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    While writing my new post, I took a break and checked my e-mails. This one came in as a link from a friend. It’s just amazing what’s out there in the weird world of nooz.

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    Reader Comments (35)

    Not a chance of Casey harmming herself ...No matter how much Cindy prompts her with letters..Cindy would rather Casey topped herself than have there dirty linen exposed dureing trial...Anyway where is Casey going to get her hands on beer an pizza in jail...The Anthonys prefered method of suiside...

    February 2, 2011 | Registered Commenterecossie possie

    Oh, I read that silly thing, over somewheres. Nonsensical, but it would sell an issue or two, huh.

    February 2, 2011 | Registered CommenterKaren C.

    Ohhh Dave, things are getting hot for Baez..I just read where the bar is investigating him "again." Can't wait to read your take one this..

    February 2, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterGLENDA

    This is just an appetizer....where's the beef??

    February 2, 2011 | Registered CommenterSnoopySleuth

    From WFTV

    New Ethics Complaint Could Cost Casey's Lawyer
    ORLANDO, Fla. -- Casey Anthony's lead attorney, Jose Baez, was hit with another ethics complaint. This one is so severe, he could lose his ability to practice law if it proves to be true.

    All I want to know who complained, what is the subject of the complaint =2 out of the 5 Ws of Journalism, I'm starting to feel better and I am not losing my memory!!! My high school teacher that taught Journalism would be proud of me today if he knew I remembered what he taught me.

    February 2, 2011 | Registered CommenterJanet

    Oh my could this get any worse or will we not see this go to trial on the scheduled date??

    Sheaffer, who served as the vice chair of the Florida Bar Association's Grievance Committee says, on a scale of one to 10, as charges go, it's a ten. The grievance apparently comes from an accusation made by Casey's parents' former attorney, Brad Conway.

    Conway told Orange County sheriff's investigators four months ago that Baez lied to Chief Judge Belvin Perry about how Conway had seen evidence showing Caylee's body was not in the woods four months before her remains were found, but Conway told them, "I certainly did not see that, wasn't aware of it."

    February 2, 2011 | Registered CommenterJanet

    B.aez is going to blow this trial. Caysee can use all of this to declare inefficent representation

    February 2, 2011 | Registered Commentermargaret

    I agree with you Margaret, Baez seems like he is on some path to have this not go to trial or he is just plain stupid.

    February 2, 2011 | Registered CommenterJanet

    Yes..For the last year I have worried that old age will kill me before this ever gets to trial..Now I'm worried it will kill Casey Anthony before it ever get there. Another big stumbling block.

    February 2, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterGLENDA

    Mark Nejame would be my choice of complainant to the bar regards Baez misrepresentation...Should have been Brad Conway as he was the one Baez lied about...How ever acording to K Belich it was not him....

    February 2, 2011 | Registered Commenterecossie possie

    Ecossie, I just love your take on things.

    I hope this doesn't effect the start of the trial. It seems Casey still has 2 qualified attorneys if Baez gets the boot.....

    Casey has been teetering on the brink of something for years....I just don't believe the something is suicide.

    February 2, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterkatfish

    Had to run a minute ago and could't finish my question. Does anyone think this might have something to do with JAC? Someone may want him to account for the $250,000.00 and all the other " fishing money". Didn't Mort Smith work for Andrea Lyons? Sounds like there was some hankey pankey going on between Baez, Buchanan and Smith. Could trouble be coming from something Andrea Lyons knows about? I read on her jailhouse visits that Baez had not visited her but once in all of November. She sure doesn't look scared in the courtroom,.I will be so glad if this trial ever starts. I had this crazy dream a couple of weeks ago, the trial was going and Judge Perry called a 10 minute recess While Baez picked up his color coded file , He had dropped it and colored paper was all over courtroom floor. He is going to cause trouble.

    February 2, 2011 | Registered Commentermargaret

    Ahh England's version of our rag "The National Enquirer". I'm surprised there was no mention of alien abduction of Caylee.

    After reading Brad Conway's deposition I wondered if he had reported this, but I guess not because they're saying it didn't come from him. Gotta wonder who, then, reported it? Maybe Mark NeJame. Not only did he lie to the court on that occasion but he also surreptitiously got that release from Mark NeJame for the Anthonys without consulting Brad Conway. I liked Bill Shaeffer's commentary on it. Here's his link:

    Shaeffer's commentary

    He said Baez could say he was "caught up in the moment" but I have a feeling BC's deposition will show that it wasn't a moment but an ongoing process to get LB's fake document into those files. I was wondering - I think we all were - how it was that BC was viewing those TES files all the while the defense was shouting about not being able to view them. I think they were trying to set up BC to take the fall if they found a document that was later proven to be a fake found while he was going through them. I'm glad Mark Nejame stuck to his "they don't view them with no one in the room" . I wonder if he knew something we didn't.

    It sounds like any investigation will be ongoing but not put into effect until this trial is over. In the meantime I for one will be looking forward to Perry asking for backup on laws he cites in his motions. Quite a few of his motions have no citations of law that backs up the claim. I think it's going to get a little rougher for Baez from now on. I would love to have been a fly on the wall when Cheney Mason found out about this. He really should step down as lead council and let Mason take over.

    February 2, 2011 | Registered Commenterconniefl

    FYI~~ All those who subscribe to Dave's blog may have gotten a new post alert in their mail. It was send out prematurely and is all MY fault. A new post will be coming very soon, hopefully this evening.

    February 2, 2011 | Registered CommenterSnoopySleuth

    Seriously, I am writing, but if you look at the picture of Casey, I'd swear the Globe altered one of her eyes to make it seem out of synch with the other one. Also, Prince Charles looks like a mortician slapped too much make-up on him.

    February 2, 2011 | Registered CommenterDave Knechel

    Ha! Remember what Time mag did to OJ during time of arrest? Darkened his face on the cover in an "artistic" manner!?! Being from Buffalo myself, and having been privy to some hearsay-type material, I came to loathe the man, but still.... Out Of Bounds!

    February 2, 2011 | Registered CommenterKaren C.

    Well, I guess if the allegations are found to be true (about Baez) he will he selling cars or bikinis again...or hawking snake oil at the local flea markets...Sure hope he has something to fall back on as I don't see him conducting legal seminars in the near future...It is a shame that BC got drug into the quagmire of it all...Don't imagine we'll find out WHO filed that complaint...At least it shouldn't have any effect in delaying this trial...that is unless Cheney decides to throw in the towel and hit the road.

    February 3, 2011 | Registered CommenterEstee

    Hello dave and bloggers,
    Sensational headlines only! I do not think that Casey will commit suicide, she loves herself too much. During hearings she does not look like depressed, perhaps it is another strategy to to make people feel pity for her...
    have a nice day

    February 3, 2011 | Registered CommenterRita from luxembourg

    I'm a teacher, and students from my school do a tour of the Orange County Jail with their Law Studies class. They have told me, when they've gone to the jail and seen her, that she is on suicide watch. One year, she was in the psych ward. Given the nature of the case, it's not unusual to put jailed defendants on suicide watch. It doesn't take much.

    February 3, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterJoy

    Thank you, Dave. Have not commented in awhile but realy enjoy your work and the comments here working toward Justice For Caylee.
    While watching the December 20, 2010 hearing I could not help but notice 1) Casey looked like hell and 2) She was not wearing a bra.
    As a matter of procedure, inmates placed on suicide watch are not allowed a bra (even the standard issue sport bra). If you look through the video of the hearing - when she enters the court room and once she sits down, she is very cognoscente about the fact she is not wearing a bra and hoping no one notices. She looks down at her chest, adjusts her shirt, tugs at the front etc.,0,
    One of the funny things is - I read Dr. Lillian Glass' blog about the hearing just after that and made a comment on her blog about Casey not wearing a bra in court and that I believed it was because she was on suicide watch. I did not receive any comment back and no one else seemed to pick up on it being relevant .Then lo and behold I see this Globe article with her name in it. Mere coincidence I am sure. It does affirm my feelings though. If I were Casey, which I am very thankful to God I am not, I would want to kill myself too.
    I for one believe, she would much rather take her own life than admit to the truth or have the truth come out while she is sitting there for all to see. Consider for a moment, if she did commit suicide it would serve her / the purpose of ending the trial and leaving the rest to history.

    February 3, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterSnowbunny


    I'm confused, are they saying there are specatators waiting for KC to commit suicide? ha-ha 8-)

    February 3, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterB-Man

    Dave: Here is something you might find interesting.
    Baez, Mason Mum On Buchanan, Bar Complaint

    February 3, 2011 | Registered Commenternan11

    I remember when Time did that, Karen. There were side by side comaprisons with Newsweek.

    February 3, 2011 | Registered CommenterDave Knechel

    Hi, Estee - I'm fairly certain Jose has a job waiting for him at one of the Hispanic media networks. I'm sure he won't be unemployed long. This is a ticket out if he chooses to take it or the Bar decides for him.

    I think both Baez and Mason are bound by the court to defend Casey, and I don't think the Bar will render any type of decision until after the trial. I'm sure Mason can't leave.

    February 3, 2011 | Registered CommenterDave Knechel

    Hello, Rita... I'm a bit late, but here I am. Yes, the headlines are pretty sensational. Casey doesn't look depressed to me, either, but I am going to address the issue with Joy. No, not THAT Joy, this one is someone else. Thanks. You know I always look forward to seeing you. I hope your wether is better than it's been in the States, except for Florida, of course.

    February 3, 2011 | Registered CommenterDave Knechel

    Hi, Joy. Thank you for providing some information that substantiates the suicide watch claim. I felt the same thing; that many inmates under similar circumstances are placed on the list. You're right, it shouldn't take much, but I am rather curious about her visit to the psych ward. I may have to do some digging, not that it will get me anywhere, but it's worth a try. Thank you very much for the info. It was enlightening.

    February 3, 2011 | Registered CommenterDave Knechel

    Hi, Snowbunny - Yes, it's been a while, but it's always nice when you do drop by. You know, several other people mentioned that she wasn't wearing a bra, but I didn't notice that in the courtroom. Mostly, I saw her from behind, but even so, I guess I don't pay all that much attention to her when it comes to what she's wearing and what she's not.

    I am surprised that you got no response from anyone on Dr. Glass's blog, especially given the notion that she could be on a suicide watch. A lot of people would jump at the chance of her doing something to herself. As for Casey, I wouldn't worry so much now as she should come July. If she's convicted and sentenced to death, she's going to lose it big time. Time will tell.


    February 3, 2011 | Registered CommenterDave Knechel

    B-Man, as cruel as it sounds, yes, there are probably millions of people who would love to see Casey kill herself. I am not one of them. No matter what, I can't bring myself to wish death upon anyone.

    February 3, 2011 | Registered CommenterDave Knechel

    Interesting, nan11. I can't say I blame them. It's been a rough couple of days for the defense. I guess when there's nothing nice to say... you know the rest. Thanks for the link.

    February 3, 2011 | Registered CommenterDave Knechel

    It's not often you get to see Baez and Cheny speechless..I gotta love it. Not preening for the cameras this time.

    Casey committ suicide! Never..She loves Casey to much..She's only a danger to the little defensless ones.

    February 4, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterGLENDA

    I think they had a very bad week, GLENDA. Longer, actually, because they had the documents before they were released to the public.

    I lean in your direction about the suicide, but after being such a social butterfly for so long, I can see where 2+ years in jail would get to her.

    February 4, 2011 | Registered CommenterDave Knechel

    Thank you for your response, Dave. Here is a link to Dr. Lillian Glass' new blog: I am affirmed it doesn't take a psychologist to figure out what is just plain common sense of the human condition. Have a great weekend!

    February 4, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterSnowbunny

    My pleasure, Snowbunny. I read Dr. Glass's article this morning. Casey certainly seems to fit the mold, but I agree with you - common sense is all it takes. Thanks! You have a great weekend, too.

    February 4, 2011 | Registered CommenterDave Knechel

    I'm catching up to this thread very late, but I did want to comment on some of the posts regarding Casey appearing in court without a bra. I have no way on knowing if Casey is on suicide watch, but let's say she is for argument's sake. She may not be allowed a bra while confined to her cell, but once she's on the roster for court, she would be given her bra if she requested it. She was given her other court clothes right? If one follows the logic that she wouldn't be allowed a bra to wear then why would she be allowed her court clothes? She'd have to show up for court in a paper gown, which is what is allowed when an inmate is on suicide watch. It appears that Casey probably decided to set the courtroom 'buzzing' that day by choosing not to wear a bra. JMO

    February 12, 2011 | Unregistered Commenternymima

    Hello there, nymima! You know, I didn't want to touch this subject with a ten foot pole because there are some who would have been all over it. I never observed the alleged display in the courtroom, but I will offer my opinion on the matter now.

    I agree with you. She goes into a small holding cell with a window on the door. A deputy stands guard. That is where she changes her clothes. The clothing is brought to the courthouse by Cindy. I have seen the exchange between her and Baez prior to and after the hearings, although no bra was observed. In my opinion, she was wearing a bra. Whether she is or was on suicide watch is of no importance in the courthouse because that guard looks into that holding cell every 20 seconds. There's no way she could hurt herself and the attire is handed to her sans the hangers. Speaking of hangers, Casey is not perky like she used to be before Caylee's birth. There are lots of photos that show how she drops, for lack of a better or more suitable word. While she is not lacking in "that" department, I think she would look bad without a bra of some kind. It's my understanding that sports bras are allowed and she has made purchases from the jail commissary. I believe what we saw in images were nothing more than folds in her shirt and/or a pattern in the bra. That and shadows, which can be deceiving. If it's brought up again, that's fine, but I won't say anything more about the touchy subject. Whew!

    February 12, 2011 | Registered CommenterDave Knechel

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