What a difference a sentence makes

In January of 2009, U.S. District Judge John Antoon II accepted Robyn Ann Adams’ plea agreement and sentenced her to 10 years in prison. Her husband, Clay, was sentenced to 17. He had been an Altamonte Springs police officer. He pleaded guilty in October of 2008 to multiple weapons charges and one count, along with his wife, of conspiring to grow more than 2,000 lbs. of marijuana.
Yesterday, Robyn was booked back into the Orange County Jail in order to testify at the hearings this week. I seriously doubt she and Casey will see one another until they look into each others eyes in the courtroom.
Booked Monday, February 28th, 2011 - Return Per Court Order from State Facility
Reader Comments (26)
I have to say that Robyn Adams is looking a lot better in this mug shot than in her first one. I can't wait to see how they react to one another when they see each other in the court room. Thanks for this post, Dave!
FYI~~Hearing starts tomorrow, March 2nd, at 9am, Florida time.
Jose Baez is trying to place the blame on others to rebut and avoid being held in contempt of court for not meeting his deadlines once again. Let's listen to the following and learn what Bill Sheaffer has to say about all this...
Bill Sheaffer on the Contempt Motion and Baez' Response
Robyn Adams looks like hell and is really upset that she was caught. She probably was going thru withdrawal when her mug shot was taken. Robyn helped her husband supply young people with marijuana and was fully aware that they were both breaking the law. I expect Robyn's hubby, Clay, donned his uniform and badge and then went out and arrested people for possession of the very narcotic they were getting from his sellers.
It is too bad that LE wants to put Robyn on the stand so they can get those inmate letters into evidence. Surely, they must have an alternative rather than take a chance of muddying the waters by having a con testify.
Thanks for this post, Dave. I had the exact same thought as Mary Jo when I looked at Robyn's pictures.
I listened to LE interviewing Robyn, and honestly, I do find her credible. After I saw Kathy Belich's interview with Maya, I felt the opposite--at least in regards to the chloroform and cloth business.
I guess we'll know sometime after Wednesday and Thursday of this week if we will actually see her at trial--but I think if I were a member of the jury; I would give some weight to her testimony.
Oh man, I could listen to Bill Sheaffer 24/7. The video I just watched is worth every second and it was just over 20 minutes. I hope Judge Perry watched it. LOL I got a kick out of the way Bill described some things..."don't bring me a bucket of oysters, bring me the pearls." So far, Baez hasn't even found a pearl. Another little aside, a man kills his parents and is sentenced to death. During the penalty phase, the man pleads to the court, "have mercy on me because I am an orphan." LOL In all seriousness, this video is a must to watch before the contempt motion is heard at the hearing. Enjoy!
Snoop: lol I didn't see your comment until after I posted mine. I see your point, though. (Sometimes I'm kind of liberal minded, I guess.)
We agree on Mr. Sheaffer, however. The video is simply a 'splendid watch'. The 'pearl' comment was one of my favorites, too.
Hi there Nan11.... we have to stop meeting like this....*waving....bye...
Nan11, you don't have to agree with me all the time..... Dave never does. I am off to see what else I can lug over here from over there ... and Dave calls me a poacher...yeah right. I am poaching from my own stash...
This is a little bit O/T but I'm looking forward to this, as well:
Hal Boedeker: The TV Guy and more
Quote: "WESH’s Bob Kealing said. He interviewed Perry last week; the interview will air at 6 p.m. Wednesday."
Motion To Strike Kathleen Belich From Defendant's Supplemental Witness List
Defense Witness List And Evidence Schedule For Motion Hearings Begining March 2nd, 2011
Snoopy~ lol you poacher. I have to agree with all, she looks a lot better. I guess it comes down to accepting ones fate. I will decide how credible she is when I watch her testify. It is easier to tell if someone is lying when you can look them in the eyes. I am off to watch Snoopy's video.
Pretty sad Jose could not even work with the Attorney from WFTV. It is obvious to me Jose does not play well with others. I have to believe the Attorney is right and the defense just not wanting Kathi B. in the courtroom during the trial.
I think Judge Perry should tell Mason it is time for him to take over.
Well, you know, she's no longer anxious. There is a structure imposed on her life now- that can be very freeing actually. I know of some folks who are habituated to jail life- they are completely out-of-sorts when on the street again more-or-less responsible for what happens to themselves. Weird but true. Not necessarily drugs either, for some folks that is just the vehicle to get them back to where they feel comfy and their basic needs are met- no more dumpster diving for a while....
Chaney Mason should, or could, have pointed out Baez's mistakes before all of this happened. I don't understand why he didn't. So much of the court's time is being wasted. I will be so happy when this case is FINALLY over! I'm sick of it. So are alot of other people. JUSTICE FOR CAYLEE!
There is so much play on the defense attorneys and their antics I had almost forgotten there is a Casey Anthony awaiting trial. I wonder if she even cares if she could be found not guilty. She may not really want to be out. She dumped her family, friends and trusting folks. Who would be at the gate to meet her if she were to walk out. No one? That's why she may even prefer to stay incarcerated.
I don't think she wants death but by now she has a set pattern to life. The past doesn't exist as with Caylee.
Dave: Out of all the interesting things I read yesterday pertaining to the Anthony case, the first thing I thought of when I woke up this morning was Robyn.
Now that she has been convicted, she will enter through the same door as Casey does, but I think she will be shackled. I'm willing to bet it will be a somber moment for all--it takes quite a while for the 'prisoner' about to testify to make it to the witness box. (I've seen this in trials on TV--before they axed it in my area!)
And if it's somber for us, I wonder how it will make Miss Anthony feel?
Of course Robin would look terrible upon arrest. Once officers know you are quilty of ***, there is no talking yourself out of being taken in. The Idea of handcuffs/jail, embarrasment of being caught, the knowledge of life as you know it, gone, puts most first timers over the edge. From what I have read Florida has very hard sentencing towards growing. Here in California with the proper paper work Robin would not have done anything wrong.
As to Robins talk with Casey, I don't have an opinion. Robin could be telling the truth, she is not a hardened criminal or she could be lying hoping to get her sentenced reduced. Casey talks and lies so often that Casey could have said it.
ya'll, not trying to be funny or anything like that but what do you think KC writes during the trial?? what the point??
Also, one thing that has a contiued point of contention is about an Amber Alert which would've been useful the DAY OF but not 30days AFTER?? It would seem to be a moot point...?
What about throwing out statement made prior to miranda rights being given. I am not well versed in law but i was lead to beleive that Miranda Rights were given when a suspect was suspected of a crime and or when they become a suspect. Am i wrong in this???? Mirand Rights would not be needed if they are investigating a missing persons and at that time, as YM indicates, he couldnt phathom KC being responsible for the missing child being missing....perhaps someone can shed some light...
For anyone who may have missed the hearing today, you can find lots of videos and info here....
Hearing, March 2nd~ WFTV
Bless you, Snoopy! I wasn't able to catch but the beginning this AM, and it looks like a LOT happened... Now, why was she in an orange-y sweater- yoicks.
Karen, it was a long day in the courtroom. Most all day was taken up with witnesses for the defense on the stand trying to get Casey's testimony at Universal thrown out. There will be more witnesses tomorrow. They will be lucky to hear all the motions by Friday, if they keep up this pace. I think Baez' contempt may be settled out of court. You may find something about it at the following link...
Hal Boedeker: The TV Guy and More
New post up. I'm going to bed, though. It was a very long day.
And so it is again, I took time to write, preview and create. I even read that my post would be held in moderation until approved. I had responded to B-man. Perhaps I should not have. This happens often enough that I feel like a fool for trying. So why would this post and not the other one?? Who knows. On with the mystery. I have been taking special care lately, still it happens. Is it because someone thinks I am someone else? Very strange because whoever I am thought to be I was never that person either. Go get em, Dave! You really do amaze me. Just close to two months to trial unless judge Perry delays the date. You think? Miranda do, miranda don't. imo they gave no thought whatsoever to it at the time. If that was a mistake they should own up to it and not make excuses. Did they handcuff Casey. If so, that would imo only, be called arrested. I don't know what the real law says there in Florida. Like Cops, they can always say it was for her own safety, surely not for theirs, unless she had a weapon, bomb or something? I am sick, I am going to bed. like everyone else has done already at this after midnght hour.
can we have an update on robyn adams