why I always advise people to write things down on a simple word processor first, to retain an original copy. Oh well. As for me, it's time to get ready. Big day ahead! And I hope you were able to fall back to sleep.]
Dave, I agree with you, Cherokee Native does a lot of coverage and promotes a pattern of thought that adds a tremendous amount of pleasure in reading the comments on your blog. I'm glad you are open to the new people here and their contributions in extending patterns of thought. Especially happy to see you express your own points of view too. It does not take away one iota from the fact that you are always fair and willing to give and take on all accounts. I always thought blogs were a place where people exchanged viewpoints, whether accompanied by hard fact or not, sometimes what I will refer to as, spectators, are free to think beyond what is before them and hit on valuable points. We sometimes forget that the fact is fact but until the lawful procedure attempts to portray all those facts in court, all our speculations, as valuable as they are, just come to pass. You have made every effort to go over this case with a fine eye and superb analysis. Hope you have a comfortable day at this hearing, and will let me know.
Just so you know, I am in the courtroom awaiting the defendant and judge. It is now 9:22. I may have problems responding to any comments, but I will try.
Great articles Dave wonder if GZ wife will show her face today now that her face has been outed?She is going to have to start getting used to courtrooms..
Watching the hearing stream live M O M detailing with some guy on the stand the money scammed by paypal into GZ acount .Wich was then given to sister an wife ect ...Already spent 49 grand clearing debts an liveing expences.......Doesnt bode well for the Zimmermans regards lieing to the court about there finances I M O.Shows they were very very aware of the money situation.
TY, Ecossie. They must have had some sizable debts; I can't imagine living expenses being that steep there to get through that much so quickly... a veritable windfall- I'm trying to not be too cynical here.
They were transfering the money from pp to GZ acount to wife to sisters acount .Before money came rolling in were liveing on money borrowed from relatives an maxed out credit cards..This guy on the stand ...still have no idea whom he is just stated that money transfered to sisters acount could have been to hide it..Money back to GZ acount when he got out on bail...
Nice job Dave. I've also speculated that GZ took an alternative route and that he was the one who instigated the attack. I also wondered why NO ONE in the MSM has pointed out the illogic of hiding and then announcing yourself and then starting a fight. THe entire idea of hiding is to not be scene. If TM was planning on ambushing GZ, he wouldn't have loudly announced it beforehand. That makes no sense whatsoever.
The relatively superficial nature of GZ's wounds, coupled w/ his non hospital visit casts further doubt on GZ's story. While people assume TM attacked GZ, we have no conclusive evidence or witnesses to confirm this. THe entire story seems too conveniently crafted as textbook self defense.
BTW, Dave, when you can manage it- remember one of your earliest posts on this, with the pics? I'm dreadful busy all day today and then tomorrow but I'd like go through later and marry a few of 'em up to the ones shown here. How does that early shot you had of where people pointed out the body had been (when you first were there) compared to the official shot I wonder?
Can't wait for the next post.
Gov't Mule- I NEVER thought/bought the nonsense from GZ that TM had followed him back to the truck. I discounted that one right away as something GZ dreamed up to make himself appear to be the harried and pursued person. Problem is, he's certainly stuck with it now. This isn't some bar fight, where the one guy says- "Oh, I got in at least 20 solid punches!" when everyone else saw 3.
M O M cueing up the re creation video to play in court for some reason.....
I thought this was a bond hearing but no.Its a full pre trial M O M has entered a flash drive with re enactment vt s an all G Z statements ect into evidence..Now there is ambulance guy on stand detailing the scene an GZ injurys that night..Confirmed G Z had grazes an no life threating injurys.Trayvon was Dead on his Arivealll
Oh, I wonder if they'll get the ME or someone up on the stand to refute that TM would not have been able to say anything after having his heart shot open. Also, am I mistaken that I had heard previously that GZ's wife put those big honking band-aids on him?
Think court recess for lunch G Z left court none of his family apears to be present Dave is in court room .
Karen GZ said on re enactment vt his wife was a student nurse an helped reduce the swelling not sure about the bandaids ...........
oops court not in recess GZ must have needed a potty break..A probation officer / supervision officer is on the stand saying GZ complied with his G P S Moniter system.
Supervision guy has left the stand now M O M Wants the court to hear witness 11 s 911 call M O M CUEING It up on the pc ..After confab with prosecution M O M decides cant play it at the momment.Not sure if all names ect are redacted..
Thank you, again, Ecossie, for this- gotta go but I can't wait to catch up later....
Trayvon's older brother is here.
...and another thing...
You're right! George kept insisting the dispatcher was pressing him for an address. In fact, it was George who volunteered an address for the clubhouse without being asked. The dispatcher only asked him to repeat the number!
Because Trayvon is moving, in order for George to supply an address to the dispatcher, he would HAVE to follow Trayvon. Dispatcher makes it clear, that he does NOT want GZ to follow when he asks George is he's following the suspect. When George replies in the affirmative, the dispatcher says he doesn't need him to do that! There is NO ambiguity about what the dispatcher intends. And George had already provided an address...voluntarily!
No further location information was requested, but if GZ thought location was required(it's clear HE believed it was), he would HAVE to follow Trayvon to provide it!
G Z Father on the stand to talk about screaming help in 911 call .Says it was his son GZ shouting for help absalutely G Z Voice he says.
M O M says he wanted to put G Z wife on stand but her council won allow it.He says GZ want to take stand but no cross exam by prosecution M O M says the judge can ask him questions though.He is shot down an said no special treatment so declines to take stand.Now M O M is trying to explain away the miss statements......
There you are, Dave. I've been watching off and on all morning, and I've just now caught a glmpse of you. You were looking very busy and efficient.
Nice to 'see' you again. Thanks for all your great posts on this case! All the comments on your blog are great to read as well.
(Sorry for the o/t.)
Dave, I was thinking that if we take GZ's version of events that Trayvon approached and spoke to him, it shows that Trayvon was acting like a normal human being. Trayvon was concerned, wary; yet still willing to speak to what he perceived to be another human being. It show that Trayvon had no ill-will toward his pursuer. As you said, if Trayvon had decided that GZ was a bad guy, he wouldn't have given him advance warning by yelling, then walking toward him. Therefore, it is only when GZ lies and says he doesn't have a problem(according to his version) that Trayvon knows this guy is up to no good. Trayvon KNOWS he's been following him, the only thing Trayvon doesn't know is WHY. When George refuses to tell him why, and pretends nothing is wrong, Trayvon knows for sure he's in danger.
That is if we take George's own words at face value. George is screwed, either way.
Did you guys hear the giant pile of BS O'Mara just laid down?!! I can't believe it! I can't believe it!
O'Mara tries to convince the judge that only the judge can question GZ because GZ only lied to the judge. Can you believe the gall?!!!
Then Lester tells him that GZ offended the process, not him personally.
I knew it! I knew there was NO WAY O'Mara would risk putting GZ on the stand again, after GZ lies to the parents in the first bond hearing. But, there's virtually no chance of GZ getting bond without taking the stand. O'Mara is terrified of, and for his own client! Holy Toledo!
I have never seen anything like this!
Both sides argue the toss Prosecution ask for no bond an say Trayvon innocent victim an if anyone defending themselfs he was.Say GZ inconsistent in his storys,Defence admitts he an wife miss led court over money but argue states case on 2nd degree murder is not strong want a bond issued.Judge says hw will issue a written statement on bond issue no time given.............
Dave~~what a great post. I only read your account as you are more concise and with the pictures you displayed, it was much easier for me to follow. I know you have been sitting on this post for a few days. If one word will suffice, BRAVO!! You certainly have me convinced and you know what an old hard head that I am. Thank you so much!
Hey Ecossie...good to see you, Matey!
I too agree with Cherokee Native and your assessment of the situation Dave. Although I never came around to pose a scenario because I thought the whole thing was a bit outlandish to begin with but I'm glad your follow-up brough both posts together and you showed a more plausible account of what happened. I too found it perplexing that there was no cover or bushes in sight but again I diverted back to the notion that GZ persued TM and not the reversal.
Your illustrations are very good and leave little doubt as to how the nights events unfolded.
In the end, as I've said many times: the Devil is in the Details and in this case, as many of you have heard for yourself, perhaps too much detail..because if you are going to lie you have to have a real good cover story and you better pray that no one can pickkkk itttt appppDAVE ...look what you've done....
Before I forget: welcome fellow Hinkies as I've not seen so many familiar names as its been a while since I've seen so many...not that I don't see you occassionally)
Hi ya Snoops....G Z Had no intention of waiting in his truck for L E he didnt need an adress he told the disspatcher to have L E call him on his cell phone when they arrived an the disspatcher agreed.There was no reason for him to seek an adress of some random apartment,It was raining his truck parked at the clubhouse .What was the point of seeking an adress away from his truck.He needed an excuse that didnt involve him stalking his prey.So he spun a tale on the fly.Bet he was ashen when he got a chance to hear his actuall call to the police.
Here's the deal with Witness#9, Dave:
She called SPD on Feb 28th to tell detectives that George doesn't like black people. This is weeks before talk of race in the media. see video here with full audio:
Well, apparently this woman made 2, possible 3 separate statements to SPD(see list of evidence for first discovery); however, only the one audio statement is floating around on the internet. For some strange reason, the other 2 statements are missing on the net...O'Mara is trying to delay, prevent release of the additional 1 or 2.
Now, why would he be trying to delay, block release when the judge ordered these released week ago?! Why was her original statement released, but not the other two?
Reference is made to her original, anonymous phone audio statement(the one in my video) in Serino's "Report of Investigation" synopsis included in the first discovery release. There, Serino says that call came in to SPD and was taken by officer Perkins on the 28th of Feb; however, the date is missing on the grid that lists the audio statements in the "State's Redacted Discovery Exhibit" Right below that, are the 2 additional statement audio's listed!
Now, what does W#9 say about George in those statements?!
Dave~~I was able to watch the entire hearing and did catch a few glimpses of you busy doing what you do.
I was surprised that the bond hearing was taking on the atmosphere of a mini trial. It was definitely animated from both the defense and prosecution. It was a pleasure to watch both sides. Mark O'Mara is doing his very best but sadly he is up against a 'brick wall' when trying to defend a client who is very deceptive. De La Rionda is definitely no slouch and did not seem to miss a beat.
I cannot make a call at this point if Judge Lester will allow Zimmerman to bond out. The judge could not hide his feelings about ' the hiding of the money' being a sore spot.
I think O'Mara was very wise in admitting evidence that may sway the judge in thinking the 'second degree murder' was an overcharge in this instance. Now whether it worked is debatable.
To MollyK ~~you were absolutely right. Bank transfers differ from cash withdrawals and are treated differently in having transactions reported to the IRS. The reason for the transfers from paypal being under the $10,000 is a rule of Paypal and was well explained by the forensic accountant.
Hiya B Man...MHaven anything W9 says about GZ regards his opinion on race is hearsay an not admissable in evidence unless backed up with solid evidence such as vt or audio of him disparigeing a certain ethnic group.
Ecossie~ ~ I agree that W#9 does not have any qualifications to make an assessment that Z was/is a racists. The defense can argue that W#9 just had an axe to grind. Concrete evidence would be needed to prove that Zimmerman said he did not like black people or that every black youth wearing a hoodie was a hoodlum. If Z was badmouthing Mexicans, it does not prove that he was/is against blacks or other races.
Great observations. I think no matter the scenarios that GZ has a problem because, like I've said before, he did not introduce himself to Trayvon at the clubhouse or when Trayvon supposedly was circling his truck, or even when Trayvon supposedly asked him what his problem was. This, imo, is why the SYG doesn't work as a defense. Trayvon's murder could have been avoided had GZ spoke up.
Re Snoop...
...As if there is some certification agency that one goes to to be certified as a racism detector...lmao!
Well, I am a certified BS detector, and I say you are piling it on pretty thick, just like O'mara!
MHaven~ ~if you are putting me in a league with Mark O'Mara Esq, then I take that as a compliment so thank you.
You know, I always felt O'Mara - one day - was at risk of a nervous breakdown from this case. He can't trust his client. His client doesn't trust him...his client is self-destructive. He has to triple check anything his client tells him...even the prepositions....
I wonder if that day has come?
O'mara says the State's case isn't strong. But, the judge himself already said the State's case IS strong. Is O'Mara resorting to voodoo now? Mind control?
I think O'mara is beside himself. What do you do about a lunatic, self-destructive client, who will not take advice/instruction, but have a nervous breakdown?
Personal opinion only, observed George Zimmerman, well dressed, seems a little concerned that hair is nicely in place, demeanor shows no concern but rather enjoying the place he is in, at the center of attention. Will that last???? O'Mara is quite calm in his demeanor, portraying a great amount of certainty.
Re Snoop..
Only in the bullshitting category.. So, you're welcome!
Concrete evidence would be needed to prove that Zimmerman said he did not like black people or that every black youth wearing a hoodie was a hoodlum. If Z was badmouthing Mexicans, it does not prove that he was/is against blacks or other races.
HUH? I truly just has a wth moment when I read that. Would not the statement of a direct witness be proof?
Re Mexicans are you kidding me? If a person has a blanket problem with members of another race JUST because of race, that *is* a sign of possible racism.
I think that this entire hearing was about Omara's concern that the Judge wrote that the evidence is strong against Zimmerman. This along with Zimmerman's credibility issue clearly created problem for any SYG or self defense claim. Thus Omara came to fight that HARD. In the end, I do not thin that he defeated either concern by the Judge.
I hear that O'mara is a great Attorney but I this argument that Zimmerman does not trust the system thus he lied is VERY dangerous. Intuitively, that tells me that this is a -precise- to lie to the police on the night of the killing
To those it may concern....
I hold the utmost respect for Mark O'Mara. He is a professional in his field and has displayed that since I came to get to know him in the Anthony case. I also hold a deep respect for Dave Knechel aka Marinade Dave who shows professionalism in owning and maintaining this blog. He has never permitted his blog to turn into a battlefield by those who have an agenda.
I will ignore any snide/sarcastic remarks made towards Mr O'Mara since George Zimmerman has a right to be defended by counsel. O'Mara has a right to practice his profession in any way he sees fit to defend his client.
I will also be addressing my comments to Dave. I will only respond to comments directed to me, if the queries are asked of me in a civil manner. This should avert any future misunderstandings.
Snoop you had to go and prove me right about you and the BS thing, didn'tcha? And now, you're a victim, in the style of George Zimmerman. Trayvon Martin is the victim, not you, and not George Zimmerman.
Re O'Mara:
He has decided to walk on the dark side, echoing ugly racist rhetoric from the internet by making references to watermelon juice etc. He has also implied he will question Trayvon's character and credibilty.
No amount of appeal to him simply plying his trade will save O'Mara from harsh, deserved judgment if he proceeds in that vein.
Great post, Dave. I hadn't appreciated the significance of GZ's and TM's relative starting positions on the sidewalks until you pointed it out here.
I only had a minute to watch the hearing this morning, and I was surprised to see a fireman being interviewed about GZ's injuries. I read that GZ's father testified. Was he there in person? Is he the man in the photo above, from the re-enactment?
I did not see Dave or Trayvon's brother in the court. I wish I'd been able to watch the entire hearing. Can't wait for your report, Dave.
Dave, I think I am remembering correctly, that George Zimmerman re-inacted and stated that it was AFTER the shot that he had Trayvon Martin's arms spread out and that was when he was yelling for help????? As the father was on the stand today we listening to the woman witnessing the altercation. she stated as we can hear it, the yelling for help was BEFORE the shot. I know some witnesses have changed their statements but this is a recording as it was when that woman witness called in to the police.
How can O'Mara not identify with these kind of lies? I recently heard a defense attorney state that they don't have to believe in their client's innocence, just do their best to win their case. That seems be proving itself as of late especially in view of other cases. I still believe GZimmerman will play on his very faulty capability of making good decisions as in his statements, does not consider himself lying. Dave, you think any psychiatric examinations have been done and will perhaps carry weight in his favor. A jury would have to take it all into consideration and it makes me sick, that a jury would fall for such conniving of lies and have it be excuse for George Zimmerman "Killing" an unarmed innocent youth like a hunted animal. It has been brought up that Trayvon had offended the law before, but I do not see that any of it could have the slighest thing to do with what happened to him on the evening of his demise, nothing! IMO GZ grabbed the opportunity to go on his 'hunt" at first sight of Trayvon that evening following through without any regard whatsoever for this very young man's identity of innocence.
Media is discussing GZ's danger to the community, flight, etc. I believe that if there is any way he can scoot on being released, he may try now, because little by little he may see his plan diminishing. Still he loovvvess the "attention" This man has his whole family wrapped around his finger, they seem to do just as he requests and that indicates that they could fear him and have for a long time. No man of decency uses such control over his wife and family, having them lie and move money for his benefit, risking their own chance of being labeled thieves, incarcerated and all. without having the possibility in his character to do harm to them.
Do I like this judge? O'Mara has made a point of stating to the judge that "he should be aware." seems a little pointed to say the judge is not "taking all account into consideration" Good stand by the prosecution attorney arguing for no bond, very good.
Dave, I am sure you will have a lot to say after this hearing and am anxious to hear your personal take on the proceedings. By the way, I regard Trayvon's family as showing a tremendous amount of dignity and acceptance that legally this should be a fair trial. Their representative also conducted himself mighty well.
That's Zimmerman seniour talking about Trayvon's hands. Well, I wanna know where George's hands were. I almost never hear George refer to the placement of his own hands while he claims he's being beaten. The reference is so absent, you would think he didn't have any hands.
Where are George's hands while - as he says - Trayvon is covering his nose and mouth with both his hands? If Trayvon's hands are occupied doing that, then where are George's hands?
I don't recall any investigator asking George what he did - short of shooting the boy through his heart - to extricate himself from Trayvon's alleged grip.
Why does George never speak of his hands? Is it because his hands were holding his gun? Is it because Trayvon was wrestling those hands to prevent George from aiming the gun at him and firing?
That last "yelp" that at least one witness describe as "awful"....was that Trayvon realizing that he couldn't hold off George's hand anymore?
It is evident that one of the main issues is the possible racial motivation of GZ and whether or not he is simply a racist. Although I belive MHaven is correct that you can't make the statement outright I do believe public record can lay this out nicely. From what I remember from a while ago his calls to LE were over 90% "black" related. Almost a proponderance of evidence that suggests GZ only motivation was to rid the neighborhood of "these types of people" I think is what he's quoted as saying. It'd be interesting to find out that of the 90% what was the percentage of guilt?
On another note: it was brought up about GZ hands and where they were at...very interesting and may prove very telling. Although hypothetical does it suggest that GZ brandished his weapon long before he says he did. If i remember/or read correctly GZ states that he was walking back to provide an address of his location when TM jumped from teh bushes. TM made threats that he was going to kill him and then, fearing for his life, pulled the gun and then a struggle ensued.
Well with Dave's well put together post and maps of the area and the path walked by "whomever" it'd be interesting to find out if TM prints were on GZ gun? I wouldnt be surprised if they were not but to be honest I dont know if this information was ever released so this may be a moot point?
Look, if somebody is suffocating you with their hands, the first thing you'll do is claw at their hands with your own. You'll use your nails..anything to get their hands off. Yet, based on the autopsy that was released, Trayvon has only a tiny abrasion on his left ring finger. He has no DNA under left fingernails, and a little blood/DNA under his right hand fingernails. This suggests he scratched his own body at some point hard enough to draw blood. There is NO DNA from George under Trayvon's fingernails. How the heck did Trayvon grip, then slam George's hairless head onto the concrete without getting DNA under his nails?
If Trayvon's hand/nails('cause it could only be his nails) caused the abrasions on George's face, then where is George's DNA under Trayvon's nails?
Assuming there is nothing left out of the autopsy, then Trayvon's doesn't show signs of having beaten someone with his hands.
And another thing... The autopsy narrative doesn't mention observing blood on Trayvon's hands, neither do the cops on the scene. If George was bleeding so much that his jacket has tons of his own blood, how come Trayvon has virtually no DNA from George on him, and none observed/tested on his own hands?
MHaven, Yes, and George being on top holding Trayvon's arms spread eagle, yelling for help, how come his head and nose are not dripping blood all over Trayvon. You have added quite a wallop to his lies with your question. GZ being so desperate to save his own life, turns down to go to the hospital to be sure there is not serious and lasting damage to his brain? Instead goes to his "family" doc, for observation just coming from a most traumatic battle from which he just barely escaped his death. You'd think he would want to take every precaution medically available to prove his head was beaten to the point of his thinking it was going to "EXPLODE"!
I'm sure everyone knows how I feel about this case by now. It's just that I have become appreciative to find more and more people are speaking up with acknowledgement of GZ having such faulty accountings of his actions toward Trayvon. Obviously he expects them to all be believed. Boy, do I wish Trayvon would come forward and speak his own translation of all that happened. Reference to his girlfriend and her being a witness on Trayvon's cell phone has been pretty quiet lately. They almost had a trial today so maybe something has to be left to bring into the real one. Any possibility this trial will have cause to be delayed? Therefore, having a cooling off period with the defense hoping some things will be laid aside by a jury, not remembering them to be important enough.
All in all it is right that GZ has adequate defense and the legal procedure is concluded by all account to be equally fair on both sides of trial by jury and justice on behalf of Trayvon Martin satisfied.
Dave~~here is a recap from O'Mara
In today’s hearing, as part of the defense team’s presentation on the Motion to Set Reasonable Bond, evidence was introduced to the court to show the weaknesses in the State’s murder case against Mr. Zimmerman and to support Mr. Zimmerman’s consistently maintained position that he acted in self defense. Further, we submitted evidence through the testimony of a forensic expert verifying that all the money in question has been properly accounted for. The Court will review the evidence submitted, and we anticipate a decision on bond will be made early next week. The defense requested that the court reinstate the original $150,000 bond.
Statement Regarding June 29 Bond Hearing for George Zimmerman