Statement from Martin Family:
GZ said that he does not regret getting out of his vehicle, he does not regret following Trayvon, in fact he does not regret anything he did that night. He wouldn’t do anything different and he concluded it was God’s plan.
Tracy Martin: We must worship a different God because there is no way that MY God would have wanted G. Zimmerman to KILL my teenage son.
Yes, George Zimmerman did say both, but not in that order. God came first — then the apology. Throughout the interview, he kept his eyes on the host, Sean Hannity, but when he was offered the opportunity to give his final thoughts with a minute or two left, he turned to face the camera, just like a seasoned politician. My fellow Americans… This dude is one smooth operator, but fortunately, he thinks more highly of himself and about what he did than most people’s perceptions. He’s good, but he’s no pro. Ironically, I do believe he and Mark O’Mara are reeling in the money after tonight’s performance because we live in a time when you can make a fortune off your dead victim. How sad.
I’ll tell you, while most reasonably sane people understood Jim and Tammy Faye Bakker and what made them tick, their flock kept right on flocking and the dumb kept right on donating. The main difference between Zimmerman and Tammy Faye are the make-up and tears. Well, I think there’s another distinction and it’s an important one. Had Tammy Faye been around The Retreat at Twin Lakes that fateful February night, God rest her soul, she most likely would have marched right up to Trayvon and asked him what he was doing. She was a feisty one. She would have asked him to pray with her, too. Then, she would have asked for money. George, on the other hand… he just wimped out.
Hannity went easy on him. He could have asked questions about why Trayvon’s body was found farther south from where the confrontation took place, according to his account; how he managed to get the gun out of the holster upside down and fire directly (meaning straight) into the victim’s upper chest; and how the boy’s arms were tucked neatly under his body the way they fell, when he showed investigators during the reenactment how he spread them out and away from his sides. There have been so many inconsistencies in his stories but, like political interviews, I suppose, there will always be questions that remain off-limits. I understand — there’s a trial ahead — but I still believe that George Zimmerman will never, ever admit that what he did was wrong, and tonight he proved it. He said he was sorry about what happened, but quite absent was an apology for what he did; he got out of his vehicle with a loaded gun. Instead, he asked for apologies from Al Sharpton and Spike Lee for calling the shooting a racial crime.
PFFFFFT. As if he would ever be the one to say I’m sorry to.
Oh yes, he’s good, alright, but even after he clarified his ethnicity by saying he’s caucasian and Hispanic, he made it a point to call himself an American first; above and beyond. Well, Yankee Doodle Dandy, George, you sure do know how to touch the masses. I don’t think you’ll ever be president, but after tonight, I’m not quite sure how you feel about that.
(The interview was held today at an area hotel and there was no monetary payout according to both parties. Zimmerman denied ever knowing about “Stand Your Ground” prior to the incident, and neither Zimmerman or O’Mara solicited donations on the show.)

Reader Comments (87)
This is one sick man! He also does not regret anything he did that night! I have read a lot of comments on news stories that they believe he was protecting himself! that scares me-that we are going to have a bunch of idiots on the jury and let this guy walk!
[I agree with you 100%. He regrets nothing. He said that Trayvon was after him and he never once went looking for the boy. That's such a lie!]
"I haven't really had the time to reflect on it. When I was in jail, obviously I was in solitary confinement and I had a lot of time to think and reflect"......He opens his mouth and the lies start pouring...
Thanks for the post Dave..
[He was in solitary confinement, yet all the other inmates gave him a thumbs up. This is one delusional person.
Thank you, too, Joanna. This is one person I want to just go away. Far, far away.]
Dave~~I have yet to see the video as my Fox News did not carry the interview. I did listen to the audio that is up on youtube. What stood out to me is when he made the apology. He put his wife, mother, father, g/mother, the Martins, city of Sanford in that order when he said he was sorry. Just like they do at the Oscars! I am surprised he did not say Sabrina Fulton and Tracy Martin and their family or Trayvon's parents and family. I don't think Trayvon was mentioned by name during the whole interview, was he?
George Zimmerman is another Casey Anthony, both are professional pathological liars. Sadly, I think George could sway a jury. I believe that is the reason this interview took place. The state will have to bring on the 'facts' to dispute everything Z said in the reenactment. I would not doubt the state will have a forensic psychiatrist do a mental evaluation on Z to try and prove the 'depraved mind.' I am sure Z's paranoia will come into play.
Thanks for the quickie post, Dave. Good luck with all those tests.
[Thank you, Snoopy. I'll be tied up for a good part of today and tomorrow. Necessary, but not a fun thing.
Since you read this post, I did tweak it some more, but just in the writing style.
I don't think Trayvon's name was mentioned, either, and I think the apology was something added as a way of saving face after the God statement. Call it damage control.
I'm afraid you're right about swaying a jury, and I think Zimmerman is delusional enough to think that he's so good he can take the stand to do it if necessary. I'm sorry, but this man needs to be locked up. I sure hope and pray that everyone else saw what we saw. Heard, too, but I do see that Sherry's link to FOX includes the video in sections, so you should be able to watch it.]
Just the IDEA of GZ doing an interview on national tv was enough to make me not watch one second of it. You can tell by his body language and his statements on the walk through the day after the crime that he thought highly of himself and what he did. I got the impression he thought of himself as a cop that had to shoot in the line of duty. Why pander to his ego by watching the interview? The only interview I want to see him do is take the stand under oath and face the prosecutors.
[I understand where you're coming from, Connie, but as a writer, I had to watch it. I think most people who did watch it did so because of the incredible interest that exists in this case, for and against him. In my opinion, he did nothing to change my opinion. You're right, he's an egotist and proud of what he did. Another phony apology. What an idiot.]
Snoopy, would you have a link to the YT video/audio? We had a storm come thru right when the interview began. grrr...X-( TIA~
Oh, and I think he'd have scored more points by blaming the devil rather than God. Just like CaCa's family, God comes into the picture when there's big trouble...
[You may find it interesting that he started a Facebook page in March that espouses his love for Christ and God. A real PR charmer, the man knows what he is doing.
"I wanted to become a police officer," he says. One of his Interests/Activities is "Shooting of Trayvon Martin".]
Hi Dave
I especially liked the reflections on what Tammy Faye would have done if she had been there instead of Zimmerman. It is too bad that she was not.
I do believe that some people will donate money to the Pay Pal Account as a result of tonight's interview. I didn't watch it. Dallas was on TV at the same time but I would probably give up TV viewing altogether before I would watch Hannity or Fox.
My sympathies are still with Caylee Anthony and Trayvon Martin. I do not think either Casey Anthony or George Zimmerman deserve the death penalty because I don't believe in the death penalty. However, I don't believe that we should reward either Casey or George with book or Paypal money for their misdeeds either. Many will disagree. I think both of the guilty parties will make more money in a month from the public support of their "sad plights" than you and I combined will make in a year. This could be a reason that I generally prefer dogs, cats, and parrots to people as far as species go. You may think I am unreasonable or crochety but when I turned seventy I decided to say whatever I thought whenever I wished and not to worry about what the politically correct might say or think. You can safely bet your bottom dollar that I won't pay one cent for anything that might help support our notorius child killers and I am not going to watch TV programs that support them either.
[Hi, Amber. Thanks for showing me how to spell Faye. I changed it in my post from Fae.
I hope most viewers watched out of fascination for what this jerk had to say. Watching something else would have been better, but there's a lot of interest in him and what makes him tick.
I'm positive Zimmerman looks at this as a national mandate; a referendum that bolsters the image of a vigilante with him at the helm. Curtis Sliwa, head of Guardian Angels, finds him despicable. People are comparing Zimmerman to the group and it makes him sick.
I agree. George, like Casey, deserves nothing. No money, no reward. You have every right to remain cynical, and at your age, you earned it. I hope the show did more harm to him than anything else. Just looking at him and hearing him made me sick. I don't care to ever watch him again, except in a courtroom. There's nothing unreasonable whatsoever about feeling that way, either.]
Here is the transcript of the interview
[Thanks for the link, Sherry. It's got the video, too, in parts. Also, I added the video links to the "TRAYVON/ZIMMERMAN COURT DOCUMENTS" at the top of my blog, under the banner.]
I didn't watch the blasphemous show either...I'm in the same age boat as Amber and feel that GZ isn't worth a dime of my money...I will only read about his antics here at Dave's as I know he will tell it like it is...No "pussyfootin" round this bush for him...What a tragedy this is...I pray for all involved, yes, even GZ; 'cause God knows he need all the prayers he can get...I don't pray that he will be freed but that justice will be served...
Thanks Dave, as usual you have delivered an excellent post...Hope you are doing OK and the "tests" come out on a positive note...
[Hello, Estee! Zimmerman's not worth a minute of my time, either, except it's tough to report on something if I'm not participating in some form. Believe me, it was sickening to watch and hear. I will readily admit I'm somewhat biased on this story, but I simply refuse to buy into Zimmerman's garbage. If he is set free due to stand your ground, I will be horrified.
Thanks for the vote of confidence and for wishing me well on the test results. I'm sure I'll do fine.]
Just curious. Did they have a "crawl" at the bottom of the screen saying "Log onto George's website to donate, or call 1-800-blahblahblah"?
Just the idea of that interview seemed to me to be something along the lines of those accident lawyer commercials. You know, "If you believe in George, just donate. Only 50 cents a day will help in his defense" etc etc etc.
[Yeah, Connie, you're right. I didn't think of that. HERE'S HOW TO ORDER! Next thing you know, we'll be able to buy GZ t-shirts and coffee mugs. Maybe, salt water Taaffe.]
Dave: Thanks for the great post. I love your writing--but I sound like an old worn out record saying that now. (lol)
My link is heart-breaking. The questions put to Trayvon’s parents are unbelievable, imo. Once again, I’m sitting here stunned.
Parents: Zimmerman rushed to judge Trayvon
The only thing I want to add is that perhaps many of us have been under estimating Mark O’Mara. The tide seems to have changed this morning - in Zimmerman's favor.
Certainly I'm sure the money is pouring in; but the 'tone' the newscasters are using has changed, too.
[Golly, nan11, I sure hope the tide hasn't turned in Zimmerman's favor. I just heard that the state offered up a big thank you to him for handing them more evidence to use against him. This may be one of those big waves when this goes to court. O'Mara now feels strongly about SYG, most likely because of how his client handled himself yesterday. I sure hope not. I hope it backfires.
I saw Trayvon's parents on the news this morning. What a crying shame. In essence, Z mocks them with his insincerity while he watches the pucks pour in. It's disgusting.
Thanks for the compliment on my writing. No, it never gets old. I would hope that if I didn't write up to snuff, you'd tell me that, too.]
Remember Drew Peterson? He was another cocky criminal who masqueraded on the side of justice. Both he and GZ thoughts are warped and unrealistic. Look where DP is today. He's been locked up for 3 yrs. in confinement, and his trial for killing his 3rd wife is just beginning. We haven't heard a 'peep' from him in a while. He and his cocky lawyer. While Mark O'Mara, GZ's atty., seems a bit more refined in his presence, he is pushing the boundaries of not being a very moral or ethical human being. Stumping for more donations for his robotic, lying, and self-absorbed client.
GZ' s first question started out as a lie. When asked if he (GZ) had time to reflect on anything since this happened, he starts off by stating that he hasn't had time to reflect, and then stops mid-sentence and jumps in to state that while he was in jail, he had time to think about things. (paraphrasing) First question asked and already lying through his teeth. From then on it was plain to see he was fully rehearsed to answer questions as his atty saw fit as the questions were most likely submitted ahead of time.
People will see what they want to see, and GZ is a smooth talker and amiable enough. He's a con job if I ever saw one. Plain and simple and now he's trying to con his way out of murdering a teenager in cold blood because he couldn't handle the situation he got himself into that fateful night. Plain and simple. When all else fails, blame it on God. pfffffttt......What a piece of work.
[Sorry I'm so late getting back to you, nymima. I hate it when I do this. You're right about DP ans Z. They're both cynical and think they're so much smarter than all of us combined. As for Z's attorney, lawyers are lawyers are lawyers and they're all in it to win at all costs. Within the confines of the law, of course, but that's not to say they wouldn't do something under the table if they knew they could get away with it. Deals are srruck every day.
No doubt, Zimmerman is a con job. He's a snake. He's got used car sales blood in him somewhere. If there was ever a baby who cried for attention and got it, that was him. In that interview, he came across as a creep to me and I can't believe I sat through the whole thing. The man deserves to go to jail. Plain and simple.
Thanks for being so patient.]
Great, great blog article, Sir. My compliments.
[Thank you very much, LLMPapa. I'm much obliged. Excellent videos, if I may say so.]
Hilarious "saltwater Taaffe"
LLMPapa if you are the Youtube guy I have to hand it to you. They're great!
From page two of Sherry's link, he now has Trayvon 'skipping', for crying out loud.
(Begin Quote from transcript:) HANNITY: Yeah. You said {snipped} on the 911 call that he's running. You said that to the dispatch. Is there any chance {snipped} that maybe he was afraid of you, didn't know who you were?
HANNITY: You don't think -- why do you think that he was running then?
ZIMMERMAN: Maybe I said running, but he was more --
HANNITY: You said he's running.
ZIMMERMAN: Yes. He was like skipping, going away quickly. But he wasn't running out of fear.
HANNITY: You could tell the difference?
ZIMMERMAN: He wasn't running.
HANNITY: So he wasn't actually running?
HANNITY: OK. Because that's what you said to the dispatcher, that you thought he was running. End Quote
Just an FYI: The complete interview is on YouTube entitled "George Zimmerman on Hannity (FULL)" by manybuddies. (He includes a "Fair Use Statement", but I'm still not sure if it is okay to link it.)
It's even better than watching it last night--there are no commercials.
[I expect to hear, at the next interview, that Trayvon was waltzing.]
What made me want to throw up was when he said , he was going to target to grocery shop. "AFTER MENTORING THE CHILDREN" What children? What a lier!
[Didn't Ted Bundy like children?]
AZ: I agree. And I noticed he added that statement in almost as an after-thought. Clearly scripted, imo.
I almost hate to add this link from the Huffington Post, but it is interesting. It rather reinforces my view that George's little 'insertion' was extremely scripted.
Quote from Paragraph 2: "Two black children say that George Zimmerman is their mentor. End Quote
New York Post | BaWa - No Deal
Quote: Barbara Walters walked away from an interview with Trayvon Martin shooter George Zimmerman after the former neighborhood watchman demanded at the last minute that, in return for the chat, ABC put him and his wife up in a hotel for a month, a source told Page Six. End Quote
Oh, Ms. Walters just gave Georgie and Mr. O'Mara a taste of their own medicine. They had the nerve to call into "The View" today and 'offer' to do a telephone interview. Ha! Ha! Barbara politely said 'no thank-you.'
It was a class act.
LLMPapa, I love your videos! You make your points so clearly, and the music you choose sets just the right emotional tone. They are haunting, and Trayvon should haunt us.
nan11, I saw that Matt Lauer interview. I think you are right that GZ/MOM are managing to get their version out. Did you notice that Lauer now accepts some parts of GZ's story as gospel? For example, he said that everyone knows that GZ and Trayvon both reached for the gun.
Another great post, Dave, and I love the pun. I can't believe that GZ claims now not to have known Trayvon was dead until later. Surely he knew that he shot him (at very close range); therefore, either he hit him or he missed. If he hit him, then why wasn't he concerned about injuries? If he missed him, then why wasn't he concerned about Trayvon jumping up and beating him some more? Why did he think Trayvon was just lying there?
BaBa WaWa is probably upset that Sean got the first interview-and after all she did for them!
OK, I read the article wrong-GZ wanted BW to put him and his wife up for a month in exchange for the interview. What hubris.
(and I went straight to the article instead of reading the quote in nan11's post-coffee....need more coffee)
But how else is little Georgie Z going to be a hero unless he shoots the big, BAD BLACK MAN?
Oops. Or unless he shoots and kills an unarmed 17 yr old kid who wasn't BAD yet and wasn't a MAN yet, but of course, he was BLACK. And EVERYBODY in the Fox News viewing audience KNOWS that ALL black boys grow up to be gang-bangin' crack-dealin' criminal thug black adult men. So, better to go ahead and shoot and kill a black kid TODAY, since it just makes things easier on SOCIETY having to pay so much in taxes to have THE SYSTEM deal with those black thugs LATER.
So, I guess that makes li'l Georgie a HERO after all! Hurray! I wonder--- how soon Barbara Walters will have him on one of her Friday Night Specials? Reckon if it will be before or after he gets a Citizen of the Year award from the NRA? Either way, old Babs better get her ass into gear if this is going to be a "get" for ABC.
Wait! Oh no. Something terrible just occurred to me...
I mean, if he's convicted, how the hell is Georgie s’posed to be able to sign a 7-figure deal with a top publisher? Everybody knows it's hard to promote a best-seller with all the obligatory talk show appearances and book signings when you're stuck in the pokey for a decade or two. [EDITED], Georgie might not even be FAMOUS in 20 years! Now THAT would really suck, for Georgie, wouldn't it?
After all, Georgie’s hero now, isn’t he?
[We are all adults, but no one needs to prove it. You can comment, but please flush your mouth before venturing out. And wash your keyboard.]
MollyK: You said: "Did you notice that Lauer now accepts some parts of GZ's story as gospel?"
I did notice that and here is another one: apparently it now seems to be 'gospel' that he got out of his truck to give the exact address to the police.
I'm still all shook up over that interview. Lauer owes the parents of Trayvon Martin a very big apology, imo.
Sherry: lol I think that was my fault. My comment was a little confusing. I appreciate you blaming it on the 'coffee' level. ; - )
Greensthings: OhOh. We have discoverd that it is not really a good thing to bring politics into the debate.
Speaking only for myself, ahh, I agree with what you said about maybe an upcoming 'special' with Barbara.
She gave it to them good today. They might have the egg all scrapped off their faces by now, though. :-)
Greensthings, your comment is highly offensive to me and ignorant of the facts concerning the Tea Party. To lump GZ in with them is bad enough but to call that group racist when there is no proof is beyond the pale. Step away from MSNBC...they love to race bait.
Here, if you are really interested in the truth:
Looking for People of Color at a Tea Party Rally
Your comment is what is truly racist-based on the foundation of prejudice.
And another thing, Greensthings, why do you believe this is the blog for your ignorant nasty snark? The majority of us believe GZ to be guilty of murder. None of us here have called him a hero.
LOL, nan11! I hate liars and rumorists who perpetuate lies as truth.. But you did remind me that I forgot to tell Greensthings that I agreed with everything else he/she said. Imagine that.
The prosecution has subpoenaed a copy of the entire interview of Sean H and Zimmerman,
Greensthings, apply the bleep &^*% insteading of using profanity. I think Dave wishes to keep 'race' at a minimum in these discussions. TIA.
Personally, I found your entire comments very distasteful.
[I 'redacted" a whole paragraph.]
From the morons and idiots who do not have any respect for their Justice Dept.
Lynch Mob calls for death of GZ
I havent seen anyone mention this yet but this is the first thing I thought of as I watched the show last night ... George said he got punched in the face and head at least 12 times. Wouldnt that leave marks on Trayvons hands ?? George`s injuries also do not back this up imo I really hope George just keeps on talking tho because he adds a little more each time and hopefully it comes back to bite him in the butt. I still see no remorse !!!
[Not only would George be all bloody, Trayvon would have had his blood splattered all over himself. That's just another thing that doesn't add up.
You will never see remorse from him. He thinks of himself as a national hero, and I'm not kidding around. He really does believe it.]
Tonight: The Martin Family Attorney Reacts to George Zimmerman’s Hannity Interview
So, Mr. Crump tonight; and more of George tomorrow. {sigh}
New things, (I think): Mark O’Mara is now saying George is so broke he may have to declare him ‘indigent’???
(The big interview last night has apparently only raised $1,000.00 to $2,000.00.)
And this is fairly interesting from the Miami Herald. It explains the whole ‘Barbara Walters’ fiasco much better than I did in my previous comment. Also, it provides the following strange bit about the ‘real George Zimmerman’ website.
It doesn’t say it in the write-up, but apparently the site has now reverted to the ‘polite’ Georgie stuff.
Zimmerman calls Barbara Walters for impromptu live interview
Quote: Shortly after Wednesday night’s broadcast, Zimmerman’s defunct website “The Real George Zimmerman,” reappeared. The site says the attorney’s website had failed in three key missions: fund raising, disputing information and providing a voice for Zimmerman. The site includes a link the legal trust fund.
‘Part of this effort will involve providing a clear picture of who George is, what his family is like, and where he comes from,” the site says. End Quote
Elmosmommy: And iirc, in the Medical Examiner's report--there was only one of Trayvon's knuckle's slightly bruised. One knuckle.
I have not seen any remorse either. Quite the opposite, in fact.
I just can't believe the chutzpah of the "God's plan" remark. I'm sputtering at that one.
Reminds me in some respects of another Murder 2 case- the dog-mauling death of the woman in San Fran. The two assh@le dog owners made things way WORSE for themselves every time they went before the cameras, because they were blaming the victim- she shouldn't have been wearing perfume, she should've opened the door to her apartment quicker (she had grocery bags), all HER fault she was ripped apart by two vicious giant uncontrollable bully dogs! These two unapologetic wienies got YEARS- when they could almost certainly have handled the whole PR disaster better and paid a fine instead.
They never took ONE ITTY BIT of responsibility. Just like GZ. GRRRR...
[Those people were hideous examples of humanity. Despicable! If anyone deserved to go to jail, it was them. They were lawyers, too. Worthless scum, and I hope they are scorned forever.]
This is a three page write-up with a video of an interview that Mark O'Mara gave.
WESH - Zimmerman apologizes, relaunches website in TV interview
(I don't think the whole video has been posted yet. There seems to be more, so I'm guessing it will be added soon.)
Nan and Elmosmommy, the tiny abrasion on Trayvon's finger was not even at the knuckle, but at the place where a ring would be.
Nan, I agree that Lauer owes Trayvon's parents an apology. Another thing he did was to ask them about GZ's claim that Trayvon said, "You're going to die, m...f..." He asked whether they could see Trayvon saying something like that, and when Sybrina said that it was unlike her son to speak that way, Lauer started badgering them, asking whether they might be parents with an idealistic view of their child. What about asking GZ whether he might be making up this bit of dialogue to support his defense!
Nan11~~you sure know how to sniff out and find the good info. Thank you so very much!! I just finished watching the three parts of the presser with O'Mara. I still admire that man, as a man and an attorney. He is very well spoken.
OMG Dave! I just came over here because I was on huff post looking at the video of the Hannity interview. I figured you had seen it but didn't know you wrote about. (must've missed the email)
I haven't read your post yet or the comments but I will - just wanted to say that it sickens me to know that the Martins have to listen to the b.s. REALLY George? It was gods plan for you to shoot Trayvon? Guess that cancels out his "apology" to the Martins huh?
[No, no apology because no matter what he says, it's a big fat lie. Hey, I hope you had a chance to go back and read the post, Mystical Pippin.]
Just a few observations:
Omara's body language, coupled with the way he'd turn and look at Zimmerman, said it all.....i wanna be anywhere but here. Looks like George is running the show, doing what he wants, with Omara as his apologist.
Interesting how he contradicted himself re not having had time to reflect on that night but in his next sentence said he'd had time while in jail. WTF?
He thinks if he answers all questions very politely, with a 'yes, sir' at the end, we'll be gulliable enough to believe the BS he's slinging. Eff him.
Last, but not least, the height of hypocrisy was saying 'it was God's plan'.
[I hope Zimmerman has plenty of time to ponder why God's plan didn't work to his benefit in the end. This is the type of hideous wake up call he needs.
You know, I hate to say this, but O'Mara looked to me to be in one of those "I really need to go to the bathroom" moods. Kind of a sour look on his face that said "LIKE NOW! as he squirmed.
Oh yeah, that Zimmerman dude is just filled with contradictions, isn't he?]
Snoops: Thank you.
I found Mr. O'Mara very open and accommodating during that interview. I'm sure he was putting his 'spin' out there (to a limit), but, still--I find it hard not to admire him.
I think he is way to good to defend Zimmerman. Way to good. (And, in spite of this interview today, I'm really starting to wonder how long he will last.)
Here is something I've been wondering about since Mr. O'Mara has begun talking of declaring George indigent--iirc during the trial of the murderess, I read that had she had so much as an old car in her name--they would not have been able to declare her indigent.
Well, thanks to all the donations Georgie has received--he has now both his automobiles paid off.
Just wondering about this??
One more thing: I think WESH has Part 2 and Part 3 of the videos mixed up. They will probably fix them soon, though.
[I hope that, by this time next year, G&S's cars will be sitting around gathering dust. His car, at least. Oh well. at least they'll be paid for.]
Dave~~ I understood that shortly after the first bond, O'Mara did not want Zimmerman using the internet. He said that was one reason Mark started his own website on behalf of Z. Now O'Mara sees no problem with George managing the RealGeorgeZimmerman site.
Mark was asked if he felt like hauling out of this case. He responded that the only way he would leave is if Z told him to. He said he is in it for a long haul. I have a feeling that O'Mark likes a good challenge.
[I think that O'Mara has no choice. There's a lot of money to be made, and Z could easily threaten O'Mara with termination. Lots of other attorneys would take the job and Z knows that.]
Here's an interesting side story. It looks like GZ spoke with Sean Hannity right after MOM became his attorney. Apparantly George went against MOM's advice and called SH. They spoke and he revealed some of the conversation to his friend Scott on a jailhouse call.
GZ: Well, and the other one you were asking about is last name at the same domain.
Scott: SH?
GZ: Yeah, it’s just the last name and then the same domain that I just gave you.
Scott: Really?
GZ: Yeah
Scott: You’ve had contact with him..
GZ: ..No..
Scott: ..That way?
GZ: Yeah
Scott: Oh, I didn’t know that. Should I reach out to him or no?
GZ: Run it by O’Mara first.
Scott: Gotcha
GZ: Because he’s going to anyway.
Scott: But he still needs to be at arm’s length
GZ: Yeah, I agree.
Scott: I miss you, boy!
GZ: I do, too!
GlobalGrind spent this morning trying to confirm the identify of "SH." A rock solid source has told us that the personal email address for "SH" that George Zimmerman gives to his friend, Scott, is in fact the personal email address for Sean Hannity, thus confirming that "SH" is in fact the Fox News host.
Read more: http://globalgrind.com/news/fox-news-host-sean-hannity-mark-omara-trayvon-martin-phone-calls-pay-george-zimmermans-legal-fees-details#ixzz216g3gsp8
When you file for indigency, you have to list your assets. I am assuming that means vehicles too. I expect that Z has the vehicles all transfered over to his parents or sister. I cannot see
O'Mara letting Z handle his own finances. Z has been bitten by the show business bug... He will be promoting himself. Many men are sociopathic narcissists.
This was not God's plan. Let's not forget old Lucifer walks the earth in many forms, possibly as an overly agressive neighborhood watchman.
[I don't think the state would lay claim to his car. He still needs to drive. That would be like taking his house away. He still needs a roof over his head. I think they go after liquid assets. Bank accounts.
I like your Lucifer analogy!]
Message to GZ - God's plan was that there would never be violence, sadness, pain, illness, etc. It was human beings who screwed that all up. And continue to do so on a daily basis.
Well alrighty then. If George really wants to go there, Perhaps part of God's plan is for GZ to spend the next 25 years behind bars. So, if the jury finds him guilty of murder, perhaps he should forego any appeal. Being as God might have than in his plans for GZ.
Just when I think that dip wad couldn't possibly prove himself to be any more ignorant, self serving and uncaring, he opens his mouth and proves me wrong. that entire interview made my skin crawl. Fox News has also stooped to an all time low for airing it. I applaud Barbara Walters for standing up to the dough boy.
[Dip wad? I like it!]
More info on the Zimmermans over the top spending. This came from a member post.
"Zimmerman and his wife spent $6,500 on Internet and phone bills, according to a document his defense attorney filed with the judge. He and his wife bought new cell phones for $300 each and paid a year-long Verizon contract in full. They installed a telephone landline for $2,500 and spent $1,300 on a two-year AT&T wi-fi contract."
According to an article in the Miami Herald
They paid off at least $7,000 in credit card bill and spent almost $4,000 on American Express alone.
Read more here: http://www.miamiherald.com/2012/07/17/2900145/zimmerman-spent-35k-on-cell-phones.html#storylink#storylink=cpy
"They used $4,378 on automotive expenses, making payments on two car loans while renting another for more than $1,500. Gas: $800."
I wish Laurali was around to see this because her and I both picked up on the bad spending habits of the Zimmermans long before they got this windfall. And predictably they are still exhibiting those "live beyond your means" mentality. The Z's are proving to be true grifters. This is not new they've been doing this for years.....
[They are thieves and I hope the public is wising up to them.]
SH was throwing big, mushy softballs at him in that interview. Maybe GZ was lulled into a false sense of security, that he would come up with that God's Plan nonsense. Seriously, I am right with Vicky here on this one and thoroughly offended... what a schmuck!
[Cotton softballs. What a kissass joke he was. Pardon my French.]
I have a sneaking suspicion that MOM will eventually quit or get fired by the Z's. I also think Sean Hannity is or has donated to the fund even though he denies it. I think he wants George to use a different lawyer (probably some NRA lawyer) and judging from the fluff interview he did on George his influence is growing.
Its pretty obvious Mark is uncomfortable with what's happening.
Mystical~~it really bothers me that O'Mara is representing Zimmerman. I am taking this very personal. It is like I dressed Mark up in a nice business suit and then he goes out in the barn and shovels manure.
Mark hinted that, if the state files perjury charges against Zimmerman, he could end up back in the slammer. Re the Barbara Walters fiasco, Mark said that Z asked for a month's free accommodation at a hotel for Shellie because he was so afraid for her safety. It really wasn't for himself. BS
Mystical Pippin: I think the first time Zimmerman called Hannity was just before Mark O'Mara became his attorney. lol--He even called the prosecutor's office directly and they refused to talk to him without his attorney.
He was really out of control there for awhile.
We saw signs of that again late last night. Apparently, there was a letter posted on his old website saying the 'attorney's website' had failed in three key missions: "fund raising, disputing information and providing a voice for Zimmerman." (Quote from above quoted Miami Herald article.)
It had been removed by morning, and Mr. O'Mara denies knowing about it. Somebody was able to rein Zimmerman in, I think.
Here is an old video where some of these circumstances are discussed:
YouTube VIEDO - George Zimmerman Called Sean Hannity
And another one, which is the full press 45 minute press conference that his former attorneys gave. It's long, but interesting. I'll put a quote in to show the position Zimmerman put them in.
YouTube VIDEO – Full 45 min! Zimmerman [Former Attornies] Press Conference
Quote at about 1:40 minutes in: Mr. UHRIG: Let me provide a little bit more detail and context for that. Last Thursday, before Mr. Sonner and I went to New York to meet on Mr. Zimmerman’s behalf with a number of national media organizations—Mr. Sonner was accompanied to the bank by Mr. Zimmerman’s father for the purpose of setting up a website by which people might make donations in order to help support him, and hopefully pay for a defense.
We went to great lengths to make sure that website was set up in a way that the PayPal account paid directly into an account on which his father had the control and the signature rights, not us—so that there would be no possibility of anyone claiming that we were doing something untoward about that. Mr. Zimmerman was aware that we were doing that—his father signed the cards. We left with the expectation of getting that site up in time to announce it for the national media. We did, in fact, make that site’s name known to the national media and it was published to some extent—although it was—for technical reasons—didn’t get posted up in time.
On Sunday we lost track of George in that he would not return our calls and we couldn’t get hold of him, but we had no reason to believe at that time to believe there was anything suspect. But, on Monday, we began fielding questions about did we know anything about the ‘I’m the real George Zimmerman’ or the ‘George Zimmerman.com’ website.
And our initial response was, well, that is probably bogus. George hasn’t talked to us about that. We don’t know about it. So we started making inquiries; and, frankly, confirmed that he—through friends and family—had, in fact, set that site up and it was legitimate. We immediately began telling the media: ‘disregard the earlier website we gave you, that we had set up; go with the one that we now know that he set up’. It was cleaner for us. We were happy enough with that; but, disturbed that he had not communicated with us.
We started reaching out in every way that we knew how to get him. Eventually—the two newest developments are—that we learned—that he had called Sean Hannity of Fox News directly—not through us—and we believe—I can’t confirm this—we believe that he spoke directly with Sean—off the record—and he is not even willing to tell us what our client told him. End Quote
Dave et al...
Zimmerman has a video on his website
Zimmerman speaks to you via video