What's Next? Hauling A Load of Kronk?
Monday, June 20, 2011 at 6:27AM
Dave Knechel | tagged Dr. William Rodriguez | in Casey Anthony, Caylee Anthony, Cheney Mason, Chief Judge Belvin Perry, Dave Knechel, David B. Knechel, David Knechel, Jeff Ashton, Jose Baez, Marinade Dave, Marinade Dave Knechel, Marinade Dave’s Caylee Anthony Posts, Orange County Jail, Orlando Magazine, Roy Kronk, marinadedave | | 1 Reference
Reader Comments (3)
I am interested in what you all think about Baez opening statement. Was it one the defense used because it is what Casey told them happened or is it one they came up with on their own by trying to connect or unconnect a few dots from here and there.
I answered you an hour or so ago, New Puppy, but I must have forgotten to push the "Create Post" button. Sorry.
I think the defense created the story. If Caylee drowned accidentally, there would be no reason why Casey should have been sitting in jail all this time. I, for one, do not believe George knew anything about a drowning, nor do I think he ever molested Casey.
Why didn't Casey just come clean right from the start? She showed absolutely no remorse whatsoever. Personally, if she gets life in prison, she should count her blessings. And that's a sad statement about her.
Last week there was a picture of Casey and I'd swear she had very pointed ears and a look in her eyes that convey your message exactly Dave, no remorse whatsoever. I don't think it is possible for this girl to convey remorse, which is sad. I also know people who are like that and they say there is no such thing as emotion or feelings. I used to argue that was impossible, but truly they do not know what it is. To add to that I do not believe Casey ever found any satisfaction or gratification out of anything in life, most everything she did seemed mechanical, her partying, her many men, etc It appears more like she jdid a lot of off things to try and fit in, and if she did murder Caylee I do believe it was in a spontaneous rage, over wanting to go with Tony and he did not want Caylee. nor did she from the beginning. So that is my take right now. I sure would like to know exactly what happened with whom that was/is the father of Caylee. Do you think it possible Casey was paid to not name the man who really fathered the baby. Maybe someone in LE?