From the division of 'a Selasphorus rufus spoke to me'

I know there’s quite a buzz making the rounds on the Internet pertaining to Tony Pipitone’s exclusive story last night on WKMG, the CBS affiliate in Orlando. I must say, it was a great report, but of course, there’s always that element of hype that goes with virtually every story from every media outlet no matter what news is on the verge of breaking. Certainly, Tony deserves accolades for what he dug up and put together. It is true, no other TV station had the story. I’ve always recognized him as an excellent investigative reporter, and one of the reasons why he can shine like that is because he’s not a beat reporter; he’s not a man (or woman) on the street who puts together daily bits and bytes. This allows him more time to piece together a well choreographed production.
I know a lot of people are questioning whether it was the prosecution or the defense that met with him all clandestine-like to give up the goods on Dr. Jan Garavaglia’s deposition. Well, I’m not going to explain the story that aired last night. If you don’t know it by now, please go to Click Orlando, read it, and mosey on back. There’s also a video link to last night’s 11 o’clock broadcast. As Cheney Mason said at one point of the deposition while addressing the medical examiner, “this is not my first rodeo.” It wasn’t Dr. G’s, either. Nor was it Mr. Pipitone’s.
I went to the courthouse this morning and afterward, I asked some of Orlando’s finest journalists how he managed to get that information. Did someone spill the beans? No, most likely not. He had time to go to the Clerk of Courts office and peruse all sorts of documents, including “previously unreleased depositions of Garavaglia and others,” as their site explains. No back alley meetings wearing trench coats. No 007 guitar riffs playing in the background. It was there waiting to be found.
On another note, congratulations are in order for Kathi Belich for inking a long term contract with WFTV. Speaking of which, WFTV offered an on-air correction. It also appears on the Website. On a February 2 newscast, Kathi reported that some person had filed a grievance with the Florida Bar against Jose Baez for misrepresenting his facts to the court, and in particular, Judge Belvin Perry Jr. In fact, the complaint dealt with “ethics violations,” a spokesperson for the Bar stated. The person also confirmed that the defense attorney had been informed of the complaint, but refused to say who filed it.
Several of us wondered if Jose Baez threatened to take legal action against WFTV and, specifically, Kathi Belich, if a retraction wasn’t forthcoming. The thought had certainly crossed my mind because I am aware of what this defense can do, and it’s common knowledge that Kathi is the biggest thorn in the defense team’s side. They would love to send her out in the Atlantic in a canoe, sans paddle. To be honest, it’s not every day that a major media outlet retracts anything, so this came as a surprise.
Next Wednesday will be the start of a two-day status hearing. Casey Anthony must attend because several motions will also be heard, including:
- Motion to Suppress Statements (Jail Interviews)
- Motion in Limine to Supress Jail Video Footage
- Motion in Limine to Exclude Evidence to Canine Searches & Alerts
- Notice to Suppress Statements of LEO
- State’s Motion to Strike Defense Supplemental Witness List
- Rule to Show Cause
- Frye: Motion to Strike Defense Motion to Exclude Unreliable Evidence (Plant or Root growth) and Motion to Exclude Unreliable Evidence (Chloroform)
Late this afternoon, the judge announced that the State’s Motion to Show Cause will be argued next week. That’s the big one the prosecution wants to hold Jose accountable for - contempt! Also, Judge Perry approved two more defense motions - one for out-of-state video conferencing costs and the other for $4,500 for a mental health expert for the penalty phase if Casey is convicted. The cost of video conferencing will run about $140 per hour, but Perry believes it’s still a good deal since the cost of travel and accommodations for the defense experts would be much higher.
Well, there you have it. A little more to add to the ongoing Chronicles of Casey. One more thing… the title is just the Latin name for a particular breed of small bird - a rufus hummingbird. In other words, from the department of ‘a little bird told me.’
Reader Comments (99)
The jails all over the world are full of people convicted on circumstantial evidence. Full. All over the world.
The state has the remains of Caylee Marie Anthony, a child who was beautiful and bubbling in life. A child whose remains were found scattered in a bog, with three long pieces of duct tape adhering to her lower jaw bone.
The state has a signed confession by Miss Anthony stating she last saw her daughter, Caylee, when she dropped her off at the Nanny’s. The state will prove that the Nanny was nothing but the fabric of Miss Anthony’s imagination. The state will prove that she never once mentioned her missing child to her most recent man of the month, nor to many others.
The state has 31 days of Miss Anthony drinking, and doping, and dancing, and enjoying the pleasures of the flesh. The state has Miss Anthony telling one lie after another.
The state has the phone calls by the child’s grandmother—an RN, panicking over a missing child and the smell of death in the trunk of a car.
The state has the carpet liner from the trunk of this car which reveals a stain in the shape of a small child curled in the fetal position.
The state has Miss Anthony never doing one useful thing to help find her daughter.
And most powerful of all, the state has Caylee. They will enable Caylee to speak to the jury. Caylee will tell them her story.
If you were a member of the jury, would you not listen? (The rest is media/defense hype. Imho)
Connie- Thanks for your reply :)
According to Ashton,the tape was applied to a "live Caylee"
If in fact Casey got scared of what her parents would say then why not bury her somewhere where she could visit her daughter that only Casey knew of, why not grieve,why not wrap her in things of comfort instead of garbage bags....These are all simply questions that would enter my mind if I was on the jury and the defense tried to sell me an "accidental death" theory. Enjoy the rest of the weekend :)
Well stated Nan11!
As a mother no as a human being, I cannot imagine finding my toddler had accidentally drowned and instead of calling 911 wrapping her face in duct tape dropping her in a garbage bag and a laundry bag and throwing her away like trash. If Casey were really scared of her parents she would have moved a long time ago. Casey hated her parents because inside of herself she knew everything they said was true.
There is no way imo that the defense will get a jury to believe this was all an accident. As a mom I cannot imagine finding my child deceased and the first thing I do is make it look like a kidnapping?! I think that duct tape was used to assist in the murder of Caylee. I cannot think of any reason to use it on a dead child/person. Caylee was found in bags so again imo a open or closed mouth would not make a difference.
Laura, I agree with you about the defense is not going to be able to get a jury to go along with the drowning. There are too many lies, evidence, etc for the jury to believe it was a accidental drowning. I expect in the penalty phase that they will try to say she has some type of mental illness and that is why she did what she did.
Laurali: You are a wonderful mother; and a kind and compassionate human being. All the things that Miss Anthony is not; never was; and never will be.
Imo, Caylee was nearly as badly abused in life as little Zahra Baker. Prettily dressed to make an impression and then ignored until the next time.
Mary Jo I think that would be a hard sale. Mental illness. I think Casey has been enabled to act badly and when she had Caylee Cindy and George wanted her to grow up, but it was to late. She had it easy lying and stealing.
Nan Thank you. Caylee was spoiled by material things. Cindy loved her because Caylee was everything Casey is not. They should have spoiled her with unconditional love instead of things. She may have been able to live a long time. Caylee had become a pawn in their sick games.
Personally I'm still going with my theory of it being an act of rage on Casey's part. I think she was incensed after the argument the night before and after George left it's entirely possible Casey wanted to dose the child with whatever she'd been giving her to sleep so she could go cattin around instead of job hunting and Caylee rebelled with a temper tantrum or crying. She's at an age she could have been pitching a fit because her granddad was going to work too. I think the duct tape was to shut her up and it suffocated her instead. When I watch the video of Caylee with her ggrandpa I see dark circles under a little girl's eyes that should only be there if there were allergies or lack of sleep. .... or being drugged by something on a regular basis. I agree about the abuse Nan11. A child doesn't have to have physical symptoms of abuse to have been abused. Some women just should never have kids.
Connie exactly! Duct tape to me is rage, not my baby drowned! That is why imo accidental will not fly.
Laura, I agree the mental illness or mental health issues will be a hard sell during the penalty phase. I can't help but think they might try and go that route because of all the mental health people they have talking to her for the penalty phase. It seems like Caylee was spoiled by material things and I agree with you that she should have had that unconditional love, especially from her mother.
Connie, I am thinking on the same lines as you as to why Caylee was killed. There were many pictures of Caylee where she had the dark circles under her eyes and she also had bruises and what looked like cuts by her eyes. It really is sad that she wasn't given the chance to live past her almost 3 years.
conniefl: I agree with your theory. There is only one point I still struggle with--was this murder committed in a rage; or was this a murder committed in a calm, cold, calculated frame of mind?
Because I personally believe the duct tape was the murder weapon, I suspect the later. My logic says to me that if I peeled off 3 pieces of duct tape, all close in length--then tightly applied each piece to my child's mouth; piece by piece by piece--that I would be in a calm, cold, calculating state of mind. (And I won't mention the possible application of a heart shaped sticker.)
Murders of rage/passion are often committed in a quicker fashion, for example--a man pushing a woman causing her to fall and strike her head; or, someone in a rage, in possession of gun, pulls the triger then regets it; but, this type of thing.
So, it's just my opinion. I hope I'm wrong, actually. :-(
I am going with premeditated murder. Motive-revenge. Murder weapon was the duct tape, Cause of death - asphyxiation. It was a cold and calcutated murder as Casey showed no remorse after the fact.
It is too late to bring in accidental death by drowning. This may have worked early in this case. Casey suffered from mental instability, narcissism and bi-polar but she was/is not insane as insanity is defined.
The defense will will lucky to spare Casey from the DP once all the evidence is brought to light. The prosecution will show it was a heinous murder and how Casey overpowered her daughter until she breathed her final breath.
I do not believe Caylee's death was pre-meditated. I realize the law says immediately before the act is premeditation but even so in that instant could still be a spontaneous act from a mental tipping on the wrong side ot the fine line we all have in loosing control. Some more than others. I will not speculate on cause of death by Casey "planning to use the duct tape" Why? because the tape was not over her nose. That reason can still imply possible drowning. Taping her mouth leaving the nose uncovered, she couldn't cry out, but still drown. Even if Caylee's initial death was accidental, Casey still applied the duct tape, which indicates that she was glad Caylee was dead and intended to keep her that way. Casey could have applied the tape to keep Caylee from crying out for awhile before her death, maybe in the trunk to keep her quiet while she was with Tony. Or maybe she left Caylee alone somewhere, taped her quiet, when she went back Caylee was dead. There are a million scenarios to think of yet I know there was only one way, the truth, as to how Caylee died and why. I could go on, but what's the use, we are so near the trial, and I am not placing any bets on myself to be right in anything. I do believe the defense will lean on the difference in Roy Kronk's several statements. I still am not comfortable with Tony L. why? Because I do not believe he is telling all. If he went with Casey, broke into George's garage, knew Casey took the gas cans, then he would have known she also took the tape, which imo could implicate he had knowledge of what Casey had planned, (if she did). One thing for sure, I do not believe Casey left the house that day on the 16th of June 2008 with the pre conceived conviction that she was going to kill Caylee within a very short time. Why? She had no plan, no pre lying planned, she failed terribly in the lies she told, which indicate she made them up on the spot. I'll quit. lol Whatever, conclusion anyone comes to, it is not pretty, and we can not change the truth to make it better for Caylee.
Report of Osteological Analysis by John J. Schultz, Ph.D.
Page 3, third paragraph:
“A hair mat was noted on the base of the skull and grayish colored tape was noted covering the mouth and nasal aperture areas. The tape remained in place because it was adhered to the hair of the skull. In addition, the mandible was still retained underneath the base of the cranium positioned slightly posterior.”
Dr. Schultz is going to be called as a state's expert witness, also. I would bet that Mr. Mason's cross-examiniation of him got heated.
The above is the findings of Dr Schultz, an expert in his field. He found that was tape was coveing the mouth and nasal areas. You may note that the hairline comes to just down by the ear. The ear and nose are in alignment. The mouth is below and out to the sides of the mouth, if one was to put tape across the mouth, would not reach out into the hairline but putting tape over the nose would reach out to the hairline. Three long pieces of tape were used, approx 9-8 inches in length and two inches wide. Even overlapped, these three pieces of tape would definitely have covered both the mouth and the nose.
Premedition does not mean that the murder had to be planned in advance. Just going to the garage for the tape or tearing off the tape is considered premeditation. This was not a spantaneous murder if the tape was used as the murder weapon.
Being parents, it is hard for us to begin to imagine how a mother could brutally murder her own child so we would like to think it may have been accidental. The evidence thus far, and Casey's demeanor after June 16th all points to a heinous crime. Jeff Ashton and Linda Drane Burdick are going to do their utmost to present this scenario to a death penalty jury.
Ecossie Possie sent me the following via email....
Snoops could you post this an link at your site an Daves,,,..............A young attractive woman has become the second Female inhabitant of Floridas Death Row Emila Carr
No previous convictions an suffered confirmed sexual abuse growing up.Jury voted seven to five for death penalty..
Emily Carr gets the Death Penalty
Ecossie, thanks for that article re Emily Carr. The cause of death was that the victim was duct taped to a chair and smothered with a plastic bag over her head. Her body was discovered in a shallow grave. Emily's boyfriend and father of the victim's two children, is due to go on trial for this crime too and they are seeking the death penalty. The jury came back 7 to 5 in favor of the DP for Emily. Of course, it will be appealed. I found it strange that the judge gave her the DP and then LWOP to run concurrent.
Casey's victim was under 12 years old so there is a possibility, even with the 'homicide by unknown means' she may very well end up on death row.
ecossie, thanks for sending Snoopy the link to the Emilia Carr case. I think a jury would not have a problem giving a woman who killed her daughter the death penalty. People are getting so sick and tired of hearing about all these mothers killing their children. I think the jury will be smart enough to know that it was a homicide and probably that the duct tape was part if not all of the murder weapon. I don't think the defense will succeed in trying to get through to the jury that it wasn't a homicide and that the tape had nothing to do with it. This jury will be smarter than that, especially when all the other pieces are put together as a puzzle.
Im against the Death penalty if Gary Ridgeway can get life without parole for killing 48 young women an he probably killed up to 60 by his own admission..I cant understand how anyone can meet the critera for death if he didnt..America had all but given up on execution untill a disturbed prisoner called Gary Gillmore insisted on faceing a fireing sqaud in the 70s..Norman Mailer wrote a brilliant book about events leading up to his death...........
The Book is Titled The Executenors Song.
Ecossie, wasn't there a movie about that too? I am against the death penalty as well. In fact, the DP is an easy way out with the exception of having to wait on death row until you take that final walk. I do not think the DP is a deterrent in people thinking twice about murdering another human. They are going to murder, regardless.
Back to Emily Carr.... she was offered a plea deal, LWOP, at the last minute and turned it down.
I assume they offered Emily Carr a plea deal to avoid appeals which are automatic when sentenced to death. Appeals can be lenghty and expensive. Using sexual abuse as a mitigating factor is hard to prove and it seems to be the run of the mill now in the penalty phase of murder cases.
The defense will never put Casey on the stand. With Casey’s past history of lying, who would ever believe a thing she testified to? Casey goes into her trial as a convicted felon. If Casey was offered a last minute plea, I expect she would turn it down because she would have to admit to the murder and tell the judge how it went down. I cannot see Casey admitting to something that she has made herself believe that she did not do. The nanny did it. In this case, the nanny is Casey’s alter ego.
Hi all...Just want to add my 2 cents :)
As far as the theory of taping her mouth and then drowning her,there really was no point....Caylee couldnt swim so taping her mouth would be pointless. Casey would simply put her in the pool and Caylee would go down (horrible thought!)
As far as whether it was premeditated or not,my opinion, it was premeditated. Whether she had this planned weeks or minutes ahead of time doesnt matter. I think of the time that passed while Casey went from what ever room she was in and walked into the garage,find the duct tape,walk back to where Caylee was, tear off one piece and apply it,tear off another piece and apply it, tear off a third piece and apply it....IMO this was PLENTY of time for Casey to come to her senses and stop what she was doing.
The internet searches of chloroform,neck breaking,household weapons, I believe those searches were intended to be carried out upon her parents. You dont need to look this information up to kill a 2 year old baby,but an adult,who would fight back,that is something you would need such information for...
I would also like to add that there are so many great posters and opinions on here and I want to thank you all!!!!
Has it ever been stated that any heart stickers were found in the car or Caseys purse? If not ,wouldn't she have used one she had at home, maybe the duct tape and heart were after George saw them, and he went to work.
Ecossie Possie: It's been a few years, but I read 'The Executioner's Song' by Norman Mailer. I was really surprised to see you mentioning it.
Because, without really understanding why, I have often thought about that book when reading details of Miss Anthony's alleged actions.
Anyway, it is a chilling book that has stayed with me for many years.
Ecossie~~not all states have the death penalty so you can kill 40 people in one state and get LWOP while in another state such as Florida, kill one person and get the DP.
I expect Canada is like Great Britain. We don't have the death penalty and it comes under Federal laws so it applies to all our provinces. I am not sure how many states in the US have the death penalty but Dave probably knows right off.
Margaret, I am not sure if any heart stickers were found in the car or Casey's purse. She may have put the heart sticker on at any time before she put Caylee in the garbage bags. The heart sticker residue got destroyed at the lab and I am not sure if photos were taken of it prior to that. A heart sticker was found at the remains site. There were many stickers found in the Anthony home but I am not sure if any matched the exact sticker found at the site.
Celeste~~you made a good point. I think Casey may have had a couple heart stickers reserved for her mother and father. Anyone who even comtemplated making chloroform on their own has to be a desperate, mentally disturbed individual. If you can kill once, it is easier the second time around. Anyone who can kill and not show emotion has to be psychotic.
Casey wanted to get the house on Hopespring so she would not rule in arson to get rid of any intended victims.
34 States have the death penalty I believe.
Snoops Gary Ridgeway was sentanced in a State with the death penalty he was originaly faceing death..Cant say what state it was but same state Seatle is in...The death penalty was droped dureing a plea deal where he would give up the locations of undiscovered bodies.He got to go on many feild trips he enjoyed,Yes there was a movie of the book executeners song staring Tommy Lee Jones an Rosana Arquate as his love intest.Wasnt a bad film but not a patch on the book............
Ecossie, that would have been Seattle, Washington. I remember watching the movie, The Executionor's Song. I never read the book tho. Well the law wanted to let families have some closure. Once Ridgeway gave up the info, they should have strung him up anyway and said, "oops."
Laura~~thanks for that info. I didn't think that many states had the death penalty. I thought there were only a handful.
I was just catching up on some comments that I missed...
For the record, Dr G did not say that the duct tape was applied when Caylee was alive. Dr G did say that the duct tape was put on Caylee prior to decomposition.
The girl ,Emily Carr and her boyfriend killed lived about a mile from me with just a few homes and mostly pasture land in between. Emily thought she would either get off or life (25 years). Emily displayed the same attitide as Casey and the jury turned against her. She thought her good looks would win for her. I was quite surprised she got the DP over LWOP but I guess the judge thought if she didn't want LWOP the DP was his only other choice. She played the fool and lost.
Ecossie the state I live in has the death penalty. Last year a man that killed two adults and 5 children was given lwop. The prosecutor had planned on seeking the d.p., he changed his mind because of the cost. I think anyone who kills a child or an elderly person should be a candidate for the death penalty, IMO they are the most vulnerable.
While overseeing my granddaughter and her homework this afternoon, I listened to the Levi Page Talk radio show. He had Simon Barrett on. They were putting Baez and Mason down big time. They said Baez had not done a very good job of defending Casey and that there would be an appeal after trial but did not know if it would be for casey or the lawyer.they said all the motions wanting suspressed wasjust lietting the state know that the defence had nothing.They laugheand said biaz would filea motionto have his cllients name thrown owt. I knownext to nothing about court caes, I depend on.. you experts to keep it real for me. Have you trial watchers ever seen this with lawyers........................Nan11 can you tell me hoe Zahra Bakers Father is not being arrested as an accomplice,.
Nika1~~oh that is too close for comfort. I guess we never really know who lives next door. That was a heinous murder, being duct taped to a chair and then smothered. I understand it was sort of a love triangle. In the end, three lives will be wasted.
Margaret~~I have never followed a case this closely before. Until this case and the blogosphere came my way, I was content to follow a few cases via the tv. The highlights were OJ's and Scott Peterson.
I doubt if I would be following this case if it wasn't for the Sunshine Law. What a treat to be privy to legal documents, audio and video evidence. I had a hard time to grasp that such information would be made public. We still live in the Dark Ages here in Canada compared to the Sunshine Laws. I can't really knock our justice system because most investigations go quite smoothly without interference from the public and/or media.
Bill Sheaffer maintains that a good attorney files very few motions, even when his client makes requests for him/her to do so. I find the number of motions filed in this Anthony case to be totally ridiculous. I am also surprised that the state of Florida is so liberal with taxpayer's money. I do have a feeling that once this trial is over, JAC may be getting some of their money reimbursed.
Does anyone think that Judge Perry will hold Baez in contempt of court?? That motion will be one to pay attention to. It may make or break this case in the long run.
Nika1 Regards Emily Carr thinking dhe would get life=25 years..Not in Florida life = leaveing in a coffin.In Florida all life sentances mean natural life with no chance of release.Even repeat offenders that get the three strike an your out life sentance must die in prison..
State Won't Use Casey's Jailhouse Reaction Hearings On Evidence Scheduled For Wednesday, Thursday
They won't need that anyway (jailhouse reaction), and it potentially would threaten the trial process leaving an appeal possible.
Thing with the heart sticker is- IF it comes from the house (and I do believe it does), then WHERE is the sheet it came from, in the house? In her room, IIRC, right, or Caylee's? So that's where the tape was likely put on, right there in the house, in the same room. 'Cuz she isn't traipsing through the house after the fact, looking for some neat little addition to put on there.... she sees in near at hand and does it- Viola! So she doesn't tape Caylee in the car seat, and she doesn't have the heart sticker sheet in the trunk, at hand. So toss those theories out, imo.
I don't think Caylee dies in the trunk 'cuz Casey isn't running back in, saying to herself, Oh, I forgot to add the sticker, gotta add the sticker. All of it done in the house, then Caylee wrapped up in her many bags like trash and taken to the trunk. Heart sticker is at hand, ergo duct tape is at hand, since sticker on tape, not vice versa. It follows then that Caylee dies in house, not in pool. NOT drowning- if she's trying to save Caylee she's not adding tape to facial area which would preclude ridding lungs of water. Pointless putting tape on someone's head that's all wet anyway. SO, Caylee is dry, not wet. Nothing here precludes a smothering death though, does it?
Just riffing away here, taking a break on a Monday....
Karen C. You really bring out some valuable thoughts, especially about the sticker being near by (in the house). You are right about putting a sticker on the tape before putting her in the pool at home. Still a sticker may have been near by with Caylee's belongings in the trunk, Trouble with my thoughts are that nothing has said positively that there was a heart sticker on the tape. Residue, which is thought to be partially shaped like a heart sticker, but have I missed the point that it has been determined that that residue matched the heartstickers belonging to Casey/Caylee. Again, I can see your point clearly in your beginning comment. This means she would have brought Caylee back to the house dead or alive? If she suffocated her with the tape at the house. she would have been alive? If Caylee died in the trunk, remember Casey was in a panic to reach someone (phone calls) and was in there a few days before the tape was applied stickers may have been convenient. (She left the house with Caylee and a back pack, according to George. Now I have forgotten, did they find Caylee's backpack that George remembered they left the house with on June 16th? Did Cindy find it in the car and dispose of it? I just keep twisting and twisting until I have confused myself. It is so easy to do. The only good I can find is Caylee herself.
New Puppy- Boy, you nailed it with your last line, there. No, I think she likely smothered her right in the house- tape for good measure (bad, actually), then sticker, then bags, then off to trunk. Drive, drive, drive, fun, fun, fun, whoopsie- smelly, where to dump that bagged body? Right near home! 'Cuz she's already low on gas. Genius, that.
I don't remember reading anything about them finding the backpack Caylee supposedly left with that day. I could be wrong so if anyone remembers differently let me know.
Mary Jo, I check out the link you posted re the state not using the video of Casey's reaction when the remains were found. I think it is a good move on the state's part as I have always felt that LE was over stepping their bounds by making that video. Casey was in the medical facility of the jail and that should have remained private. Here are a few excerpts from the that link at WESH.
ORLANDO, Fla. -- Prosecutors will not use Casey Anthony's jailhouse reaction to the discovery of her daughter's remains as evidence at her trial, a new filing shows.
As the news broke of a discovery off of Suburban Drive in December 2008, Anthony was taken to the female medical area of the jail to watch the events unfold on television. The remains were later identified to be those of her daughter, Caylee Anthony.
A jail worker noted that once Anthony looked at the television, she fell into a chair, doubled over and began breathing rapidly. Several minutes later, the lieutenant noted that Anthony muttered, "Oh no."
"Of all of the evidence that's been obtained in this case, the video of how Casey Anthony reacted in the jail was the one piece that clearly was a result of law enforcement overstepping their bounds. I think this is a recognition by state attorney's office that they would probably lose on this issue," said Orlando criminal defense attorney Richard Hornsby, who is not connected to the case.
Snoopy, I think they have enough evidence that they don't need that video. There is more incriminating evidence that they can use. They have to be careful to not over do their case.
I don't think the prosecution should use it because someone got hasty and careless. But, I am wondering if the defense can use it to imply that the prosecution is careless and accusing without substantial evidence.
ecossie possie - The lawyers tried to get the jury to sentence Emily to 2nd degree murder rather than the 1st she was charged with. If they had done so the judge could have given her just life. After 25 years she could have gone before a parole board to try and get out. She could then go before the board every 5-7 years to plea her case. If you get LWOP you do not have the option to go before the parole board. This was how the case was playing out.
Baez Fires Back Against State's Claim State: Baez Should Be Held In Contempt
Hi Dave, it is going to be a long day tomorrow, so make sure you take care of your health....................Can anyone tell me if Cindy is sure the ladder to the pool was removed after she and Caylee went swimming on the 15th. maybe it was forgotten, with the arguments going on with Casey. They may have gone back to the house after George left, and Casey was not watching Caylee and she climbed the ladder, fell in and drowned before Casey found her. that would explain the clothes she had on. Casey may not have wrapped her up until the first day she backed into the garage. The tape may have been used then to stop seepage through the mouth. Horrible scenario. would explain George's " accident snowballing". I guess my heart just doesn't want to believe that she could look in that Baby's eyes and deliberately kill her. Do any of you think we will ever know the real story? I wonder if she will walk in with her smug smile tomorrow. Going to be interesting.
I also have family in Florida and have a place down in South florida(snowbird) and it is true
that not everyone is aware or has kept up with this case. Even here in NY most of my co-workers and family have no clue about this case and or heard much about it, not everyone watches truetv or HLN! And as far as local news it is unheard of here... Casey is not a celebrity, far from it, therefore this case is not as popular as many think it is. My family in Florida know of the case but dont follow it....So, it is very possible to find a fair jury, I agree with you