The "Gratest" Show on Earth

I’m in the middle of researching the obvious — whether or not it’s feasible for the Zimmerman camp to file a motion to appeal Judge Lester’s order yesterday, to not recuse himself. I will look deeply into the logistics of such a move, but in the meantime, I want to give my old (and original) blog a shameless plug. Please take a peek. Meanwhile, isn’t this case starting to grate on your nerves?
Who would ever do such a thing?

Reader Comments (50)
That was great Dave. :)
[Thank you, Joanna. I enjoyed doing it, too.]
A Classic Dave! I am glad too see this punk is not getting what he wants..
[Thank you, southernlace. I think it's great the judge is treating him like he would anyone else in his courtroom who gives him grief. In real life, Zimmerman is nothing special.]
Dave~~a picture is worth a thousand words and you certainly have captured what I have been thinking.
If only I could cut all those strings and release him from the clutches of the manipulator. I cannot stop laughing... you did a reMarkable job stringing up my O'Mara. LOL
[I think that's what a lot of us have been thinking, Snoopy. Obviously, Z is a person who's been used to getting his way. In his own mind, he will always be in charge of the world he rules.
I really, really like your play on words. Quite ReMARKable, actually. Thanks.]
Great artwork Dave...You are soooo talented...
[Thank you, Estee. Sometimes, my right brain can't control itself and that's what happens.]
Dave -I think this one might be one of your best!
[You think? That's mighty nice of you, whistlersmother. Thank you, I hope I'm getting better with age, but I do know that I never want to lose one ounce of my humor. Nothing against O'Mara, but I just couldn't resist.]
Lol Dave! Now as long as his little nose doesn't start to grow, I will hold on to the hope that MOM will one day lose the strings and live happily ever after. In the meantime, I hope he doesn't begin to grow donkey ears. Especially given the fact that GZ is making him look like a jackass.
As for the case grating on my nerves, only when GZ complains that people aren't throwing enough coins in his direction following his latest performance.
[I thought about the nose growing and I may bring Mr. Puppet back if I think the defense is deserving of it. I can definitely do a Pinocchio thing if necessary. Ears may be in order, too. I like your way of thinking...
Sadly, if Z complains about the money, it will be through his attorney, who is now in a perplexing position with the well going dry.]
Dave: You might have a little more time than you thought to get your post ready.
Mark O'Mara just responded on 'twitter' that the 'decision' on appealing Lester's ruling will probably not come until Monday or Tuesday. (I think it was an exchange with Bob Kealing--not sure, though.)
[Thanks for the heads up, nan11. It probably means that it's more complicated than they thought. It's all about logistics.]
Dave-Have you read the site that GZ's dad put up to try to get donations for him and his wife? I understand that you want to stand behind your child but for crying out loud!!! his son killed an unarmed child and we dont need to know about what he did as a teenager- all I need to know is what he did the night that he killed Trayvon!
[Yes, I've seen it, and if you ask me, that site has George written all over it... with his father's blessing, of course. In other words, I think George wrote the whole thing. Even so, you're right. I'm sure Ted Bundy's mother had nice things to say about her son, too.]
George Zimmerman’s attorney to speak at Gun Rights Policy Conference
Dave: I suppose there are different ways a person could see Mr. O'Mara's participation in this conference.
I thought, though, that it rather calls for a new 'look' at his motives for taking on this case; and makes me re-think the idea of who is pulling whose strings.
[You know, nan11, O'Mara doesn't strike me as a staunch pro-gun advocate. I don't own a gun, nor will I ever, but I have nothing against guns and ownership. I'm just not the type of person who would be very supportive of gun groups and rights that extend beyond common sense. I may look into attending the conference, just to poke around.]
The 5 worst media disasters in July
Quote: 4. George Zimmerman says Trayvon Martin’s killing was “God’s plan.”
After seeing Jerry Sandusky’s painful television interview with Bob Costas, you would think that George Zimmerman’s lawyers would have thought twice before putting Trayvon Martin’s killer on television. {snipped} End Quote
(Sorry, Dave. I should have added this link with my other comment, but I forgot about it--and when I came back there was only seconds left.
The most interesting thing about this, I guess, is that Zimmerman's interview made #4 on the list.
[God's plan... That's George for ya... laying blame on God. God made him do it. Praise God for making guns and ammo! Say Hallelujah to St. George for ridding the world of one of God's children. George good. Trayvon bad.
What a weirdo.]
Dave: LOL I was thinking Mr. O'Mara might be hoping to impress prospective clients. (Not that I think he is lacking any.)
You never know, iykwim.
I think your idea to attend if you get the chance is a very fine one. : - )
One more thing--Catholic altar boy Georgie is going a little too far, there--saying his killing of Trayvon was God's will. If he had learned anything from all those years he spent attending church services--he should know better.
He is beyond weird--he is disgusting. moo
[All I need to do is fill out the application. The airport isn't all that far away, but I don't think I want to hang around gun people a full two days. I'll see if there's a schedule. I think Z's belief that the death was God's will is his way of justifying it. In his own convoluted way. To everything there's a purpose. That sort of thing.]
What a great idea MOM as a puppet! I've been away from your amazing blog for awhile,I have a really bad case of hives,never had them before,and can't take the meds which just happen to have some really scary side effects. Just suffer through,doc said could last 6 months. What a delight to drop in and see what you've been doing. I hope all is well with the tests you're having. Have a great rest of the week-end.
[I'm sorry you have a bad case of hives, but it's very nice to see you, Tommy's Mom. Years ago, I had a girlfriend who got hives over everything and they made her very uncomfortable. Could they come from allergies? Anyway, get better! I'm glad you got a kick out of the puppet idea. You never know what might show up on this blog. As for my tests, the latest ones were for my heart and all is well. Thanks for your concern. I hope you enjoy the rest of the weekend, too. Thanks!]
Very Apt Dave however if Sean Hannaty get his way an installs Baez as GZ attornet George will become the puppet..He may very well get a free defence but there will be strings attached..An Baez will crash an burn just as he did in the Anthony trial but wont have the privilige an luck of a retarded jury...remember this Sandie Shaw classic from 1967?
oops forgot link
web phenomina truth seekers
ecossie possie: Thanks for that link. I hope you don't mind--I'm going to relink it so that you just have to click on it to make it open:
ecossie possie's link (from his 3rd comment)
The Miami Herald - The Trayvon Martin truth squad: a Web phenomenon
Quote (Page 4): Now Zimmerman’s defense attorney said he has two interns whose sole task is to keep track of what’s on the blogs.
Most of it is crazy, but there are a couple of nuggets in there,” O’Mara said in a May interview. Of one blog, he said: “It’s absurd, and it’s never going away. The blog must have people who are up all night long endlessly analyzing evidence. They are doing my job for me.”
O’Mara admits he gets hooked on examining the evidence, too. “It starts out OK, and then you are up all night,” he said. “One day I will come home, my computer will be gone and..." {snipped} End Quote
Dave: This article made me think of your post about the use of "you." : - )
Battle Creek Enquirer | James L. Smith: Zimmerman invoking God to excuse evil
Quote: The gun was Zimmerman’s, but he says, “it wasn’t my gun —it became THE gun.” What does that mean? That sounds like former President Clinton when he said “What is, is?” End Quote
'Food' for thought. Interesting:
YouTube VIDEO | Published on Aug 5, 2012 by LLMPapa | Zimmerman at the "T"
Orlando Sentinel | By Martin E. Comas, Orlando Sentinel | Bad feelings have festered in Sanford, shattered community's trust
Quote: A police officer "backed me into a corner and said: 'Boy, what are you doing here? Get back to Goldsboro,' " Redden recalled. "It's those kinds of incidents that will have black people, even today, teach their children to be aware of police officers and be aware of who you are dealing with. We learned to distrust the police." End Quote
Sorry, I don't mean to bring race into the discussion--but I read where some people wonder why Trayvon didn't call the police when he realized he was being followed; and why DeeDee remained quiet. This why, imho.
Dave, I hope you get your new post up soon. I have refrained from stating my opinion on the "most respected" MOM but don't think I am going to be able to keep my fingers off the keys for much longer.
[The new post is up. That's why I've been so quiet all day. Now, I'm tired.]
Newbie ~~you and me both are waiting for that new post. Sometimes I wonder who is going on trial here, George Zimmerman or Mark O'Mara. I doubt if God was trying this case for the defense, He would not be good enough.
So much being said is taken out of context.... Z said... "it was God's plan." I interpreted that to mean, it was God's plan that Z ended up alive after the altercation not that it was God's plan to shoot a 17 yr old teenager. Sometimes we read into things what we want to see, not what is actually there. JMO
What I read into "it was God's plan" was it was and is okay since GZ figures he is God and therefor, all is well. That is where my mind went. Now that is reading into what is not actually
Personally, I think GZ would have been better off to say he did everything wrong up until he was "attacked by TM". His denial of the facts and twisting situations to benefit himself is like cutting his own throat. Can't believe a word the man says. MOM would be wise to muzzle the dog imo.
Dave~~once again I will reiterate, what George Zimmerman did was wrong wrong wrong... but let's put some of the onus on where it belongs. I am just an outsider looking in and may get flack for what I say because of the strict gun controls in my country. Frankly, I could care less.
You put lethal weapons in the hands of people who are not mentally fit to have them let alone be issued concealed carry permits. Do you know there are more guns in the state of Florida than there are people? Heck they even decreased the price to obtain a permit so it is easier to make your streets into war zones. If they are going to have guns readily available, put a sale on bullet proof vests and helmets and make them dirt cheap.
I believe in protecting one's home and place of business but that is where it ends. Put the concealed guns in the streets and put your law enforcement officers in the line of fire every time they haul over a vehicle.
The mass killings make the news. How many more were killed in Chicago over the weekend? How many in Florida? Oh you may hear of a few.
My daughter called me and said, "Mom, turn on CNN.".... here we go again!
Gunman, six others dead at Wisconsin Sikh temple
How is Mr. Zimmerman saying he would not change a thing to be taken? Are we reading to much into that too? If that is what he meant he should have clarified that too (about God's plan). Maybe some people take it at face value, considering Mr. Zimmerman has consistently changed his story, flat out lied, accepted money for his defense yet he used that money to pay outstanding bills and pay up cell phone contracts for a full year. Now he is asking for more money for his living expenses. Why can't he get a job? Many people go on trial and still manage to take care of themselves. He quit his job, he left his home and all before this became national and international, why?
Mr. Zimmerman could work for a bank, they have check processing. He could stock food at a grocery store 3rd shift. It is easier to beg and poor me. What about poor Trayvon? He does not get to go to prom, graduate high school or do something as basic as taking a breath of air.
Mr O'Mara is doing his job but on the same hand he is pandering to the masses of gun toting fools. More shootings today but God forbid they rein in the gun laws. I doubt this is what our Fore Father's had in mind. Mr. Zimmerman's attorney should have shut down the interview when Mr. Zimmerman accused Trayvon of skipping away. Skipping is not something 17 year old boys do, and yes we discuss this case on Facebook. It is about us. Trayvon is no different that any other teen aged kid. Obviously our lives are not worth much, or are they? Guess it depends on who you ask.
Newbie ~~I respect what you are saying even tho I see it differently. Maybe I try too hard to see the good in people.... I want Mark O'Mara off this case because I have him up on a pedestal... I will continue to support him as far as him being ethical. He would not be the first person to have let me down.
psst... off topic... as a teen my idol was heart throb Rock Hudson.... do I need to say more? lol
Snoops, I'm with you on better gun control. You know before the back ground check laws, all a person had to do was fill out a piece of paper. Gun dealers didn't check to see if what was on that piece of paper and didn't really have the ability to check.
Don't get me wrong, I am not against individuals owning guns but certainly am against lax laws and requirements on conceal/carry and Stand Your Ground.
I also respect your what was it? lol
Michelle~~if you owned and operated a business, would you hire George Zimmerman knowing what you do right now?
If you think that you will not be able to obtain employment and had some money available for living expenses, wouldn't it be best to pay off outstanding debts to avoid accumulating interest charges for non-payment? Isn't that saving money in the long run? Creditors want their money. How would you handle that situation?
Teenagers do skip... I see them passing by my house skipping. A teen at 17 can be still a kid or that same teen may be very mature. Experience is what ages a person. Trayvon may have been 17 going on 25 due to life's experiences. Due to my own situation, which shall remain private, I had to grow up early beginning at age 13.
Michelle~~please explain to me what you meant by O'Mara pandering to a lot of gun toting fools. I say that with all due respect. What makes you think Mark is doing just that?
At about 20:00 minutes in:
Hannity: Is there anything that you regret? Do you regret getting out of the car to follow Trayvon that night?
Zimmerman: No, sir.
Hannity: Do you regret that you, you had a gun that night?
Zimmerman: No, sir.
Hannity: Do you feel that you would not be here for this interview if you did not have that gun?
Zimmerman: No, sir. ...I...I...
Hannity: You feel you would not be here?
Zimmerman: I feel that it was all God’s plan, and for me to second guess it—or judge it—uhm...{shakes head no.)
Hannity: Is there anything you might do differently—in retrospect—now that time has passed a little bit?
Zimmerman: No, sir.
Hannity: You know the detective said, you know—that you had—Detective Singleton said that—quoted you as saying: “The bad guys always get away.” Should you have—you also said that in the 911 tape. Did you have a feeling that there were a lot of people that do get away with crimes—in other words were you sort of predisposed in your mind in some way, to think that criminals get away too often?
Zimmerman: Not in general. Uhm, I think in our neighborhood, uhm, there is geographic advantages for burglaries.
Hannity: Do you have any idea—why do you think Trayvon would have confronted you the way he did? I made a comment on the air one day, and I got beaten up pretty bad for saying: ‘this could have all just been a terrible misunderstanding, or a mistake.’ Do you think, maybe—is there any possibility—he thought you were after him; and you thought he was after you—and there was some misunderstanding, in any way?
Zimmerman: I have wrestled with that for a long time, {shakes head no}, but I can’t, ahh, {chuckle}, one of my biggest issues through this ordeal has been the media, uhm, conjecture; and I can’t assume or make believe.
Michelle: As teenagers, the lives of you and your friends are worth a great deal--for you are the future of your country.
I am glad to hear that you discuss this case with your friends--perhaps your generation will lead an even greater country. : - )
At about 39:15 seconds in:
Hannity: I asked you if you wanted to—if you could speak to Trayvon Martin’s family—I asked you if you could speak to even to the American public—there is so many people that have so many opinions that vary so much. You know, if you wanted to look into that camera and tell the American public something about George Zimmerman, and about this case with Trayvon Martin that has gotten so much media attention—what would you want to tell them?
Zimmerman: First, I would like to readdress your question—when you asked if I would have done anything differently. Uhm, when you asked that I thought you were referring to—if I would not have talked to the police; if I would have maybe got an attorney; if I would not have taken the CVSA—and that I stand by. I would not have done anything differently. But I do wish that there was something, anything I could have done—that would not have put me in the position where I had to take his life. Uhm, and I do want to tell—everyone—ah, my wife and my family; my parents, my grandmother, the Martins; ah, the city of Sanford and America—that I am sorry that this happened. Ah, I hate to think that because of this incident, because of my actions—it has polarized and divided America. And I’m truly sorry.
Now, please notice the questions that Zimmerman lists that he 'thought' Hannity had asked him. (See my above comment for actual questions.)
When he says he doesn’t know what he could have done differently—he could have stayed in his vehicle. No?
And read the last few lines carefully—he is apologizing for polarizing and dividing America. Not for taking the life of an unarmed human being. Who had been 17 years old for two week. MOO
I remember watching the movie at a drive-in theatre in Maine, "I The Jury." That was a long time ago....
I will put myself in the place of a juror. Let's say that the interview Z did with Hannity was brought into evidence which is highly unlikely.
By George admitting that he had regrets, he would be attesting to the fact that he was at fault for the killing of Trayvon. Hannity asked Z if there had not been a gun, maybe Z would not be there doing the interview. That is quite likely.... Z may have been the one who was carted off in a body bag....fists can kill. In Z's way of thinking, thank 'God' he was packing that gun.
If this case ever goes before a jury, be prepared for an outcome that may shock you. It may be a good idea to get a feel of what people think by reading all the pros and cons.... don't just frequent the blogs that want to see Z strung up by the you know what. It may help to cushion the blow of that 'not guilty.' JMO
I'm sitting on my hands. : - )
Nan11~~please don't sit on your hands. I am just trying to look at the other side, just like I did in the Anthony case. I read the polls and comments all over the place. I do not always put all my faith in polls but the last one, I believe it was out of Miami rated Z in the 70% bracket....'not guilty.' It may be a jury and not Judge Lester who decides this case.
Who knows what may take place in the next three days? An appeal, will the state offer a plea deal or will a trial date be set on Aug 8th.... heck Z may get permission to leave Seminole...take all the donations that Robert and Gladys raked in...cut off his ankle monitor and he and the wifey high tail it to Mexico...
Things are just getting good... get your butt off your
Good post this. Worth reading.
my FDL Reader diaries | By: tzar | June 23, 2012 | Zimmerman’s Reenactment and The Social Contract- Musings 48hrs Later
YouTube VIDEO | Published on August 5, 2012 | by LLMPapa | Zimmerman’s “Goes In A Circle”
Snoopy Mr O'Mara asked people to donate if they would have done the same thing? What same thing? Shot a teenage boy that the police have said broke no laws that night? He is asking gun owners to donate, I am a minor therefore I cannot own a gun. He did not ask me to donate. Nan may not own a gun therefore he was not asking her if she were in the same situation... I do not think he is a bad man but I think he is playing off fears that the U.S. should rein in gun control. Honestly my opinion does not count, yet but in another 2month in a half it will and I without a doubt think there should be mental evaluations before Concealed permits are just handed out. Good mental evaluations not some back alley yep you are okay Mr. Zimmerman evaluation.
I respect your opinions very much. You are my elder, your thoughts are important to me even if you live in Canada. Not that I mean that in a disrespectful way, it's just our laws do not hurt or help you. My point is we live in a great world with some really scarey freaks. Older people make this world what it is so we need to be sure they are not forgotten. I know sometimes it does not come out right in words and I am sorry. I am also very straight forward which makes me seem mean but I am not. That is my opinion anyway.
Mr. Zimmerman paid bills that he did not care to pay before he shot and killed Trayvon. Had he been paying them all along maybe I would not be offended. I find it offensive because he shot my peer and his reward is a better credit standing. He lives for free while our Veterans, disabled, and elderly struggle to buy medicine and put food on their own table. That makes me sad that my peers and myself can be killed and he makes a windfall. I hope that makes you see where I am coming from. I feel bad for the poor, I really do. I am poor. My Mom is upper middle class, but that is her. If she kicked me out I would be poverty. I do not own anything, my car is in my Mom's name. I have clothes and a Gay Shih Tzu. Where would I live? Not in my car because it's not mine. Should killing someone be on my mind to make a windfall? It seems to me Mr. Zimmerman killed him to make a name and money for himself. Otherwise why would he not wish he could change the events that led to the death of my peer? Mr. Zimmerman offends me.
I know who Rock Hudson is, he died from AIDS but he was HOT when he was younger. I did a paper on AIDS for a high school project. Ryan White was also a part of that paper.
Nan thank you for always being so kind. If you own a gun it is okay. You were my example. I know Newbie will pop a cap in my azz. She did not say so, but I do believe she said she owned a gun a while back. :) Newbie I mean that in a loving way so please do not snap at me. You all are having fun and I just don't want to seem like a cold mean kid.
Snoopy I live in the city, kids here do not skip unless they want a beat down. Seriously my friends and I rofloao when Mr. Zimmerman said Trayvon skipped. Teenage boys do not skip. None that we know.
Truthfully it made Mr. Zimmerman's account more believable if Trayvon ran, but skipped away. When pigs fly. Even DeeDee said she asked him to run, he agreed to run. That makes her a ear witness and if the cell phone records back it up well then pigs are not flying imo.
I am sorry you had to grow up at 13. I had to grow up quickly last fall and it sucked. I had just turned 17 so I cannot imagine not being able to be a kid the four years before that. My sisters may have wished I matured quicker. She does not like pranks and does not have a sense of humor (common sense either but that is another story). You and her are kind of alike. She likes to see both parts of a situation but once something does not appear believable I am not flexible. Maybe that is why it feels like you and I butt heads. Thankfully it does not hurt physically like in person but it does upset me when my comments are taken out of the context they were meant. It is so much easier when you can hear the tone of my brain. Sempre makes a lot of good comments, she says things so it is understandable, that is how I think it just comes out like RAH! I guess my point would be she nicely lets you know she takes issue with killing a unarmed kid -apparently tact or nice is not my think yet. I'm trying. That is why I have been mostly reading. I'm trying to do it better.
Michelle, being young sometimes can be limiting due to not being exposed to all knowledge. As a gun owner and previous properly licensed gun dealer, I am the last person who would donate to GZ fund. I would guess you have been mislead in thinking most persons associated with guns are donating or backing GZ. The fact is there are a good four and a half million members of the NRA. If gun owners backed GZ, he would not be soliciting for money again. Just trying to educate you a little bit.....not snapping at you so don't take it that way.
Now, maybe you can educate me as to why you think just because I have a gun I would put a cap in your azz or snap at
LOL Newbie because you were part of my Nan does not- so she could not cap me and I remember you saying you did have a gun therefore you are able to cap my azz. I think Snoopy would appreciate you blowing my fingers off because they have not learned to work with my brain and be nice.
I am very happy to know just because you are a member (not just you but all) of the NRA does not mean that you support Mr. Zimmerman. So in that respect it does make me feel a little better. It is scarey to be a kid today. We have to be careful of so much stuff. Molesters, people stealing our Social Security number and ruining our credit before we have a chance to screw it up, people assuming we are a thug because we are walking at 7 o'clock. You will know when I am up to no good. I will have glue in my hand or will be laughing for no apparent reason. Do not get me wrong there are bad kids, but a small percent does not make us all bad. Just because Trayvon was wearing a hoodie and walking at a snails pace does not make him bad. Most of my friends are not smart enough to get out of the rain. Mr. Zimmerman could be the nicest man in the world but to say on National t.v. he had no regrets and saying it is God's plan does not make it so. God is suppose to be kind and love everyone why would it be his plan to kill a teen? imo God's plan does not include babies, children, teens or adults to die a violent death. I believe it was a violent death because of the screams but again it is just my opinion that the screams heard belonged to a person staring at the barrel of a gun. Mr. Zimmerman's own statements make me think it had been Trayvon screaming bloody murder. Did he not say he did not know he killed Trayvon until he had arrived at the police station? So why did the screams stop after the shot? Wouldn't Mr. Zimmerman still need help?
Michelle~~it is not my intention to butt heads with anyone in here. Would you like me to be honest with you and question some of the things you state or would you rather I agree with everything you say? Would not the latter be deception on my part? How will you ever learn how others think if you do not allow them to voice their own opinions? You keep stressing the fact that you are a teenager. You are on the verge of becoming an adult and what a good place to practice right in here among adults. I think you sound very 'mature' and I am sure you can hold your own when it comes to debating or discussing issues.
I am going to question you on the following.. if you don't mind.... I quote you...
I respect your opinions very much. You are my elder, your thoughts are important to me even if you live in Canada. Not that I mean that in a disrespectful way, it's just our laws do not hurt or help you.
I disagree that the laws in your country cannot hurt me. I have a daughter who lives and works in your country. She is married to a citizen of the US and UK. I have close relatives in the state of Maine. My oldest brother, now deceased, became an American citizen. I have many friends in the US.... I do care about the laws in the US.
Michelle, just for the record, I will not be put on the defensive regarding questions that I have asked you. I wanted to get a teenagers point of view....nothing more...nothing less...
Maybe it would help if you stop putting yourself down because you are a teenager... age should be no barrier.
As I went to post this comment... I noticed the following... was this necessary?
I think Snoopy would appreciate you blowing my fingers off because they have not learned to work with my brain and be nice.
Michelle, if I might take the liberty to state my mind and put my nose in your business.
You talk as if you were of the older generation and not a child. Yes, child at You absolutely need to turn off the news and get away from the computer or at least blogs. Yes, there are evils in this world but there is so much more good. To worry at your age about molestation, social security number being taken or cases such as GZ at your age is much too negative. You should be thinking of your next prank, your next venture in education, the next movie you and a friend care to see, what you are going to do with your hair the next month or so, what charity you might care to donate your time to, etc etc.
Immersing yourself in the negatives of the world is only robbing yourself and stunting growth. If you fear what can happen, truly take a self defense class. Social Security number being stolen, sign up to one of the services that you can check online what is happening (or not happening) with your number or credit. Those things that bother you, figure out how to take the worry away and do it !!!! Be a sensible teenager and don't get involved in all the negatives. Put your energies into positive things so you can be exposed to situations that allow you to mature through experience not dread.
And always remember, you have many Angels.
Michelle, both of my kids are gun owners, have c/c permits and are members of the NRA. My oldest grandson is a gun owner, although not old enough for a c/c. All three of them are completely disgusted with George Zimmerman. They are also very responsible gun owners and debate me on gun control on a regular basis. So far, we are at an impass and have agreed to disagree (even though I know I'm right, LOL). We try to live by the "we all have the right to our opinions, the right to express them, and the right to disagree" rule.
Snoopy, I have also done my best to look at this case from both sides. I have also done my best to apply the law, at least my interpretation of it. I can see how the right to deadly force can shift when a person who has used it reasonably believed they were at risk of death or seriously bodily injury. However, I do not believe that the circumstances of this case, place GZ in a position to make this claim. With his conceal carry, GZ accepted certain responsibilities. He failed to observe those responsibilities that night. The stand your ground law is completle separate from the conceal carry laws, and it is important to keep that in mind when viewing this case. Not only did GZ miss two opportunities to advise Trayvon about why he was following him, he also failed to let him know he was armed and would shoot him. Based upon what I have read, much of which came from George's many versions, lead me to believe that he could not have been beaten down to the extent he claims and maintain the presence of mind to retrieve his gun at the point he claims he did. He even goes so far as to state he made certain that the fatal shot was made without shooting himself. How does that jive with a man who is being beaten to within an inch of his life?
It is Zimmerman's own words that have prevented me from believing deadly force was necessary. IMO, GZ shot Trayvon out of good old fashion anger, mixed with a heavy dose of adrenaline.
Newbie those are things that all teens that I know worry about. T hey do not slow me down and I do not spend all day and evening reading blogs. I read here. I start my second year of college in a little over 2 weeks. Maybe I have an old soul or maybe the things that have been a part of my life have made me mature quicker than most. Some kids grow up and only child some have many. I went from having 3 siblings to play with to 1.
I think I understood what you meant but I think this will be the last time I put my input in because I should be doing what the rest of my friends and kids my age do. Rather than trying to see what really goes on in the world and wonder how I can fix some of the issues when I am done with school.
Snoopy Of course I do not want you to agree. I butt heads with people all the time. I fear you. Yep I said it. Since day one you have made mentions how you think I am my Mom. You have a blog and when I read there someone said they were worried about a friend because she was acting like a teenaged kid. I'm not stupid. I am sure my Mom will love this but here goes, She has PTSD. She is heart broken over losing her babies. She is terrified of the car, being in it makes her physically sick. She cannot see 2 feet in front of her. Thursday after her shower she bent over and when she stood back up she hit her head hard enough to still have a know on it today. She does not know that I am scared that you are taking everything I say out of context. She has always felt like family here. As far as stressing that I am a teen it is because I see this case as an attack on someone who is like me. Young, he went to a store and walked home broke no laws. That could be me. I stress that I am a teen because I am a smart ass, I have yet to be let loose in the real world so I do not fully understand how to be tactful with my words. I try rreally hard and I feel like I need to point that out to YOU because you assume I am someone or something that I am NOT. You are questioning my writing style, did you not know my school teacher is my Mom? I look like her, I talk like her but we are 2 different people. She is compassionate not me the world is mean, people are mean. People take things from people that do not belong to them and then some people try to defend those people. Who defends the lost ones? Or do they not count?:
I did not know your daughter lived here so excuse me for assuming my laws did not affect you. Again you act as if I should know this stuff. It is very hurtful. I thought the fact that I see things differently would make me an asset to have around but apparently it makes me a pain in the ass.
I am sorry about your brother.
I put myself down because it seems like when I type something out it sounds fine but my words seem to bother some. I do not know how to say things tactfully yet, I am trying. I have always been taught to be honest so I am honestly giving my opinion about something and it feels like that is not allowed. Everyone else does it.
Again the blowing my fingers off was not meant to be taken literally, it was my like Newbie popping me, just kidding around. You say things sometimes in a joking manner to Dave and others I did not know we could not all joke. Again I am a teenaged kid OBVIOUSLY we have a different thought process and things are funny to us that are not funny to you. I did not mean that you truly wanted Newbie to blow my fingers off. Good grief I do not think you seriously would physically hurt me but mentally I FEEL like (jmo) you are trying to beat the holy crap out of me. But then again this is still new to me, so maybe I am wrong. I do not understand how simple words can be taken so out of context even if it is typed and not heard.
And as far as beating myself up and putting myself down it is because each time I try to add something different and young here I get kicked like the red headed step child. I cannot help that my hair is red (:) I blame my Mom for that. I just want to figure out how all these shootings can be a learning tool and since my Mom has commented for years and everyone seemed to get along that maybe I would fit in. Again I am sorry you take my words and twist them. I appreciate the fact we all do not think a like, that is why I said we butt heads. You think differently. I am glad everyone does not think like me because apparently I am not a good person, at least I do not feel very liked here.
Nan and Sherry are the only people who normally reply to me and who are always nice to me. Maybe they understand how some younger people think or maybe they get that I am still trying to figure out the big world. Yes legally I am going to be an adult soon, but even when I turn 18 I will still be a teen. And the I will turn 19 and still be a teen. So for now I can still be a kid and grow up on my own schedule. Truthfully I am in no hurry to be set free, adults as mean. They want us to be little forever and then when we try to express our thoughts and how we see things then they want us to grow up. I feel like a rag doll. I am going to walk my dog, please everyone let me know if you want me to stay or go. If you would rather I leave that is fine. I never want to be somewhere I am not wanted and if I do not add anything worth reading than you do not need me. I learn a lot from all of you, well I thought I did but maybe not. I just want to be a good person when I am an adult and contributing to society and I want to learn as much as my brain will let me. I cannot change the laws or the world if I do it on my own life. It has been pretty sheltered and then when I do branch out and try to be like an adult I feel like kids are to be sen and not heard.
Sempre- Are you my Mom? She thinks she is always right too. Newbie and you are making me feel a lot better about the NRA. My grandfather is a member of the NRA and he thinks Mr. Zimmerman did nothing wrong. My grandfather even took issue with Trayvon wearing a hoodie. Made a big deal about it back in March when he discussed it with my Mom and me. Never mind I was sitting right across the table from him wearing a hoodie.
Just so you know I did not meant that literally about you being my Mom. I am just being my normal charming self. Okay Gazes has to go for a walk. Get it Gazes. My gay Shih Tzu. I love him, he is new. I rescued him from a breeder. They beat him almost to death because he did not want to breed with the females, because he likes boys. Gazes has 1 eye, but can't see out of it. The owners beat him with a board. In case you cannot tell I love my new dog. Sorry to get so off track but I am kind of upset. Thanks for talking with me.
Michelle: Well, I certainly hope you come back. I love reading your comments--but I'm very sorry to see you upset (like tonight.)
You make many, many good points. Many. My favorite, just from tonight, is this one:
Quote: Did he not say he did not know he killed Trayvon until he had arrived at the police station? So why did the screams stop after the shot? Wouldn't Mr. Zimmerman still need help?
I wouldn't want to see you here evey night obsessing about this case--but I think it is very good for people your age to pay a little bit of attention to things that are going on in the world.
One more thing--I won't even ask how you know your pup is gay. No I will not ask.
(Well, maybe I should explain--he might have just been so unhappy where he was living before that he wasn't interested, period. Once he feels better, ah, he might see things in a new light.)
I hope your walk makes you feel better.
Michelle, of course you are welcome here and your input is valued. However, I don't think Dave's blog is the best place to "put it all out there". I never got the impression that Snoopy was ever discussing you on her blog. I read and commented on that particular post and was under the impression that it was all in fun. I just went back and reread it, it took awhile to find it, and i still don't see how you were left with that impression. Believe me, there are plenty of women out there who go through a midlife crisis and attempt to regain their youth by behaving and dressing like a teenager. As a matter of fact, I have a sister who did exactly that. She even went so far as getting a divorce and marrying a guy 20 years younger than her, he was only 19. If you were offended or thought there was any reference to you, you should have emailed me or even Snoopy. It would have saved you a lot of stress and hard feelings. And would most certainly have prevented you from putting it all out on "front street". At least I hope so.
The very fact that Snoopy challenges you is a sign that she views your input as valuable. She and I argue on a regular basis and she is my elder as well. Granted, you are quite a bit younger, but I too believe in respecting my elders. I try not to view disagreeing on a blog as a sign of disrespect. I also don't think your comments lack clarity. It is ok to disagree and to stand your pun intended. I don't want to put words in Snoopy's mouth, but I think she was probably taken back a bit by your figurative speech. You have to remember, she is from a different generation than many of the people here. And has seen and heard a lot more than most of us. Nothing you write would make her wish you would go away..She used to openly threaten to duct tape my hands and even threatened to send my husband the tape to do it with. I always knew she was messing with me. Well, at least most of the time. LOL
I do not comment that often, so you should never take offense or think I am ignoring you. I have very limited time these days and I often jump in and make general statements that are intended to address many comments.
Bottom line, and please don't take this the wrong way, I wish you had taken your dog for a walk before you hit the submit button. Had you done so, it is possible that you might have taken a different course of action. At least I hope so. Nobody here was trying to hurt your feelings or stop you from contributing. Just a few people wanted to reassure you that things in the world aren't as bad as they might seem to you and your friends, and nobody was wishing you would go away. - Vicky
PS I do single out Snoopy at times just because I enjoy a healthy debate and she is always good for that.
States 4th Supplemental Discovery
Maybe it is a bluff. However, I think it was the Scott Peterson case where they subpoenaed the taped interview that he had done with Barbara Walters (iirc), and they did play it at his trial.
He was convicted on two counts of murder--one in the first degree; and one in the 2nd degree.
All cases don't end the way the trial for the murderess did.
BTW - I read in many places even though I prefer the ones that don't allow attacks.
And I, too, am capable of reading the discovery and drawing my own conculsions.
Michelle ~~you are really making me out to be the bad guy. I am the same person who spent almost three years behind the scenes consoling your mother, consoling you and your sister for three months straight when your mother was seriously ill. I have every email that went back and forth between us. I set up a prayer vigil in a protected thread at my blog. Remember? Your mother got my undivided attention.
Unfortunately, there came a time when I had to limit the correspondence. I had to turn down a request you made wanting to discuss the case via email. I did not have the time and besides, it was denying other contributors on the blogs from seeing our opinions and thoughts on the case. When your mother asked me if I would proofread all of her comments before they got posted in my blog ( this was before the problems with her eyes) I told her that her emails sounded fine and I saw no need to proofread any comments she wanted to post at my blog. My mom had a saying, "God helps those who help themselves." I found that it was time for your mother to fly on her own and also suggested that she seek professional help for her other problems as I was not qualified to help her.
At no time did I say that you and your mother are one and the same person on any blog. When you commented as your mother, I did not know the difference. I don't believe I made my thoughts known though. As far as the Dr Ruthless thread on my blog, you are reading things into something that is not there.
Now I am going to devote my time to the Zimmerman case where it belongs!!
My belly hurts but I will live. Uh the shelter that took him in when the Police took him away figured it out. My Mom's boy dog does not like Gazes. Gazes is only 3 so he is very inappropriate. I guess to put it nice he tries to touch my Mom's dog like he is a female. ;/ It probably is best my Mom cannot see well right now. Gazes would be on lock down, NOBODY messes with my Mom's dog. He would die trying to protect her. He is also a Shih Tzu, a neurotic psycho evil dog.
I try to put a lot of thought into how I comment, it just never comes out the way you guys comment. I know it is because my brain does not think like old people's brains. Not that you all are old but you have seen things and you have lived on the outside. I am not trying to make excuses maybe writing is just not my thing.
I truly like different thoughts and opinions other than mine because quite frankly I bore myself and the last thing this world needs is another person putting vaseline on toilet seats, gluing shoes to floors, putting skittles inside the shower head well you get it. It is only fun for me to dish it out, not sure I would like the tables turned. Sorry I got so far off topic I think it is okay because Dave has a new thing up. Talk to you later.
I am not trying to make you out to be the bad guy Snoopy. I am sorry I put this out here so since it is already out here I will finish it here. I did not think any of my comment tonight were really worthy of questioning me as to why I felt or thought one way or the other. I do not own a business or run one for someone so I do not know what I do. But it does not matter, Mr. Zimmerman caused this whole situation. He is a big boy. Big enough to carry a gun so he can figure out how to pay his bills. I am stressing over my own issues right now, he is on his own.
You absolutely helped Meg and me. We were terrified. I did send you a email with my opinion about a question you asked. BUT that is when I told you I commented for my Mom but I added my own spin. Which is not a popular spin. I do not believe I asked you if we could discuss it by email from that point on. I do not mind commenting under my name but I did not know if Dave would let me. I just did not want to comment using my Mom's name and everyone be upset with her, because of how I express myself. I admit and that is what I feel like I always have to point out to you that I lack tact. I have yet to figure out how to say something without it being what I really think and not offensive to others. It seems like in your quest to see something from both sides you try to show others the other side. For me it is hard to see the other side. I know how painful it is for a family to lose someone to a violent death. I cannot see past that and I am sorry. It is hard for me to explain myself because you get right to the point and I worry with each word that it is wrong again.
My mom asked you (this you put out there so I need to clarify) to proof read her comments, when she was fighting for her life one of the medicines caused a mild brain injury. She has never been a needy person. She never ask anything of people so it seems (to me) kind of rude if someone asked for your help to deny them. But that is just me. She did not want to be referred to in a bad light. You yourself have talked about the threats and crap you and Dave went through. She was scared. But whatever. It is apparent to me that my Mom does not ask for help, she suffered in quiet for a long time very long time as to the amount of pain she was in from the bad thing that happened. PTSD can start within months of the event. She did not ask you for help with her PTSD. I told you about it, I told you because I was interested in this case.. My mom had problems reading the little screen. I read it tried to type it like she said it, but instead decided to combine our thoughts. Vicky had already started helping her, well more like encouraging to stick up the therapy. It is hard sticking with it, I go with her. It is hard hearing about the physical pain my Mom was in after the accident. It is hard knowing she had to get back to work because she still had to mother and support us. This is all stuff that we should not be discussing because my Mom is a good Mom. She does not deserve to have half of situation put out their to make her sound like she is crazy or mentally slow. I brought up the PTSD because it had to do with why I commented for her.
Either way my intentions is to not make you out to be the bad guy. Like I said I respect my elders. My Mom taught me that. She also taught me losing a child to a violent crime is HORRIBLE so it is super sad another mom may suffer because a grown once again did the wrong thing.
I hope no one says anything against you in my defense. I think it is best that I just stay away. I constantly have tried to explain that writing is not my thing, my age makes me a little less intelligent than the rest of you and you do not seem to cut me slack. I am constantly making excuses for myself because I want to make it clear I in no way want to sound like an uncaring person, like YOU did take the comment about poor people.
Dave and to the rest of the readers I am sorry you have been subjected to my comments and the rants from tonight. I wish you all the best. Please do not hold this against my Mom if she ever sees well enough to comment again because I am truly moving on. Nan has left good links I can keep up that way.
Michelle: You are a pure joy, sweet child. You make me laugh, (and cry.) You are right when you talk about old brains--but it does old brains good to try and see things from the perspective of young brains.
Your little doggy is very blessed to have you in his life. (I love his name.)
I suppose I'm going to sound old and corny, but my prayers will always be with you, your sister, and your mother.
I'll try to find some good links for you, but I hope you drop in again when you are feeling better.
Quote of the day by Michelle: ❀‿❀
I know it is because my brain does not think like old people's brains.
(((H)))'s to you.
ha ha excellent graphic Dave! In June, Bill Maher did his end of show rant called "New Rules" on GZ - it was hilarious. I'll see if I can find it on Youtube and post the link.