This Psycho-Babble Takes the Case

There are good shrinks and there are bad shrinks. We look at Drs. Danziger and Weitz as being good ones, right? Dr. Keith Ablow, however… well, let’s just say I have a problem with his analysis of Ms. Anthony; certainly no mother-of-the-year back in 2008. Read the entire article Ablow wrote for FOX NEWS. Then, if it suits your fancy, come back (here) and offer up your own opinion. Say whatever you want because I really need to know if I lost my senses…
What Casey Anthony’s psychiatry records tell us — Did Casey really kill Casey?
Personally, I think the world is full of psychotic nuts… er… or maybe I should say nutty psychiatrists. I don’t know, I’m still stunned right now. I think I am, therefore, I am, I think. Or am I?
Reader Comments (73)
In my opinion Dr. Keith Ablow needs to go back to medical school. Evidently he hasn't been around many narcissists, psychopaths, etc. Casey is so manipulative and she is a pathological liar. I can't believe that he is actually falling for her lies. I could only read so much of that article and I stopped. I have heard other psychiatrists and psychologists that have said she is a psychopath, sociopath, narcissist, etc. He is just trying to get his 15 minutes of fame. I am with you , Dave with having a problem with his analysis.
You know, Mary Jo, there are always specialists in each and every field that will contradict each other in court, especially if the price is right. In Ablow's case, he's a bleeding heart that has a scientific or medical excuse for everything. Even as a diabetic, the very first doctor who officially diagnosed it after the blood work came back and told us what we already knew, he told me what I could eat and what I could not. Coconut was not allowed. Not even a little bit? NO! And no means none. DO NOT EAT COCONUT! So I don't, but that doesn't stop me from finding coconut cures for diabetes on the Internet because there's no such thing as the Internet police. If you're wondering how this ties in, it's simple. For every answer, there's a counter-answer, but that doesn't mean any of them are right. Simply put, I disagree with Ablow. He's a sympathizer.
Hi Dave
Psychometric tests etc probably can't be cheated. I'm not about to pit my uneducated opinion against highly trained psychiatrists, nor sledge a potential sexual abuse victim. This is all well and good but what I don't understand is why anyone believes the perpetrator is George Anthony. Where are his other victims? I believe that child molesters have many victims and given the high profile of this case they would have come crawling out of the woodwork in droves if there was any truth to this whatsoever. Also, lots of people are sexually abused and don't harm their children, they especially don't let others harm their children. I call Bull%*+#. For what it's worth I also think this Dr Ablow is a drama queen out to make some $$$. According to reviews his book was crud.
Hi Tiffany - I have a strong tendency to agree with you that the tests cannot be cheated, but I look at this woman like I look at a great writer of fiction. They make up a veritable town full of characters with names, addresses, past and present experiences and a circle of friends. That's just looking at people like Stephen King, for example, and he's got a cast of thousands, including pets, living and deceased. Stores, malls, gas stations and police departments. That's the way I see Casey. Only she's demented. She's very creative, like King, and she retains every little detail about people who, literally, don't exist. I think she believes in her fantasies. Therefore, she could easily pass any psychometric test because she manufactures fictional accounts and instead of turning them into novels, she convinces herself they're real and very much a part of her life. If Daddy molested her, by golly, she's going to buy right into it because, to her, it happened. Her life has been a fantasy and that's normal to her. She had no reason to lie.
I also agree with you on what Ablow is all about. Even highly decorated military leaders have failed. They have credentials, too.
Dave~~I am sitting here stunned after having read what Dr Keith Ablow wrote. I had to check to see if an imposter wrote it. Ablow authored a book, 'Inside the Mind of Casey Anthony.' I read a few excerpts from that book a few weeks ago. Ablow was blaming all of Casey's problems on her genes which she inherited from her 'control freak' ancestors. It seems he did a family tree of the Anthonys and Pleseas. Good grief, I think the forensic psychiatrist need a good psychologist to evaluate him. I see he is a member of the Fox News Medical A team. I hope they will support him when he is charged with defamation. It is one thing for José Baez to make outrageous accusations in an opening statement. Baez, as an officer of the court, has immunity inside of a courtroom, unless he is sworn in under oath.
I cannot believe that Keith Ablow would dare write some of those things. Is he pizzed that his own book sales didn't do well and he feels that Ashton undercut him? His assessment of Ashton is not too flattering.
Like you, Dave... I am so damn confused now... I have to go and calm down...bbl.
[It was a sad thing to read because it lends credence to Casey's story. There are wack jobs in every profession. I'm not going to come right out and call him one, but I find it hard to believe that this man, a licensed practitioner of psychiatric medicine, is convinced that George is the villian. He came right out and said so. Does it rise to the level of libel or defamation? I don't know, but if I were Mark Lippman, I'd look into it. Even in psychiatry, there's a bad apple in every bushel.]
Dr. Keith Ablow is a quack IMO and is desperately attaching his new diagnoses “Identity Suppression Syndrome" to Casey for his 15 minutes of fame. Doesn't fit no matter how hard he tries to push that square peg into a round space. His book is an exploitation of little Caylee Marie and her memory. Dr. Ablow is disappointed his physco babble isn't on the best sellers list, so I see him justifying himself in that article. He has so many holes in his theory it's ridiculous.
Who's to say she didn't lie and manipulate the outcome of those tests? She's an accomplished socipathic liar. Dr. Danziger and Dr. Weitz were faced with a new kind of monster who likely will have a personality disorder named after her, but it surely won't be ISS.
I wish George would take a lie dectector test (and Casey too....bawhahaha) and settle this issue of alleged sexual abuse once and for all. Baez knew he had to come up with a defense and he masterminded the whole thing. How many times did the story change? I don't believe for a second that George harmed Casey or Caylee. Cripes he was the only one who tried to get that evil spawn to tell him where Caylee was.
Nope, not losing it at ALL Dave. That article is laughable.
Hi, Redrelaxed - The one thing I really noticed was his unprofessional writing. I don't mean grammar, I'm talking about how he tooted his own horn at every chance he had. That's an ego gone wild. To be honest, I learned more about him than I did about her. There's something wrong with that picture.
I wouldn't suggest that George take a lie detector test because there's no legal basis for one. Also, he would be so riled up, after all, we do know his temper, he'd fail miserably. Since it cannot be used in a possible civil suit, why feed Ablow?
Dr. Albow is a nuts as Casey. He is making it sound like it's o.k. to murder your daughter if you are a victim of sex abuse.
I think, terri, that even in the world of psychiatry, sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you don't. Ablow feels like a nut.
Well, first there are a lot of nutty drs. out there, not just pysh. doctors. Second, was he falling in with
Casey, a bunch of bs if you ask me. Third, I never believed it in the beginning, she took it in the morning and grinned and went off to school to get "A's, have friends and get awards". Pysco bs.
Agreed, Annie. For years she made up jobs, friends and, of course, hiding her pregnancy, because she knew her mother would be in complete denial. Yes, that was one crazy household, but I refuse to buy into George being pedophile, let alone with his own child.
I also think he's searching for fame. And is maybe just another man that Casey has been able to fool. Maybe the good Doctor should see a doc himself.
Hello, Verna! The only thing is, he IS well-known. Perhaps a new doctor is in order. Flat out, he needs to see a shrink.
Mine won't be a popular opinion but I don't have a problem with the Identity Suppression Syndrome. To me it fits perfectly. I have a problem with this being applied to what happened to Caylee via the allegations against George Anthony. I also have a huge problem with believing George Anthony is a pedophile.
There's nothing unpopular about your opinion. Having met George, sat next to him, talked to him and watched him in and out of the courtroom, I am having a huge problem believing he's a pedophile, too. It's not in him.
Tiffany, if George Anthony was a pedofile, he would have hung around a playground, not River Cruz. This Ablow is nuts.
Where did he get his information that George pushed his father through a plate glass window because his father wouldn't sign over the car business to him? Ablow is fabricating things and I cannot for the life of him figure out what he was trying to prove in writing that article. If he thinks that he will gain notoriety, I have news for him. As far as his future career goes, he has just commit public suicide. He may as well go down the tubes with the attorneys et al.
I do not know for a fact that Casey was not sexually abused. I will bet the farm that it was not George.
To think that I used to watch Ablow's own show and enjoyed it... times change and so do people..that greed for fame and fortune will do it every time..
[My guess is that Ablow interviewed family members with a very skewed opinion of George. What he's doing is he's only showing one side of the coin; the coin that makes him look good. To him, Casey's glass is half full. George's is half empty. Not only is that wrong and totally biased, he's shifted a good part of the blame from her to him. It's highly unprofessional.]
Exactly Snoopy, and all the kids from the playground would be shouting from the roof tops about it by now. How can people say this about George Anthony and it not be defamation? Baez would have legal privilege but what about these others?
Tiffany~~yup, Baez is protected inside the courtroom. If José said the same things as he did in this opening statement, outside in the parking lot of the courthouse or on tv, he would have the pants sued off him. I have a feeling we have not heard the last of Keith Ablow... I hate to put Dr in front of his name now.
Dave, I can't leave this one alone... I wonder how Dr Keith Ablow would evaluate the jail visitation of Casey when Cindy and George visited on August 25/08. Did we not see emotion? Did we not see a good display of a 'temper tantrum'? How many times did Casey use the 'I' word during that visit, typical of a sociopathic narcissist? This happened to take place after the alleged sexual molestation and Caylee's death. Why wasn't Casey calm, cool and collected and able to supress her pent up hurt at that time?
Dr Keith Ablow, you label yourself a professional, right? Well listen up, you have been conned by a con artist. I am just a layperson and even I could figure things out.
[I was hoping someone would bring up that jailhouse visit. Ablow picked through the parts that fit his idea and cast away the rest. It's disgusting.]
Thanks for the reply Dave. Yep, I agree Casey fantasizes and believes her fantasies but not for entertainment purposes like Stephen King. I'll bet the farm Casey became a product of a very early childhood trauma which pushed her into suppression and because she doesn't understand it herself she subconsciously blames her father because he was supposed to protect her. It might not have been a trauma from a person even, it could have been organic like a head injury from a fall. I tend to think there's more evidence of it being sexual abuse or abuse of some kind though given her ability to live a double life. It doesn't excuse her in any way, it does in my opinion go some way to explaining why poor George cops it and why this woman has markers of narcissism, bizarre behavior etc yet not to the degree of fully fitting a particlular profile of a diagnosable mental illness.
Sure, Tiffany, my pleasure.
Just to be clear, I am not a Casey sympathizer, I think she's a very unwell and awful individual to put it kindly. I just think there's reasons why she became who she did and they've got nothing to do with George. And I also believe they were only contributing factors to, not an excuse for what happened to Caylee.
Snoopy I can't leave this one alone either lol. Dave, love your take on Ablow. And it serves no purpose for him to be making these unfounded allegations against George other than to try to line his own pockets. I wish people like him would shut up. Casey needs loads of mental help and George deserves for Casey to get well enough to concede she is wrong about him and she has problems and for her to begin making up for what she's done to Caylee and put her family through.
Thanks, Tiffany. Casey is like an alcoholic. Nothing is ever her fault. She will never admit to anything.
Dave She just will not go away, will she? Dr Ablow is right up there with Dr Spitz. IMO. I read a bit of Dr Ablow' s book excerpts, and that man Is in a world of his own too. I think he stated that caca problems started way back with her great granparents. He is very antagonistic toward Jeff Ashton. May he thinks he can hurt Ashtons political career. Dr Ablow and Dr Spitz need to give it up. They both think that They are perfectionist and know more than anyone else. Some things just do not get better with age in spite of what they think about themselves. If I read much more of his article, I would need a shrink. Nice article Dave Thanks.
Thanks, margaret. I knew this one would open up a can of worms... or is it more of a hornet's nest? Yes, I think so. I have read very little of Ablow's work, but this one is so much more than enough to ice the cake, I'm now inclined to create a new word, not a cliche: ablowing. To ablow is to throw out all the rules and, instead, flit around like a bug in the wind. "The answer my friend, is ablowing in the wind," only it would always be the wrong answer -- ablowing in the wrong direction.
Tiffany~ ~I have a suspicious nature. In other words, everyone is guilty until I prove them innocent. LOL
Here is an example of one of my suspicions...
Fox News= Geraldo + bestest friend, José Baez+ Dr Keith Ablow+ desperation is trying to soften Casey's image so a reputable news outlet will give her an interview.
Now how long will it be before Dr Keith Ablow is a guest on Geraldo trying to promote his book a bit more?
We still do not know if Baez filed the official documents resigning as Casey's counsel.
You have not lost your senses. Ablow has lost his. Casey is a very accomplished liar and is able to manipulate people, especially men. I am sure that she enjoyed laying out her horrid stories of abuse and watching as the "professionals" fell for her BS.
You were right on, Dave. Ablow is way off base.
Thanks, Carolee. Imagine that! We know more than a licensed professional, but I think we studied her longer than he did. Ablow could not see little innuendos; facial distortions while being questioned by the REAL psychiatrists. He's basing his opinion on heresay and transcripts.
Couldn't agree more Dave or have said it better myself. She will never admit to anything. Sadly I don't think she'll ever get the help she so desperately needs. That's why I have sympathy for George, he's lost his granddaughter, lost his daughter, his daughter will probably never face up to what she's done, never take back what she's said about him. It's disappointing when so called experts come along then and try to exploit people in this situation for their own benefit. I'd have no problem with Ablow writing about Casey but it becomes so tabloid and yucky when he starts referring to George as a pedo.
LOL at being a naturally suspicious type Snoopy. I see loads of merit in what you're suspicious about in this case though.
Tiffany~~ What bothers me about all this is, Casey drove a knife in her father's heart. Keith Ablow just twisted the knife a bit more. I wonder how much more George can take before he caves in. He strikes me as a man who is emotionally fragile. God forbid if he ever harmed himself. Ablow would say that it was a sure sign of guilt.
Dave~~I timed out...don't approve the one in moderation... here it is again...
Let's get to know the good doctor and find out how others view him. I believe he is hung up on Identities...
Don't Let Your Kids Watch Dr Keith Ablow
[Weird. That's all I can say.]
Tell me, please......................Why is it that this Ablow guy has to put a particular name on Casey Anthony?? Seriously, could it just be that Casey Anthony is an evil simpleton? She doesn't lie as good as everyone gives her credit for. Her lies are easily found out. Just go back through the transcripts. Her stories about George are outlandish! He held her under the water and then yelled, "Look what you did!" COMMON! I seroiusly cannot believe all of this! Plus, how is it that these accusations about George molesting his own daughter and his grandaughter, can be spread around like this without a shred of proof other than a daughter who said her child was missing for 31 days and she didn't EVER report it to police. I, for one, cannot tolerate this anymore. It is crazy and worries me for any true victims of child molestation. How can these rumors be stopped against George Anthony?? Can they ever be put to rest?? How can this so called Dr. live with himself? I somehow wish George would muster up just a little bit of courage and take Casey to court over the vicious lies. Of course, wish in one hand and you know what in the other and see which one weighs the most. Truly unbelievable.
Hi everyone! It sure is a nice feeling to read everyone's comments!!! I miss chit chatting with everyone!!!
Hi SageMom - Yes indeed, it is nice to chit chat again, and I'm glad you're here. You want to know what I think? Paula Deen lost an awful lot of credibility because she made all that crappy food for people to eat and she hid her diabetes for 3 years. Now, she's getting paid by a pharmaceutical company to endorse their product. OK, this isn't about her, though, but I do think that Ablow lost his credibility, too, by writing something that degrades his profession. I'm sorry, but he let his pompous ego get in his way. I think he's going to be the laughing stock come morning.
Same Snoopy. I think it was on Dr Phil, George was sitting there and he looked so broken.
Actually Snoopy, re reading the article Dave posted about Ablow, Ablow already repeats that Casey implied her fathers suicide attempt was a result of guilt over Caylees death. This so called Doctor has no scruples. Decent people don't try to gain in this way from the misfortune of others and would appreciate that George is a victim.
You're absolutely right, Tiffany.
Cheney Mason announced today that Jose Baez left the team the day Casey was sentenced. My guess is that he had had enough. That whole case took its toll on all of us.
Good night, y'all.
Haha, thanks Dave, it would be a first for me to be right about anything. Totally agree with Snoopys observations about George though and everyone's assertions about Ablow. Off the net for a bit now, have a great night.
This is where Ablow tries to place a lot of the blame for Casey's problems on Cindy. This Ablow is scattering his theories in every which way... trying to sell his book.
the Mind of Casey Anthony
I am not going to post links to his trash but here is something I found at another one of his sites..
Ablow goes back into Casey’s family history 100 years to trace the “evolution of [Casey] extinguishing as a person.” He pointed out that her parents didn’t even know Casey was seven months pregnant. He also cited that the baby was given to Casey’s mom in the delivery room and not to Casey. “She went missing before this little girl went missing,” which Albow said is the point of this book.
I cannot come across the excerpts I read about Casey's ancestry and how Ablow did not spare any of them in the blame department. Alex Plesea, Casey's g/father was another target of Ablow. He said Alex ruled with an iron fist and that trait was passed down from his ancestors. Cindy rec'd the bad gene from her parents... and so on and on until Casey could not help being the way she ended up.
I hope if Margaret can find the excerpts about all the ancestors, she will let me know where to find it as I believe she read the same things that I did.
Thanks for the link Snoopy. It made me hungry for Chilli.
Dave, I have never heard of not eating coconut if you ate a diabetic and am now curious to find out why??? I know with my one of my heart meds i can't have grapefruit!!!!
As for the article all i can do is shake my head , hope all is well with you!!
Hello Misbrandy38! There's a protocol involved in any medical diagnosis. For sure, my doctor knew I was a diabetic but I couldn't be officially diagnosed until blood tests came back. Prior to the diagnosis, I went to a Thai restaurant for dinner and ate a green curry soup with coconut milk. I had no idea at the time. When I got home, I tested my sugar and it was off the scale. I couldn't figure out why because I ate a light salad and a seemingly healthful soup. Two weeks late, I believe, is when my doctor gave me the test results and he laid out what I could and couldn't eat. I've never consumed coconutin any form since, although I do lust after Almond Joys when I see them.
My health has been OK, but I am shaking my head, too. Senseless drivel!
I am having a problem with this. If George did, in fact, get rid of Caylee, we all know that her body was in Casey's trunk and she knew it, too. I worked for a child psychiatrist at one time, and he told me once that not everyone who has a mental illness has a diagnosis that you can pin on them, because there are those rare few who are "just born evil". I believe Casey falls into this category. My heart goes out to George Anthony as I believe Casey had to make up some sort of scenario to get her off of the hook and she chose her father, mainly because he was the first one to tell the truth at the grand jury, (until Cindy got a hold of him). Just ranting. Hope you have a good day.
Hi Cindy - You hit the nail right on the head. Dr. Ablow only picked and chose what would make sense to him; what would validate his theory, which is nothing but bunk in my opinion. He did not explain the death in Casey's trunk. What? Did George load Caylee in her car to torture her? To hope she'd get caught? We've got three years of evidence that Abrow tossed out the window in a 5-minute read. Yes, Casey was born evil. So was Hitler. I wonder what the doctor would say about him.
I'm looking forward to having a good day and I hope you are, as well. Thanks.
Hi Dave, I tried to comment last night, but couldn't. One more try.
IMO, Ablow is a quack. To put a medical diagnosis out there that hasn't undergone approval by the APA or some other panel is completely unethical. That being said, even if Casey has "supressed her identity", the most reasonable explanation would be that she murdered her child and what little conscience she might have is unable to live with what she has done.
Casey is an anomaly and Ablow's ego is too inflated or perhaps fragile to accept that there are times when a personality disorder cannot be explained or treated. Ablow would have us believe that Casey is so special, that unlike all other victims of childhood sexual abuse, she does not meet the criteria for any of the many existing disorders. I say Bull Chit. IMO Casey is no different than many other freaks of nature that defy explanation.
Hi Sempre Invictus - I saw that over at Snoopy's last night. She was having a problem, too. Every once in a while, Squarespace belches and there's nothing I can do about it. Anyway, sorry about the problem.
You know the funny thing is, Ablow only read the same transcripts we were afforded. He did not sit down and interview her like Danziger and Weitz. Have they come out and pointed fingers at George? No, of course not, and they're in the know. Ablow has got to be a quack for this. There's no way to rationalize it. Bull Chit is right. She is a freak of nature.
Thanks! Great to see you.
Dear Dave,
I think of doctors like this. They are like any other profession--with competent and incompetent ones---they are not Gods. Some people react to them like they are unfortunately. I realize that there are a lot of children that are sexually abused and no one ever knows. But, with Casey there was so much evidence presented that Casey killed Caylee that was totally ignored by the jury. That evidence, especially the stinking car and where the body was found AND missing for 30 days--to me that outweighs any psychiatrist's opinion. With all the evidence presented both at your site and others----it was a simple guilty verdict as if someone had dropped posted notes along the way from point to point. The jury needs to be evaluated by psychiatrists in my opinion for their ignorance of what evidence especially circumstantial means. Like Buglioso said when he prosecuted the people in the Manson murders, circumstantial is looked at like a puzzle piece and put together for a full picture---very few crimes have a witness that sees a person standing over someone with a smoking gun. If a juror is looking for that kind of proof, they have totally missed the point-----------justice denied.
Hello Martha My Dear -
Yes, there are bad eggs in every profession, and you made a very good point with the evidence. There's rarely anyone standing over a body with a smoking gun, so every piece of evidence put together builds a good case against a defendant. In Ablow's case, he never looked at any of the evidence when he formulated his opinion. He just looked at pieces of paper with printed words. There were no signs of peculiar reactions at all. And for Ablow to attack Ashton, a seasoned prosecutor, made no sense. Sadly, Ablow forgot all about the true victim - CAYLEE - and instead chose to sanctify her mother. What a weirdo. Thanks.
I urge you all to read my blog at BRIANNECHANTAL I've offered insight on just who Jon and Holly Briley are & their connection to the Hensley's, as well as insight on "Amelia Sobel" ... who just so happens to BE Holly.
I had seen your blog earlier, Brianne, and you are going through a real mess now. I fixed the link to make it active. This will make it easier to read about your situation. I wish you the best! You won't find any enemies here.
Hi Everyone, I read here daily but have only posted a few times. Love your writings Dave!!!!!! I'm in shock, so totally disgusted. This guy is a nut. Little Caylee Marie will never get justice with whack jobs like this guy buying into Caseys crap and that is exactly what it is..............crap. She's so full of it !!!!!
Hello Laura - I think everyone, other than the defense, is in shock and filled with disgust. Caylee will never find justice because of her mother and 12 people from Pinellas County, not from the likes of a nutty psychiatrist, although his assessment does rub lots of salt in a wound that will never heal. Thank you for reading here daily and especially for enjoying my writing. That's special and very much appreciated.
I love your readers Dave. I grow I.Q. points every time I read the comments. Thank you for being here.
They are great, Verna! I agree 100%. Believe me, I grow IQ points, too, but I think they go to my belly. And a big thank you for being here, as well!
Hi Dave
I am so glad to see that you have a new post. I don't think Dr. Ablow has presented a good argument for anything.
Since we weren't watching Casey 24 hours a day when she was a child, we really don't know what might or might not have hapened to her then. However, George would have to be a better actor than she is (based on the accounts of people who heard him try to get the truth about Caylee from Casey and based on the jail house interviews) if he had really killed Caylee himself and disposed of the body. I do not think George has that much skill and I do believe Jeff Ashton when he said that George was a terrible liar. I also think that Jeff Ashton was dead right in his assessment when he said that Casey was the most skillful liar he had ever seen.
Even if we assumed that George did every terrible thing that Casey or Dr. Ablow accused him of doing, we would have to go back to how George was treated as a child and then to how his parents were treated when they were children. The buck has to stop somewhere. I say that, in the matter of the death of Caylee Anthony, the buck stops with Casey.
Casey did not report her child missing for 30 days. She did not lead the police to the dead body. She did not tell the truth about much of anything. If she had seen Caylee's dead body and thought that George had killed her, then Casey had an obligation to report it to the police before George could kill some other toddler. What if Lee and Mallory had children and unwittingly left them in the care of a murderer? What about if the neighbors brought children over for George and Cindy to watch? If Casey failed in her obligation to protect her own chld, she certainly still had an obligation to protect other children from a known danger once she became aware of it.
Personally, I think George was probably a relatively good grandfather who would never harm his grandchild. I suspect that Casey accidentally overdosed Caylee on some chemical "baby sitter" or that she unwittingly suffocated her with duct tape in an effort to keep her quiet if Caylee woke up in the car and wanted to scream.
I do think that Casey is crazy, maybe not in the legal sense of the word, but normal sane people don't behave the way she has.
You know, Amber, you brought up something else, whether you realize it or not. If she was sooooooooo innocent, why did she hide what her father did for three years? Why did she sit in jail? To protect him? To what end? Did Ablow even consider that? Noooooooooo!
I'd bet the farm that George was a wonderful grandfather. Clearly, Caylee never showed any signs of sexual abuse at the hands of Jo Jo. Neither did her mother until it became a defense strategy. What a pathetic liar, and she's still good enough to fool an occasional shrink, as gullible as he is.
Is Ablow trying to get the honor of being called the "most hated man" in America?
What was he thinking? Wait...he wasn't.
I found the article to be appalling, disgusting and just plain rubbish.
Casey is nothing more than an evil, narcissistic con artist. She will NEVER change.
I say; leave her alone and she will get tangled in her own web of lies.
You know, Sarah, how some people like to make noise so they are heard? And their sermon is shocking on purpose? That's Ablow. Or else he is stupid and completely insane, but that is just my opinion and not a diagnosis because I am not qualified like he is. Ha, Ha, Ha!
Certainly, if he was a pothole in the media yesterday, he is a sinkhole today. Whatever sinks his boat.
I'm writing this after reading the article by Dr. Ablow...I have not read any of the comments above, yet, but I do intend to do so...Dr. Ablow has given HIS opinion, which I consider delusional...I can't see his theory about GA ...I believe the only reason she who shall remain nameless (or should I call her MUD) did not present an impression of any psychiatic description/definition was due to her being constantly coached by her legal team...She came to believe the BS they told her as fact and it was just an easy way out to blame, blame, blame....It doesn't take a long time to learn things, just constant reminding, which she told herself over and over...After all she had quite a long time to be to herself and her thoughts, and writing to her friendly inmate reinforced the story in her mind...or so she thought...She knew good and well that those letters would be revealed...That's why she said what she did in them...I don't know...I think she is self absorbed and devoid of emotion except what feels good to her...Sorry Dr. Ablow I'm not buying your Geo theory...nor do I think that she told CA about being molested...If it were so, caca would bave bolted a long time ago even before she became PG...I don't think she was raped during a drunken/drug induced blackout either...The only reason she stayed living at home was probably becaused she was spoiled and scared about being out on her own (without a bonafide job)....I could go on, but what's the use??? We all know she was/is a nut case....and now she can move over and share some space with Dr Ablow....
Hi Estee - I think you're going to find all of the comments in agreement. Dr. Keith can go Ablow. I think it's interesting that you mention coaching from her defense team. I've often thought it was the other way around, but I now believe it was a team effort. Apparently, she is a great convincer, but only those who choos to ingest her mental toxins. Clearly, this was something she made up and manifested. Call it the Casey Kool-Aid Manifesto that began with her letters to Robyn Adams; that being because a manifesto is a written edict.
As for her (so called) date rape, is a willingness to consummate considered rape, and if so, since when? She said she never wanted to abort the fetus. That's news to me, and I'm sure Cindy addressed that issue early on. Today, she may have a different memory of that - one that mirrors the good old "chloroform" search story of hers.
Oh well, all we can do is shrug now and laugh at Ablow. We will never be able to laugh at Ca Ca. There's never anything funny about a dead child.
Thanks, Estee!
Good evening Dave. I asked two separate psychiatrists (one a child psychiatrist) about Albow's newly named disorder today. Both of them laughed.
I have sworn off discussing anything CA, so I'm not going to get wrapped up in discussing her, but I will say that there are thousands and thousands of people who have survived childhood sexual abuse, and I doubt very seriously they would want the likes of Casey or Albow representing their interests.
I do wonder how George will respond to this latest insult to injury, or if he will respond at all.
And a very good evening to you, too, Sempre Invictus. Why am I not surprised by the laughter of the two psychiatrists you asked? I am sure they speak for the majority in their profession. What's interesting is that I haven't heard any feedback anywhere in the media about Ablow's assertions. Perhaps, they don't want to start a war with Fox News. Not because of any problem with Fox, but because networks don't make a habit of starting fights among themselves.
I agree that thousands and thousands of people, mostly women, survive sexual abuse, but with Casey, there is only one of her and she fits no mold I have ever run across.
Personally, I think George would be better suited to leave it alone before he explodes. There is no way anyone could ever convince me that he is guilty of any kind of abuse with his daughter - - except out of frustration over losing Caylee, his beloved grandbaby.
Thanks. Your investigation proved to be precisely what we all thought we knew.
Ahhh Sempre Invictus.... you refuse to discuss Casey any more? I believe you but thousands wouldn't. I'll betcha I can draw some info out of you...
Actually, Invictus, I am just kidding and wanted an excuse to see if I can get my comments to show so this is a test.
Dave, I need to put a challenge out to Dr Ablow...
Dr Keith Ablow offered to treat Casey free of charge but his offer was turned down. Did the good doctor want to add an appendix to his book before it went on the shelves.
I would love to play pin the tail on the donkey with Dr Ablow. I can only think of one jackass to use in the game so I think we will play 'Oopsy Daisy Who's the Daddy' instead. Now here are all the choices and I will let the psyche doc pick the best answer. Betcha, I know which one the doc would like to pick.
1. Jesus Ortiz is the one who supposedly was killed in a car accident on his way to Caylee's second Birthday party....Oopsy daisy! Ortiz was killed in the spring of 2007 and the birthday was Aug 09/07.
2. Eric James Baker is the one and was killed on his way to Caylee's birthday party. Oopsy daisy, he was killed in a vehicle accident in Kentucky in May/07. He was also 15 years old when Caylee was conceived in Nov/04. Do I see a charge of statuatory rape here?
3. It was a tall man dressed in a Halloween costume. Did Casey tell Kio Marie Cruz that she did not know who the masked man was? Oopsy Daisy...
4. It was a non-consensual sexual encounter with someone who drugged Casey and raped her. She woke up pantiless and impregnated? Oopsy Daisy...
5. It was George. Oopsy Daisy, the DNA test proved otherwise.
Now, Dr Ablow, did you weigh all the stories that your 'case study' manifested? How would any of these fit in with Casey having an Identity Crisis? You seem to have a lot of answers for everything else concerning Casey, so I am sure you can pick the best one. If you pick George, I will slap you. Oospy Daisy...
[Very good work, Snoopy! You put much more into it than Ablow did.]
Maybe Dr Ablow should check the following out. I wonder if lying under oath while on probation is a no no.
The first question was whether her father called 911 to report Caylee Anthony had drowned in the family pool. Anthony said she did not observe any such call.
The second question asked whether Anthony was aware of the Texas EquuSearch effort to search for Caylee in September and October 2008. Anthony said she was not aware that the searches were being conducted.
Casey Responds To Questions From EquuSearch
[Lie #1 and lie #2, but far, far from the only ones she's ever told. I'll bet you I could sell Ablow a bridge in Brooklyn for a very high price.]
Hi Dave and all.
I read Ablow's, *cough, cough* "diagnosis" the other day. I laughed through the whole thing. Unbelievable!
Did Ablow ever hear of a murderer LYING to get out of being convicted of murder??
Did he ever read the "symptoms" of a sociopath or narcissist??
Did watch the "jailouse tapes"?
Did he read/listen to all the LE interviews where people related all the "tales" Casey told?
Did he listen to/read all the "tales/lies" Casey told to law enforcement?
(I wanna say "did he read/listen to" all the tales told to her mother for a month, but Cindy is a liar too-so we can't count on her.)
She is a liar, Ablow! Liars lie! They lie to get themselves out of trouble, to make themselves look better, to get themselves off of a charge of murdering their daughters! Liars blame others for their murdering deeds!
She is also the "ultimate" victim:
She was sexually abused/molested/raped by her father...
And then after her father took a break, her brother picked up where the father left off...
Her mother called her a whore...
She was just one credit shy of graduating...
Someone "slipped her a mickey" (hahaha), and impregnated her!...
Her father killed her daughter in the process of molesting her daughter and. gosh darn, her dad was letting her take the rap.....
She was blamed for stealing money...
Oh, the case that keeps on giving!
Hello Linda! Yes, this is like an infectious disease; it keeps on spreading and spreading and spreading. Ablow may have read and watched all of the above, but he was so broadly skewed, none of it really sank in. By the court testimony of her own mother, Cindy, she learned from a very young age how to lie and she took it to a whole new level. I believe, as Jeff Ashton does, that she is the most prolific liar to date. In the whole wide world.
Ablow is a fool. How could anyone, let alone a doctor, believe her? You make solid, valuable points. Who in the world would be able to go through all that happened to her? This is the we weirdest case I've ever witnessed. Whenever she passes, and I'm not wishing for anything, her brain should be examined. Literally. Dr. Drew may be right. There's someing in there that doesn't tick.
Great to see you, Linda. Thank you very much.
Oopsie Daisy. My video was hacked and released to the public.
Gosh darn! Don'tcha just hate it?
Been awhile since I've been on but that article......So she was in a deep sleep when G brought a soaking wet lifeless Caylee to her? According to her cell phone records wasn't she texting during those early morning hours? How do these people get degrees? Doesn't anyone follow up and verify info before just taking a documented liars word as truth? all of this sympathetic angling is just going to soften her image to the large populace (I guess that's their strategy) while we in the KNOW will be screaming at this injustice to a baby. :( Soo sad. How anyone could defend this evil incarnate is just jaw dropping. I look at her and just shudder at what her daughter must have seen before she left this earth...
Well, hello Andrea! Very interesting point about the texting. That brings up one other item of importance, and one that Ablow obviously forgot or ignored: Casey was on the family computer between 7-7:30 the morning of June 16. The proof is in records of a text message she had with a male friend. This means it was impossible for George to have to wake her from a deep sleep or any sleep at all. As a matter of fact, Cindy stated, early on, that she heard mother and daughter stirring on the other side of the bedroom door just prior to leaving for work. There are so many inconsistencies in what Ablow based his decision on. In my opinion, it was purely selective. His bias is so apparent because he chose to only use information that explained his side.
As bad as this sounds, I hope that little Caylee was sedated enough before she departed this world so she was not aware of what was taking place. There is no way this was an accidental drowning and, beyond a doubt, Gorge had nothing to do with his granddaughter's death. This is not putting icing on a cake, it is spreading manure, pure and simple.
Thanks, Andrea, and it's always a pleasure to see you!
Hi Dave
After reading what you and Snoopy and Linda and Andrea and others have to say, I am wondering how Casey will manage to invent a bigger and better lie to cover all of the points you all brought up. Is it possible to figure out something that will explain everything? I have great faith in Casey's ability to lie but how much can one fit into a 24 hour time span on the day Caylee died / went missing?
Hi Amber - I don't necessarily think she will need to make up any new lies other than if she attempts to reinvent herself, and that would fail miserably. No one believes her whether she's lying or telling the truth. You'll notice that she failed to mention Caylee in her "hacked" videos. In her case, it's nothing about absence making her heart grow fonder, it's all about selectively omitting things she has no desire to discuss. In Ablow's instance, it's virtually the same thing; he left out any and all information that wasn't agreeable to him and his opinion. With her, though, she won't have to lie again until someone hands her a check. Or... the higher the paycheck, the higher the quality of lies. Less is more, more or less. She will turn lying into a lucrative enterprise as long as media slobs are willing to pay. That, and support from idiots like sapsucker psychiatrists.
I am an abuse survivor so I didn't need to read the entire article to know this is absolute garbage. Survivors would never speak to their abusers as KC spoke to George. They wouldn't allow their child to be subjected to the abuser either. You never forget but you do learn to deal.
I would like to have attached a url of the Navy Drill Team,it's amazing,but didn't know if that was allowed or if you'd be interested.
Hi Tommy's mom! Of course you can attach a URL. I don't mind at all as long as it's not offensive to anyone. Actually, I encourage you to do it. It doesn't even have to be about our discussion because it would be an aside, or an 'as a matter of fact,' so please, by all means, post it! We all need something nice to watch.
As for your experience with abuse, I'm very sorry to hear that, but what you bring to the table is past experience and the manner in which Casey spoke to her father. She never gave an indication that there was any sort of abuse, sexual or physical in nature. I'm sure Ablow could learn a lot from you. Instead, he chose to believe someone who is more comfortable with lying than telling the truth because the truth is way too foreign.
If you want to add anything else to the discussion, please feel free to do so, althought's certainly not something that's easy to talk about. In any event, thank you for opening up. You are very strong.
From my observations, Dr Keith Ablow had tunnel vision. He wrote many articles regarding Casey and her family and contradicts himself throughout. It seems that Ablow would read a document or hear something on the news and decide to put his spin on those particular bits of info. He did not look at the overall picture. He also wrote a book on Inside the Mind of Scott Peterson which I did not read or care to.
Ablow professes to be a forensic psychiatrist and he can only analyze what is spewed out of the mouth of his subjects or observe their mannerisms and demeanor. He did not have the opportunity to work one on one with Casey so has to base his evaluations on what he read or watched on the news.
This is why I do not put any stock in what Ablow writes in his articles. It is like saying an apple is delicious without ever biting into it. One other thing I noticed about the doctor. He loves to blow his own horn which is a sign of low self-esteem on his part. It is up to us who should be assessing his work instead of him telling us how brilliant he is with all the "I told you so" and "I said the same thing" when he referenced Dr Danziger and Weitz' evaluations.
I am always leery of a person who has to try and sell themselves verbally. Let their output of wisdom in their written word do the marketing. JMO
I never appreciate anyone with an "I told you so" mindset, most certainly coming from someone within the medical community. There are areas where it would work, though, like political pollsters making election predictions, since this is an election year and all. Granted, the psychiatric field is rife with holes where the methodology is not a precise science; therefore A or B could possibly work depending on posturing. I could see Ablow offering up a recipe based on real and true observations, but at the same time, as you did point out, leaving personal attitudes at the door, which he grossly failed to do. He didn't just seem to be tooting his own horn, he was crowing like the cockiest rooster. Shame on him - even if he were correct.
Sometime ago I had to face the fact that mental abuse is almost as bad as physical abuse. My mother abused me in both ways so even though the abuse wasn't of a sextual nature it was very painful and had a bearing on all the choices I made later in life. I have come to understand that my mother was a very unhappy person and never had a friend. Now I treasure my friends more than anything else except my faith in God.
US Navy Presidential Ceremonial Honor Guard Drill Team
That's too bad your mother was so abusive, but it is very good of you to understand how unhappy she was in life. How sad, because no one has to live in misery. I'm glad you made it through alright, Tommy's mom. Obviously, you learned some valuable lessons in life, and you can't put a prrice on that. Thank you for the video!
Tommy's mom~~thanks for the video. I was holding my breath while watching it. Their precision was absolutely amazing.