Where I have been lately

I have been doing some design work. That’s not all. For the past few days, someone has hacked into many of my e-mail accounts. This has been very trying, because I would be working on something when a window opens announcing that I have logged out. Huh? No, I didn’t, and as I tried to log back in, my password was changed. When I tried to answer my security questions, it worked or it didn’t work, depending on who was accessing my account at the other end at that precise moment. As I tried to change my security questions, my password would suddenly change again and I was locked out. I use about a half dozen e-mail accounts depending on my work or for personal reasons. I don’t need to explain that.
I contacted Yahoo! a number of times to walk me through it. Meanwhile, I updated my IC3 report. This afternoon, I was working on something and that scary window popped up again. Someone had gotten into my rocketmail account, the one I set up to replace marinadedave@yahoo after it was hacked. When I was finally able to access the account - and had successfully changed the security questions - the hacker deleted ALL of my mail, incoming and sent. I still had lots of e-mails I needed to answer, like submissions sent from this Squarespace account located on the lower left sidebar.
This time, I contacted Yahoo! to register a formal complaint, but mostly to find out if my deleted messages could be restored. Yes, they can be! Great news, and I await that. The woman on the other end gave me a a case number and told me to contact my local law enforcement. I did just that. She also said that whoever did it can be found because of the algorithms they utilize, regardless of anonymous proxies. I will meet with a deputy tomorrow and pursue this as far as I can take it. Also, I will not be discussing this issue again, at least not until it is resolved.
Clearly, the baldaintbeautiful crowd continues to elevate the sordid activity against me. Just be careful out there. In essence, this was like walking into my house after being away and finding every piece of furniture stolen. Only this time, it crosses state lines, and that makes it federal.
Until the mess is straightened out, please e-mail me via the submission form located on the bottom of the left sidebar.
Reader Comments (71)
So sorry this has happened to you, what a waste of your time.
Possibly the results from this will be satisfactory.
I"ve had to replace computers from virus's, lost mail and paperwork
but nothing compared to what you are going through.
Best of luck to you
Thanks, cali patti. As far as I know, things are now under control, but it does show me that those people are stepping the attacks up a few notches. This is now quite personal.
Dave~~slandering and defaming a person is one thing but hacking an email account and destroying, what is the owner's property, is a whole new ball game. This is a federal crime. Hackers have been caught and they have been prosecuted. You can hide behind a fake name but you CANNOT hide behind an anonymous proxy IP number. Technology has advanced and there will be some sorry people who will learn that the hard way. Dave, at least, you have enough evidence to point the proper authorities in the right direction. Florida and California, as per the internet, are much closer than one would think, even the state of Washington is very close.
I sure hope that something can be done to who ever is doing this to you! This is not merely a childish prank,it is illegal. Since you obvioiusly conduct business on your computer, these vicious attacks are more than just a pain in the rear.....surely they would be considered a felony since they are attacking your very basic ability to earn a living.
If something like that happened to me I am sure that I would lose my online business, as small as it is. I could not survive such an attack.
However, it sure is good to see you back online........was worried that perhaps you or your parents or Stewart had been taken ill.
wow. Not hard to imagine at all. I certainly hope you keep your address books empty on all those email sites! I keep mine empty on all except for yahoo which has just my daughter's emails on it. They tell me if and when they get something funny. I also have as the first email address in the address book aaa@yahoo.com . When the email gets hacked into and stuff gets sent I get a "failure to deliver" notice for the aaa address. All the email addresses I have are kept offline in a special book.
If it were me, I'd get a big ole legal pad and change passwords 3 times a day until they get tired of it. The legal pad is to keep track of the ones used lol. You can check off the ones they get into and keep track of it that way too. Sounds like you should be having a different password for each and every different thing you do online. I wonder what these people are going to do once this case has gone to court?
You know I try to be civil when you alert us to these issues but let me just say imo these bitches need to get a life. All day long they say you and all of us are stupid, no life and we have no clue but to my knowledge none of us are breaking the law. Yesterday lol Dave had 2 comments all day long they had over 200, point proven they have no life outside of you. How sad is that? It is pathetic. Whoever is doing this should be prosecuted and the book tossed at her, maybe it will knock some sense into the idiot. Delete or edit if you wish!
Hang in there, Dave!
Resolve will eventually reveal itself!
It just has to!
And I couldn't agree with you more...
Pursue this to the fullest exent of the law.
Sometimes, enough's - ENOUGH!
I send my best!
And a great, big CANADIAN hug!
Yes, Snoopy, that's bad enough, but this is criminal. For anything those creeps blame me for, I have not come close to what they are now doing to me. How dare them accuse me of anything when they are nothing but cheap criminals?
Connie - You have no idea how many times I had to change my passwords over this. One person comes to mind and her mission of empowerment is about to fall flat on her face.
Tony - They are beyond hope. Instead of taking the high road, they have resorted to criminal acts. Whatever they say about me, they are law breakers now.
Oh, I'll hang in there, alright, CptKD. Thanks for your support and confidence. Unfortunately for them, they cannot stop me except for one thing, and I will be ready for them when that day comes.
Dave, I am so sorry that you have to go through all of this crap. I hope that LE goes after this person with all they have and they are prosecuted to the fullest. Maybe, just maybe, they will learn that doing illegal things gets you into trouble. This person needs to learn that you just can't do these kinds of things to other people without having consequences. This person must have a very sad life if all they have to do all day long is be obsessed with you and harrass, stalk, and hack your emails. It sounds like they need to get some help for their issues. This person has enpowerment issues and seems to think that they can do anything they want to anyone they feel like, even if they don't know them. When you cross state lines in a crime, and you knew what you did when you did it, you better be expecting to pay for it. Do everything to keep yourself safe and hang in there. You have lots of people here that support you and care about you.
Hey Dave! Long time no see! I sent you a message via one of your social network sites, do you still have access to those?
If I had the skills to hack into someones PC or any pc for that matter I sure woulnt use it to harras a blogger or blog ownner.No matter how much I disagreed with them...Now Baez yea I would love to hack his computer an send E Mails to J Perry saying my client has the hots for you Judge PLEASE TELL ME YOU KNEW THAT? Or Cindys e mails a bet there are a few doozys in there.Hope you can get this matter resolved soon Dave....
Thanks, Mary Jo. You know, if I can get that person arrested, I'm going to do everything I can to nail her to the wall. There is one name that I have always mentioned to LE. She knows who she is, and so do I. A mission of empowerment, huh?
Hi, Melissa - I just read your message. Congratulations! I can't wait to hear from you.
Hi, ecossie - This is a mess. I don't know why someone would want to hack my accounts. This is one crazy and obsessed woman and someone's got to stop her. She's as nuts as Casey. Worse. Yes, I hope it's resolved soon, too. Thanks.
On a lighter side, if that is ok, wish you could be contact with the Jester. The Jester shut down wikiLeaks for a time. Supposedly, he is a hacker with a moral agenda. Juast a thought.
Ecossie Possie~~shame on you for wanting to hack a puter. LOL To tell you the truth, so would I matey, so would I. BTW, I hope you ventured out and made a snowman. We have only had a dusting of snow and it only lasted a few hours.
Oh Dave,
This is incredible. I am so sorry to hear this has happened to you, but very glad to hear that you are going to pursue these creeps. it is a cowardly and unconscionable thing to do to someone. Truly it is frightening to think that there are people out there who would risk jail just to harass someone they don't even know! I don't get it. It's pretty sad actually; to think someone went to all this trouble and for what?
Perhaps, once all is said and done, these creeps will have their internet privileges taken away from them. That would be partial justice.... not enough, but it would be a start.
So sorry you are dealing with this.... Glad it won't stop you from writing your wonderful posts.
You know I just sit and shake my head. I know there are low-lifes out there but this is past ridicules. I do hope somebody's azz gets nailed !!!
Hi Dave,
I'm so sorry that you have had such a rough time, like you aren't busy enough without that crap to waste your time. I thought something was going on. I told Snoopy that one time when I went to log in I got an old post that you wrote in Oct. Casey Mc Dingle. I went in again an got I Swear. Everything on the Oct. post like the side bars and ads where the same as your new post. It obviously didn't happen for anyone else as I am the only one to mention it, so far. I don't know what was going on but maybe the hacker arranged that to happen.
I hope whoever it is gets big fat fines.
Sorry to hear about the email problems. It is illegal for anyone to hack into anyone else's email. I hope the authorities can find the responsible party or parties and prosecute them to the fullest extent of the law.
It is very upsetting to hear that you are being victimized this way. You are doing a great job with the blog and you don't deserve to be subjected to such odious conduct.
Just so everyone knows, my account was hacked into again this morning.
It seems that living well has gotten deep under their exoskeleton Dave. They just don't seem to get it that you will just anti up for the industrial strength bug spray required to handle them.
Hang in there kiddo.
I am so sick of this BS!! These a$$holes really need to GET A LIFE!!! How pathetic to have nothing else to do but try to make someones life miserable that they don't even know.
What do they want??? They waste all that time and energy created stupid little blogs that nobody even clicks on , hack into accounts, c&p and twist our comments........... and it's all stemmed from jealousy. It's ridiculous.
Good morning Dave and all. I am so sorry to hear that these idiots are still causing you trouble. They need to be sent to jail. They are endangering your health and livlihood. Please know that all of us are cheering for you. Take care.
I'm going to be offline for a few hours. I'm going to the Seminole County Sheriff's Office. Thanks for all your support. I'm going to try my best to get to the bottom of this.
Dave, I am so very sorry that you are going through this and hopefully
the sheriff's office will be able to help you.
Good luck at the Sherrif's Office Dave..I know how you feel..Totally violated..The same as I felt the day someone broke into our home and tried to destoy everything they couldn't steal..I was out for blood for several days after..I hope they take it seriously and you get justice...In my prayers that you can put an end to this idiotic behavior.
Hi Dave - I have missed your blog. I have tried for several days but had a lot of trouble getting in. I hope this is soon resolved and your life can move on. Who has the time to sit on their ___ all day and play these games. This is crazy. Fines and jail time need to be much stiffer.
I can't get online with my computer. I'm trying to fix the problem. Until then, I will be offline. Several of my e-mail accounts have been hacked and all content has been removed. DO NOT SEND ANY E-MAILS TO ME AT ANY YAHOO ACCOUNT. Use this one:
Dave -
I am genuinely sorry for all the negative feelings these continuing attacks must provoke, but in a way, I'm kind of glad they have progressed to their current state because it looks as though you've been pushed to the point of drawing that proverbial line in the sand. By turning all this insanity over to law enforcement officials and cooperating with them, you stand the best possible chance of finding resolution. After thorough investigation, law enforcement on whatever level (federal, state, county?) will issue warrents against whomever is involved and untimately the drama will be played out in court, as it should be!
What else is good is that you've given your word this is the last we'll hear about this situation from you. I think that's good because if you look back over your posts following various attacks, you'll see that your response shows just how directly you've been effected. If you don't demonstrate a response, you're taking all the fun out of this vicious game. As you are aware, I've tried to convince you to not attack the attackers as I thought it appeared to be bad form on your part. I know that's not fair, but my argument stemmed from my belief that as the professional, you had to maintain yourself "above" such things. Taking the fun out of the game is perhaps a superior argument. How long will your attackers continue if they can't have the satisfaction of getting under your skin and you letting that show?
I'm woefully inept when it comes to understanding things electronic. It's no surprise then that I didn't realize hacking and other deeds can be traced to their point of origin. What that means to me is that law enforcement can build a strong case that's very provable. None of the evidence they will be able to compile will be circumstantial. Isn't that a comforting thought? I think so! There will be no argument about freedom of speech, differing points of view and all that sort of thing because the crime here has suddenly become "electronic" in nature. Hacking is hacking, whether it was inspired by a judge's recusal or not.
Stay strong in your determination to see that right prevails. I wish you well. Godspeed!
Sorry for all your trouble. Keep us posted on the results.
The scummy BABLETTES are out in full force....making fun of people in wheelchairs, and the sick. I have never seen such evil on ANY blog! They have one who calls her PEGGY666...reminds me of the woman who killed little Zahra Baker. Such blatent EVIL!
Good luck, Friend. It's the weekend, that's why the little twit dares. Jail? Nah- Fine the bejezus out of her, make her pay the costs- AND no 'puter access! No one will miss her...
Doesn't she read the papers? Look what happened to that mutt who hacked Sarah Palin...
I just want to say WHAT IS WRONG WITH THESE IDIOTS??? sorry but these people need to get a f-ing life.........In this past month I have spent 2 weeks in the hospital to come home and deal with a 20 year old murdering a 15 year old just up the street from me, to having to listen to another family losing there grade 7 son that my daughter seen die in the school yard this past friday.......and these people feel the need to hack into other peoples stuff???? sheesh i would hate to see if anything ever happens negitive to them if this is the way they behave now!!!!!
Dave, Welcome to my world. This is the EXACT same thing that happened to me. Someone hacked all my on line accounts and put porn on all of them. Mike DeForest of WKMG gave me a heads up when he was the first to find out about my problem just before he intended to air the piece about me at JBP. He was kind enough to delay the segment until I was able to clear the mess up.
I strongly believe that some of the SAME people who came after me are now after you. I have been getting messages to that end for weeks.
Good luck with your effort.
OMG! Just checked the Flabettes....now they are talking about taking high colonics!! With Pepsi Cola!!! hahahahaha What WILL they come up with next>>? Maybe it's wicked holiday thing they do! Whoa! They are LOONEY!
Oh, Miss Brandy, I am so very sorry! Such young lives lost. What a sad, sad Christmas for the loved ones. May God hold them up at this time.
The Babbers are EVIL. The only joy they have in life is hurting or verbally abusing people. They are horrific. I hope they don't have children...for the children's sake. They would be just like them.
I think Peggy666 is leading the babber group now. Sir is following her lead...like the rest of them. They love making fun of people who are crippled, and in wheelchairs...so so sad. Something will bring them to their knees. People on other blogs talk about them...alot.
I could wreck their blog in a heartbeat if I chose to. That's not my style. I don't sneak around to do something. I have the GUTS TO FACE PEOPLE.
I can't believe that all of these people are showing up for the defense and saying they didn't see little Caylee's body! Why WAIT until now?? Fay was a huge storm, and left tons of water! Tim couldn't even get his ATV in because of the deep water. What's going on. All one needs to do is go back and check the weather forecast for that time frame. WHO taped little Caylee's mouth and nose,,,then went partying? I KNOW who. Wonder if Mason and Baez know?
The Flabber Babbers are saying that you did not go to the "po po" because "they phoned and checked"....the "po po" told them that you had not phoned or come by. (they must be worried)
They KNOW what they did and I just hope authorities can PROVE it! Show them all of the mean and horrible things they say about you....who knows? You just might have a lawsuit against them. This has been going on for far too long. It's OBVIOUS harassment.
Hope u rest well tonight...those evil sickos r not worth even thinking about. Wait and see, something or someone will bring them to their knees. Just a matter of time.
Hello Dave,
Hope you and your family are doing well. Not sure if this will get over to you. I had written the other day and was not posted. The hackers have nothing better to do but try to make another's life miserable with their pathetic antics. Whoever is causing your grief, should be prosecuted to the max for the headaches they create to another individual. Your blogs are so informative to all of us and you do not deserve this injustice. We love your reads and will continue to look forward to many more. Keep up the battle with these idiots. You will win with these scumbags. Thanks for your dedication.
Dear Dave,
Thank you for this post to let us know what is happening! I was wondering too. While
I am glad it isn't a health problem, I am just stunned that this witch and possibly other
creeps stooped to this sadistic level. I doubt very seriously if "she" is pc savvy enough to hack,
but if it is her, she probably found a hacking thug to do her evil bidding. Despicable, to say the
very least!
I am truly sorry for all that you are having to cope with in this mess! I am so thankful
that nowadays, the authorities can trace this illegal activity right back to the nasty perpetrators!
I hope that you saved every bit of evidence of what harassment you have dealt with for so long now to
help this case along. I am sure that you did, knowing you!
This too, shall pass, Dave, and it may all be worth it for you in the end because it should knock them on their asses when they get busted for taking their hate crimes too far, once again!
My thoughts and prayers, and sincere empathy are with you. Please don't let this wreck your health. Take good care of yourself whilst dealing with this undeserved travesty!
Hello Dave, I am just amazed that people dont have anything better to do than to make peoples' lives miserable. I are double cowards because they can do or say anything on thei internet that they wouldnt have the guts to do in person looking in someone's face-- or I sincerely hope not. I try not to do or say or write anything that I wouldnt want God (or my mama) to see. Hope you are having a nice day. I have to check in everyday to see about my friend.
I'm going back to SCSO to authorize subpoena power. I'll be back later.
Dave I just can't believe they are up to the same b.s. and do not find more constructive ways to live their lives. I hope the Feds catch whoever is doing this.
I was wondering if you would try GMAIL. It is run by Google and allows you huge security measures once you have set it up. It's free and I have changed over to it. You can download it from the internet or from Google Chrome, Just a thought anyway. Other than that I hope you are well. I'm just starting to get back to the computer after being away from it. I needed a breather.
Talk later. Weezie
Look at all the people who are angry right along with you on this latest violation. You have true fans and that just sticks in their craw more than anything. All these antics (and now crimes) are from people who are genuinely, sick about your talent, your fan base, your intelligence and the fact that you're an important source of reliable info on this case. They can't stand that. The flabbettes are a waste of oxygen and they know it so they seeth.....and seeth.....and plot.....and plot.
I am actually glad they've decided to take the low road once again. (although I'm not glad about the frustration and loss you are experiencing) I'm saying this because now they have committed a crime that left a trail right to their door. These things can be traced very easily by someone who knows how to do it and since you're reporting it to the law, they will put an expert on it. These algorithm strands are essentially like a fingerprint-path that will lead law enforcement right to their front porch. I'm sure they are not smart enough to do the hacking themselves. The hacker was probably hired and has no idea that he/she will be pursued by the law because most people who get hacked don't go after the hacker. Most of them are just glad to get their accounts straightened out. But believe me there is a trail and they are so busted now. You think the person who did the hacking is going to remain quiet once they have been pulled in for questioning? This crosses state lines and they're in deep do do so they will reveal the jerks who put them up to it I promise you - there is no honor amongst loosers like this.
Hopefully, it was done from the babbettes computer but even if it wasn't they're going down. Wouldn't surprise me at all if the FBI doesn't get involved. They are so stupid - they don't realize they have put themselves in such hot water it's going to cost them a TON of money to stay out of jail and that's IF they stay out of jail. These are serious crimes, involving breaking and entering, theft, harrassment and terrorzing another human being who has privacy rights and the right to not have anything stolen from him. Since 911 the government doesn't dick around with morons who play these kinds terrorist games even though it isn't the kind of terroism that involves homeland security. This is just too rich. I hope you sue the pants off of them after they are criminally charged. They have effected your health and well being and they have not learned the meaning of trouble yet but soon will because they are now, up to their eyeballs in it.
omg!! unbelievable dave!!! so sorry this happened ... just goes to show how desperate they are though... and how much they envy you and your work.. it must sicken them to read ur articles and know that they cannot compete... keep up the fantastic work dave and as u know .. justice will prevail in the end for all of those clowns .. take care .. cinta ..