Synchronization: Trayvon Walks - Zimmerman Talks

The following video depicts Trayvon’s walk from Frank Taaffe’s house (according to George Zimmerman) against Zimmerman’s call to the non-emergency dispatcher. This is just one account of the timeline and what MAY have transpired on the night of Feb. 26, 2012. It is strictly an interpretation and should be treated as such.
I synchronized it with the time Zimmerman told an investigator that he looked south from the T as the dispatcher asked if he was following him, ending with the advisement, “We don’t need you to do that.”
As LLMPapa so poignantly pointed out, it came exactly 10 seconds after Zimmerman slammed his SUV door shut — the same distance it took me 42 seconds to walk.
The end of the video shows Zimmerman’s pace. What happens after he initially reaches the T (and beyond that point) is anyone’s guess.
Reader Comments (23)
I appreciate your video, Dave. It's interesting how you showed where Zimmerman may have passed Trayvon. Even Serino asked Zimmerman right around that point during the replaying of the NEN call, if he was ahead of Trayvon. Of course, Zimmerman said no.
I found the way you speeded up the video to show that Zimmerman was running very effective.
One thing I would like to make note of is that Witness 8 did say that Trayvon ran, and according to her statement she said he ran hard and fast. This was before he told her that he thought he lost Zimmerman.
I'll quote the part that I'm referring to. This is from a transcript:
I think the above part is important because it shows that Trayvon was in great fear of Zimmerman.
It is really to Zimmerman's advantge if we all believe that Trayvon never ran, but I'm with Witness 8 on this.
So, back to your video--I think Trayvon was running straight out once he hit the dogwalk area.
I hope you don't mind if I mention things like that.
I appreciate your take on things very much; and sometimes it jars loose things in my brain that I'm grateful to be able to comment about.
Well done, indeed!
[I don't know how things played out, but I did take a cue from LLMPapa's video taken from my video, now taken from his video. Confusing? You bet! 10 seconds. I based the entire video on the moment Zimmerman got to that T and when he told the detective during interrogation that it was then that he looked south at that time when the dispatcher asked him if he was chasing Trayvon. The rest is just how it fell. I think Trayvon ran and hid. He did not want to show this stranger where he was staying, and he was afraid. The man came tearing after him and until Z caught up with him, it was a game of cat and mouse.
Thanks, nan11, I'm glad you liked it!]
Thanks Dave goint to rewatch an comment later cant you post that tv apearance?
[I will take a look and see if it's posted online yet, ecossie. I have a copy of it, but it would be a copyright infringement for me to post it to my YouTube channel. I'll let you know.]
Brilliant Dave your film proves he could easly have l made it back to his truck before he even got of the phone with dispatch.If thats what his intentions were.But we all know even the idiots that support him know.His intentions were to carry on the hunt an bag himself a black boy alive or dead made no diference to him.In fact his supporters not only realise this they applaud him for it.....
Sorry I'm so late with this, Dave. I've been speeding time with the computer geeks--they were on the loose inside my 'puter for a period of time. : - (
I'm undecided about this article. I don't know if O'Mara set this up to have those that support the one whose name will hopefully soon be forgotten open up their pocket books; or if the check is suddenly in the mail since the suit was filed.
I find this part very interesting: Quote: "But soon after an independent trustee took over Zimmerman's defense fund, the payments stopped coming, AIS alleges."
Sounds to me like it was all deliberate and planned.
Orlando Sentinel | Bodyguards sue George Zimmerman, Mark O'Mara
LLMPapa has a few new videos.
You Tube VIDEO | Published on Dec 19, 2012 | Bring On The Pics, Part One
You Tube VIDEO | Published on Dec 21, 2012 | Bring On The Pics, Part Two
You Tube VIDEO | Published on Dec 21, 2012 | Just Found Out About The Gun?
This is off-topic to LLMPapa's excellent video, but everytime I watch him use his left hand to show how Trayvon reached across to his right hip, I think huh? I don't believe a right handed person would do it that way.
Dave please couls you post or email me that vt of george explaining away time disscrepencys with covluted nonsence physics cant remeber its name I had it saved but accidently deleted it was it time warp?
Dave this is a great video and it works as to what probably was going on at the time.
Nan11 interesting reading on that article and the comment by Ole Skewl . I wasn't sure I could post it here so I didn't.
I just thought of something in Z's statement about Tray sitting up and speaking. Won't the medical examiner be able to say whether or not that had been possible,considering Tray was shot in the heart.
suprise suprise gz has stiffed a security company for twenty seven grand they are sueing him for non payment..He should hire pittbull cindy she works for camra time..An certainly kept the hoardes at bay re trunkmom...An they took on all comers on there front lawn...I M O Swampmom was hated more than gz an when on bail never went into hideing
Tommy's Mom: I don't usually read the comments there, but I did look that one up after you mentioned it.
I think if we provide a link and give credit to the author of the comment, we may be allowed to snip a little bit of it. It is such a good list that I couldn't resist--very succinct and well stated. I'm sure I could provide separate links to support each fact--with the exception of the very first one.
The author suggests that we take a look at Zimmerman's record:
From Orlando Sentinel Blog | by Ole Skewl at 6:37 AM December 22, 2012
Thanks for bringing that to my attention.
Dave: Just a couple of new links you might find interesting.
In this one, I agree with the "something morbidly comedic" statement--especially in light of the newly filed lawsuit for failing to pay their bodyguards. Anyway, take a peek if you feel like it:
GQ . com | The Least Influential People of 2012
This is just a 'rehashing' of the Sentinel article I linked in an earlier comment--no new details. Right below is a link to an 'update' which appeared on O'Mara's website concerning 'the fund.' My personal feeling is that this is all being micromanaged by O'Mara--even though he said: Quote: "Wow. I'm very surprised that they filed suit. We've paid them over $40,000."
IMO, O'Mara has paid them all he feels they were worth and their suit will serve as a way to drum up sympathy from Zimmerman's supporters--maybe they will send him fatter checks for Christmas.
Lawyer Herald | Trayvon Martin Shooter, George Zimmerman and Attorney Mark O’Mara Sued by Security Services
GZ Legal Case | on 28 November 2012 |
The New George Zimmerman Defense Fund
Sub-Heading: In December, the George Zimmerman Defense fund will be moving into the hands of a new fund manager.
I'll let this speak for itself. It does speak to controversial issues which I don't want to bring to your blog. However, there are a couple of interesting statements concerning the implications of Zimmerman's actions, though.
MSNBC | VIDEO | Martin Bashir | Aired on December 21, 2012
Dave: A few new details here from Click Orlando.
Click Orlando | Zimmerman lawsuit details security plans
Sub-Heading: Zimmerman's attorney calls security leak "violation of client confidence"
Dave: I can't find a link to a copy of that lawsuit. Maybe I'm just missing it. : - (
I see Weiner purchased a copy yesterday. It surely didn't take them that long to link the lawsuit against NBC.
Just sayin.' (I noticed it is also for breach of contract.)
The following link doesn't really contain much info. Sorry for the instructions, but when I try to post the link right to the page containing the info it goes back to the main page.
Orange County Clerk of Courts Records Search
► Check "All Case Records Search"
► Check "Business"
► Type in "CMR ASSOCIATES INC"; click search button on bottom of page
► Click on Case No. 2012-CA-020556-0
(FYI - Sometimes I get an error telling me the page cannot be displayed. If that happens just go back and start again. I tried it and it does work.)
Ahhh now we know, as if we didn't before. Zimmerman tells the court over and over that he has to hide and wear a bullet proof vest because he's being threatened. Now, thanks to Nan's post citing the Orlando Sentinel we know where the threat is coming from!!
The suit details sophisticated security plans, including using disguises and switching rental cars to conceal Zimmerman from paparazzi."
The remark that the funds are being handled by someone else also brings to mind the Zimmerman's paying their living expenses from the original 200 thousand. They probably saw a gold mine in this case. I'm glad the donations are dribbling in now instead of rewarding him for killing a kid.
One of the many things I don't understand about this mess. If Z and family fear for their well being now do they believe the "threats" will stop if his isn't convicted?
Tommy’s Mom: Well, you pose an interesting question.
I think all the Zimmerman’s—with the exception of George, himself—are well aware of the fact that there aren’t any real threats out there right now. As soon as charges were laid, that all stopped.
If I recall correctly, O’Mara has already informed the defendant that he should expect that his life will never be the same, no matter what the verdict.
So, that leaves us with what would their real motivation be.
To squirrel away a big enough nest egg that the defendant would be able to easily relocate? Maybe to Chile or Mexico? Maybe to another state that appeals to him?
It wouldn’t surprise me in the least to find out that O’Mara is behind this purported fear to some extent. Keeping it alive plays in well with his hocus-pocus defense and panhandling for money.
Also, to taint the unsuspecting jury candidates, he needs the media to keep touting that the unfairly charged [not] defendant is constantly hounded—hunted even—like an animal, by all of us who support justice for Trayvon Martin. The truth of the matter does not fit their aspirations.
We are unpredictable because we support a black thug who beat his client until blood ran from his ears, and to within an inch of diaperdom. ;^)
Never mind that all the evidence—and I do mean ALL—points toward a terrified and panicked kid, in fear of his life, being profiled and relentlessly pursued by an adult who did not have the functioning capability to stop when he was advised to do so.
One thing though, I don’t know that O’Mara bargained for the true level of paranoia exhibited by Georgie boy. That borders on a mental imbalance, in my opinion. Just one of many.
I think lots of evidence of that little fact exists in the new lawsuit that we haven’t been allowed to view as of yet.
All my opinion only, of course.
A little more on the effects of gravity by LLMPapa. ㋡
YouTube VIDEO | Published on Dec 25, 2012 | By LLMPapa | Sir Isaac and Witness 18 For The Prosecution
This article doesn't exactly warm the cockles of my heart on this Christmas evening. It is a long article, and the quote I picked is from the ending.
I agree with Mrs. Fulton. To be blunt, I think that is not only what they wanted, but what they expected. I am so glad that they didn't.
The Miami Herald | By Frances Robles | December 25, 2012 | Parents on both sides of Zimmerman case cope with aftermath of Sanford saga
Dave: I'm linking a couple of opinion write-ups. I hope you don't consider them too controversial for your blog. Please delete, if so.
If you find them appropriate, they are pretty decent reads.
NY Daily News | By Denis Hamill | Sorry to have to tell you, Virginia… There is a Santa Claus, but this year he’s been outnumbered by Grinches and gun nuts
CNN | By Salamishah Tillet | Opinion: Quentin Tarantino creates an exceptional slave
You might not approve of this either, (it seems about right with what other stations have reported, though.)
It is a short video by WFTV done on Friday, the 21st.
They play a few clips from a phone interview that they did with Christopher Rumbaugh; and also there is a clip of his attorney, Stephen Milbreath. Shown, as well, is a copy of the lawsuit., to which no links have been provided.
WFTV VIDEO | Security company suing George Zimmerman, attorney
YouTube VIDEO | Published on Dec 25, 2012 by LLMPapa | The Truth Has No Agenda
Thank you, LLMPapa! Junior's tweets are as deliberately odious as he intends them to be, imo--which raises all kinds of questions, doesn't it?
I also appreciated the following video.
YouTube VIDEO | Published on Oct 9, 2012 by LLMPapa | A Ring of Darkness
Dave: So, it seems as if Junior is somewhat displeased with Frances Robles' recent article in the Miami Herald.
Personally, I found that article was so Defense friendly that it made me gag.
If anyone is so inclined, you can read Junior's two page tirade at the link below. The definitions at the end appear to harbor veiled implications, of what I'll let you decide.
From The Desk Of {Snipped} Jr.
An example of what really gets to me is the following. I have seen no evidence of Trayvon having injury to his knuckles. IIRC, bruising to his knuckles was rumored early on but was dismissed as untrue once the medical examiner's report was released.
But yet, here--in a 'response to the State's response to a motion by the Defense'--the Defense refers to Trayvon's knuckles having injuries.
Are they now using their court motions to try the case with incorrect facts? Baez is starting to look ethical to me. {I cannot believe I am actually thinking that.}
Defendant's Reply To State’s Response To Defendant’s Motion To Take Additional Deposition
From page 2 of a 26 page motion:
[Robert is an egotistical nitwit as far as I'm concerned. He's dog doo doo.]
If Dee Dee's testimony is true, that TM ran and eluded GZ, then how did they make it back together? He had a ten-second head start and 2 minutes, 30 seconds to get to BG's apartment (about 100 yards) or otherwise outrun and stay out of sight of fatboy George, so how did they meet? He doubled back to confront GZ, or he got lost and somehow wound up next to him, or he's the slowest black teenager in history.
[Aside from everything else, what does his color have to do with it? Slowest as opposed to other black teenagers, or are they inherently faster than whites? And what's your point? Blatant racism?
Do you - being white, obviously - assume that black teens are "stupider" than white ones, too? Ib dat be me, I be runnin da udda way. Hoom dah. I be no show de white man da place I be a stayin'. Who dat white boy? I dunno. Hoom dah. Mebbe whitey be show da place he be a stayin' so blackie can rob da dude. Hoom dah. Mammy, and all that. Hoom dah.]
You seriously don't think that blacks are faster runners than other people?! Are you [EDITED]ing me, or [EDITED]ing yourself? Try watching Olympic track and field, the NBA, the NFL, MLS, MLB... the list goes on. Who said anything about anyone being stupid, and what white person was directly involved in this fight between a black and a latino? More to the point, if we can believe "Dee Dee", why was No_Limit_Punk out of breath two minutes after running a mere 30 yards, and why did he end up more or less back where he started?
[So... Trayvon was an Olympian. Sorry, I wasn't aware of that. Silly me, but what do I know? I'm just a stupid white man; as slow as black strap molasses on Martin Luther King Day in Alaska.
Was Obama an Olympic triafron, too?]