Today's Public Forum

I am attending the Task Force on Citizen Safety and Protection today. This is to publicly discuss Florida’s stand your ground law. This is the task force set up by Governor Scott in the wake of Trayvon’s tragic death.
Reader Comments (6)
Trayvon's father just spoke. He said that this Sunday is Father's Day, and he will be spending it at the cemetery with Trayvon. That's powerful stuff.
Trayvon's mother is not against the SYG law, but it should be changed. She is not against guns. Her father was a Miami cop.
Dave~~thanks. The Stand Your Ground is a very popular topic these days from all accounts. Thanks for being at the task force for us.
Breaking News....
George Zimmerman’s wife, Shellie, was booked into the John E. Polk Correctional Facility Tuesday on one count of perjury.
Deputies arrested Shellie Zimmerman, 25, where she was living around 3:30 p.m.
Earlier this month, prosecutors accused Shellie of lying to the court during a bond hearing for her husband in April. Shellie testified by phone about how much money they had, which turned out to be much more than originally claimed
George Zimmerman's wife arrested for perjury
(Summary of the Task Force on SYG at Longwood today) Dave is on scene for us!!
The woman chairing the review of Florida's controversial stand-your-ground law, crucial to George Zimmerman's defence against a charge of murdering Trayon Martin, said on Tuesday that not one of her panel was happy with the law as it stood.
On the first day of the review, a task force of judges, law enforcement officers and elected officials met in Longwood, 10 miles from the scene of 17-year-old Martin's death, to discuss the self-defence statute that Zimmerman's lawyers claim should give him immunity.
Jennifer Carroll, Florida's lieutenant governor, told the hearing: "We have no authority to change laws, that's something that can only happen in the legislature," she said.
But she added that she was not aware of one member of the 19-strong panel, which includes Florida politicians who were in office when stand-your ground was adopted, who were happy with the law as it stood.
The state's governor Rick Scott demanded a review of the 2005 law as a response to the outrage that followed the unarmed Martin's killing at the hands of the 28-year-old neighbourhood watch leader, and the decision by police in Sanford to release him without charge.
Read it all here....
Florida panel reviews stand-your- ground law after Travyon Martin death
Shellie Zimmerman has been charged with one count of perjury. She has been released from jail after posting $1000 bond...
Here is the official document filed by the prosecution for bringing perjury charges against Shellie Zimmerman...
Affidavit in pdf
Shellie Zimmerman will be arraigned July 31.