Statement Regarding Attorney General's Compensation Fund From Family of Trayvon Martin and Their Attorneys

On February 26, 2012, Trayvon Martin was shot and killed by George Zimmerman. George Zimmerman immediately claimed that he killed Trayvon Martin in self-defense. The Sanford Police Department and the Seminole County State Attorney’s Office did not arrest George Zimmerman for this homicide. George Zimmerman was viewed by law enforcement and the public in general as the victim while Trayvon Martin, a 17 year old teen walking home from the store armed with nothing more than Arizona Ice Tea and Skittles, was portrayed as a criminal who assaulted George Zimmerman thereby causing his own death.
On March 29, 2012, in an effort to get the State of Florida to recognize her son as the true victim of this homicidal crime, Sybrina Fulton, with the help of a concerned friend, filled out initial paperwork applying to the Florida Attorney General for victim’s compensation. At that time George Zimmerman still had not been arrested for this crime. The Attorney General’s Compensation Fund provides money and support for victims of crimes committed in Florida. Ms. Fulton felt it was important for the State of Florida to recognize her son as the victim in this case in order for justice to be served and for George Zimmerman to be arrested.
In April, George Zimmerman was arrested and Trayvon Martin was officially recognized by the state of Florida as the victim of a crime committed by George Zimmerman. Since that time, Sybrina Fulton, with her ex-husband, Tracy Martin, has concentrated her efforts on the Trayvon Martin Foundation and raising awareness on the need to stop senseless gun violence. Sybrina Fulton has not yet completed the very time-consuming paperwork required by the state
As the attorneys for the Estate of Trayvon Martin, we have encouraged Ms. Fulton and Mr. Martin to complete the application for the funds. These funds are collected from perpetrators of crimes as reparations to victims. If eligible for the funds, the family of Trayvon Martin intends to donate the money to the Trayvon Martin Foundation in hopes of preventing other parents from suffering the pain they have had to feel due to senseless gun violence.

Reader Comments (57)
Dave~~I have a question for you. If Zimmerman got immunity on the SYG, can Sabrina Fulton and/or Tracy Martin still charge him with a wrongful death suit? This would come under a 'Civil Action.'
Yes, Snoopy. OJ Simpson was cleared in criminal court and lost in civil. Of course, like OJ, Zimmerman will know how to hide his money, I'm sure. He might not lose the civil trial. That's something to consider, too.
Dave~~I was wondering if the 'immunity' would protect him from being charged with the crime in a criminal or civil action. Hmmm Thanks for your reply.
OJ did not have immunity... Hmmm again...
I don't think Z will have any money to hide...but I would rather not go there...
If you're talking about future immunity, yes, he could not be charged with second-degree murder, but that's a criminal court issue. Civil court doesn't offer immunity. Civil is not the state v. defendant, it's plaintiff v. defendant. Whole different set of rules.
Dave~~aren't you glad I am so inquisitive? Okay, let's say that Z got immunity on SYG and therefore would not have to go to trial on the second degree murder charge. That all took place in a criminal court.
So he can still be charged with 'wrongful death' in a civil court and it would not create double jeopardy.
The crime would still be the same...the killing of Trayvon.
You see how I can get confused... I thought his immunity in a criminal court would cover the civil as well. .
YouTube VIDEO | Published on Aug 6, 2012 by LLMPapa | A Cry For Justice
Dave: I'm really at a loss for words over the discussion that has ensued all day over these insurance claims.
There is a word coming to my mind--a four letter one--that doesn't start with 'f'.
However, I'll just sign out.
[I don't think I know what you mean, nan, but I sure hope it was nothing that started here.]
The crime would not be the same. Civil trials have nothing to do with crime like that. You answered it yourself. Wrongful death, but what's that got to do with a crime? That would have already been answered. The question is did Z deprive the Martin family of their loved one? Is TM's life worth something? If Z loses, he could be ordered to pay the Martins money. In civil court, you are not found guilty of a crime. He could be found responsible for causing the death of TM, but murder would have nothing to do with it.
If a drunk driver beats a manslaughter charge in criminal court, he could still be sued by the victim's family. Remember, only the government can charge in criminal court, but anyone can sue in civil. The two courts have nothing to do with each other and double jeopardy has nothing to do with it because the charges cannot be the same. You cannot charge someone with a crime in civil court.
Dave~~now you know why I need to tap into your brain now and then. John Goodman was found guilty of negligent manslaughter and was charged with wrongful death of young Martin. He settled the latter out of court.
I really appreciate your help...and sry for taking you away from some zzzzz's...
Dave~~me again....If Trayvon's family sued for wrongful death, they should win their case hands down. Z already admitted that he killed Trayvon. He caused the death.
[You would think the family would easily win, but it's not always as simple as going from point A to point B.]
"You cannot charge someone with a crime in civil court"
No but you can definitely make a jury see the defendent as a criminal, which in this case is fine by me!
[Fine by me, too, Mystical Pippin. What he did WAS criminal as far as I'm concerned.]
Dave: Just wondering if you heard this:
The docket sounding originally scheduled for tomorrow has been rescheduled to Oct. 3. (Came by a 'tweet'.)
Here is a better link to support that:
Business Insider - George Zimmerman Wins Motion To Postpone His Case
Order Continuing Case
[No, I hadn't heard it yet, so thank you, nan11. I'm not surprised, given the nature of this high profile case. And at $400/hr, tomorrow could have become a $2,000 day for Z. It goes to show how fair this judge is, too. He didn't have to give them a break.]
You may wish to inform your readers, that "IF" Zimmerman should win a SYG hearing and the case is dismissed. there is no civil action that can be taken.
And as regards to the monies from the attorney General fund, I am not sure the Fultons would be entitled to any monies from the victims fund. Just because George was charged, does not mean he has been convicted, except in the court of public opinion by some.
[I understand the part about the charge not being an entitlement for money from the state fund, Matthew, but as far as I know, anyone can still sue anyone for any reason in this country. It doesn't mean they are going to win, but a SYG dismissal does not slam the door shut to lawsuits, which are very complicated civil actions.
Florida's Wrongful Death Act, which is governed by Section 768.14, Florida Statutes, provides that the action may be pursued when death is caused by any "wrongful act, negligence, default or breach of contract or warranty." While not criminally responsible, if Zimmerman is free to walk after a SYG hearing, he could still be found to be negligent in civil court. Why he chose not to announce who he was on two separate occasions when given the opportunity could be the impetus. Personally, I don't think he would win a SYG hearing now, not with all of his inconsistencies.]
Dave~~I am confused again... Matthew said...
You may wish to inform your readers, that "IF" Zimmerman should win a SYG hearing and the case is dismissed. there is no civil action that can be taken.
I need more clarification. I thought that I read somewhere that if Z got immunity, he could not be charged with anything pertaining to the incident....criminal or civil...
If Zimmerman successfully argues a SYG motion, the state has a right to appeal. It works the other way, too. This could tie up the court system for a lengthy period of time.
Now... For the sake of argument, I stand corrected. If Zimmerman wins a SYG hearing, he is exempt from civil action against him. I asked an attorney very close to this case. I eat my words and I never should have answered before researching.
776.032 Immunity from criminal prosecution and civil action for justifiable use of force.—
(1) A person who uses force as permitted in s. 776.012, s. 776.013, or s. 776.031 is justified in using such force and is immune from criminal prosecution and civil action for the use of such force...
I am told that the HOA could still be held liable, but Zimmerman would be exonerated.
Damn... I hate it when I'm wrong, but I will readily admit it. Matthew is right. You too, Snoopy. That hurts.
Dave~~nothing in a case is cut and dry. What is the following all about?
Insurance Company Sues Trayvon Martin’s Mother
IMO, that article linked above is misleading. Sybrina Fulton is not being sued. The insurance company wants to deny her claim, and has filed the necessary paperwork seeking confirmation of this right with a higher court.
The article below, from Click Orlando, explains it better without any sensationalism. It even distinguishes between the two cases being discussed.
Click Orlando: Insurance company says it’s not liable for claim filed by Trayvon Martin’s mother
Sub-Heading | Homeowners association target of Sybrina Fulton’s claim
Quote: An insurance company for the homeowners association for the development where Trayvon Martin was killed is asking a federal judge to rule it is not liable for a claim filed by Martin’s mother in connection with his death.
Meanwhile, Fulton is seeking money from a state fund that helps crime victims in Florida. End Quote
I think you might find this interesting, Dave:
Ferrer | Tu | Payne: Beware! Your Neighborhood Watch Could Expose You To Liability
Quote: Neighborhood Watch provides a great way for the community to come together to prevent and reduce crime in a neighborhood. However, as the recent shooting of Trayvon Martin in a Florida HOA warns us, crime prevention can easily evolve into vigilantism. Such vigilantism exposes the HOA to civil liability for wrongful death and other claims. End Quote
(This is an older article, but worth noting here, I think.) Even without the following, the HOA has something to worry about—but, if this write-up is accurate, it just makes it so much worse:
The Huffington Post: George Zimmerman Neighbors Complained About Aggressive Tactics Before Trayvon Martin Killing">
Quote: At an emergency homeowner’s association meeting on March 1, “one man was escorted out because he openly expressed his frustration because he had previously contacted the Sanford Police Department about Zimmerman approaching him and even coming to his home,” the resident wrote in an email to HuffPost. “It was also made known that there had been several complaints about George Zimmerman and his tactics” in his neighborhood watch captain role. End Quote
[That's very interesting, nan11; the complaints against Zimmerman that went nowhere. Where was it? I read that a resident was standing outside, in his front yard, having a smoke, when Zimmerman approached him like a cop, flashing a light in the guys eyes and wanting to know what he was doing there.]
Snoopy - I think it's similar to "You can't fire me, I quit!" or is it "You can't quit, you're fired!" ???
Tit for tat and tat for tit. No sexual connotation implied.
Dave ~~ that all seems to come down to 'busting' their bubble huh? No sexual connotation implied.
In addition, Fulton is also seeking an undisclosed amount of money from the Crimes Compensation Trust Fund.
Disbursements are generally used for the following reasons: to cover funeral expenses, compensate for lost wages, help cover medical expenses and grief and mental health counseling.
As per the above.....Can Fulton be compensated to recover expenses for which were recovered by other means or expenses that never occured eg: grief and mental health counselling?
Did Sabrina have 10 months of paid leave from her job or am I wrong? What I am trying to find out is can she be paid twice for the same thing?
[Whatever it is, it isn't getting paid twice for the same thing. I don't know anything about her finances and no one else does, either, but you can't get paid twice when the money comes from two different sources. If she qualifies for help, it's because she filled out all the paperwork and satisfied whoever makes the decision.]
Orlando Sentinel - George Zimmerman, lawyers to skip Wednesday hearing
Quote: A trial is not likely until next year, O’Mara reiterated.
Earlier today, O’Mara wrote in an email that he’s not sure whether he’ll appeal the decision of Circuit Judge Kenneth Lester Jr. To stay on the case.
Last week, Lester issued a written order, saying he would not step aside. End Quote
I wonder why we are not seeing the Defense Motion to Continue?
George Zimmerman Legal Case: Zimmerman Defense Files Motion To Continue
Quote: The Court granted the defense team’s Motion to Continue, which postpones the Docket Sounding scheduled on Wednesday August 8 until October 3. The purpose of a Docket Sounding is to provide the Court with an update regarding the progress of the case, and to extablish a timeline for official legal proceedings, whether that be motion hearings, disposition, or trial. End Quote
It wouldn't surprise me at all if Z decides he is more intelligent and savvy than Lester, and that he would be a cinch to beat down in court. Lemme at 'im!]
Central Florida News 13 | Trayvon Martin memorial returns
Quote: Memorials for Trayvon Martin are being taken down as fast as they’re going up.
But who keeps taking them down? That’s the question a pair of groups in Seminole County are asking. End Quote
[I hear it's the Suburban Drive Neat Police expanding their territory.]
Dave~~Mark finally updated his website.... My bold re SYG....
The Court granted the defense team’s Motion to Continue, which postpones the Docket Sounding scheduled on Wednesday August 8 until October 3. The purpose of a Docket Sounding is to provide the Court with an update regarding the progress of the case, and to establish a timeline for official legal proceedings, whether that be motion hearings, disposition, or trial.
We filed our Motion to Continue because there is still a great deal of information to be gathered regarding this case, and we are in the early stages of preparing our reciprocal discovery -- a process that can take a few months -- and it is simply too early in the process to set firm trial dates.
This motion is consistent with a rough timeline for defending Mr. Zimmerman that we described in a release dated June 1, a timeline that includes: drafting discovery requests and working through potential resistance; deposing more than 50 potential witnesses and experts; and filing appropriate motions (including a potential “stand your ground” motion).
Moreover, since our June 1 statement, a number of issues, including the revocation of Mr. Zimmerman’s bond and our Motion to Disqualify Trial Judge, have added to the complexity of the defense process.
Moving forward, we expect there will be additional motions to continue, and it is anticipated, though not certain, that this case will not be ready for trial until early next year
Zimmerman Defense Files Motion to Continue
[I knew it was more than just a trial date or continuance, but I wasn't going to elaborate.]
Okay,, probably only twisted thinking on my part but.....GZ could file for compensation from the AG's fund since he claims to be the victim? I tried to pull up info on the application for the fund and their description of a "victim" but didn't get the information.
[I really, really like your way of thinking, Newbie. Perhaps the whole family should apply. After all, who made Z's parents victims? TM? Hardly.]
Newbie~~if Zimmerman is found not guilty at his trial, does this make him the victim and can he file a claim for compensation?
If I had been his attorney, I would have filed that right away. It is not that I believe he is a victim but ......if he actually was innocent, why would he not have filed prior to his arrest?
Newbie~~I wonder if the Neighborhood Watch under their Captain, George Zimmerman had a set of rules that they had to abide by... you know the 'thou shalt' and 'thou should not'.... while acting in the capacity of a neighborhood watchman. I understand the Sanford Police Dept supported and added their input into the NW program.. Without a set of rules, the NW was not worth anything.. If the Homeowners Assoc had a NW program then I can see them being held responsible for one of its members, especially the captain, not abiding by the rules or having no set rules in place.
Somewhere there should be a rule, you do not confront a suspicious individual and you DO NOT patrol a neighborhood and be in possession of a concealed weapon.
I cannot see claims being paid out until the trial has handed down a verdict. If Z gets immunity on SYG, I cannot see anyone receiving monies from any source. JMO
This is a long article, but it is very interesting. It was ‘posted’ on June 20, 2012.
OMNI Property Management | Liability Risks of Neighborhood Watch Groups May Outweigh Benefits for Condominium Associations
Quote: The incident is tragic by any definition and in any context. What makes it particularly relevant for community associations is the setting: The gated community (The Retreat at Twin Lakes) is governed by a homeowners association, which will almost certainly be sued by Martin’s family, seeking damages for his wrongful death. For that reason, community associations generally, and those with neighborhood watch groups in particular, have more than an academic interest in what happens. End Quote
[There's no doubt the HOA is going to be sued. Does that mean the homeowners might have to pay? I don't know. Way too deep for me.]
I am not sure the exact date that Mark O'Mara officially became Zimmerman's lead defense attorney. The following is dated April 12th...
Orlando-based Mark O’Mara has stepped into a blinding public spotlight as the new lead defense attorney for George Zimmerman, now charged with murdering 17-year-old Trayvon Martin.
This video is also dated April 12th... O'Mara has never presented a SYG case in his over 30 years of practice but, his words, "he has worked around them."
Interesting Video-sort of a refresher
[Everyone has to start somewhere.]
Victim compensation funds are not for all victims, but only for poor victims. I sure hope she fills out the forms and goes to jail for fraud.
Angela Nifong could lose her license to practice if her many lies come to the public's attention.
$30,000 could buy that family a lifetime supply of $izzurp
[Something tells me which pasture your treehouse is built in. Lots of fertilized loam there. Nothing wrong with that; great for growing vegetables, but instead of obsessing about the Nifong way, why not try feng shui? You may achieve a more harmonious balance. You know, the Yin Yang theory and the vast expanse of Taoism cosmology. The dynamic dichotomy may seamlessly come together in the echoes of your mind.
And speaking of sizzurp, have you been sizzipping your lean thru the sizzimmerman Coke straw?]
Snoop, I was being snarky with my comment but then got to thinking and wondering what is considered a victim.
I believe the Neighborhood Watch rules do say no guns !!! And, the person "on duty" is only to report....not take action !!!
Since GZ has no cooth, I figured he could go lower enough to try and get money from the victim's fund. After all, any one that would pimp out their parents to get money.
Newbie~~I have yet to see the rules that Zimmerman was to abide by. Is there a standard set of rules for NW's across all states? Remember, everything is different in Florida.
You snarky...nahhhhh
Sandford LE made many many many mistakes on the night of the shooting includeing wrongly stateing Trayvon had skittles an iced tae....What young person anywhere in the world would drink iced tea..If you look at the photos of the crime scene .You can clearly see the soft drink can has Arz an further down in smaller letters wa is visable an below that a picture of a watermellon cut in half.So it was a can of Arizona Watermellon Fruit Drink .An the Sloppy Sandford LE thinking its no big deal never see the light of Day listed it wrong an so far have not bothered to correct it...The trreeple though are useing it in there conspiricy theorey claiming Trayvon was useing the watermellon drink to concoct an illleagal drug drink called lean bah blah blah ..An the athauritys are covering it up buy hideing the fact Trayvon bought watermellon drink an changeing it to iced tea..???So thease same athourites ie LE whom did a sloppy investigation an let GZ walk free without doing a toxoligy scan on him .But conducted one on the victim Trayvon ...Where already in full frame GZ mode buy letting him go but changing watermellon juice to iced tea...Makes sence right......Thanks for the article though.......B T W This fund / grant thing is more off a loan than a gift it may have to be repaid if victims family receve moneys from other sources..And as TM parents are intending on sueing travellers inn and received other donations .May not bother applying for it as they have received money from other sources anyway
[You know, you're right. It's watermelon fruit juice, not iced tea, but everyone knows Arizona for their teas. Treeple! I like that, ecossie. Do nuts grow on trees?
By the way, Trayvon's parents have a better shot going after the HOA, the Home Owners Association. They're the ones that sanctioned Zimmerman. I'll bet you no one in that community knew he strutted around with a gun. He hid it from everyone, I'm sure. Well, except for one.]
Dave~~ SS will not let me paste a comment... it keeps saying Whoops and asking me to log in... I am logged in...
I will try pasting the following and omitting the link...
Dave~~I can be paid twice for the same thing even if it comes from two different sources if I want to be fraudulent.
In many cases when you file a claim for reimbursement or recovery of expenses that occured, there is often a clause that states, you will not be able to receive compensation for such and such if you have already been reimbursed for these costs from another source.
Are you telling me that if Tracy Martin's employment insurance covered the funeral expenses for Trayvon, he can go after the Attorney General's Compensation Fund to cover the funeral expenses too?
[No, I am not saying that at all, but you can't just simplify forms and lie about it. How could anyone submit a bill for a funeral when it's already been paid? By the very nature of this line of discussion, it's as if we should not just anticipate cheating on Sybrina's part, we should expect it, and that's just not fair. Why bother when there's nothing to base it on?]
Dave~~I tried to post a link to the Victims Compensation Form ( AGC) but it will not allow me to...
[IM me in fb]$file/VictimsCompApp-Eng.pdf
Dave~ ~ how dare you imply that I am trying to insinuate that Sabrina Fultan was trying to commit fraud? I take a lot of crap off certain commenters in here but I draw the line when it comes from you. If I am not free to discuss aspects of this case without being accused of taking sides... take that ban button and put me out of all this uncalled for misery Maybe you will be doing many people a favor.
[I'm not suggesting you are, but there are those who do and will. With all that's going on with the case, I would expect Sybrina to conform to the law, unlike what "One Love" insinuated. All I'm saying is that you just can't ripoff the state that easily. The Zimmermans found that out, and they're the ones facing trial. That's all.]
This is a good time to take a much needed break and head off to my own Sandbox... walking on thin ice in here has gotten to be too much of a challenge...
No, Neighborhood Watch volunteers are not suppose to carry 'weapons'. Sorry to have to resort to this link, but it is the best one I could find.
The first link contains all the printed material on the Neighborhood Watch program. You don't have to download it or anything--I just 'zoomed' my screen.
The second link contains an oral interview, (which I have transcribed a little of.)
Axiom Amnesia | View Sanford Police Department/Retreat at Twin Trees Neighborhood Watch Documents
Axiom Amnesia | Interview with Wendy Dorival (works for the SPD as Volunteer Program Co-ordinator—but also took on Crime Prevention because she had previous experience.)
At about 9:05 minutes in:
Interviewer: Was he named a captain or the co-ordinator?
Wendy: Co-ordinator. Yes. That is one thing that the news media keeps saying—calling him a captain. But a captain would be a block captain. It would only, you know, encompass so many homes. He was a co-ordinator for the whole community. He was the liason—he was the contact with the police department. You know, he was the one that if he—if his block captains wanted more training or anything else, he would have to contact me.
2nd Interviewer: So, the block captains would fall under him?
Wendy: Yes
At about 15:10 minutes in:
Interviewer: Okay, what is the policy on firearms in Neighborhood Watch?
Wendy: No firearms at all. Sometimes—actually when you go there, people ask about that—about personal protection. They say: “Well, you know, am I allowed—if someone enters my home...”, and, you know. This, they didn’t ask that. But, we never encourage firearms at all. In one Neighborhood Watch, I remember someone asked me about a stun gun or pepper spray—and my advice to them was, you know, you have every right to have any weapon you want—you know, that is your constitutional right. But just remember, that that same weapon can be used against you. You know, and you don’t know what consequence that weapon may bring to you. So, that is kind of like my standard answer when people ask me that; because they want to say: “Well, does the law protect me if I...”. And I don’t want to get into that. Like I’m not an attorney, you know; but, but that is my standard answer to kind of say, hey, that is a risk you are taking. But, he never told me he had one; and, I never knew. But it is not something that we advocate, at all.
2nd interviewer: So, again, the policy is for them just to simply observe and report.
Wendy: Observe and report.
2nd interviewer: Not to follow?
Wendy: No. Never.
2nd interviewer: Not to carry a firearm?
Wendy: No.
2nd interviewer: Not to confront individuals on the property?
Wendy: No, not at.
2nd interviewer: Okay.
Wendy: We always tell them: Let the police do their job. Call us and let us take care of it. You don’t have to confront them. You know, we don’t want you to confront them, ‘cause then we have to go there and there is more issues. But what we always tell them is just call us—call us and let us handle it. Whatever issue you think is happening.
At about 25:00 minutes in:
Wendy:...But, in every case that community chooses who their leaders are—their co-ordinators are.
2nd interviewer: And was that the case with this one, or was he self-appointed, or, was he?...
Wendy: No. I believe the HOA assigned him to look into this Neighbourhood Watch; and, then once—it was just a matter. He even said it—the HOA wants me to co-ordinate the Neighborhood Watch. You know, I’m like: Okay. Well, I guess you’re it, you know. He was enthusiastic about it...{Snipped.}
Now, I know that all the pertinent interviews with the HOA members were released as well, but I haven't looked them up to link, yet. IIRC, none of them actuallly admitted to appointing Zimmerman as captain or co-ordinator or whatever--I guess with good reason. But I need to check on that, though.
[I think most fingers will eventually point away from the insurance company and move toward the HOA. That seems to me to be where this is going.]
Snoopy, I'm going to answer your post wondering if there were any rules for neighborhood watch captains. When you first start up a crime watch program you have a meeting. The police is at that meeting and give you ideas of what is considered suspicious behavior and what is not. For instance your neighbor is on vacation and the day after they leave a uhaul pulls up and people start loading. That's suspicious and gets called in. A group of teenagers loitering on a street corner is something to be watched but not necessarily called in until you notice illegal activity. Just standing there isn't a crime. (unless it's after curfew)
At that meeting they stress over and over, you are there just to watch and report. You are not there to confront or try to stop the activity in any way. That's for the police to do. Some block captains walk their block while walking their dogs, some will drive it . They don't follow people, if they suspect drugs being dealt out of a house they do not ask to look inside, that type of thing.
The group I had was on a military base and I'll tell you those MP's were on top of it. If they hadn't heard from me in a while, they called me. They recommended group meetings on a regular basis to see what areas were having problems and to see what solutions we could come up with. Do you get the general idea? Here is a link to the : COJ's block watch flyer ....COJ = City of Jacksonville (Fl).. it's put out by the sheriff's department.
[It just goes to prove how strong Zimmerman's desire was to become a law enforcement officer, but he thought too big. Not just that, he overstepped the bounds of what he actually was and what he wanted to be. A REAL police officer would have handled the situation as (s)he was trained to do - with professionalism. And Trayvon Martin would be alive today. I guarantee it. Thank you, Connie. Very interesting and educational.]
Seminole County Clerk of Courts | Detailed Case Information for: Shellie
Notice for Docket Sounding Sep 19, 2012 at 09:00
Dave: LOL I just noticed who her judge is.
I had assumed that she would get a slap on the wrist--now I understand why she issued a plea of not guilty, and expect her case to be dismissed.
Just sayin' (imhoo)
Dr. appt. BBL
From Aug. 2000:
What do established lawyers in Central Florida have to say about Judge Debra Nelson, who is running to retain her seat in the 18th Judicial Circuit, Group 10?
"Terrific. Great demeanor." "Broad, real-world experience." "A good lawyer." "Good temperament. Good legal mind." "Smart." "Fair." "Fine reputation among her peers." "Highly qualified. Doing a good job." "Excellent judge."
Conniefl, interesting information on the NW program. Thanks for sharing.
Orlando Sentinel - Nelson is Superior Choice
Dave: I think I understand your reason, (and thank you for), that link.. Ahh, I thought that was the judge, too. (If I'm following you correctly.)
However, besides the link in my first comment about this--from which the following quote is extracted:
I have come across this:
M E M O R A N D U M from O. H. Eaton, Jr., Criminal Division Administrative Judge.
If I'm wrong, I am only too happy to be so.
If you are not too busy, though--would you just confirm that I am? Just yes or no is good. : - )
Thanks again!
[After a good look at it, nan11, it's nothing more than a memorandum from Judge Eaton to be used as guidance for attorneys. It's dated 2007. It's intended for all attorneys. I can understand your confusion, but there's no names on it, as in who it's directed to.]
Conniefl~~thank you so much for taking the time to post all the info re the Neighborhood Watch. It is good to finally see something in black and white and coming from someone who was involved with NW... much appreciated!
These are just a few of the pertinent interviews that SPD conducted with members of the HOA association.
MOO--somebody is going to get sued. And sooner or later, one is going to stick.
Page 54: "As a result of the meeting, Zimmerman was placed as the committee chairman for the neighborhood watch program and was to work in conjunction with Dorival. {Redacted} said that he tried to keep an open line of communication between him, Zimmerman and Dorival as it related to the reporting of suspicious activity. [Redacted.] said that it was told, you watch, you do not take any action on your own, you get away from the situation and you call the police. There was never anything else said other than that [Redacted.] said that he knew nothing of Zimmerman’s background and that Zimmerman never provided any information about his background."
Page 130: "[Redacted] was present at a board meeting when Zimmerman requested permission to use the clubhouse to [redacted] coordinate the first neighborhood watch meeting. The board granted Zimmerman permission to use the clubhouse and waived the clubhouse rental fee."
Page 135: "[Redacted] is not involved with the neighborhood watch committee *NWC). The NWC is a volunteer committee with no set meetings with anywhere from 4-5 members. The NWC has had maybe 2 meetings with the Sanford Police Department (SPD) over the last year. SPD gave guidelines for the NWC to adhere to. The NWC does not patrol, but are given an area of the community to keep an eye on.
Nobody on the HOA board were aware that Zimmerman carried a gun."
[That HOA must be a little bit nervous by now. Of course, Zimmerman was the rule breaker, but someone with real authority in there should have kept a leash on that boy. And neighbors should have brought up his indiscretions at regular HOA meetings. Someone could have put a lid on him. Instead, he let his inner monster grow.]
Sitting in doctor's office on iPad, but this is the link to Shellie's court info:
Dave: Thanks so much. Sorry to be bothering you.
Okay, that is the same link I have; and I do see Judge Nelson showing as 'Judge' at the top; but I don't understand why the 'minutes for arrainment before Judge Eaton' statement.
Maybe he is the 'judge' in charge of other 'judges'--so his name came up?
Anyway, he is in there somewhere. imho ; - )
[I answered on your original comment wondering what the memorandum was all about. It was intended for all attorneys as guidance, and it was written in 2007.]
Two new things: Zimmerman has waived his right to appear at the 'hearing' on October 3; and more discovery has been 'put on record' at the Clerk of Courts.
New discovery will include: emails and college records; (more of) the call Trayvon Martin's parents made to report him missing.
This is from Daralene Jones, WFTV on Twitter.
(I looked, but didn't find an article supporting this yet.)
[I'm sure it's true. I've noticed elsewhere that some people are wondering about Trayvon's school records. Why haven't we seen them yet? Because they are private, just like medical records. We will not be privy to that sort of thing. Note to others: Sorry, but Trayvon was underage, no matter how anyone wants to spin it. Laws are laws, and gosh by golly, the law is colorblind.]