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    Texas Equitable

    "My bus runneth over."

    I can almost picture a sign like that hanging on the wall of a particular attorney's office.

    Princeton University's WordNet describes equitable as fair to all parties as dictated by reason and conscience; "equitable treatment of all citizens". Three important words jump out at us - fair, reason, and conscience. I have come to believe that, during the course of two years, Casey Anthony's defense has been anything but that. A recurring theme continues to cling to the backs of our minds; who else will the defense throw under the bus?

    When Casey Anthony forced the hand of an extremely fair and equitable judge, that being the Honorable Stan Strickland, it was unconscionable. What we caught was a real life glimpse, a puzzling ponderance, into the stupefying notions of her defense and what they would be capable of doing to anything that stands in their way, past, present and future, if necessary. Trust me, I felt the wrath, but in the end, it was nothing personal because this team has no conscience. The age old idiom flares its nostrils and cries it's a dog eat dog world, only in real life, some people are mutts; wolves in fox's clothing. Yes, the first to fall, but not from grace, was the judge, who is regarded as one of Florida's finest. Next came Roy Kronk, whose alleged dalliances have nothing to do with this case. Why attack a man's integrity? Why would this defense foolishly infer that he was capable of murdering Caylee Anthony? When that idea fell through the cracks, the defense moved on. After all, the bottom line was that Roy had all the evidence he needed to prove he had nothing to do with the toddler's death. Of course, we cannot leave Richard and Jesse Grund behind. The heavy tire tracks are still indented in their reputations, unscathed prior to this debacle. They haven't had a chance to scrape themselves up from the defense road to virtual perdition.

    Now, we're faced with Tim Miller and Texas EquuSearch. A fierce and dedicated fighter who sought nothing more than closure and justice for Caylee's death, he, too, has come under the tread of Jose Baez's and J. Cheney Mason's tragic bus. Prior to Mason's entry into this case, the defense claimed that Casey was in jail when the body of the little girl was tossed away for vermin to devour. Therefore, she couldn't have done it. Dr. John Schultz, Professor of Anthropology at the University of Florida, concluded that the body had been placed in the woods off Suburban Drive before or soon after June 17th. Some of the evidence he examined to make this determination included the amount of decay on the bones, the scatter patterns of those bones from animal disturbances, leaf growth through the bags and the remains, and positive indications she was in those woods during heavy summer rains because of muck deposits on bones.

    Those are the facts. What the defense will try to prove is that there's no proof Casey placed the corpse there. They will also dispute the findings of Schultz and Dr. Jan Garavaglia, the Orange/Osceola Medical Examiner, who concurs. No one saw Casey do it, therefore, it could be anyone else, including a searcher.

    One thing that has captured my mind is this obsession with TES records. I understand it's the defense's responsibility to dig deep into all possible clues; to search for the, sometimes, elusive thread of hope, but I smell a set-up. The bus is rolling and looking for new victims; new lives to destroy in its path. Although gone, Todd Macaluso confidently declared a year ago that the body was placed there while Casey was incarcerated. Mason switched gears and said that no one entered the woods when TES searched the area in September of 2008. He acknowledged the area was flooded. This was a major revelation except for one thing – he didn't state that it couldn't have been anyone else who, in fact, did look on their own time and off the documented records kept by Tim Miller's group, almost 4,000 strong. It still begs the question, if no one from TES searched there in September, why the incessant need to examine all those records? Because the body could have been tossed in November or December by a TES straggler. Scrutiny is the key element.

    The tack this defense is taking is not unusual. It will rely on discrediting the state's evidence, which is predominantly circumstantial. Call it mucking. All the defense has to do is debunk whatever it can, and never mount a credible attack based on their client's innocence. That's why they never looked for Zenaida Gonzalez. She doesn't exist and never did. Why seek what isn't there? Casey will never take the stand and she will never seek a plea. Why should she?

    In my opinion, Baez & Company will scour over those records. Openly, Baez said, “We just want to be as thorough as we possibly can.” Behind closed doors, it may be another matter. When Chief Judge Belvin Perry granted the defense full access to those records with the stipulation that they not be allowed to publicize any private information about the searchers, it was a victory of sorts. Why? Because 4,000 people will have their cans of worms opened and the skeletons in their closets will be scrutinized beyond reproach.

    What will stop this team from stretching out their arms and pointing fingers at several searchers as possible suspects fully capable of murder? Why couldn't it have been someone else, a real “Zenaida” who stole the girl and joined the search in order to hide her? Holy mackerel! The mother lode! If a Zenaida Gonzalez exists, it will be one from TES. Under an assumed name, of course.

    In the final quarter of 2008, I was not healthy enough to help search for the missing toddler. Today, I'm almost glad, because I would now be one of the many names the defense team could target. Oh well, they're going to be going after people with criminal records and disgruntled ex-spouses. In my case, it's immaterial. In life, I try to be fair. I know how to reason, and I have a conscience. Just like Tim Miller and all those searchers, who only wanted to help. From the defense, all I'm smelling are exhaust fumes because my bus already came and went. Tim's is on its way. That's not very equitable, is it?

    Texas EquuSearch is in dire need of donations.

    Please help if you can...


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    Reader Comments (161)

    Hi guys! I am kind of lost right now. Dave are you here?

    August 21, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterLaurali

    Laura, Dave can't hear you, you have to yell louder, you are on page three you know :D

    How can you be lost, did you forget your compass?

    August 21, 2010 | Registered CommenterPeggy222

    I wonder if the defense team will even show up to review all of those documents. Seems to me every time they get the go ahead from a judge, they drop the ball. It's too bad the Sate of Florida has to pay for someone to look through all of those documents. What a waste.

    I find it infuriating that the defense would have us all believe that LE & the SAO wanted to believe that yet another mother had murdered her child, and ignored any other scenerio. IMO, they would have much preferred finding another suspect. It is much easier to accept that some unrelated monster brings harm to a child than a family member. They weren't after Casey, they were after the truth. And unfortunately, all of the evidence pointed to only one person. Caylee's mother.

    August 21, 2010 | Registered CommenterSempre Invictus

    No I was literally lost! Needed directions from Dave. I found what I had been looking for. Hope you all are well, I am out of here for the night. Thanks for your help Dave. ;)

    August 21, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterLaurali

    excelllent post Dave, you are the voice of reason. I am just so disgusted that the Judge let Baez have access to all 4,000 searchers info. Would anyone reading this blog, search for a missing person knowing they may end up in the middle of a MURDER CASE AND HAVE TO INCUR THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS IN ATTORNEY'S FEES just to protect themselves, and stay above water. People don't usually have that kind of money laying around .....disgusting turn of events...Thank you for keeping us posted....jmc

    August 22, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterpink bunny

    Will you be on Simon Barrets blogtalk tonight Dave?

    August 22, 2010 | Registered Commenterecossie possie

    Yes, ecossie possie, I will be on the show today. I hope you can listen.

    August 22, 2010 | Registered CommenterDave Knechel

    Hi Dave! Great post! I was absolutely riveted while watching Tim Miller give his take on the Judge's ruling. Also his take on what went down during the first 10 minutes of his arrival at the Anthony household! We all knew this, but to hear it from his mouth has even more bearing on the obvious cover-up and proof of when it started. George Anthony's friend from Ohio - the homicide detective - will be another powerful witness for the prosecution. Tim Miller has a lot on his plate now, and God is testing him for sure, but he will be one of the most powerful witnesses to bring justice to our little girl Caylee. I pray for much strength and wisdom for him and others who bring the truth and nothing but the truth to this tragic case.

    August 22, 2010 | Unregistered Commenternymima

    Thanks, nymima. It's very nice to see you here.

    Yes, Tim's interview was very insightful. It would appear to me that little miss Casey led the life of a prima donna. Now, she's just an inmate with a number.

    August 22, 2010 | Registered CommenterDave Knechel

    Looking forward to the radio show Dave. Nice to see you this morning :D

    August 22, 2010 | Registered CommenterPeggy222

    Thank you , Peggy, that's very encouraging.

    August 22, 2010 | Registered CommenterDave Knechel

    Dave, do you know when the next hearing will be?

    August 22, 2010 | Registered CommenterPeggy222

    As far as I know, Peggy, it will be a status hearing on August 30. Casey will not be required to attend.

    August 22, 2010 | Registered CommenterDave Knechel

    Thanks Dave, do you plan on attending? The last time they had a status hearing it was really short, maybe this will be longer.

    August 22, 2010 | Registered CommenterPeggy222

    I don't know, Peggy. Status hearings are no big deal and I guess it comes down to what is more important on that particular day, going to the hearing or doing something else.

    August 22, 2010 | Registered CommenterDave Knechel

    Dave, Hope you have a good day on Simon's in a few hours.

    August 22, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterNew Puppy

    Dave~~the status hearings are hardly worth the time and effort to travel to the courthouse and attend.
    I wonder if the defense has been on their toes and have deposed more witnesses. Am I right in assuming that we, the public, will not be privy to those depositions in a doc dump?

    Hello Ecossie...way across the Atlantic! !

    Maybe this week we will have a few more surprises come into the forefront. Things have been relatively quiet. It will be interesting to see if the defense will finally review those TES documents and complete their fishing expedition. A special magristrate will be on hand to oversee their search in all those files.

    August 22, 2010 | Registered CommenterSnoopySleuth

    Thank you, New Puppy. I hope you have an opportunity and time to listen.

    August 22, 2010 | Registered CommenterDave Knechel

    It is sick what is going on down in Orlando, Florida. Those poor, innocent searchers!

    August 22, 2010 | Unregistered Commentervenicehippiechick

    Dave, look forward to hearing you on Simon's show this afternoon.

    August 22, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMary Jo

    Yes, Snoopy, you're right. Those status hearings aren't really worth the drive down there. The defense depositions and almost everything else it does are private matters, unless it involves the state, and that information is not subject to sunshine laws, which only covers government issues. When Baez spoke to the inmate over the phone, that was a state sanctioned call made on state property. Baez forfeited his privacy rights.

    As long as there's a magistrate available, privacy will be maintained.

    August 22, 2010 | Registered CommenterDave Knechel

    Dave, Will discussion on Simon's be a lot about EquuSearch today. or do you know yet?

    August 22, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterNew Puppy

    I don't know, New Puppy. We usually connect during the week, but wing it during the show. There will be talk of TES today because it's in the news of late.

    August 22, 2010 | Registered CommenterDave Knechel

    Looking forward to the radio show today, Dave.

    Last week my computer had a mini melt down or something, so I couldn't listen live, but I did catch it later.

    I always enjoy the show.

    August 22, 2010 | Registered Commenternan11

    Hello Friends!
    I am so far behind at this point I'm not even going to try and catch up. I enjoyed the radio show today. Chat was even pleasant. I have missed reading your musings Dave and all of your wonderful commenters. Hmmm....I'm a little confused with the commenting procedure here on squarespace but I will figure it out.....until then i guess you all get to see my typos. Is there a help page for this host?

    Has Cindy had anything to say about Brad Conway yet? (I'm waaayyy behind beyond headlines) She usually has something to say and without an attorney it's surprising she isn't cutting loose......umm....maybe she is????

    I should have put this in open forum or tune in...sorry. :(

    It's fine where it is, katfish. Thank you, and I'm happy you enjoyed the show. As for my musings, I'll get back into the swing of things. I am still learning about this host, Squarespace, but I am pretty checked out when it comes to commenting, so if you have some questions, please e-mail me and I'll do my best. I don't know if there's a help page for your side of the site or not, but I'll look. If there is, I'll post it.

    I haven't heard a peep out of Cindy since Brad left. I think his departure took her by complete surprise. She might be a little bit shell-shocked.

    August 22, 2010 | Registered Commenterkatfish

    Hey Kat,

    It was nice to see you this afternoon, I have missed you. I think you mentioned that your have had not time to come by as you had some illness in your home. I hope things are better now and that you will be able to visit more.

    I have not seen or heard anything from Cindy since she was on the stand at the hearing. I think someone told her to shut her mouth and apparently she listened. Cindy and not talking, that just does not like that could ever happen. I think it was Simon that said he thought that Cindy would be prosecuted. I said that LE would just be happy not to ever hear her voice again.

    August 22, 2010 | Registered CommenterPeggy222

    Hopefully I will be able to be around more soon. I have a few posts left in my blogger draft to get done but I wanted to stop in. I have missed you all too. :)
    I must say when Cindy gets quiet I get a little nervous.....what does she have up her sleeve now? LOL, I would bet money you are right, if Cindy isn't prosecuted in the future it is because LE is tired of trying to nail the Anthony "jello" to their walls. They are only human. Maybe the Feds can get her....she lied to them too.

    August 22, 2010 | Registered Commenterkatfish

    Peggy how could you have missed George an Cindy on the Today Show an the inrerveiws they gave in there home on the week of Caylees Birthday? Correction what would have been her Birthday.

    August 22, 2010 | Registered Commenterecossie possie

    Katfish no Cindy has not comented on Brad Conway yet.She will be waiting for some fame seeking sucker to work for free.To arrange her payment from some media outlet for her exclusive story.Wich will be DRUM ROLL ,.I fired him .,

    August 22, 2010 | Registered Commenterecossie possie

    Oh Ecossie, your right, I forgot about that interview, hanging my head in shame. And I even commented that the Puppeteer let her Puppet talk. I was also surprised that George was not happy with Biaz on some things. After he said that, I was waiting for Cindy to hit him :D

    I loved your comment, of course Cindy fired him. I will be so glad when this trial starts, May can not come soon enough.

    August 22, 2010 | Registered CommenterPeggy222

    Peggy May will be in 5 minutes if your Casey the Anthonys Baez Chenny ect.

    August 22, 2010 | Registered Commenterecossie possie

    Hi Dave - Great post!!! I have been keeping up with the articles and comments but have been so busy trying to leave my mountain cabin and head back to Florida. I really believe Conway just decided to leave the circus.I wouldn't be surprise if Cindy and Brad had a blowup over the TES records even though she has known Brad looked at them. We even knew that. Cindy will do anything to create reasonable doubt and I feel the defense put her up to this. She had a good friend in Conway and I bet he gradually bows out. She is truly losing all her support.

    Why, thank you, Nika1. If I had a cabin in the mountains, I'd be hard pressed to leave, too, so I can't blame you. As for Conway, I think it was like I said it on the show today - Coping with George and Cindy's odd independence with no internal voices of reason, no respect for the defense lawyers and their lies, not earning a dime, and while we're at it, throw in the kitchen sink. I think he had enough.

    August 22, 2010 | Registered CommenterNika1

    Ecossie possie~~waving to ya Matey across the great expanse.

    Cindy has been studying to get her law degree. She is strutting around the house singing, "I'll Handle This Job All By Myself."

    Hi Katfish, great to see you in chat today and again here.

    Ecossie, did you listen to all of those audio files? If so, what did Cindy say about Texas Equusearch?

    August 22, 2010 | Registered CommenterSnoopySleuth

    YES an no Snoops the original ones you posted were not on you tube an were better quality.I couldnt make out what was going on in those you tube ones .However If I remember corectly.Cindy was talking to Detective Appy Wells.There came a point in the convesation when they were in the restraunt where Cindy gets excited saying she has been in touch with an orginisation called Texas Eqisearch.An she thinks they may come an help find Caylee.She makes some realy stupid comment about stetsons an horses an not knowing if they could operate in Florida you know a typical asinnine Cindy remark.However she was hopeing they could help find Caylee.The original tapes you posted I had to play on a media player an were much better ouality.Thanks though an greetings from a sodden wet UK Iove our summers.

    August 22, 2010 | Registered Commenterecossie possie

    Yes Cindy is perfect to represent herself.You know the old saying someone who acts as there own Lawer has a fool as a client.

    Hi, ecossie possie!

    August 22, 2010 | Registered Commenterecossie possie

    Ecossie~~if I find those audio files that are not on youtube, I will post them for you. It has been awhile since I listened to those audio on my media player and even then, they were very noisy and Cindy never shut up. I can click on Abbey Road Crossing and see what kind of weather you are having oh soggy one. Goodnight from across the Atlantic.

    August 22, 2010 | Registered CommenterSnoopySleuth

    Night Snoops Im hitting the Hay as well ,Listened to the show tonight Dave Does that Cobra guy ever stop for breath?? Goodniight Snoops Dave an everyone .

    Yes, he stops to eat sometimes. I know that for a fact. Good night, ecossie. Thank you.

    August 22, 2010 | Registered Commenterecossie possie

    It seems everyone has a birthday in August, Dave, I know, but for all others and him, whatever day it falls on HAPPY BIRTHDAYS TO YOU ALL!

    <Thank you, New Puppy. Mine is Friday. Whoopy!

    August 22, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterNew Puppy

    Hi everyone...
    I did a lot of backtracking with videos and news ect yesterday. Do you all remember the day that Casey and Tony went to the video store and rented Untraceable and Jumper?...Well, apparently just before Caylee went missing, I think it was in March...Casey d/l'd and watched One Tree Hill's 100th episode to watch....Now what do you all suppose the 100th episode was about?...uh huh...about a nanny taking a child...and guess what ...? the nanny matches Casey's description of Zanny. Ok this might be old news to some..but somehow I missed that particular piece...

    I do have something to say that has been bothering me for quite some time now...Many people argue that Cindy & George are still "grieving". I don't quite understand this because if you are grieving, you are generally missing something deeply. If you are missing something something, you acknowledge that it is gone. Cindy in particular is still not admitting to Caylee being gone. But besides that...if you are grieving you also acknowledge what that person or thing meant to you. How can some people sit back and play both sides? Cindy has never stood up for Caylee and still isn't to this very day. They all stand up in court for Casey, but have not once done the same for the innocent child, Caylee. The people who are standing up for Caylee are mostly those who never were blessed to meet her. There are, of course, a few exceptions like the Grunds and some friends of Casey's who truly loved Caylee. I would be glad to see some surprise witness's step forward, maybe Cindy's brother or other person who has stayed out of the media limelight until just the right time.

    I understand that the Anthony family (other than Casey) may not have initially asked for this to happen, but they do have the means to provide justice to an innocent child whom they claim was the "center of their world". All of this love and affection from a child has been lost and shuffled behind closet skeletons to protect the one person who was with Caylee last, who lied about her whereabouts, who lied to police, who lied to everyone each time she was asked where Caylee was even before she was reported missing. None of this story adds up. Not even the littlest detail like Casey running out of gas and leaving her car at the Amscot. She had Tony pick her up? Why not have Tony take her two buildings down to get gas? Look at the gas stations and businesses surrounding the Amscot. If you knew you were not able to pick up the car immediately, why leave it unlocked with ur purse and other things sitting in plain view and accessible to anyone? All of these things leave us scratching our heads saying..."huh"?

    If it weren't for the fact that the coroner had matched Caylee's DNA to the remains, I would tend to believe that the whole story had been made up from the start. Anyone who has been involved with the searches for Caylee have been chastised, put down, run over and fought with by Cindy Anthony. Those people were out there when the family wasn't, yet those people are the ones being "slaughtered" by the family who begged for helped. The person who ran from them, hid Caylee from them, lied to them, stole from them, fought with them, the one they are praising as "mother of the year" and most importantly saying is the one who is the victim. NO, the victim is Caylee Marie Anthony. Until such time that the family acknowledges the fact the Caylee is the one who "lost everything" and they start standing up for her, there will be no feelings of true sympathy for them. It is truly sad when the people of the world, not just those living in the United States of America, are going to be the only ones submitting victim impact statements on behalf of little Caylee in the penalty phase of this trial. After all, the family has already picked their side, right?

    I apologize for spelling and other errors...when I hit preview and make changes..I could not make changes w/o erasing most of this. If someone can help me figure out how to make corrections w/o erasing everything that would be great. I cannot seem to back space past one line...:(

    August 23, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterIceMistress

    Icemistress- one thing I'll say for this new blog- we will be for the most part well disciplined in our spelling habits after a few more weeks! You can't just type up any old dang thing, willy-nilly, and proof later, you have to do it as you go along...

    August 23, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterKaren C.

    ~KarenC~ LOL you are so right on that! One line at a line at a time...

    August 23, 2010 | Registered CommenterIceMistress

    You have 14 minutes to correct any errors after you click Create Post. Just click on Revise Comments and fix the typos... click Submit Changes....if you get an error page, just ignore it, your comments will still show up. The error page is a glitch ..

    August 23, 2010 | Registered CommenterSnoopySleuth

    Ok for everyone having problems with long posts and having to backspace to correct errors, I just tried something that worked. I typed this entire post into notepad, proofread it there, corrected it there, then hit "edit" at the top of the window, "select all", "copy", then came into this box and hit "paste". It takes more time but is less aggravating for long long posts in my opinion.

    IceMistress, I wonder too who will give the impact statement for little Caylee. I imagine it will be George because he seems to be the one most affected by her death. He and Cindy say they are 100% behind Casey but I doubt he means it. I see him waffling now and then. The grieving process has several stages and denial is the first one. I think that's where Cindy is. To not be behind Casey would be to admit she raised a murderer and being the controlling person she is, she can't do that because it would be admitting she was at fault somehow. There is so much in this case that I can't get past. The main thing being not knowing who is taking care of your granddaughter for pete's sake. If my granddaughter lived in my home with my daughter I would of course know the sitter's name and phone number for those days when I got off earlier than she did and wanted to spend time with her one on one. It amazes me that someone as controlling as Cindy was with her household she didn't know something as basic as how to get ahold of the sitter. I mean what if Casey was killed in a car accident.. how were they to know where to go pick up Caylee? It's not logical.

    Now, with the lawyer battle and TES someone asked what's next. Next is just the status hearing but down the road I forsee the defense saying "There are over 4000 people involved with the search for Caylee and we just don't have the time or the expense to go through all of them. We'll need more time (or money)"! I have a feeling this isn't the end of the stall where they're concerned.

    August 23, 2010 | Registered Commenterconniefl

    Connie in FL,
    Thank you for the great idea with notepad. When I used revise comments if the error wasn't in the first or last line of the entry I was screwed. I hate to admit this but if I have to stop and edit at the end of each line, 8 out of 10 times I will forget what I was going to say. well dang that's even the case in the post phase.....I was just going to go back and add at the end of I was screwed.....because the cursor won't go back or forward beyond the line the cursor is on except the first or last. LOL! I will figure this out....I will figure this out....I will figure this out.
    Great to see you too{{{{HUGS}}}}
    If that Cindy pulls the "I fired him" carp I'm going to hit Baez with a big ole bass upside the head....why Baez? Because he deserves it too. I hear he referred to Conway quitting as a "sideshow". He's got some nerve.
    BOMBSHELL! BREAKING NEWS!, speaking of carp and bass and katfish :)......reminds me a friend just called and told me that divers have been working Lake Story, a public lake outside of Galesburg, IL searching for Stacey Peterson.......they were also looking outside of Galesburg a couple weeks ago but I don't think it was the lake. EEK! I sure hope they find her.

    August 24, 2010 | Registered Commenterkatfish

    One week after appearing on The Today Show money was put into Casey's
    jail account.
    Found this at The Caylee Daily

    August 24, 2010 | Registered CommenterJanet

    Janet, We are unable to put up a link on this blog because we can not C&P the link to our browser. We have to use HTML. The directions are below where you put your post but I think they read like Greek. Our Snoopy can help you out a lot better than I can. I will try and put your link here.

    Casey Anthony's unemployed parents put money in her jail snack account

    August 24, 2010 | Registered CommenterPeggy222

    Thank you Peggy for letting me know and thank you so much for including the link. Have a great day!

    August 24, 2010 | Registered CommenterJanet

    Just re-read this post, another Goodie. Brings me back to Boston- schlepping through the Commons and watching the hustlers with their 3 card Monte games. That's all this demand for the Searcher's records is- the Defense version of 3 card Monte. Once again, what it REALLY means is that-

    There STILL is NO Defense!

    August 24, 2010 | Registered CommenterKaren C.

    Dave thank you great post. i love to send tim mony too ? how can i ?

    And thank you, too, mom2, for enjoying it. It's very kind of you to want to help TES. You can find the donate button at this address:

    If you copy and paste that in your address bar, it will take you right to it.

    August 24, 2010 | Unregistered Commentermom2

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