Mark O'Mara's Speech at the Gun Rights Convention

I think I’ll pretty much just let this speak for itself. Bear in mind that the video does go in and out of focus, so you may get aggravated occasionally. Maybe not. The sound is intact, and that’s the main thing.
I have two more speeches that were introductions to this one, by attorneys Eric Friday and Jon Gutmacher, but they are giving me some problems. I know this is the one you want to see the most, though. However, I do feel it’s important to bring you the other ones, and when (and if) I can fix them, I’ll present them here and on YouTube.
I hope this video generates great discourse. I must say that, while sitting in the room with him, he does give a good speech. At least, I think so, but you can see for yourself…
Also posted at the Daily Kos