Watch Bob Kealing

Bob Kealing has a BIG story on WESH. Watch it if you can!!!
Online and live on WESH-TV.
Here is his report:
Bob Kealing has a BIG story on WESH. Watch it if you can!!!
Online and live on WESH-TV.
Here is his report:
Reader Comments (55)
Sure hope you re cap for us outta towners....
I will, Kara, but in the interim, Bob Kealing was told that 15-20 searchers came forward and said they searched the precise spot where Caylee was found and she wasn't there at that time. It's his story and the reason he got it was because of his integrity.
Watch this...
Dave, here is a bit more....
ORLANDO, Fla. -- Casey Anthony's defense team said on Monday it has more than a dozen new witnesses that support the claim Anthony did not place her daughter's remains in the woods.
Defense attorneys said they have 15 to 20 people who searched the exact area where Caylee Anthony's remains were found but found no body.
In the past, Texas EquuSearch volunteers have given sworn statements saying that the area in question was under water and there was no way to figure out what was there.
Defense attorney Cheney Mason said the names of the witnesses will be given to Judge Belvin Perry on Friday.
Read more and watch Video here
This is very interesting, Snoopy, because it doesn't matter whether the public believes it or not. Only the jury.
Dave~~I need to learn more about those witnesses that said there was no body there. The dates they searched are critical because of all the water in those woods. I think the plant growth and bugs native to that area will outweigh what these searchers will say. A person could be within a half dozen feet of those remains and not see them in those woods.
It looks like the defense is going to put all their efforts into those searches and going after Kronk.
Okay, saw the text version at WESH. Interesting is that Kronks original report about something odd in the swamp was well before the TES searches. And his report is documented by shabby police investigation of his call(s).
I'm interested in the documentation the defense can provide(if any) to support these new claims.
It seems that the defense is rather short on documentation of any sort as they stated today they don't ask experts for reports as it's more cost effective (How odd is that?)
Also odd is that the SAO stated recently that the defense told them the search of TES volunteers netted them approximately 8-10 potential witnesses.
Mark Nejame seems to be disputed the claims, so I'm going to venture a guess that these witnesses were not sent to this area by TES, as they didn't have record of it.
Now I guess the topography, and hydrology of the area needs to come into play to decide if the area was underwater, and if it would be possible to not only search, but recover or see anything.
Just how much water was supposedly in that swamp after the TS? Would it be possible to find a 3 yr olds body submurged in swamp water? Especially if carrion had savaged and scattered the remains?
Well I just hope those searhers can supply the proof that they were in that exact location. The PI's got $8000 for their fishing trip. Were these searchers part of the 32 that Tim said searched that area? Did they fill out the TES forms and pass them back into Equusearch? Okay, I do not trust the defense, especially Mason.
I am going to be skeptical on this until the Prosecution has done depositions on these so called witnesses and when more facts are known. To me this may just be a case of the defense wanting to get this out to the potential jurors that they have resonable doubt. I will believe it when I see it. Thanks for giving us a heads up on this, Dave. I look forward to reading your post about what happened in court today, especially the parts that we weren't able to see on TV or able to hear.
I agree withyou Dave, the whole case will be contingent upon what the jury believes.
But I believe the 31 days and the lies will out weigh the someone else placed the body there.
Casey is up on murder charges, regardless of whether or not someone else put the body in the swamp.
Snoopy, I think in the video Bob Kealing said that these witnesses flew under the TES radar. I think they probably did their search with TES and then went out on their own to do more searching. That is if they can be believed. I don't put anything past this defense to try and get reasonable doubt out there for any potential jurors. I think as it is getting closer to this trial the defense has to try and come up with something and they will try whatever they have to. I don't think this will be the last of them trying things like this or even something more ridicilous. We know how honest those PI's have been so far with some witnesses, so who knows what they said to these potential witnesses. I can't wait to read Laura Buchanan's deposition to see what she changed when she was under oath.
Mary Jo~~ The defense is focusing more on who put the remains in the woods than who murdered Caylee. The defense really botched it when they set things up for Laura Buchanan to be their star witness. They tried to mate her up with Joe Jordan. From that tactic, we have Laura searching two places, Jay Blanchard and Suburban, on Sept 03/08 and we also have a falsified TES document.
From there, PI Jerry Lyons tried to do a sting on two of the TES searchers..
Now we have more TES searchers?? Are they going to try and prove that Kronk murdered Caylee and threw her in the woods after stealing a laundry bag, tape and garbage bags from the Anthony house. Casey didn't bother to tell anyone Kronk stole the child. She is not tearing at the bars in her jail cell and screaming she is innocent. Give me a break!
Knechel~~as of this date, the potential jury is the Public,
Bill Sheaffer on Today's Hearing
If these searchers are telling the truth then why didn't he turn the names over to Judge Perry and the State today. I think this is another fishing trip and these witnesses need to have proof they were there. I hope they were all wearing boots because of the water level. What I am really interested in is who killed Caylee and I already know the answer. Can't wait for the state to interview these people .
The defense will have the ability to select or reject members of the jury they don't believe will sympathize with their client. The jury will not be a meet you on the street, take a poll public.
The defense will select members of the public that match their "target audience"
Who do you think they'll pick? Single white moms? Mom's of single white moms? Single white men who want no children? Single men who don't date single moms?
If the defense says they have the witnesses, why wouldn't we want to know more about them instead of just assuming Mason is lying or the proposed witnesses are lying or Roy Kronk is lying. I don't think the defense is necessarily trying to put Caylee's murder on Roy Kronk, by stating thru witnesses, Casey did not put Caylee's body where it was found. Trying to get a lesser sentence for Casey? think so. I do wonder about that snake Roy Kronk found, I hear it is getting bigger all the time. I know this is horrible to mention, but would a snake feed off human remains, if so, does that snake still exist and was it ever examined for stomach content when found? Was it road kill. Sorry, but I am interested, and it is a piece in the case. Thanks for being there today Dave.
Anxious to read your experience on your upcoming post.
Nika1~~maybe the defense should look closer to Casey's home if they think someone other than her put the body there. Something that sticks in my mind is a HIgh Five and "CMA, I will keep my promise."
Baez after today's hearing
Dave, take note of Mason and who is next to him towards the end of video. Ahem!
New puppy- they did a necropsy on the snake, and have surmised it was run over by a car
(I think snakes are not carrion- they eat live things)
Snakes eat live pray not carrion an no a snake would not an could not feed of a dead body....
Thank you Kara and ecossie, these things can keep me awake at night, appreciate your observance and answers. I'll put that to rest.
I agree with New Puppy. Let these new people come forward and then we can make determinations. Maybe. It depends on whether the names are released or not. Personally, I'm "dying" to find out who they are and how credible they are.
Ahem, Snoopy... You mean Bob? Actually, that conversation went on after the cameras were turned off and no other reporters were hanging around. That's how I found out about it, from Bob, and there was no way I was going to write about it before he broke the story, which was rightfully his. Bob is well-respected. Like I said previously, he has written 3 books and has won 3 Emmys.
Hi Dave Snoops Mary Jo Kara Zor New Puppy Nikia...............
Hi, ecossie possie!
I like that man Bob Kealing, with what I know so far. I observed Casey today and it appears she is upbeat and holding a great deal of hope because of these witnesses the defense are dangling. Could she be so informed that they will be a sure thing in her favor and not taking into consideration all the rest against her prior to any finding. She just doesn't appear to understand where she actually is in all this. Have never seen her so involved expression wise as today. Looking pretty bony thin tho.
Hi ecossie possie.
Hi Ecossie and all!
Have a good nite all. Waiting with baited breath for Dave re cap of todays hearing. Thnx Dave
Regards to all-
Good night, Kara, thank you. I hope to have something up tomorrow, but I do have a lot of work to do; chores and all.
Casey is a tough one to figure out, New Puppy. I'm not sure she understands what courts and trials are all about, sadly.
Re the snake~~it had tire marks on it. The autopsy showed that the stomach of the snake was empty. The snake died of starvation because it was too injured to find food. Had the impact of the vehicle killed the snake, it would have had some food in its digestive tract, stomach and or intestines.
Thing is, the Defense has routinely oversold every item they've coughed up for our perusal thus far. I'm not going to get all excited, wailing and gnashing my teeth here...
Poor snake!
Casey lives in a parallel universe- it's her world and we are all just here to aid and assist her in her continuing quest for self-actualization and unlimited funds. She understands squat about nada.
I think Baez and Mason are two of a kind, they persecuted poor Kronk for so long . I finally believe Casey is running the show, after all she was an " event planner", they are moving on to the next event. Ms. Finnell did not hang around with them for their presser, she kept on walking. IMO if there were someone out there that had searched that area and knew Caylee was not there , they would have come forward to the state long before now.They will do or say whatever to get the state away from the finances of the case. I think their way of doing things had a lot to do with Baden and Lyons walking away . Casey looked like she was flirtng wtth the camera today, she was flashing big smiles . No matter what they try try to say, the facts are the same, Caylee is dead and Casey was having the time of her life. Do any of you think that she has told Baez the truth about what happened?
I don't think it matters if the Pope himself said he searched the area and the body was not there. It still does not explain the car, the items from her home, partying for 31 days, the vast amount of lies, the Zanny story,....
As for what kind of juror they will pick. I think they will go for men who think Casey is pretty and are harboring a fantasy that if they get her off she will go out with them. With potential jurors how much will the defense or prosecutors know about each person? In other words will they know if they are single, married, what they do for a living, etc?
I did think Casey looked like she had lost weigh. She was also very pale from lack of sunlight. She seemed much more expressive and smiling than in former hearings so I question whether she is on some kind of anti-depressant. It could be that she is so starved for contact that coming to the hearing is like a field trip for her. She definitely does not act the part of the bereaved and unjustly accused mother.
you can bet one of the first questions the state will ask....where have these people been all this time if they have such valuable, credible, relevant info that can be backed-up with tangible proof?....we all know how the investigator (during an interview) can as questions, twist words and statements to fit their theory so it can be used in a motion...usually the defense witnesses go down the toilet after a deposition (under oath) by the state....just sayin'
I dont think she has ever looked or acted like the bereaved mother--if it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck etc.---because she is not bereaved. I agree with the poster above of this. Also, I am not sure that she has told anyone she killed Caylee. She is so pathological that she can keep up the lie forever. But, I dont think she realizes the enormity of her situation since the Duhfense always down plays it. I think they are giving her the idea that she will be set free. It seems odd that they are discussing penalty phase stuff already with Ms Finnell at the reins of that. It seems that all of that would give our Princess a hint of things to come.
Also, no matter what the defense says there are tons of evidence from prosecution and from Princess activities and bs to convict her. Resonable doubt just doesnt apply here as there is too much circumstantial evidence lined up in a time line that points to Casey and her alone.
Although I think family members may have helped-- with the disposal of the body. I can see them doing that and then denying such in their minds. After all they are all going to skip down mamby pamby land and search for Caylee together after she is set free and after they had her funeral and after they were rebaptised--haha.
Hi Dave. Nice to "see" you in court yesterday. I just watched the hearing and towards the end while the attorneys were at the sidebar, Casey seemed to be looking at someone in a flirtatious manner. She was smiling; raising her eyebrows, etc. One more question: were you able to observe what Casey and Baez' assistant were having a chuckle about? Casey practically broke out in laughter. She had to cover her face. I thought their behavior was so innapropriate.
Take care.
Posters above---yes, if they had all this VALUABLE info and credible witnesses, why is Casey still in jail. They will be blown out of the water by the prosecution when they are asking the questions. I know that everyone deserves a trial in this country but is seems such a waste of time and money with Princess. The defense seems so laughable to me. How can they keep a straight face knowing that she is guilty--doesnt take a genius to figure that out. They must know in their minds and hearts even Bozo. We have 31 days, we have partying, we have death smell, t ape on skull, we have fictious job and nanay, we have bugs and vegetation growing around the skeleton, cell pings, also thinking about when Casey was going to point out "something" on a map when she was at home and Cindy shut her up. The whole Anthony clan and how they lie too. This girl is going down. Things we are all aware of except for Miss Casey. She wont be smiling and laughing MUCH longer.
One final thought on this,
The defense can present all the people they want that will say they searched that precise spot.
Since they have yet to produce a nanny, and Casey was the LAST person to be seen with a LIVE Caylee, I feel there is a HUGE hole in the defense.
How did it come about that Casey misplaced her daughter from Mid June, until her remains were discovered in mid December?
I think to create reasonable doubt in my mind, that gap is going to have to be filled and backed by credible witnesses.
Good afternoon Dave and everyone. I missed the hearing yesterday as we had company. I hope you and all in the US had a wonderful Thanksgiving.
It is interesting that "suddenly" there are 15 to 20, which is Biaz, 15 or 20, witnesses that know that the area where Caylee's remains were found was not flooded. I would imagine Dave that there are hundred's of witnesses that can testify that the area was flooded. One more thing for the Defense to throw to the wall to see if it sticks. They are going to run out of things soon.
Kara, I agree with what you said that Casey was the last to be seen with a live Caylee. Yes, that is the whole crux of the matter---misplacing a child from June to December. I want to scream at the defense--when I see them huddling together like Moe, Larry, and Curley---"are you kidding me"? And sometimes I think I see that look on Judge Perry's face.--like its all he can do not to say a defense for Casey is ridiculous. I know he has seen a lot as a judge and I really admire him but I bet it is hard for him to keep a straight face--listening to the defense's shifting game plans. It is like Scott Peterson, he put himself out there as inocent and they had him doing and saying all kinds of things to Amber, without him knowing. It's like Casey is in that fog world too of not knowing what people are saying about her. I would love to be a fly on the wall and here what BS the defense team is shoveling her way, what they are really telling her--like she would be free at the end of the trial. They need to be telling her the truth, that they are only medigating the punishment from death penalty to life that that is her option. She is not getting that. Boy Dave, I am chatty Cathy today!!!
Would Casey be able to use a reason for appeal that her lawyers weren't up front with her on what could happen if this goes to trial and that they kept telling her they were going to get her off of this murder charge? If they aren't being honest with her, then how can she make a good decision on what she should do?
Good question Mary Jo, That has come to mind here also. Maybe this is an overall plan. Not a move by the defense to play it out that way for her benefit. Sounds like it could be a Cheney Mason tactic. Can she still fire her attorneys and start this whole trip over again? Does she still have all the say in that? I don't know.
Mary Jo, Casey has not been making good decisions for herself in years, why would she start now. I am sure they have told her it could go to the DP stage and that is why they have this new attorney on the case. Remember her reaction last time they had a hearing, she was visibly upset when they brought that up. It was like it finally dawned on her that she could be facing LWPP or the DP.
Dave, In the video with Baez after the hearing do you know who the woman is with the grey hair.Have never ever noticed her before. Being so camera close by the attorneys wonder if she is important to the case or who she might be.
New Puppy - I don't know which woman you mean, but it could be her mitigation attorney, Ann Finnell. She's a very nice lady.
Dave, I know what Ann Finnell looks like. See the video Snoopy mentioned above underlined Baez After Today's Hearing. Was it a figment of imagination? She stood for a long long time before turning and leaving.
Mary Jo, doesn't look now that I said what I meant in my comment to you, If you can figure it out you are better than me. lol
Oh, I see who you mean. No, I don't know who she is. It seems to me she came out the courthouse door and decided to get in on the action a little.
Hey Dave-
Did you happen to catch who was putting that big ol' smile on caseys face?
No, I didn't. She was in front of me and I couldn't see her face most of the time.
Casey's giddiness was aimed at Baez's other assistant. If you watch the video, note that right before she starts getting giddy, he gets up from his chair carrying his notepad and walks behind Casey and the female assistant to the front of the defense table. Once the sidebar is over, he starts to walk around the table, waits for the female assistant to stand up, and they both walk back to their seats.
Dave, what is the name of that male assistant?
I don't know what the laughter was about, Lori, but the male assistant was sworn in as a new attorney by Judge Perry. His name is William Slabaugh and I wrote about him on my new post. I doubt they were laughing at his expense, but I just don't know for sure.