The Complex Perplexities of George and Shellie Zimmerman

Today was a very busy day, that’s for sure. I’m collecting my thoughts for an article related to the days events. I took a number of pictures at the task force forum I attended earlier, but the judge’s written order explaining why he revoked George’s bond must take precedence. It was quite direct. There’s also the issue of Shellie Zimmerman’s arrest on a nasty little perjury charge. Do I think they were planned together? No, absolutely not. Coincidence? That is more likely the case. The judge’s order was pending and so was the arrest warrant. One is through the court and the other is through the state. That’s two separate branches of the government and they don’t send love letters back and forth. Everything must diligently and properly go through the legal system. Period.
For now, it’s clear to see the judge and attorney’s office mean business. While some may look lightly on these offenses, the people in charge — the REAL ones — are not playing games. This is some serious stuff.
While I had set my sights on another topic, this is very important to address, so expect it to be my next post. Was the judge too critical in his ruling? Was Shellie’s arrest a bargaining chip for the state? That’s what I’ll be focusing on.
I will say this about the day. I had an opportunity to shake Tracy Martin’s hand and offer my condolences. He was very gracious. From everything I’ve witnessed so far, Trayvon’s parents are regular people, just like you and me. No different. Sybrina Fulton said she is not against guns. Her father is a retired Miami cop. She wants the law changed. Tracy Martin said he will be spending Father’s Day, this Sunday, at the cemetery — with Trayvon. Remember to keep those things in your mind as you consider this case.

Reader Comments (148)
Z.s wife is obviously trying to hide the money. It's that simple.
[Money has a habit of doing strange things to people, Mary Beth, but in order to be deceptive, one has to have it inside to begin with. This was no little white lie, either.]
I'm out of town for work, Dave, and have only a moment to post. I look forward to your post on the documents. If you even have a chance to speak to Trayvon's parents again, please let them know that there are many people out there who care deeply about them and their son.
[Thanks, Molly. I promise you I will get your message to Trayvon's parents. Of that, I am certain. They are good people.]
No, I do not think the judge's Order to revoke the bond was too critical... nor too harsh. It appears that the State of Florida is trying to clear up the image from the CA trial of being a state that is lax about it's laws. Both the Order to revoke and the arrest order cite the law for taking those actions. I do think Shelley's arrest will affect GZ's ability to get out though.
[No doubt the judge was correct in his ruling, Sandy. The Zimmermans lied and lying is bad enough, let alone in a courtroom and to the presiding judge. What an idiotic thing that was. As for making up for the mistakes made in the Anthony case? I don't think so. We are dealing with a different judge and prosecution. No two cases are alike. Besides, Casey didn't lie to the judge. The Zimmermans did, and that's the major difference.]
You know I questioned GZ's many statements and actions from the beginning. Now, it is my thinking, if he and his wife tried to fool the Court regarding monies, how do we know he's not fooling all those donating to his penpal account. How does anyone know whether GZ and spouse had insurance that provided up to $300,000 for attorney fees. That type of insurance is advertised for carry/conceal permit know if you shoot someone and find yourself in a legal mess.....yep, there is insurance for such a situation. I can see GZ having that type of insurance and also keeping his mouth shut while others "donate to his cause".
[Newbie, you made an incredible point over the possibility Zimmerman had insurance, but I doubt it. Sure, he could, but he strikes me as a spontaneous type person. He didn't set out to shoot anyone, but he just couldn't wait for the police to show up. This was a dude that was not going to get away this time. He acted out of haste, with no thought about a possible consequence. When he got his concealed carry permit, he learned all he needed to know about stand your ground, and THAT was his insurance policy; his ticket out of trouble. Contrary to what a lot of people think, I believe that, had his victim been white or Hispanic, and with parents as caring as Trayvon's, he still would have been looking at a ton of trouble. You just don't go around shooting first and thinking last. That's what he did, and in hindsight, I'll bet you he never gave insurance a thought until this mess came down. Now, he's probably kicking himself for not taking the advice of his course instructor.
Hey, thanks, that's a great idea and I am going to talk to a gun store owner about this, thanks to you.]
Judge Kenneth Lester has ordered the state to release evidence in the George Zimmerman case within 15 days.
Lester ruled on a motion in which several media companies, including WESH 2, requested that evidence in the case be unsealed and available.
In the document, Lester orders that Zimmerman's statements to law enforcement about the shooting of Trayvon Martin should be released within 15 days.
Lester said that Zimmerman's statements do not qualify as a confession because he doesn't acknowledge guilt to the crime.
"The only element conceded by the defendant is that he shot and killed the victim, but he does not concede any other elements of second-degree murder," wrote Lester.
Read more here....
Judge orders Zimmerman's statements to be released
Judge Kenneth Lester's Media Motion Order
Dave, GZ has apparently made the statement that he is concerned for his wife's safety after her mug shot being shown publicly so if anything happens to her, say "accidentally" on purpose, could it have any favorable bearing for him especially if anything happened to her before he is convicted or not. Maybe sue the law enforcement or news media, anything? Man and wife both appear to be conniving enough to lie and milk for all it's worth. So I wouldn't be surprised. There is no way I can fully accept his apology to Trayvon's parents as having been a heartfelt sincere one.
Newbie, You have brought in the insurance obtainable when issued a permit to carry a weapon. Good thought! Surely having a position where his life may be in danger he would have wanted insurance, especially a life coverage for his wife, or serious injury which kept him from providing for her. Also does anyone know if "Neighborhood Watch" provide any insurance policies he could have obtained.
[Oh, New Puppy, I'm sure George is VERY concerned about his wife's safety, but two factors fall into play. One, ignorance is no excuse in the eyes of the law, which means the Zimmermans were, or should have been, aware of the sunshine law in Florida, especially after 3 years of exposure to Casey. The second thing, which is MUCH more important, is the fact that they both conspired to fool the court. They took their chances, and if something happens to his wife - God forbid - they both have no one to blame but themselves. By the way, I don't think anyone is going to seek vengeance against her. She pulled no trigger.
As for George's apology to Trayvon's parent? It was pathetic. He lied right to their faces in that courtroom when he said he thought the boy was closer to his own age of 28. All I've learned about George and his wife so far is that they both lie like taking a breath of air. What does Frank Taaffe think now, the big blowhard?
New Puppy~ ~ you mentioned that 'apparently' GZ made a statement that he is concerned for his wife's safety because her mug shot was released to the public. Since GZ is incarcerated, who did he make this statement to? I am assuming it is just another one of the many rumors circulating and has no merit.
If GZ were to try and sue the media or LE for publishing the mug shot, he wouldn't have a leg to stand on since the Sunshine law permits the release of mugshots.
The insurance referenced by Newbie is for legal fees. If you own a gun and have a concealed carry permit for it, you can purchase insurance that will pay up to $300,000 for any legal fees if you use that gun to SYG and defense yourself. It seems to encourage gun owners to shoot to kill when and if an alternation takes place.
[Try this: O'Mara: Zimmerman concerned for wife’s safety]
Snoopy, when I go to a Yahoo mail account there are small news video pictures that line up and this is where I read it. They usually have a list of statements under the pictures also. I really don't know if it comes off CNN or what news media it originates from if you don't find it let me know and I will do more
search to see if it is still up.
OK, I just checked back and it is in the listings in blue under "news" at Yahoo mail site. "Zimmerman fears for his wife's safety after mug shot released" reason for using apparently, wasn't sure if it is his actually statement or just one surmised by news.
[Common sense would should tell anyone that George would be worried about his wife's welfare, but the bottom line is the same: They did it to themselves. No one else is to blame.]
Apparently MOM went to the jail last night to talk to Zimmerman. MOM made those statements to the media. Or at least that is how I took it. Zimmerman being worried about his wife. All I will say about him being worried is you should have thought about that before you 2 attempted to deceive. Oh the webs we weave. Be back in a few to finish my comment.
[BINGO! The Zimmermans should have thought about it first. Just like George should have on the night of Feb. 26.]
New Puppy~~ I wouldn't worry too much about it. I had read that same thing yesterday and it is just another news outlet doing more surmising and trying to read minds and then state what they think as facts. WFTV is noted for putting out misleading information to get that first scoop. Dave will agree with me on that particular media outlet. They came out and said Trayvon had injuries on his fists. They learned his from the medical examiner. It turned out to be false and T only had a mark on his finger possibly caused by his ring.
We will be getting more official documents soon and those are the ones I trust to get the factual facts.
[I sure do agree about WFTV, but this time, I did see the video on the news. Both George and O'Mara are concerned for Shellie. They have a reason, but I seriously doubt she will be attacked. Any retaliation would be worse than what George did. He did not set out that day to purposely kill anyone. If anyone goes after any of the Zimmermans, that's pure premeditation. Period.]
Laura~~did O'Mara hold a presser last night after he visited Z at the jail? I would like to see it if you have a link. I do believe what O'Mara says as I think he is an attorney with integrity and will not lie to save his clients butt.
Response to Mrs. ZImmerman’s Arrest
on 13 June 2012.
Shellie Zimmerman was arrested on charges of perjury in an official proceeding, relating to her testimony at her husband George Zimmerman’s bond hearing. Mrs. Zimmerman posted a $1,000 bond and has been released from jail. As it will be a conflict for the O’Mara Law Group to represent Mrs. Zimmerman, she we will retain independent counsel
Snoops....thanks for explaining what I should have on the insurance.. That insurance is something else.
Thank you Snoopy, I'm not worried Snoopy and shouldn't bother this busy blog with questions that are already taken care of somewhere else. Will I ever learn to not bring any here? Certainly someone like me are just hopeless and such a nuisance. some of us do not have time to be in constant search and research all hours every day, still no excuse. Dave most always gave his feedback thorough consideration and valuable opinion although the poor man is busy all the time, he has in the past spoiled some of his readers by being a most reliable source. Good thing he has you and other few by his side to keep his blog actively progressive after all his weariness from writing his remarkable posts. they are his, aren't they, because, Dave himself often states great appreciation of you and all you contribute to this blogs audience, still we may not realize some may be yours. Snoopy, You are absolutely right, nothing should be brought in here for discussion unless it is already documented and proven a fact. Quite often I can be just too spontaneous and hold out on my destination of demise for I do so appreciate the right to a life given. I am going to spend some time now, count all the ways in which people have been deliberately and seriously injured or murdered, Including the actions of children who just keep bullying other children until their emotions are so damaged they quietly commit suicide. Some do not, yet there are many so badly damaged and inhibited for the rest of their life, causing them to withhold great contributions to society and personal free expression. Because of the rejections and taunts experienced, these kind of victims are so often left with an extreme lack of confidence in themselves.....while general public opinion is, Oh, they are just shy!
[I think the problem can be that, if we don't see it ourselves, it may not be true. In this particular instance, whether George laid out his concern for his wife through his attorney or not shouldn't be the main issue here. The bottom line is whether any husband would be concerned for his wife's welfare after something like this occurs. The common sense answer would tell you that, of course, that's quite within the realm of reality, so it makes perfect sense.
At the same time, some people DO look at things with a leery eye because of the incessant rumors and innuendo that went on during the Anthony fiasco, so I can understand it from that perspective, too. While it's very good and rational to keep an open mind and avoid quick decisions, some things just make sense. Yes, George would certainly be worried about Shellie, and rightfully so. The whole thing was probably his idea to begin with and it was all set up before he went to jail. Look what he's done to his wife. He's the idiot - none of us.While he stands his ground, she stands by her man.]
Newbie~ ~I can see where some would get it confused with life insurance. I was shocked when you first made me aware that the other insurance existed. I will bet that there are many who do not know that you can buy insurance to cover legal fees. I expect those with murder on their mind are well aware of it. I wonder if they have a grace period from the time you purchase the insurance up until the time that you go out and knock someone off with your concealed weapon. So SYG along with a concealed weapon is a license to kill and now there is insurance to cover it. If I live to be one hundread... I will never ....blab blab blab...
New Puppy~ ~ now you cut that out right now!! You are not a nuisance and bring wonderful comments to this blog. You have your own unique touch and are very insightful and it is appreciated. Dave generally responds to you but today I jumped right in as Dave paged me that he was sitting in the waiting room of a doc's office. That was a hint to me to peek in at his blog.
On the other hand, I am the grinch who gets on people's nerves by wanting "just the facts m'am" like Sgt Joe Friday of days gone by. If a popularity poll was ever taken of 'who likes Snoop?'... I would not be surprised at the results. lol
One other thing, Dave writes all the posts that you read at this blog. I do not have any input whatsoever. I am not a writer and had a hard time getting past "Once upon a time"....back in grade school. I would love to take credit for some of the great posts here but cannot hold a candle to what Dave puts out....
Snoopy, you do help me tremendously, and today was a long and expensive day for me. Thank you. I do want to be more attentive on my blog, but you know how my life has been lately.]
Snoopy here is what I have. You will need to fix my link.
"Certainly now that she's been charged with a crime he's worried about her, and also worried now that she's out in the public eye," Zimmerman's attorney Mark O'Mara told ABC News after visiting his client in jail late Tuesday night. The lawyer said there are "legitimate safety concerns."
New Puppy, I hope I am misunderstanding your comment ! I enjoy your comments and find that most of the time I totally agree with your view(s).
[HERE, HERE, Newbie! You're right about New Puppy. We all love her! Even Laura.]
Laura~~let's see if I can make your link clickable... I really appreciate you finding it for me...sweetie!
Laura's link
[edit- I guess ABC news contacted O'Mara via phone. So the prosecution did not inform Mark that they were going to arrest Shellie... it looks like they want to play dirty...well let the games begin.]
FYI~~ I asked Dave to get his buns in here and respond to a few comments. I am well aware that I cannot add that 'personal touch' that comes from a male's perspective when dealing with the opposite sex.
I am blunt and very basic in my responses but my comprehension of the written word is very high. In other words, I understand what the author is trying to get across but refrain from trying to deal with some situations that I feel is best left up to the blog owner.
[Hold on... I've been on the phone. I'll get to these comments...]
Re. Gun Liability insurance. These policies exist but most companies do not carry them. Of the ones that do, the underwriting guidelines are pretty strict.
You have to provide certification of training and they will conduct a background investigation.
I do not think that George would have made it out of underwriting.
[Glad you made it in, Porky3100. I've been having problems commenting, too.]
Porky3100~~I just found the following. I knew that I had read it somewhere a while ago.. I am unsure how factual some of the info is on these sites...
In 2009, he moved with his wife to The Retreat at Twin Lakes in Sanford, Florida, a multi-ethnic[52] gated community, where the shooting occurred.[53][54] He was employed as an insurance underwriter prior to the shooting[55] and was in his final semester at Seminole State College for an Associates degree in Criminal Justice.[56] His goal was to become a police officer.[57]
[You know, you're right, Snoopy. He was in the insurance biz. That makes this very, very interesting indeed.]
Dave~ ~ thanks for responding to the comments upthread and a BIG thank you for the video of O'Mara.
I found he looked tired and no wonder. I am sorry that the state did not give him a heads up on the arrest of Shellie. I think O'Mara plays fair and I doubt if he would call Shellie and tell her to go into hiding to avoid an arrest warrant.
So yesterday, we had a SYG task force meeting at Longwood and the arrest of Shellie for third degree perjury. Today we have news of a document dump within 15 days. I wonder if the state has much to go on and are depending on Zimmerman's credibility to win their case. Possibly the arrest of Shellie was a ploy to see if Z will plea for a lesser charge of manslaughter.... desperation on the part of the state. My Opinion Only....hold the spit balls.
[No problem, Snoopy. Yes, I thought he looked tired, too. He's working on a labor and nerve intensive case that has been relentless of late. I'm sure Georgie Boy has been squawking like a parrot in a vise, too, crying about how helpless he is to help his wife. And no one else is to blame for turning their lives upside down.
In my opinion, I think Angela Corey is just as serious about George and Shellie as Linda Drane Burdick was about Casey and the death penalty.]
I too have read that Zimmerman was an underwriter but do we know if this has ever been verified? Digital Risk is the company that he worked for and their mainstay is forensic mortgage documents. Also re Omara, I find it really striking if it is true that he is complaining about getting ambushed. I have vivid recollections of him humiliating the investigator who prepared the probable cause affidavit. He could have alerted the prosecution that morning but he chose to humiliate them on national tv. It may well be that he set the stage for what his happening now.
[I'm going to dig into the insurance end, Porky3100. There may be a very good angle here.]
Yes I love New Puppy also! Sorry I am popping in and out but I have a headache.
Here is my thoughts on Mrs. Zimmerman. During the jail house recordings they discussed how much to put out for bail. At some point I think GZ says hell no. Then Mrs Z replies that's what it is for.... Yet she lied under oath to the court knowing they were raising money for bail and legal cost. Stand by your man my ass, I will not get a charge for any man. jmo Dave sorry for the "strong" language but it is getting old reading how the Judge and Prosecutor are not being fair. Give me a effin break THEY lied in court. My gosh if your word is no good well imo then you are not worth a damn.
[Well, Laurali makes a stern statement! Good for you. Yes, she is a liar, just like her husband. The judge and prosecutor are being fair as far as I'm concerned. A person died, for crying out loud, and the shooter is proving what kind of person he is. And his wife is a liar, too.]
My comment went poof. Just wanted to say the comments I referred to came from the site of the link. Not from anyone here.
Dave I miss hanging out hopefully you can find some time to come and hang out with us. Maybe you poets can plan a Sunday. It's been a while for the poetry. Good night.
[I will try my best to hang out more, Laurali. Yes, that Poetry Sunday, or whatever it was called, was fun. We may have to do it again. Good night to you, too!]
Some of the comments at this site are very interesting as well...
NRA Offers ‘Stand Your Ground’ Insurance To Cover Legal Costs Of Shooting People In Self-Defense
FYI~~This is for anyone who may get that dreaded 'red' message that your comments did not post after clicking 'Preview Post"....try refreshing the page and a msg will come up giving you the option to RETRY. When I click that, my comments appear and I am able to Submit them.
Dave, I agree with Laura. Your presense here would certainly be appreciated in more ways than you realize.
I have read more than once that GZ wanted to be a police officer, and he certainly acted as if he wanted to be one. I'm wondering why he is not a police officer by now. At 28, he is probably approaching the upper limit of the hiring age range. Does anyone know the requirements for small town police departments in Florida? Around here, at least 2 years of college or military service is required, and there is a test. I wonder whether he'd applied anywhere and been turned down? Maybe he could not pass the exam?
This is only a small part of an ad re: the carry/conceal and need for insurance. If one has time, the whole ad or what I would call "con" is quite interesting. I find it hard to believe the content of the full ad which can be found at:
Snip from ad-------"I started the U.S. Concealed Carry Association Inc. first and foremost to connect with like minded Americans who believe our right to defend ourselves is unalienable, who believe it should be taken seriously, and who believe that we have a DUTY to become the safest, most responsibly armed citizens on the planet.
But now I've taken it one step further, and I'm going to battle for you and our fellow armed Americans who might one day be victimized by our legal system, just for doing the RIGHT thing and defending themselves with a concealed firearm.
At the USCCA, we empower our members to responsibly protect themselves, their families, and their homes with a gun. We're here to help you ingrain into your mind EXACTLY what to do (and what not to do!) in a self-defense situation.
We want to teach you to avoid the self-defense traps that could put you in jail, and to enable you to determine what really is a threat and what isn't, and to stop real, life-threatening threats before they have a chance to inflict pain and suffering upon you and those around you.
In short, we want to not only give you and your family the best chance of surviving a violent encounter as possible, but also - now - the best chance of staying out of court, staying free, and of keeping a good, clean criminal record with your rights intact, should you be forced to defend yourself with a gun."-----------end of snip---
MollyK, great question of why at 28 is GZ trying to get into a job of policeman......what has held him back from doing this sooner? Maybe we'll get a hint from the upcoming document release....just maybe.
Newbie, That is quite something to read first thing in the morning. I slept late because I'm exhausted after a trip and not feeling well. Now I feel worse. "We want to teach you to avoid the self-defense traps that could put you in jail..." My God! I think I will join you up north, Snoopy!
Thanks for the tip on the dreaded error message - I have lost many a post to the ether.
I can think a few reasons why GZ is not a policeman now. I wish I knew whether he's made any applications. I would bet that it's not easy to get a job as a police officer these days, even on a small-town force.
Possible reasons:
1. The idea of being a police officer may be a relatively recent goal.
2. He is not smart enough to do well on the entrance exam.
3. His arrest record disqualifies him, or makes him less competitive.
4. Interviewers pick up on certain personality traits that are undesirable.
Let's all breathe a sigh of relief that GZ will probably never be a police officer. The only thing worse than GZ with a gun is GZ with a gun and a badge.
Newbie~~that case we were keeping an eye on in Texas of the man who shot his neighbor, was found guilty. He tried to claim self-defense on SYG....Here is a short video of the verdict.
Man found guilty in murder of teacher could get life
Interesting witness list for the upcoming bond hearing
Ok tried the repost suggestion above and it didn't work, so I'm just sending this one for review and let Dave post it. Thanks in advance.
Mollyk your remark about GZ wanting to become a police officer and maybe he was too old, got me wondering also about him wanting to become one and what they require. Here is the link to the City of Sanford, Fl police dept application requirements, pay, etc.. It doesn't say anything about age except that they have to be over 21 but there are other issues that would keep him out. One being the various exams - physical, psychological, truth verification exam and the background check.
Sanford Police
Someone wondered if the police dept offered life insurance for neighborhood watch people. The answer is no. The watch program is an unpaid volunteer program and the people involved are not to come into contact with any criminals of any shape or size. They are there to watch.. safely.. from their own homes hopefully. This is the first time I've heard of a neighborhood watch actually getting out and patrolling the area, even though I imagine there are quite a few who do. But they stay in their vehicles also and just call the cops and keep an eye on the suspect. They are not in any way law enforcement.
One of the most telling behavior's of GZ he stupidly displayed at the crime scene was when he asked the first witness to arrive to call his wife and tell her he shot someone. It never occured to him to have the guy call an ambulance for Trayvon - the KID he just shot. And he already knew Trayvon was a kid cause he told the dispatcher when he described him.
Furthermore, the next day he goes to the doctor to get clearance to go back to work right away. No need to take any time off because he just killed another human being.....
If this was advice he was getting in order to make everything appear normal or that he had no conscious thought about feeling guilty of say.....over-reacting to something he shouldn't have been involved in - in the first place - then it was very very bad advice. All it did was make him look more the wannabe cop, prejudiced, ignorant, arrogant, asshole that he is.
Pardon my french but GZ was a walking crime waiting to happen. If he would've had to pass a psych test in order to carry a concealed weapon Trayvon would be alive. He completely and knowingly forced that situation to happen. If he hadn't stolen the life of 17 year old Trayvon Martin that night, it would've been someone else on another night. He was a man determined to save the world of "these assholes who alway get away".....
Personally, I think GZ has a touch of Munchausen's along with his delusional 'I'm a hero' mentality.
Conniefl, Thank you for posting the requirements for Sanford police officers. I didn't mean that GZ was too old to be hired, but surely most police officers are hired in their early 20's. Although a high-school diploma is the basic requirement, they make it clear that higher education is preferred. I'm wondering whether GZ applied to several area departments and was turned down. He might have had problems with the psychological screen, the background check, the panel interview, as you suggest.
If I know in-laws, I think Shells parents are telling her to cut a deal, and save herself...
This is a very, very serious matter. Shellie faces up to 5 year, as I understand it.
It's almost a certainty that George will go to trial, and he will go to trial as a known liar. Shellie has serious problems of her own, and I know in my gut - if her parents are normal - they're telling her to cut a deal with Prosecutors.
This must be the 'ole divide and conquor strategy... Think...O'mara has waived right to a speedy trial, then Prosecutor's slammed them with motion to revoke bond. George goes back to jail, having waived right to speedy trial, and is now a documented liar. It's unlikely the judge will let him back out, given how much more dire his circumstances now are. So he's got to sit in jail while Prosecutor's drag out proceedings... ouch.
Plus.. he's under greater pressure because his wife is facing jail herself. And we know George is paranoid, he might be as worried about Shellie's well-being as he is about her ratting on him to save herself! You think that's what Mum went to talk to Georgie about?...naw, they know they're being recorded :)
Bonnie is separated from Clyde, and both are under intense pressure! If Prosecutor's planned this, they deserve a round of applause.
When O'Mara meets with Zimmerman at the jail, it is NOT recorded. The phone calls incoming and outgoing from the jail by Z are recorded via audio. Any visitors, including Z's attorneys are documented on Z's visitor record file.
Bank surveillance video, police radio transmissions, crime scene photos and 911 calls Zimmerman made prior to the shooting are among the evidence included in the package, according to the website run by attorney Mark O'Mara.
The inventory of evidence prosecutors turned over reveals the existence of dozens more of unnamed witnesses. There are now 43 witnesses listed by number only.
The posting said that the attorneys will have 30 days to review the evidence before it is made public in accordance with a June 1 ruling. They also expect more evidence to be disclosed as the case develops.
A spokeswoman for the State Attorney's Office said that some of the 151 jail phone calls will be made available to the public on Monday morning.
Zimmerman's attorneys receive more evidence
on 15 June 2012.
Yesterday, the prosecution delivered a second round of discovery to the defense. The discovery package includes 7 compact discs and hundreds of pages of documents. It includes surveillance video, police radio transmissions, crime scene photos, 911 calls Mr. Zimmerman made prior to the night of the shooting, and more. The documents include a crime scene diagram, and additional reports from the Sanford Police Department, FDLE, and the FBI. According the June 1 ruling of the Court, the defense will have 30 days to review the discovery before it is made available to the public.
The discovery process is ongoing, and we expect additional discovery to be disclosed as the case develops.
Just to let everyone know, I've got a dinner to go to tonight, and tomorrow, I have an interview. Tomorrow night, I'm going to the Roger Waters "The Wall" concert at the new Amway Center, so Davey Boy is going to be pretty busy for the next two days. Then, I'll be back in the swing of things.
What kind of a deal can Shellie Zimmerman cut? The state has the proof from the recorded phone calls as well as the credit union that she lied under oath in a court of law. What will she 'rat' on her husband about? Shellie was not present when Trayvon was shot. Unless I am wrong, I don't believe a spouse can testify against their spouse. From the coded messages in the phone calls, plus Zimmerman speaking directly with the credit union, that is the evidence needed to prove Zimmerman was lying about his finances. This does not reflect well on his credibility but it is not proof that he lied about the evening of Feb 26th. It will be the credibilty of the witnesses vs the credibility of Zimmeman and most of them changed their accounts of what happened. Until we are privy to Zimmeman's statements, we will not know how he altered this testimony.
If O'Mara files a motion to seek immunity for Z on the SYG, the judge will make the decision. If he denies the motion, then and only then, will we know if this will go to trial.
Davey Boy!! It is about time you became a social butterfly... enjoy! Don't forget to touch base with me when you come in for a landing... so engage your wings and get airborne....whoooosh....
To SnoopSleuth..
I want to say "yes" that Shellie wasn't there when TM was shot. But, If I'm being exacting about it, I really can't presume that.
I don't think a wife can be FORCED to testify against her husband, but if she told Prosecutor's something on her own accord, I think that's different. What I was thinking is that Shellie might know something. George might have told her something about what happened that night.
This is a young woman, and she just finished, or is close to finishing a nursing degree. I think her folks are telling her to think about her future, that it doesn't look good for George, and is she going to ruin her whole life over this. Right now, nobody wants to open their eyes and see Shellie hooking up thier IV. But she might be able to save herself, and get a deal on her perjury charges if she cooperates - on her own.
In-laws love spouses as long as they don't screw up...and I think George has just screwed up royally. Her parents must blame him for getting their daughter in trouble with the law.
At the very least, her situation puts George under tremendous pressure, and George doesn't respond well to pressure.
Very good points, mhaven. I read that if Shellie is convicted of a felony, she will never be able to get a nursing license. That makes sense, because nurses deal with vulnerable people.
I can only imagine what Shellie's parents are thinking and saying right now.
OHHHHHHHH Dave, a Pink Floyd-er. Been a long time since!!! Songwriter and performer, RW!
I realize that not all the people on the witness list will be called to testify. All the gun shop and rifle range owners seems a bit of overkill. ( no pun intended) It is not like Zimmerman was a William Tell or a sniper. Oh well... lots of info coming our way soon.
Shoot Straight owner, now a George Zimmerman witness: 'He bought the gun from us'
Shellie and George Zimmerman: Family finances were a problem