From the division of 'a Selasphorus rufus spoke to me'

I know there’s quite a buzz making the rounds on the Internet pertaining to Tony Pipitone’s exclusive story last night on WKMG, the CBS affiliate in Orlando. I must say, it was a great report, but of course, there’s always that element of hype that goes with virtually every story from every media outlet no matter what news is on the verge of breaking. Certainly, Tony deserves accolades for what he dug up and put together. It is true, no other TV station had the story. I’ve always recognized him as an excellent investigative reporter, and one of the reasons why he can shine like that is because he’s not a beat reporter; he’s not a man (or woman) on the street who puts together daily bits and bytes. This allows him more time to piece together a well choreographed production.
I know a lot of people are questioning whether it was the prosecution or the defense that met with him all clandestine-like to give up the goods on Dr. Jan Garavaglia’s deposition. Well, I’m not going to explain the story that aired last night. If you don’t know it by now, please go to Click Orlando, read it, and mosey on back. There’s also a video link to last night’s 11 o’clock broadcast. As Cheney Mason said at one point of the deposition while addressing the medical examiner, “this is not my first rodeo.” It wasn’t Dr. G’s, either. Nor was it Mr. Pipitone’s.
I went to the courthouse this morning and afterward, I asked some of Orlando’s finest journalists how he managed to get that information. Did someone spill the beans? No, most likely not. He had time to go to the Clerk of Courts office and peruse all sorts of documents, including “previously unreleased depositions of Garavaglia and others,” as their site explains. No back alley meetings wearing trench coats. No 007 guitar riffs playing in the background. It was there waiting to be found.
On another note, congratulations are in order for Kathi Belich for inking a long term contract with WFTV. Speaking of which, WFTV offered an on-air correction. It also appears on the Website. On a February 2 newscast, Kathi reported that some person had filed a grievance with the Florida Bar against Jose Baez for misrepresenting his facts to the court, and in particular, Judge Belvin Perry Jr. In fact, the complaint dealt with “ethics violations,” a spokesperson for the Bar stated. The person also confirmed that the defense attorney had been informed of the complaint, but refused to say who filed it.
Several of us wondered if Jose Baez threatened to take legal action against WFTV and, specifically, Kathi Belich, if a retraction wasn’t forthcoming. The thought had certainly crossed my mind because I am aware of what this defense can do, and it’s common knowledge that Kathi is the biggest thorn in the defense team’s side. They would love to send her out in the Atlantic in a canoe, sans paddle. To be honest, it’s not every day that a major media outlet retracts anything, so this came as a surprise.
Next Wednesday will be the start of a two-day status hearing. Casey Anthony must attend because several motions will also be heard, including:
- Motion to Suppress Statements (Jail Interviews)
- Motion in Limine to Supress Jail Video Footage
- Motion in Limine to Exclude Evidence to Canine Searches & Alerts
- Notice to Suppress Statements of LEO
- State’s Motion to Strike Defense Supplemental Witness List
- Rule to Show Cause
- Frye: Motion to Strike Defense Motion to Exclude Unreliable Evidence (Plant or Root growth) and Motion to Exclude Unreliable Evidence (Chloroform)
Late this afternoon, the judge announced that the State’s Motion to Show Cause will be argued next week. That’s the big one the prosecution wants to hold Jose accountable for - contempt! Also, Judge Perry approved two more defense motions - one for out-of-state video conferencing costs and the other for $4,500 for a mental health expert for the penalty phase if Casey is convicted. The cost of video conferencing will run about $140 per hour, but Perry believes it’s still a good deal since the cost of travel and accommodations for the defense experts would be much higher.
Well, there you have it. A little more to add to the ongoing Chronicles of Casey. One more thing… the title is just the Latin name for a particular breed of small bird - a rufus hummingbird. In other words, from the department of ‘a little bird told me.’
Reader Comments (99)
Dave, thanks for this post. It seems like he was able to get this information and make a big story out of it when the other stations weren't was because he has more time to do it. Do you think the the other reporters saw this same information, but just didn't have the time to peruse through all of the documents? Usually when you hear sensational headlines to a story it usually isn't anything as big as what they make it seem. I think if this defense tries to use the drowning theory that they will have a hard time because of what lies have been told by Casey and her family. I was glad to see that Kathi Belich retracted the story that she did on Jose Baez. That says a lot for her and for WFTV. The hearings next week will be lively I expect. They have a lot to cover in a couple of days time. I am sure that JP will keep things on track and moving. Thanks again for this post. It is appreciated.
This is a really great post!! In our house we are stuck on ch.2 news for some reason. I know I need to twirl the dial, or at least tevo the other news reports. The article by Tony Pipitone is quite interesting and shows that a lot of work went into the report. I would really like to be a fly on the wall when Cheney was questioning Dr. G! I don't believe she can be bullied into agreeing with the idea that Caylee drowned, or that her death was not a homicide. She has many years of experience behind her and I feel it was a really good call that she took over the post mortem on the remains instead of it being done by someone with less experience.
I see that you are a lefty ans so that must be one indiccation of why your writing is so precise, and well written. That is another "birds of a feather".
Hi, Mary Jo - I think it's been there at the clerk's office all along. Somehow, it was passed by. Why? I have no idea, but Tony had some free time to pore over documents and he found some gems. This post is not intended to down him or anything. He's quite good. I just want to snuff out rumors that someone spilled some beans because, inevitably, Mason would be blamed, I'm sure.
The wording that accompanied the video (in my link) was very careful. "Local 6 has reviewed previously unreleased depositions of Garavaglia and others..." This tells us that they were there for the plucking, but no other media outlet picked up on the depositions and "released" them. This was great work and he caught the competition off guard. In answer to your question, then, yes, the others failed to dig into discovery documents, so he gets full credit for a very good find. Of course, he hyped his story, but that's par for the course.
I don't think an accidental drowning is a viable excuse. note I said excuse because it would be a poor excuse for a defense. The evidence is overwhelmingly against that sort of a scenario.
As for Kathi, she didn't do the retraction, the anchor, Bob Opsahl did, but it was definitely the right thing to do. I am fairly convinced that Baez called them on the carpet for it. Media hates to retract anything and it takes a lot to get one out of them.
Hey! Thank you, and you are appreciated, too.
Thank you, Carole. To me, it's a decent post, but great? Eh, I'm a humble guy.
No, I don't think Dr. G is easily intimidated. She's a verey structured woman, meaning she's very detail oriented and pragmatic to a fault. I've always had the utmost respect for her. And absolutely! She had to take over the investigation. She had the sense to know this was going to be a challenge above the norm. She's focused and she knows how to prioritize. Did I tell you I like her?
Yes, I am a lefty, even when my 1st and 2nd grade teachers tried to make me write with my right. I told them NO!!! Yes, birds of a feather... eggsactly!
After watching the hearing(part1 & part 2) then reading the article on the so called "leaked" deposition, it seems the defense is still scratching for excuses as to why Caylee died. Nothing seems to be a real shocker but still yet, good news. It looks as if the prosecution is sitting in a fine position. I don't think they were too worried about the big breaking story. The only thing to worry about right now seems to be "The clock is a tickin." I believe Judge Perry made that perfectly clear today. Next Wednesday should be quite interesting and a preview of things to come.
By the way, I come from a family of lefties. Both my children and myself!!!! Birds of a feather unite!!!!
Hi, SageMom - I am angling toward a possible drowning during the penalty phase. I'm sensing that the defense understands the road is a very steep climb. If Casey is convicted, the defense could still play out the accidental death theory as a possibility and because of that, maybe she should get a chance at life instead of death. I could be way off here, but anything can happen here.
Right on! Let's hear it for lefties!!! Would you believe I used to part my hair on the right side? Then, it parted itself in the middle. All by itself.
Dave~ ~ no lefty here and maybe that is why I am a tad confused. Is the depostion of Dr G online anywhere so we can read it, in its entirety? Did the state attorney do the dep and what was the date that it was taken? I did not think that we were privy to reading the depositions taken by the defense so how did Pipitone get his hands on it, if it was taken by the defense?
Well, the accidental drowning theory is plausible. I get it. I mean, it made the most sense. My problem with the defense and the accidental drowning is.. what was with the duct tape? I really though, when there was mention of the pool stairs being left down, maybe just maybe that is exactly what happened. Then Mom Cindy found something. Remember that fiasco? Something was found in the backyard that panicked her. I just seem to think there was too much circumstantial evidence to decide to go with the accidental drowning theory. Although, for the penalty phase, doesn't it seem to you that it will be the only way to avoid the death penalty? When reading about the 3D computerized pics Ashton plans on using of Caylee's skull with duct tape and hair attached , what I envisioned was chilling. I cannot imagine being a juror. How could you possibly go for an "accidental drowning theory? Hhmmm. and the heart shaped sticker? I just don't know but we're all about to find out. I have come to the conclusion that either way, life w/o parole or death, there will be justice for Caylee. But what is justice? If we could only bring her back.♥♥♥
Good post Dave...level-on-the-level.
I have a honest just wondering question...?.. How LDB & JA are really doing??....It seems to me from afar that they have what it takes to give Caylee justice.and much more. I have been trying to feel how they must be feeling right about now.?! I had back surgery in'94...OJ trial was my nursing period so I know how the legal system can and is always being twisted like a bendow-toy. The LA SA's knew their stuff but were not able to overcome bendable aspects of defensive lawyering. The"Caylee" SA's have been in a holding-ready-for-anything pattern knowing the laws and procedures. It would take a lot of nerve to do what they are dealing with....2 loose cannons of twist.! I don;t hear a whole lot about LDB & JA's background. What's up with that? Just wondering.?.
Dave, the following that I took from Click Orlando leads me to believe the depositition was performed by the defense.... Her primary interrogator: prominent defense attorney Cheney Mason, who -- at age 67 -- reminded Garavaglia at one point “this is not my first rodeo.”
I did note that Ashton asked Dr G a few questions but it was not specified if they were rebuttal questions. I am confused. Help!!!!
If thease depos we havent seen under sunshine are just waiting for someone to go into records an read them I wish someone would go read Mallorys an Dominc Caseys depo if he gave one..An tell us what they say....Thanks great post Dave........
The State do not need to depo Dr G she is there witness an they know what she will say..That was a defence depo I M O.
Ecossie, we are not privy to see the defense's depositions. How did Pipitone get this? I am assuming Dr G would be considered an expert witness. The state deposed Cindy, Lee and George and they are on the witness list for the prosecution.
I dont know Snoops..I assumed under the sunshine laws plus freedom of information that we will get to see both the states an defences depos..I want to see Mallorys an D Caseys if he did one...
Got to catch some ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZs night all...............
Ecossie, there are also Brandon Snow's and Mark Hawkins' deps that we have not seen. I just watched what Pipitone had to say tonight....what a disappointment after such a big build up. I am going to write a bit on my blog about what he said and I will bring it over here.
Nitey nitey, Matey.....enjoy your zzzzzzzzzzzz's.
Hi, Snoopy - I don't have a clue about its whereabouts, but I'm inclined that the other stations aren't ready to touch the depos yet because it would be a public admission that Pipitone "done good," and no station wants to acknowledge their competition on-air or online. My guess is when this blows over, we'll get to see it all some time soon. According to Channel 6, "Garavaglia was questioned under oath in her Orange County offices for one hour, 19 minutes on Tuesday afternoon, Sept. 28, 2010." The deposition was a joint effort, meaning both the prosecution and the defense were there asking questions. I don't know exactly how he got his hands on the docs, but the general consensus is that he went to the clerk's office.
Hi, SageMom - I have a real problem with an accidental drowning theory. As Dr.G said, if it was accidental, why didn't Casey call 911 instead of placing tape over her face? I wrote a piece a couple of years ago about a fictional depiction of what may have transpired that day. One of these days, perhaps just before the trial starts, I'll republish it.
Here is a link to what Pipitone had to say tonight. I was able to watch it live and must say, "what a disappointment"....We deserve more after such a big build up.... phooey!!
Pipitone-Feb 25th
Hi, twinsdad! I am completely convinced that the State Attorneys have a firm grasp on this case. They are more than qualified and ready, and there won't be any questions about the use of the "N" word or whether the gloves fit. OJ had a dream team. This one might turn out to be the creamed team by the time it's over.
Hi, ecossie possie! Good night, ecossie possie! Thank you. Hopefully, we can connect tomorrow. You know, I do wonder if Mason clued Pipitone about the deposition, where to go and who to ask, but I do not believe he came across the documents illegally or anything. Any way you look at it, the defense depos are also filed with the court, but they're not made public.
I agree, Snoopy. A lot of wasted hype tonight, but hey! That's BREAKING NEWS for you.
Dave, I lugged this over from my take on Pipitone's revelations....
The crime scene was staged by all the animal activity too. Mason asked Dr G if the mandible was still in tact and, of course it was. The tape was holding it in place. My gosh, this proves that the defense are desperate. I don't think anyone found Kronk's fingerprints on the tape that was was wound around the skull. The defense must think that Kronk is some adept with a meter stick to think he could replace a mandible and bind it with tape without touching it with his hands.
Wait until the jury gets to see a simulation of a tiny skull with duct tape wrapped around it. This will make things more realistic as to what really happened. I don’t think Casey will be able to look at it without screaming, “make them stop.”
Nan11 also made a good point at my blog, how can you restick old tattered and torn weather beaten duct tape.
Mason: “When you looked at the pictures, was the mandible (jawbone) there or not?”
Garavaglia: “The mandible was there. It was there on X-ray and it was there in pictures.”
Mason: “Who placed the mandible there?”
Garavaglia: “God
I am lefty also. They tried to change me but could not. Funny thing is that besides writing i do almost everything with my right hand and seems to be stronger in my right. Maybe that is why I am so confused!!! This case hurts my brain!!!..
Anthony Defense Question Whether Evidence Was Staged-Video
Dave: I'm just dropping in with the video of last nights broadcast from Tony Pipitone. A second look is always good! Also, I see he was on CBS's 'Morning Show', so we'll probably have video of that later.
I'll be back soon with a comment on your terrific new post.
Dave, all I can say is, it's so GOOD to have you writing such great articles, again! Thank you!
I'm still waiting to see if anyone knows the answer to Snoopy's question about defense depos. All we've been getting are the state's side, so it seems odd that a defense deposition would suddenly "pop up" . I still think it's suspicious because of the timing. A coincidence that Pipitone has the time to go to the courthouse and go through unrealeased documents, or request unreleased documents just when the defense team is out of town? I see Mason's little bird in this one. After all, when it comes from the state we get documents downloaded online for us to browse through at our own pace, we don't get a hyped up preview then the reporter's take on only one depostion. (he mentioned there are others, but where are those?).We don't get a reporter going on a national tv station about what he found either. That's the way the defense does things, not the state. There is too much different this time for me to believe the speculation that he had the time to go down and get unreleased documents.
Man alive, they don't like Roy Kronk do they?! His statement says he only lifted it a little then dropped it. Does the average person have to lift a skull to knee high to see what it is? Nope, a few inches would do! Staging the scene and putting back tape.. umhm... ever tried putting back used duct tape that's been on something for months-without fingerprints showing? There are a lot of "give me a break" moments in that report. As for Caylee drowning, didn't she have on the same clothes she was wearing the last time her grandpa saw her? If she had drowned I imagine there would be trace amounts at least of chlorine in those clothes.
To me this is getting like a movie that's been in production way too long. I find the sunshine laws facinating still but I wish Casey had opted for a speedy trial. But then she wouldn't be getting all this attention for so long would she?
Got your ticket Dave? lol. If it's for the trial itself I would be more inclined to sit at my comfy computer at home with a notepad at hand and take notes for those articles. Not only is it going to be time consuming going down there every day.. but a TICKET?!! Never heard of such a thing.
Thanks for bringing that over here, Snoopy. Of course there was animal activity. Duh? The defense thinks we are stupid? Since bones were scattered in the woods, why aren't they claiming that many people threw the infant into the woods? What next for Cheney?
That's a great response from Dr.G, ecossie.
No wonder you are so talented, Marsha! I know with me, over time, I've become more ambidextrous, but I'm still mostly left-handed. I cannot write with my right hand, for example, so I'm still quite right-brained.
Thank you, nan11. I didn't know he was on the CBS Morning Show. Interesting.
I look forward to your comments!
Aw, Feathers, that's very nice of you. Thank you. Maybe I can stay focused on the case now.
I was married to a lefty for 22 years. It was great! I always got the best side of the bed, the inside seat of a booth, etc., so I didn't get in the way of that left hand. Now READING the writing, well that was another matter, but then he wrote prescriptions as a physician's assistant so I think he was taught chicken scratch.
Hi, Connie - I will concede that Mason may have led Tony to the defense depos and that's how he was able to take a look at them. However, I do not believe that Mason went to the Clerk of Courts office holding his hand.
Yes, the defense does seem to have it in for Kronk.
My ticket yet? Nope. Don't know anything about it yet.
From Wesh
Perry Approves Funding; Trial Tickets To Be Issued
Court officials said that while there will be public seating available at the trial, there will be a ticketing process. Details on the ticketing process were not released.
Also mentioned about a parking lot being set up for news media to cover the hearing and it will be called "Casey Town" lol
I think I read in an article that both the Defense Team and States Attorneys said they would not respond to unreleased discovery regarding Pipitone's "bombshell". Does anyone else remember reading that? Maybe I was dreaming, but I remember it clearly.
Hi Dave & all, I don't have a guess as to how Caylee died but I have often thought that if it was accidental which can still include Caseys actions causing Caylees death that the tape could still come into use.
If a body is placed into a trunk decomposition would happen more quickly with the heat in there. The smell would be awful. Now my thoughts have always been that the tape was placed around Caylees mouth to prevent leakage. after death. Casey was hauling around Caylees body, it was smelling ... you can all take my thoughts from there.
Just another looney idea.
cali patti~~you cut that out right now, your ideas are not looney!!
The prosecution is going to connect a lot of links and portray a chain of events leading up to Caylee's murder and what took place after. Of course, the defense is going to try and put the kabosh on every bit of evdience that the state has to try and cast that reasonable doubt, but can they?
We cannot dispel the choke hold fight of June 15th. Cindy denies that a fight took place. IIRC she did mention there was an altecation but later recanted it. Things had not been going well in the Anthony household otherwise, why would Cindy had gone to a therapist to get advice on what to do about Casey's lying, stealing and not taking care of Caylee. When the therapist advised Cindy to kick Casey out of the home, Cindy knew that she would be losing Caylee too so she quit going to the therapist and tried to work things out on her own.
Cindy must have had just cause to want to get custody of Caylee....listen to that first 911 call and hear what Cindy said when the dispatcher was transferring the call to another jurisdiction. Cindy is telling Casey that she will get a court order and get custody of Caylee. This certainly doesn't coincide with Cindy saying that Casey and Caylee left on June 16th to go on a vacation and bond. This was Cindy doing damage control, after the fact.
The last known time that there is proof of Caylee being alive is the video taken on June 15th at the nursing home. Anything after that video are all recollections from Cindy and George re seeing Caylee alive. Casey is the last person to see Caylee alive and in my estimation, the first one to see her deceased. After George's statement of seeing Casey and Caylee leave on June 16th ( personally, I think when he recalled that particular day, he was too exact in what they both were wearing and the time they left) I do not believe George had his facts straight. He changed his story about what took place on the morning of June 16th twice, he made breakfast for Caylee, he helped Caylee in the car. This is what he said after his first statement saying he was watching his cooking show as he watched them leave. Cindy did not see Caylee or Casey on the morning of June 16th. She knew they were in Casey's bedroom, with the door closed, because she heard them. No one mentioned if Casey's Pontiac was in the driveway when Cindy went to work that morning. Could this be why a phone call was made to Casey cell phone around 8am on June 16th and the call went to voice mail?
More to come...
Food for thought....
Perry has already decided he will allow only computers with virtual keyboards, such as an iPad, into the courtroom during the trial.
A bit on Casey Town from the Orlando Sentinel....
In Session has agreed to build a large, semi-circular riser at the front of the lot so local and national stations and networks can broadcast gavel-to-gavel coverage from Casey Town. The riser will allow TV cameras to shoot over the top of an 8-foot chain-link fence with a backdrop of the courthouse.
Phelan said he plans to bring in portable potties, generators and phone lines for the lot, which is expected to house a dozen or so satellite trucks and many more cars during the trial.
Snoop: Your 4:47 pm comment caught my attention. Very interesting, to say the least.
I believe Cindy's supervisor brought up another aspect regarding Cindy petitioning for legal custody of Caylee--it seems Cindy had told her that she was tired, she always had the baby. Cindy worried over where she would get the money to raise another child, and was concerned about her age; and the fact that she would need a babysitter. Also, there is an undated e-mail by Cindy to Casey, where Cindy mentions her "hot flashes" making her uncomfortable.
These are all legitmate and intelligent reasons to look at when considering adopting a child, don't get me wrong. I just think that what Cindy really wanted was for Casey to change and to suddenly begin to take responsibility for her daughter and her finances.
I think she tried to 'wake Casey up' by threatening her with the custody issue; never dreaming, of course, of what was to come.
One other point, suppose what George didn't want us to know about the 16th of July was that Casey and Caylee were still home when he left for work around 2:40 that day. After all, this would clearly place Casey as being the last known person to see his granddaughter alive.
He makes two calls a little after 3:00 pm from his cell that day; one to Casey's cell, which goes to voice mail; and, one to the Anthony home phone. Which, imo, shows that he certainly knew she was home. I believe she answers the home phone, but it's very brief. (She is also talking to Jesse at this time.)
I realize the cell phone pings only put her in the close vicinity of the Anthony residence; but, they also have the computer forensic that show usage from the desk top computer, under her 'user identity'. I find it hard to overlook this--but, it's possible there will be some big surprises when this goes to trial.
I'm just adding this as more points to ponder.
Nan11, you are absolutely right. Casey was on the desk top computer the morning of June 16th. I believe George said that he saw Casey and Caylee leave at 1:50pm, supposedly on her way to work. Why would George call her cell and then when it went to voice mail, call the home phone? It just doesn't all add up. If George left Casey and Caylee at home, this would indicate that Caylee was murdered that afternoon after George left unless.....Casey told George Caylee was with a sitter having stayed overnite the night before. When Casey took off with Caylee the evening of June 15th, Casey may have told George they both stayed at a friends. I believe Casey never left the neighborhood the evening of June 15th. She may have returned home in the middle of the nite sans Caylee. ( Caylee would have been in trunk of Pontiac)
If Casey and Caylee supposedly left at 1:50pm, Casey did not drop Caylee off at Sawgrass between 9am and 1pm.
Nan11, if what you are saying about Casey and Caylee being at home when George left for work on June 16th, this would be a reason that George, from the very beginning, thought his daughter may be involved. I don't think Geo ever believed Casey's story that she dropped Caylee off at Sawgrass. This would also be the reason that Geo went after Casey when she was out on bond. He was going to get the truth from her and his buddy from Ohio had to get Geo out of the house.
George said he was so tired of all the lies and also attempted suicide... it is all beginning to fit into place. Maybe to get Geo to fabricate a story about seeing Casey and Caylee leave on June 16th, Cindy and Casey tried to convince Geo it was an accidental death that snowballed ....
Dave~~you are going to have to admit that out of Canada comes some great minds. I think Constable Nan11 took off on me... LOL
Oh, I just got back, Snoop. I was next door slaving away on a comment about the motions. lol
Yes, you make some excellent rebuttal points. I can't argue with them.
One thing, though. I don't really feel comfortable with the idea that Casey left the Anthony residence on the night 15th of June. She computes and texts and finally 'talks' to Tony L. into the wee hours of the morning. (I personally like the theory that Cindy may have left for a while.)
But I was intrigued with your mention of George's buddy. His name is not on the witness list to the best of my knowledge. Wouldn't you think LE would not have at least interviewd him? Strange.
And yep, my money is on the fact that George knows the truth. And it's not the crap that he fed Miss Cruz. moo
You go Canada!!!! I have believed all along that George and Lee realized the truth. Lee is in the background, only doing what he is forced to do and putting on his little " believe my sister" act. I think if it were not for the wrath of Cindy, George would be more open. The abuse Casey talked about from George and Lee was an embellishment for her poor me story. IMO. Dave ,what do you use to write your notes on? I have a feeling before this is over, you will need a lot of it. Now is the time to collect on the Press Pass, to get your ticket. Goodnight everyone, very good posts today about a very good article. Thank you all.
Was Casey on the home computer on the evening of June 15th? She downloaded the video of Caylee at the nursing home but that may have been the next morning. Will we ever know what took place? I doubt it as Casey will take it to her grave if necessary. Nite nite Constable! Officer Snoop...over and out....
Many of the talking heads, and all of the Casey supporters, keep bringing up the fact that there is no definitive or official cause of death. They suggest this will hamper the state's case for proving capital murder. They go so far as saying you can't prove it wasn't an accident or that this healthy 2 year old child didn't die of natural causes.
I think many murderers have been charged and convicted without a cause of death, usually because too much time had elapsed and there was no tissue left on the corpse. It seems to me that it's not that unusual. I think it would be interesting to research stats and see how realistic these Talking Heads are when they make these statements. Usually they're Defense Attorneys whose job is to create reasonable doubt. If they were representing the accused they would jump on it, but would a jury really believe them? I guess my question is, what are the stats on guilty versus nonguilty when cause of death is not established.
Dave- Great article! Correct me if I am wrong here...But isnt it the states theory (based on Dr G's report) that the tape on Caylees face was applied when she was alive? I remember watching one of the hearings where Ashton did in fact state "The tape was applied to a live Caylee"
It seems the defense is now leaning towards an accidental drowing theory...If thats their plan,then does Casey have to take the stand and admit she lied about the nanny? Also, how is the defense going to argue the duct tape,the decomp in the trunk,the triple bagging,and throwing her away like garbage if they do take "the accidental drowning" theory?
This case gets caseyer and caseyer...oops, I mean crazier and crazier...;)
Celeste I doubt seriously they'd ever put Casey Anthony on the stand for any reason. Her history of lying will prevent that. Who knows if swearing on the Bible will make a difference to her or not. I think not.
I can see where this drowning theory is going. Say she did drown, then why all the rest.. well this is where they throw Cindy and George under the Casey bus. Some say she hated George and Cindy's controlling and temper speak for itself. It could be said that she so dreaded proving she was a bad mother to her own mother who accused her of it over and over that she hid the body so she wouldn't have to face her controlling mother and ex-cop father. The duct tape could be because after death the mouth might have popped open and stayed, so she ductaped it shut. None of it holds water for me or anyone else because if it were truly an accident an average person would take the child neglect charge or "death by neglect" and take the years associated with it rather than a dp case for murder 1. They most definitely wouldn't have had any searches for chloroform. The idea of "an accident that got way out of control" doesn't hold water because the evidence is what takes it way out of control.
As an interesting side note, I had a conversation with my daughter last night. She's a 35 y/o woman who works a 40 hr week job.. just the kind the jury selection might look at. We live 2 hrs away and when I mentioned the Casey case she said "I thought that was over and done with". THAT is what's going to get 13 jurors selected. Baez &Co would like everyone to think this is such a nationally known case that she can't get a fair trial, but there are bunches of people like my daughter who know next to nothing about it.