The Tale of Laura and the Barbarian Princess

If any of you are familiar with Florence Virginia King, you are aware that she is an American novelist, essayist and columnist from Mississippi. Born in 1936, alas, she put down her pen in 2002. Almost all of her works written under her real name have been non-fiction. You may recall 1975’s Southern Ladies and Gentlemen. You may also recognize her from the historical romance novel, Barbarian Princess, written under the pseudonym Laura Buchanan. Ironically, she’s not the only writer of fiction with that name. Another Laura Buchanan entered the fray more recently; one who seemingly attempted to parlay her name into the bright lights of stardom, tossing good judgment to the wind. She failed miserably and turned out to be the Clifford Irving of the Casey Anthony saga. Irving, in case you don’t know or remember, became famous - infamous is more like it - for using forged handwritten letters from reclusive billionaire Howard Hughes in order to convince his publisher into accepting a counterfeit “autobiography” in the early 1970s. Hughes came out of the woodwork to prove it was nothing more than an elaborate hoax. Irving spent several years in prison, but later managed to publish some best sellers, including two aptly titled books, Final Argument and Daddy’s Girl.
On October 24, 2009, Laura Buchanan declared, under penalty of perjury, that, “On September 3, 2008, I was a volunteer for Texas Equus Search.” On that fateful September day, she began her odyssey into the treacherous path of this unyielding monster that’s chewed up and swallowed its victims at will. As innocent as Casey’s first victim was, Buchanan’s not one of them, and whether her initial intent was righteous or not, her ship sunk. Today, she’s just another part of the ever-growing, Titanic-sized, Casey abyss.
“On September 3, 2008,” she continued, ”the team in which I was assigned went to Suburban Street in Orlando and searched the area near where the remains of Caylee Anthony were found… I personally searched near the privacy fence and worked my way towards and then beyond where the body was found… It is my opinion that the remains of Caylee Anthony were not there during the time of our search.”
How quickly memories change when facing someone as intimidating as an Assistant State Attorney; intimidating in the sense that they represent the will of the people, and no one is more fastidious than Linda Drane Burdick when it comes to truth and justice. From her first statement under oath to her last, Buchanan’s story wavered dramatically, especially under the skillful questioning of the seasoned prosecutor. Just how did this begin and where are we today?
First of all, by her own admission, she is a “virtual” emergency/law enforcement groupie. She gets high at the sight of flashing lights and blaring sirens. Riding around with the law had been a favorite pastime and after taking a class at the citizen police academy, getting involved became a hobby of sorts. There’s nothing inherently wrong with that, but at the same time, a lot hinges on where it takes you and how far you want to go. At the end of August, 2008, her husband was scheduled to come to Florida for job related training. She wanted to go far, so she tagged along. Of course, by that date, many people across the country and elsewhere were enamored by the “Tot Mom” story made famous by Nancy Grace and, mostly, by the shocking audacity and hollow gaze of this young and single mother in the news who would ever lose her child, let alone for a month. Caylee was special, too. No child could have looked more angelic. Her wide-eyed innocence and eager smile were plenty enough to melt the coldest heart. There is no doubt in my mind that Laura Buchanan, herself a young mother of three, was one of those who became overtly fascinated and now was her chance. In her mind, I’m sure she felt the same way as all the others, but something took over. Something or someone made her change.
It took around 13-hours to drive from Kentucky to Portofina Bay, the resort inside Universal Studios just south of Orlando. Texas EquuSearch was in high gear and thousands of volunteers had already joined in the search for little Caylee, but they still needed more help. She went to the TES command post the following morning. After her search, she and her husband went to Disney. While waiting for the monorail, she spotted a toddler who she thought was Caylee and reported it to Kid Finders (or OCSO) the following day. That led to her initial contact with Cindy when she called Laura about the sighting. Laura was quick to tell her she and several other searchers had a lot of compassion for the Anthony family. This is where the ball started rolling. It began the back and forth e-mails and phone calls between her, Cindy, George and Mark NeJame, who represented the Anthonys at the time. In one of her initial e-mails to NeJame, she wrote, “I’ve heard so many disturbing things, like George was molesting Casey when she was younger and started to molest Caylee..? That Caylee Could possibly belong to George and or brother Lee???” She also hoped that NeJame had given Cindy and George her e-mails. This message was sent on September 15. In my opinion, it, quite possibly, could have been where Casey got the rather bizarre notion to accuse her father of molesting her, or at least, to plant the seed. I would surely guess the Anthonys discussed the allegations making the rounds while she was home on bond that final month.
Correspondence went back and forth between Buchanan and NeJame beyond the point when the attorney and the Anthonys parted ways near the end of 2008. Meanwhile, she had begun communicating with Jose Baez soon after her supposed sighting. On October 9, Laura sent an e-mail to Jose at the Baez Law Firm. She mentioned being in Florida a month or so earlier and of spotting a girl who looked remarkably like Caylee while waiting to enter either the Magic Kingdom or EPCOT. She lamented that deputies never followed up on her tip because they were no longer looking for Caylee. [This is not factual. While being interviewed by Sgt. John Allen in December, 2009, the lead investigator told me point blank that over 100 law enforcement personnel continued to search for Caylee all over the country up to the date her remains were found.] On Monday, January 12, 2009, she sent Jose this e-mail:
“I spoke with a person that I hadn’t spoke with in a while and she has told me some very strange information and I think we need to talk again ASAP… Oh my god this is horrible… [REDACTED]
By now, she was thoroughly ensconced in the mechanisms of Casey’s defense. So much so, that she sent him pictures of herself and one with her 5-year-old daughter. Life was good and she was getting more cozy with each passing day.
I can’t say for sure who started fishing first, but by all signs, it seemed that they both swallowed each other hook, line, and sinker. She had something for him and he coaxed her for more. She had become an integral part of Casey’s defense, only she had no idea about the massive freight train that was going to hit her; the Burdick Express. Maybe, just maybe, GULP, she didn’t look exactly where Caylee was discovered. No, not precisely.
There were several passages in Buchanan’s August 2010 interview with the prosecutor that immediately sent red flags up as far as I’m concerned, and it showed Burdick’s adeptness and professional flair. The first one dealt with Buchanan’s statement that she searched behind the Anthony home. That’s impossible because the Anthonys have a privacy fence that keeps their backyard, well, private. Totally so. There’s no gate that opens up to the beyond. The beyond, by the way, is nothing more than a private backyard in the adjacent development, also filled with homes.
The second one was a real laugher. She told the Assistant State Attorney that, while she was following the end of the privacy fence on Suburban Drive, she stepped on an alligator. Obviously, this woman has a wild imagination, wilder than any of the inhabitants of the Suburban Drive woods. I addressed the issue of gators early on, soon after I began writing about the case. Alligators generally live in or very close to bodies of water. By that, I mean lakes, ponds, rivers and swamps. Although the end of the woods where Caylee was found had been under water at the time of the searches, it is not in that state all year round, and that’s not very inviting to a gator. They like to remain dead still for hours with just the slightest movement of their eyes so their target isn’t aware they’re even there. Then they pounce. What Buchanan described was that the reptile was resting in the brush. That’s just not true. They want to see what’s going on all around them, so they lurk in the open or with just their eyes above water level. They take their quarry to the bottom of the water to rot before eating. Generally, anyway. I’ve been in the Orlando area for almost 30 years, and let me tell you, I have never stepped on one. Not only that, I WOULD NOT stand there waiting for the creature to run away like she said it did. I’d be gone in a flash - as far away as I could get. Also, there’s a school nearby. Snakes are hard to control, but gators? No way, not as much as they love to sun themselves in the open.
So, two of her stories have been debunked, and now, we come to the matter at hand. That would be the twisted TES report that somehow became a lie. Who instigated it, Baez or Buchanan? That’s the subject of another post, but a search volunteer by the name of Lori Fusco told investigators that she asked Buchanan if she was working for Baez. “She wouldn’t give me a straight answer. She wanted to know everything that I knew, which I didn’t know much. She kept asking me if I was in that area and if I was on a team with her which she should have known.”
How true, and in a recorded phone call with searcher and friend Ann Pham, Buchanan was questioned about her inconsistencies.
Ann Pham: The first one they showed me is legitimate. Right?
Laura Buchanan: Both of them are legit. Somebody else had that form before I had it because they (expletive) spelled my name wrong.
Ann Pham: Your name is signed at the top, Laura. That’s what I don’t understand. It’s got your actual signature and it matches the signature from the first form.
Laura Buchanan: I don’t know that I can’t explain.
Shades of forgery! Ultimately, several of her friends were convinced she wanted to be in the media spotlight, and at Caylee’s memorial service, she seemed more concerned about being on TV than she did about Caylee. Jose Baez was just hit with a new ethics complaint, according to the Florida Bar; quite possibly stemming from the comedy of errors regarding former Anthony attorney Brad Conway and those persnickety TES search documents. What a mess. Did Casey’s lead attorney allegedly misrepresent facts to the court? Time will tell, but it’s common knowledge that he has skated very close to the edge on several occasions, and so far, he’s managed to keep clear of falling through the ice. What about this time? It’s been harshest of winters, but Punxsutawney Phil did not see his shadow yesterday. An omen? No, and no karma moment, either, but will the ingratiating Laura Buchanan come to his rescue as spring rolls in? Not a chance. Today, she, too, could be facing charges, and she tells her friends she wishes she never got herself involved in this mess.
Good old Florence King. She said it best. “People are so busy dreaming the American Dream, fantasizing about what they could be or have a right to be, that they’re all asleep at the switch. Consequently, we are living in the Age of Human Error.” It sounds just like Casey’s defense. Back to square one. Where, oh where, will it turn?

Reader Comments (75)
great reading thank you dave.
Wow, stepped on a alligator, really an alligator. If that statement in any form or either side uses it, will have the courtroom in chuckles.
It is better than a crockadile.
Maybe, cali patti, it was a "Kronkadile".
Thank you!
Dave, thanks for this great post! I love your writing because it has such a great way of making the reader seem like they are right there experiencing what you are writing about. Your writing also keeps the reader engaged. I knew when I read that she stepped on a gator that she wasn't telling the truth. If she stepped on a gator they aren't going to run the other way. They most likely will turn around and take a nip at you and go after you. She would not have stayed around there either like she said she did after the gator went the other way. I can't wait to see Linda Drane Burdick in action during the trial. Jeff Ashton too. They certainly know their stuff and they are easy to listen too. I hope when this trial is done, if not before, that they go after her for all of her lies. It is going to be a wait and see if anything happens to Baez about this latest complaint. Thanks again for this great post! It is much appreciated.
Thank you, Mary Jo. One thing is certain, Buchanan lost all credibility and she was what the defense placed most of its hopes on. Without her, they are, literally, back to square one when it comes to mounting a solid case. Unless there are other searchers, what will they have? Just circumstantial evidence to pick apart, but lots and lots of it. Too much, I think.
Dave: I knew we were in for an epic saga, and you didn't disappoint. A pleasure to read, as always.
Whether she will face charges or not, who knows; but, I think we can say with certainty that she will not be a "star" witness for the defense. So, what options do they have?
One afternoon, I googled the Nelson Serrano murder trial. I was surprised to learn that Mr. Mason did not call one witness on behalf of the defense. He just rested his case and moved on to closing arguments. Do think there is any chance Casey's defense might try something like this?
Great article Dave, only you would think to add a little history. That is why your articles are so captivating and you just have to keep reading. Comparing the Casey Anthony saga to the Titanic , is a perfect description. I think that the prosecution could be kept busy for some time with all of the fallout from this case. Do you think they will persue any of them, or just be so relieved when Casey trial is over, that they just take a deep breath and say Thank God.I am still holding my breath that Baez doesn't blow this and make everything have to start from scratch again. Thank You Dave, hope your household is still feeling better. Be careful in this warm one day,cold the next weather. Someone should tell Laura Buchanan that a gator can move as fast as a horse, so the next time she steps on one not to stand there waiting for him to move away. LOL
Thank you, nan11. That's quite nice of you.
I don't think the defense will use Buchanan now. Not a chance. Are there other TES volunteers? They mentioned some, but how viable is their testimony? I have no idea but I'd guess they would have to say the area was flooded in early September, which it had to be, especially after TS Fay two weeks earlier.
I would think the defense is still looking for witnesses of some kind, but they do have experts. I know some of them have dropped like coffin flies, but my guess is that it was not just for lack of payment. Personally, I don't think some of them had anything to offer the defense after going through the evidence.
Hi, Margaret. Thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed the post and my brief attempt at history. As for the Titanic reference, it could go beyond that. I wonder how many pieces this whole case will break into. Do I think the state will prosecute any of them? It's hard to say, but I would think some of it hinges on the outcome. Prosecutors don't have the time or resources to take everyone to court. The main thing is, they have gotten down to the truth of the matter and that's what counts the most. You know, I'd like to know where that "gator" ran off to.
Thank you for asking about our health. Everyone is feeling better.
Oh what a tangled web we weave,
When first we practise to deceive!
Sir Walter Scott
I'm glad you cleared that entire mess up for me Dave. I actually got a headache reading Laura Buchanan's deposition and for the life of me I couldn't find where she actually admitted changing the form. Then I went to the others and Annie Pham really did a good job baiting her on the phone. I have a feeling this entire testimony will end up "on the cutting room floor".
The sunshine laws here in FL are still amazing me. I have never followed a case like I'm doing with this one so it's flooring me just how much work the prosecutors actually put into a case like this - how many empty leads, how many false allegations or testimony they have to wade through. I'm really liking your prosecutors there in Orlando. They are really on top of their game. I imagine the ones here in Jacksonville are also since not many cases result in acquittal (probably one of the reasons Baez didn't want to relocate here) They get their ducks in a row before trial date and from the looks of the Anthony case those ducks wander all over the place!
Cheney Mason probably won't call defense witnesses like he didn't with Seranno but I imagine Baez will. He doesn't strike me as the type to go quietly home.
Thank you Dave for your great writing and not just saying that Laura B lied etc. you make the news of it so interesting to read and love it when you tie the whole mess in with something from the past in comparison.
I saw where Baez and Mason avoided answering questions today, wonder if it was hard for them to bite their tongues and pass by the media for once??
Hi, Connie - Yes, what a weave indeed! You know, if what we suspect happened for real, I would have to say that Baez is certainly not the first attorney who's been deceptive, and he won't be the last. I mean, where would lawyer jokes be without, well, lawyers? Of course, that doesn't make it right, but the profession does have a reputation. So do used car salesmen, but they, too, are a necessary evil.
I definitely agree with you that Buchanan has already been relegated to the cutting room floor.
I am amazed at the tenacity of this prosecution. They are amazing. Also, I wonder what runs through the back of Ann Finnell's mind regarding issues like this. This is the kind of stuff that shouldn't be happening in any case, let alone one of this magnitude. I've got another post up my sleeve that will be my "fictional" take on what might be happening behind closed doors as it relates to all this. As far as Baez calling witnesses, aren't the only ones experts? They are going to be the most important thing the defense has.
Hey, thanks! I'm glad I helped clear some of it up.
Hello, Janet! How wonderful to see you. I do try to make my posts interesting to read. I think there should be more to it than remaining entirely focused on the subject matter, and by using examples and such, it is supposed to help us understand and remember more readily. If I do that, then thank you, I appreciate it.
Yes, the defense team was very quiet today, but actually, I don't blame them. It has not been a good time of late.
Dave~~ahh now that article proved once again, you have the midas touch when it comes to writing so us laypeople can comprehend what the hoot is going on in this three ring circus. I especially liked the [Burdick Express.] Being questioned by Linda would be like getting hit with Boxcar Bob's freight train.
I am surprised the little alligator lady did not ride in on a white horse and wearing one of Padilla's hats. I understood Laura was with LE back in Kentucky. She was with them in a patrol car riding around to see any action that was taking place. ( I am quite skeptical of any PD allowing a citizen, unless it was someone from a news outlet) to ride around while they answered calls. They would never expose a private citizen to any potential harm. I thought Buchanan took her citizen police course online. Did she produce a certifcate when she completed the course?
From my googling, Laura worked for the Dept of Fisheries back in Nicholas, Kentucky and rescued wild animals. This was on a voluntary basis, I believe.
After reading her emails to Mark NeJames and Baez, it was quite evident that Laura was rather pushy when it came to wanting to be part of this case. I think she baited the traps herself and the defense liked what she had to offer. I am beginning to wonder if any of the defense ever checked into Laura's background when she offered up her services.
Laura wasted no time before she sent Baez a pic of herself and another one of her and her daughter. She probably thought once Jose took a look at her blond tresses, he would willing send her his private email addy and acknowledge all her correspondence ASAP. BTW, it is a fact that Laura did ask Baez for his private email because she did not want to send her email to his office account. I wonder why??
Tampering with evidence in an ongoing investigation of a capital murder case can result in serious consequences. It will be interesting to see if Buchanan's 'use immunity' , which she was covered by in her last deposition, will soften the blow for what she may be charged with down the road. I have every confidence that this will not all be swept under the rug by the state as it is an offense. I am also willing to bet that Mortimer Smith and Baez will have some answering to do.
You know something, I wonder if any of the members of the defense's attorneys and PI's will be left standing by the time the trial starts. I am going to add Mark NeJames and Brad Conway to those, although they represented Geo and Cindy. are the best!!
Great post and great comments, too. I have nothing more to add presently~
Hi Dave,
I really enjoyed your post and am so glad that you are able to get back to your writing and that your family is doing better. This piece was really outstanding!!! Your analysis is very on point and your style is so easy to read. You are by far the best of the writers who report on the Casey case.
Do you think that Jose Baez really knows that some of the things he says are not truthful or could he be so zealous in his representation that he is just spouting products of his "wishful thinking" rather than actually fibbing? I think it would be very demoralizing to have to try to prove that Casey is innocent with all the proof going the other way. It would take very poor judgement to deliberately tell Judge Perry that Brad Conway had proof if he didn't or that people searched an area they didn't search. Encouraging falsification of records could be a ticket to being disbarred.
Thanks for that post Dave seems that Baez duty whilst the Titanic was sinking would be to rearange the deck chairs..Or conducting the band...B T W They could have saved everyone on board the Titanic if they had utilesed the ice berg as a life boat..Connie L Buchanan made the admissions to changeing the paperwork ie altering the T E S Forms in her most recent depo where she apeared in person..Those havent been released online as yet ..Though media have seen them......
Thanks Ecossie! I'm glad I'm not blind even with the brand spankin new bifocals that I've never had to wear before! Ahh age. I thought Annie Pham did a good job on her and brought her as close as possible without screeching "I did it, I did it!"
Thank you, Snoopy - I kind of like the Burdick Express term, too. It popped into my mind as I was writing.
I used to ride around with some of my police friends many years ago, but it was because we were friends and nothing more. The most I ever got to witness were traffic stops. Speeding and that sort of stuff, but Flemington was a peaceful, sleepy town in those days.
No doubt, Laura pushed herself on the Anthonys and the defense. I feel it was all about wanting to insert herself and his reluctance to follow common sense, and by hook or by crook, he was going to do his best, by golly, to get his client off. It's sad when he has to rely on the testimony of one person, especially when everyone else said the spot was flooded. It was very naive.
If charges come, it won't happen until after the trial, I'm sure, but if charges are leveled against Baez, she could be the star witness. Imagine that, another chance to shine. f course, his defense would have to debunk her. Hmm, very interesting...
Thanks, Snoopy.
Thank you, Sherry. Sit back and relax a spell. Add something when and if you want to.
Hi, Amber - Yup, I'm slowly getting back to my routine and my family is doing much better, thank you. Thank you for calling me the best writer on the case, too. Wow! That's a great compliment.
You know, I don't know exactly what to think about this defense. In person, Jose is a very likeable guy, but then there's the issue over me and the judge. I mean, the motion, which I DO believe was mostly Mason's doing, cited some of my posts, the main one being Casey Anthony must die, but they fibbed about it. It had nothing to do with Casey's death, so either the defense never read it or they lied about it. Take your pick, but either way, it shows how inept this defense can be. To be honest, I'm not sure what to make of it yet. I will write more about it as the facts come in.
Hello, ecossie possie - You know, I always wondered why the captain of the Titanic didn't swing around and slide back tightly against the same berg that did the damage. It may have held it up and kept it from sinking, at least so quickly. Could survivors have used it as a lifeboat? That's a good possibility, but there's always that coulda, woulda, shoulda. They didn't. Who knows in this case? It ain't looking good right now.
The latest L Buchanan Depo is now on the internet....She admits to filling in parts of a search T E S document when she arived back in Kentucky....L D B is questionig her an Laura B is trying to down play its significance .She claims she was just doodling an jotting down notes to jog her memory of past events.Admits to altering the form after contact from Mort Smith..
Yes, ecossie. It was e-mailed to me, but I haven't read it yet. Tomorrow's another day.
Ecossie, I have been reading it too and know exactly what you are saying. Mason's hearing is sure not that good. What was the big deal with Baez laughing and coughing? Linda put him in his place.
Its an interesting read Dave I am sure you will enjoy it L D B is brilliant at pointing out how ludicrous L B is...L B even filled out on the form that she debreifed herself? ....Maybe LB had to debreif herself after she stood on the alligaters tail.An had an acident in her breifs?
Yes I Know Snoops Baez is acting at times like the whole proseeding is a big laughorama.....I do hope we get to see L D B in action at trial...By that I mean its looking more an more likely that Casey will plea....After all the defence has nothing to disprove her guilt.....
Ecossie, I am thinking along the same lines. This will never go to trial. The defense do not have anyting in the way of evidence to save Casey and they are all falling apart themselves. If Casey does plea, there are going to be one heck of a number of disappointed people. I want to see a trial.
This case has been allowed to drag on and on and on. A huge mistake, imo. The so called Dream Team is no longer. The Defense is defenseless....what have they got? Cindy's lies? I wonder if Mason still thinks he will walk out with Casey on his arm? .....
Dave, another great article! You just get better and better. Hope u will finally write that book! (Buchanan, imo, has "mental issues"....big time)
Thank you for your excellent article, Dave! This Laura chick is quite the shallow character.
Not to be critical at all, but in the third paragraph stating Laura Buchanan's words in italics, you have the date as September 3, 2008. Well, it is probably just a typo, because she couldn't possibly have
written it in September of '08. Caylee's remains were not found until December 11th, of 2008.
Anyway, just thought I'd point out that one small detail.
Thank you for writing this post! I always look forward to reading your take on the latest happenings of this crazy case!
Love and Peace!
It's taken an extraordinary amount of time, Helen, but her date with destiny draws nigh. I think the defense is going to have to rely on their expert witnesses. No one else has come forward; no one with any credibility, that is.
Thank you for liking my writing. I try to improve each time because I know I can do better.
Hi, Suzanna - I'm pleased to know you enjoyed my article. Thank you.
About the discrepancy in the third paragraph... I added Laura's statement to clear up any confusion. On her document, dated 10/24/09, she wrote "On September 3, 2008..." and I reprinted it as a direct quote of what she wrote. It's the same thing as saying today is Feb. 4 and I ate sushi on Jan, 13 of last year. In October 2009, she stated what she did in September 2008. What I wrote is correct, but I do see how it could be confusing. The letter should clarify that. Whater, her statement was false. What would compel someone to make something of that magnitude up? To be on TV? As far as most of us are concerned, we want justice, whichever way the chips fall.
I am grateful you look forward to my writings. That is very encouraging. Love and peace to you, too, and thanks again.
Read this last night but waited til now- I am SO pleased. For one thing this is a rather confusing sideshow to the bigger Circus unfolding, and that as we know now is deliberate. There have been minor and major sins of omission and commission- speaking as a former Catholic! And lies, possibly legally punishable ones, too.
You have laid this confusing narrative out very plainly and some things really do come into focus. I feel I understand her (LB) better- I had little but contempt for her before but now can see how step-by-step she got pulled (coaxed? seduced?) into actions that she likely would not have undertaken on her own. By her lights she was doing a Good Thing- perhaps even a noble and heroic thing, as she clearly had set up in her mind a belief in Casey's innocence that amounted to an actual Belief System of sorts. I'm into animal rescue too, am also a naturally Curious George-type who used to attend various preliminary hearings and interesting court cases (back when single), and would happily sign up for Search but have not had a feasible opportunity to do so yet. If I (rather than my uninterested Sister) lived down there I'd be in that Courtroom too, as often as possible. Minus her awful language (does she swear like that around her kids?), I can somewhat relate.
Having been through my own court case though, in the Very Real, I know you cannot fudge or weasel any thing, not one statement, and any normal human error will be blown out of all proportion by the other side. If you are asked how far the nearest streetlight was or how bright the moon, you'd better damn well KNOW, 'cuz the Other Side already does. And that's where she was woefully unprepared and you know, I sense she was not the only active participant in this part of the mess. I can almost see Baez throwing chum off the dock as it were, to see what would rise to the surface and bite. And Cindy right behind...
Hi, Karen - I try to untangle the messes made mostly by the defense. Personally, I believe Buchanan and Baez fed of each other and that means both are to blame. Why the defense wanted to get Brad Conway involved is confusing. Was he supposed to be a fall guy? Trust me, if anyone knows about that, it is me. You know, I don't have a problem with anyone taking sides here, but to give false information in a sworn statement is just beyond me. Why would ANYONE do that? Isn't the bottom line justice for Caylee? Let the truth run its course, not lies.
Was Laura's intent originally good? Did the defense force her to make up lies? We don't know for sure, but she's an adult. She should know by now that no one held her hand. No one can force someone to lie. Whatever, I see a boiling pot about ready to boil over.
What a mess! I'm sorry you had to go through something similar, but your experience in this kind of problem is very helpful for us, the readers. Thank you for that.
A friend of mine passed away early this morning. He had been quite ill for some time. Cancer, and he was riddled with it. There's no need to offer any sympathies, although he was a very good friend to many and well-loved. I just want everyone to know that I will be visiting with some of my friends this afternoon, and will not attend the status hearing today.
Wilbur was his name. I know it's no longer a common name, but that's his name. I am very grateful for our friendship. He leaves his wife, Claire.
Dave- I'm glad for this Revision feature here- sorry to read above about your friend Wilbur, of course. It's been a hard, hard winter, and you surely will be glad to see the backside of it, even being in Florida. Don't know why, but this winter seems to have taken so many, more than most...
Regarding LB, it was stupid of her and wrong, no doubt, whatever her original motivations- but let's see what else (or Who) shakes out of the tree...
Catch you later
Good afternoon Dave, what can I say but this is one incredibly well written post. I love that you not only "got" LB but quite possibly JB. This tale of lies and everything else just gets better and better. What can the Defense come up with next when they throw it at the wall, who knows but I am sure they will.
LB is not only a nut job, but loves to be in the spotlight and will lie to get there. She also has a rather filthy mouth the she uses in front of her children while taking on a secretly taped phone call. Who in their right mind would do that, guess you really can not fix stupid.
Yes, Karen, I wonder how many more will drop. I don't think the defense has many more to choose from, if any.
Why, thank you, Peggy! Yes, I absolutely got the defense on this one, but then again, I know what it's like to be a patsy, and to be frank, I don't think there's much more, if anything, to throw at the wall. It seems this defense was primarily based on Buchanan's statement. That's one giant broken egg in that basket.
Dave, can you tell me when the next hearing will be? I am so out of the loop down here, I am unable to get anything down here. I was so use t watching IS but at least I have you to keep me in touch. I bet the Defense wished they had not ever got involved in this Case against Casey. With the DP on the table they are in big do do but then they always were.
I should comment on Cindy's letter(s) in the dock dump post, but since we are still talking about the case here, decided I would comment here. Cindy is either delusional or just playing up to the press. Does she even know how stupid she is coming across? I have always thought she is just trying t make herself look good since she knows that she is going to come off as one bad mother when the trial starts in just four months. I also doubt that Casey even reads those letters. She can not even stand to look at her mother at the hearings. What makes Cindy think she is even reading her letters?
Hearing-Live WFTV
Thanks Snoopy :D
OK, I'm into the double digits now, have I missed any ways Jose PO-ed Judge Perry today?
And, why didn't Cheney step in at some point, instead of looking all dyspeptic just sitting there...
Ashton's facial expressions were priceless.
Hey Karen, Cheney could not have been more bored, I wonder how often he looked at his watch. And you have to remember that Biaz is "lead attorney" (insert rolling eyes here") so he gets to say it all. I almost think he out did himself today on blaming the State for everything. I only wish Judge Perry would have admonished him like he really meant it, I so love when that happens.
Just loved your take on the Laura Buchanan fiasco...Can't wait to hear your take on the Baez solo...He was dancing around as though he had two left feet...and got a refresher on protocol, as usual...I thought for a moment there that Judge Perry was gonna laugh...He had this smile on his face that gave a hint of dimples...Think it was another look of disbelief...
For those who may have missed watching the hearing today....
Status Hearing Feb 4th-Part 1
Hearing-Part 2
Hearing-Part 3
Thanks Snoopy!
I'm reading the State depo where LB is in town and I am at the part about her search along the fence. I keep remembering when you, Dave, went down the path along the privacy fence-do you suppose she watched that video of yours and just reiterated what you said and showed on your video? I mean, she has confessed she was not there so how did she get such a description of the area? Hope you know what I'm talking about~
Oh man.. watched the hearing, came in here and read a few responses and thought I missed something so I went back and watched for facial expressions (I tend to play a game and just listen to the hearings lol). I have a whopper of a headache now.
I typed this big long rant about today's hearing in here but I think I'll hold it for tomorrow's posting or whenever you can do it. For now, Snoopy, or whoever, can you put up a link to that deposition where Laura Buchanan said she altered the documents when she got back to Kentucky? All I see are the 2 she gave saying she was mistaken about where the body was. ???
I'm sorry to hear about yet another loss in your life Dave. Even when they're a distant friend or relative it leaves a void in your life.
Dave-another great article-thanks. I watched the hearing today and frankly I thought Cheney Mason kept his mouth shut because he's embarrassed about Baez missing deadlines. I would be.
I especially liked the part when the Judge asked Baez "can't you just pick up the phone and call him?" Baez is so over his head.
conniefl~~I think you can find what you are looking for here... The latest deps of Laura B for Nov/2010 are listed at...
February 4, 2011 at 12:20 pm
Nan's News Nook
Thanks Snoopy! I'll take a look.