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    This Psycho-Babble Takes the Case


    There are good shrinks and there are bad shrinks. We look at Drs. Danziger and Weitz as being good ones, right? Dr. Keith Ablow, however… well, let’s just say I have a problem with his analysis of Ms. Anthony; certainly no mother-of-the-year back in 2008. Read the entire article Ablow wrote for FOX NEWS. Then, if it suits your fancy, come back (here) and offer up your own opinion. Say whatever you want because I really need to know if I lost my senses…

    What Casey Anthony’s psychiatry records tell us — Did Casey really kill Casey?

    Personally, I think the world is full of psychotic nuts… er… or maybe I should say nutty psychiatrists. I don’t know, I’m still stunned right now. I think I am, therefore, I am, I think. Or am I?

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    Reader Comments (73)

    Hi All,
    Didn't George take a polygraph test? Did he lie about abusing his daughter? I think George is too much of a wimp not to get caught at some point. I don't like anyone in that family and I hate liars. They all lie.
    It really bothered me to see Casey treating her adopted dog better than she treated her daughter. I have better things to do with my time than follow the life and times of a murderer. I admit it is hard to avoid when she is on video on the news shows. She still makes me sick.

    Well, hello there, Frankie! I'm fairly certain George did not take a polygraph test. After he initially declined, the matter was dropped, probably because he was never a suspect in Caylee's disappearance. His daughter was. A subsequent DNA test showed that he was not Caylee's father. I do like your opinion about George's wimpiness, if that's a word. I doubt he could have kept any sort of abuse secret - not the way Cindy wears the pants.

    I remember, when I was young, I used to go to the Flemington Fair every year. Back then, they had a lot of sideshows like the two-headed baby, Frog Man and Half Man. There's a certain curiosity about circus freaks that draw us to them. I think it's the same with Casey. She's nothing more than a circus freak, and that's all she'll ever amount to.

    Thanks for dropping by. This Ablow report is ridiculous and it angers almost everyone.

    January 22, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterFrankie

    Hello Dave and all. Dave have you read the write up that Simon has for his and Mannie's show today. Me thinks Mannie is another one blowing Smoke. He is very Rude in what he wrote about Jeff Ashton. In comments Mannie confirmed that he is the one who wrote the part about Jeff. He is too stuck on himself too. Was going to listen, not sure now. I would like to Know what you think when you get a chance to read it. Have a great day!!

    Hello margaret - Yes, I did read the post about today's show. I think by now, most people know I really like Mannie and I think the world of Simon. However, that doesn't mean I have to agree with them on everything, and when it comes to Ashton, we don't see eye-to-eye. I tend to take Ann - Tx's approach. For one thing, Ashton has answered the question about the death penalty. It wasn't his call, and even if it was brought down to the 9th District Court's Assistant State Attorney's discretion, Ashton was not in charge. Drane Burdick was. As for arguing about Ashton's book, I understand why some would question his motive and how well in advance he had planned it. I have maintained all along that everyone has a right to write a book, Ashton included, but I also understand why people don't like it when someone profits from the death of Caylee, no matter who it is. I do not think people have an inherent right to decide who can and who can't, though. No one has that power and no one owns Caylee. If I choose to write a book, it is to tell my side of the story, not to sell books, but I also know that no publisher is going to publish and market a book for free.

    I am not going to listen at all today. Why? I have two very good reasons:

    1) Baltimore Ravens v. New England Patriots, and;

    2) New York Giants v. San Francisco 49ers.


    January 22, 2012 | Registered Commentermargaret

    I forgot, FOOTBALL !!! Go Giants. I too love to read Simons articles and listen to He and Jan's radio programs. I have enjoyed Mannie's Participation . I guess the sentence about Jeff being reduced to duties of a law clerk just really hit me wrong. Enjoy your Football!!!!!!

    I don't agree with that, either, Margaret. Ashton had a long and distinguished career and to base an opinion on one trial is to say the losing team in the Super Bowl is the worst team in the NFL. Huh? Doesn't work for me.

    January 22, 2012 | Registered Commentermargaret

    Dave and Margaret, I am not into sugar coating as it would mean that I am not being totally honest.

    I do not know Mannie personally but as a talk co-host, he has a lot to learn if he wants to keep an audience. First off, he was not prepared and did not know enough facts about the civil cases pending, to discuss them with any insight. I did not appreciate the way Zenaida and Roy Kronk were being belittled. They will have one less in the audience next week, Moi. I can think of more ways to spend an hour and a half productively.

    January 22, 2012 | Registered CommenterSnoopySleuth

    I did not listen to the show but I totally agree with Snoopy. I don't like to hear Zenaida and Roy Kronk being belittled after the way they suffered because of the lies of Felon Anthony. They were held up to public scrutiny to the degree that few criminals are. Roy and Zenaida aren't responsible for any of the wrong doing in the matter of the death of Caylee Anthony.

    January 22, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterAmber from Maryland

    Amber~ ~I wonder how many people listening to the blog radio 'flipped hamburgers'. This is what Mannie said when he was referring to Zenaida. "what did she do, flip hamburgers?" before giving a chuckle. So what if she did flip burgers at one time. Maybe I should stick my tongue out at the garbage man or the workers that clean the city streets. I take offense at people who ridicule those who have not had the opportunity to get an education and become an attorney or the vice president of a corporation.

    It is one thing to get a college degree and become an attorney but I think some of these high faluttin' know it alls should take a course in how to deal with people. You know the ones who flip the burger you wolf down between cases. So Kronk was not classed as a model citizen years ago. Let's all clean out our closets and see all those nasty little things that we have hidden in our past. Kronk was the good samaritan who found Caylee's remains and called 911. Should we not commend him for that? Do you know that it was NOT illegal for Kronk to NOT report finding a corpse. All the ridicule of Kronk will make others think twice before they report finding a body. We sure do stupid things to set examples for our future generations.

    January 22, 2012 | Registered CommenterSnoopySleuth

    Go 49ers...!!!!
    How dare anyone ridicule others who work. Find that type of personality terribly offensive. Until we have walked in an others shoes we don't know diddly about a person. Perhaps flipping burgers is the paycheck that fed the family and put a roof over their heads.

    So many people have the family or school support for a better education. No real responsibility but getting the degree and then getting the job. Many of those so called successful people could not handle real life and its problems.

    jeeze, yes that host was offensive.

    January 22, 2012 | Unregistered Commentercali patti

    Just some facts for the misinformed....

    No, José Baez is NOT named in any civil suits. He is NOT Casey's civil attorney; it happens to be Charles Green.

    Mark A Wites, Florida is representing Tim Miller founder of Equusearch in his civil suit against Casey Anthony. He was the one who filed the paperwork back in July/11. I don't think his name is being displayed by any neon lights around Orlando so I doubt if he took this case for the notoriety and/or the money.

    Mark NeJame was counsel for Tim Miller during the criminal trial. He worked pro bono. So he is not handling the civil trial for the money as was suggested.

    John Morgan is representing Zenaida Gonzales pro bono. If you checked John's bottom line, he does not need the was suggested that he is in it for the money.

    Hinting that NeJames and Morgan, two reputable attorneys, are not being quite truthful to their clients in these civil suits and are just in it for the money was distasteful. It is the role of a judge to throw out a case that he/she feels is a waste of the court's time.

    For the one who had never heard tell of Texas Equusearch until the Anthony case made the news, then you do not know who Natalie Holloway was? Tim took his crew to Aruba to look for Natalie. It made national news... Sadly some people tend to have tunnel vision. News crosses state lines and even reaches other countries. A bit of advice, get to know the laws in the state you are about to discuss. I am not even going to touch the one about filing bankruptcy in lieu of paying your taxes. It is a myth to think the IRS just goes after corporations and big business for tax evasion.

    I think that I am done my rant... but can't promise...

    January 22, 2012 | Registered CommenterSnoopySleuth

    I would like to make a correction... At blog radio today during one of my rants to try and garner attention from the hosts, I stated that Equusearch was suing for $12,000. I was wrong. I have since found out that it is $112,000. I apologize to anyone who may have read my misinformation in the chat. Snoopy

    January 22, 2012 | Registered CommenterSnoopySleuth

    The 49er player that fumbled the ball in overtime is now getting death threats. Really people! Grown men playing a childs game are getting death threats, wow, sick fans out there. There will more games, redo's, fumbled balls, off-side kicks, sacked quarterbacks, under/over thrown and intercepted passes. However there will be another game on another day. These type of fans remind me of another past group of trolls.
    Hope you don't mind Dave, but I just read the death threats and it makes me sick over a game.
    That poor player, what a horrible day to fumble.

    No, cali, I don't mind at all. Yes, it's like the trolls we had. Very disturbed individuals. I think they need Dr. Ablow. If that player is getting death threats, imagine what would happen if they caught up with ca ca.

    It's unfortunate for you and other 49er fans, but you're right, it's the game of football, and that one was close. So was the earlier match-up, when the kicker missed that short field goal to send the game into overtime. Anyway, I'm happy to see a NY team play against a Boston team, or a suburb of. It's almost as good as seeing the Yankees and Red Sox in the AL Championship Series. If it's any consolation, you've got a great future ahead with that young and very talented QB. By next season, no one will remember Sunday night.

    January 23, 2012 | Unregistered Commentercali paatti

    Hi, Dave -

    it's been a while since I've posted here ...but I always read your posts - and you remain -as Judge Strickland said - the most moderate and even-keeled of commenters.

    First off -just to put my comment in perspective: I was molested by my uncle when I was 13-15 (shortly after my father died) ...and I couldn't get far enough away from my uncle after that. My mother and I chose not to tell my aunt, because she would never have believed us.

    Suffice it to say that there is no way that I would stay overnight in his home EVER again. Whenever I wanted to see my Aunt (whom I loved dearly), I always had an excuse why I couldn't stay overnight with them. And if I had ever had a child - I would NEVER had allowed my uncle to get within 10 miles of us.

    That Casey stayed in that house in spite of the ALLEGED abuse is an INSULT to anyone who has truly suffered abuse. YOU GET OUT!! You don't stay there and play permanent "Minnie the Moocher" stealing money and imposing babysitting of your child at will on the people who have either perpetrated or condoned your abuse.

    As far as Casey is concerned: her interviews with both Danziger and Weitz occurred after Casey had had more that an ample chance to be "coached" by her attorney (Jose Baez) who I trust as far I can throw across a ballfield with my pinky finger.

    This is what puts the entire lie to all her "testimony" with the 2 psychiatrists. She knew the "talk to talk" and she was a pro at it - because "talking the talk" is the same as lying - which we all know she is such a pro at.

    Secondly, even Danziger had second thoughts about his assessment of Casey and even told Ashton that he felt that he was going to be manipulated by the Defense. .

    Albow has his own ax to grind - although at least he is more competent that the idiot Dr. Krop who appeared on Casey's behalf on Dr. Drew. He felt that Casey was perfectly normal , and was just manifesting signs of gross immaturity.

    Bottom line: Casey suffers from some weird form of sociopathic/narcissistic personality disorder ...and knows enough of the psycho-babble lingo to fool a lot of behavioral health professionals.

    And poor Miss Caylee still awaits justice.....

    Wow, Jnpgh, what an honest and telling story you told. Stark and real. I'm so sorry for what you had to live through, but you sure did tell it like it is. Ablow had no right to take the stance he did. He's fueled the idiotic bloggers who actually think Casey was innocent of all guilt, all along.

    I'm not going to say much more. Your comment speaks for itself. You tell the truth, and it needed to be told. Thank you, and thank you for agreeing with Judge Strickland. What a guy!

    January 23, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterJnpgh

    Hi Dave and All,
    Here's my 2 cents on how Casey came to be Casey. From the time Casey could hear, walk and talk, her mother defended everything she did. If Casey's father tried to intervene when he saw situations that Casey needed reprimanding for he was knocked down by Cindy. Casey learned that little lies and twists of the truth when necessary got her out of every possible situation that Cindy thought to question. Casey was programmed from early on to turn out like she did. The reason that Casey is so unique is that very few parents could be exactly like George and Cindy. But I do know a couple who are very George and Cindy like when it came to raising their daughter. Their daughter is now 14 and her behavior is off the charts horrendous.

    Hi Rediculous - To say that Casey is unique is an understatement. There's no one in the world quite like her, although some come close. Yes, she is a product of her upbringing and her mother, in particular, enabled her. She had carte blanche in that household. At the same time, once she turned 18, she was responsible for herself. Granted, she was (and remains) one of the most immature people I've ever known, but this whole "Daddy will take care of it" excuse for Caylee's death and disposal is a complete farce. Mommy did it all, and George only answered to one person... his wife. If George ever said, "Look what you've done," it was after police were involved. She's a monster and I pity that couple you know. Hopefully, things won't fall in place like they did with the Anthonys. Thanks!

    January 24, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterRediculous


    I too have a hard time accepting Dr. Ablow's assessment of Ms. Anthony. Although I find "some" truth to his assesment of the family, meaning its disfunction, I dont readily accept that GA bordered on backwoods molestor with a sexual perversion the went beyond reason. I can agree that CA was a controlling person and GA was subservant of that but to include theories based on incomplete interviews and general notions that her one brother did not want to expand on his sisters past seems unjust; almost inflamatory?

    Whether or not GA was in the delivery room during the birth of his grandaughter, or whether he saw his daughter's vagina to me is irrelavant, i think it is safe to say that he changed his daughters diapers as she was growing up and no one is jumping on the bandwagon screaming pedophile? I think the doctor quoted GA saying he just stared with amazement and wonder but the doctor is alluding to some sort of sexual gratification? Is it possible KC asked for her parents to be there? Could it be that GA hesitated on being in the room but it was insisted upon by KC? We may never know but it seems like a reasonable scenario?

    I am not done with the book, as i just got it last weekend, but i'm up to his explanation of theories and why theory 1 does not quite work?

    Regardless of my thoughts, or beliefs, there were a lot of things wrong with how this played out with the family and for Dr. Albow to determine that throughout KC childhood, and adolecense, that she had been dying since she was conceived and Caylee was, to some degree, an extension of herself and by killing Caylee she was simply killing herself?

    I am not physchiatrist, or physcologist; better yet i dont even have a degree in anything remotely close but to arrive at such conclusions from just transcripts and interviews with people who knew the Anthony's seems unprofessional as there is nothing that substantiates his claims or diagnosis of the family?

    Anyways, like i said, i am at like chapter 11 and there has been a lot of discussion about GA and him staring had his daughters va-j-j which makes me wonder about Dr. Albow's facination?

    Hi BMan - I'm in the midst of writing a post about Ablow and his convoluted way of seeing George as the villain and Casey as the victim. I think I'll go to the library today to check out his book. I, personally, so not wish to purchase it because I refuse to buy into his ideas about this case. Once I read that book, I can really write an in-depth article about why he failed to deliver. What I find most intriguing is that law enforcement, with all of their investigative work, "failed" to see George as the perp instead of his daughter. To me, Ablow is like a one-man band, but he plays no instruments. Just weird if you aske me. Thanks! Great comment.

    January 24, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterBMan

    I totally disagree that Casey was responsible once she turned 18. She physically turned 18 but nothing changed. Yes, her parents probably said 'Get a job, go to school' the normal parent babble. Casey didn't go to school, didn't get a job but her mother kept up the pretense and kept George from getting involved when Casey's ruses didn't add up. It is no doubt that Cindy created a monster with assistance from George. I'd be curious if Lee ever has the courage to tell the whole truth. By the way he testified you could tell he'd also gotten the slap down from Cindy over the years whenever he spoke something that was not in agreement with Cindy's version of events.
    Cindy did create a monster, but Casey herself was most responsible. Certainly, she was in the legal sense. Throughout high school, in my life, my parents never really encouraged me to go to college. I chose to go on my own. That was a decision I made when I was 18. Had I flunked out, would it have been my mother's fault? You see, Rediculous, somewhere along the path of life, we have to take the bull by the horns and own up to our failures. Casey never did, and at nearly 26, she still doesn't. Granted, Cindy was more than just an enabler, but no parent is perfect. What I'd really like to know is how Cindy trained her daughter to point fingers at George, as if he were actually an incestuous sexual predator. Whatever seeds Cindy planted, Casey fertilized them. I don't think it's fair to place the blame on Cindy by default. Murder comes from within. You cannot enable a person to commit murder. Certainly, Cindy taught her to be a liar, but once the booster wheels came off, Casey was on her own.

    January 24, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterRediculous


    As i read the article i'm also amazed that they offer the excuse so readily...sexual abuse is a very, very serious allegation and, IMO, unless you can substantiate it, your thoughts should not be published in such a way that you blame a killing of a child not with the mother but someone else.

    I thought it was agreed that while she was in jail and she had became friends with one of the prisoners that she conjured the story in an attempt to "fit in"? Up to that point she had nothing really to complain about. Her father worked nights, mom during the day. Other than curfew KC had no real issues other than the ones plagued by teens today-"they hold me down and force me to conform to their rules; just because i dont pay rent does not mean i have no rights to stay out as long as i want".

    Although this may sound a little removed and off point i hope it makes sense: if i recall correctly Susan Smith blamed a "black man" for taking her car with her two children. Society belived her and searched and searched for a black man fitting the discription given and in the end they found that Ms. Smith's story was contrived. Accountability!!, no matter where you are at in life, it is the hardest to obtain. Why blame yourself if you can blame someone else. Susan came up with a black man because, to her, there were no distinguishing features so they would all look alike and every black person would be easily suspect. KC didnt know anyone beyond her circle of friends. She pretty much hung-out with the same crowd. Its obvious she was at odds with her family as they did not think she was doing an adequate job raising Caylee. She tried to conceive stories that parents were divorcing, dad was dying, house would be hers-Dr. Albow suggested that the death of Caylee was the death of her so why would she make up lies that her father was dying and or she would inherit the house? If she was being molested why would she want to stay in the house? it appears that her path and her fathers path seldom crossed? He is an easy target and would easily gain sympathy from outsiders with the charge of molestation. This day and age, it seems, that people readily come-up with excuses. GA was an easy exuse, so was her mom and family life. To me, the answer to this and or the medicine needed to cure this condition is accountability. Stop providing excuses.

    As to Dr. Albow's and Dr. Danziger being hung-up on KC "first real sexual experience" and attributing this to an obvious molestation should also look, and take into consideration, teen life. One must remember "Slick Willy". President Clinton sent the U.S in an uproar when he said he did not have sexual relations with that woman (in my best Clinton voice with my thumbs up), meaning the inturn. And he defined "sexual relations" as insertion. Evidently not everyone thinks like Slick Willy (i can say i do) but a BJ is not sex. Granted this would probably be a point of contention from many people but if taken in the context of what Pres. Clinton asserted it seems reasonable. KC simply stating that her first "real" sexual experience was when she was 16 is not an "a-ha" moment nor does it mean that its obvious she was molested. It is probable that her stating "my first real sex was at age 16" might be her understanding the BJ, masturbation, although considered sexual in nature, is really not sex in the eyes of a 16year old.

    To me what these doctors explain hinders on diflamatory. These doctors are easily pursuaded to drink the Kool-aid and rhetoric and by doing so want the public to be accepting of this diagnosis and wage war against GA and CA. Eventually, if people keep providing these excuses to KC we may never learn the truth because we've simply gave meaining and encouraged "Identity Suppression Syndrome".

    I remember a guy telling me something about a sexual act (or was it?) not being real sex. "Xxxxxx' ain't cheatin'" and I'll let the dear reader figure it out. In a sense, then Clinton may have been right, but in my opinion, anything done with another person, outside of marriage, is cheating. Period. I certainly wouldn't want my spouse kissing another man, and that may be considered mild.

    You did bring up an interesting point. When was the door of opportunity open for George to molest his daughter? None of this makes sense at all. In my opinion, Ablow was extremely irresponsible for writing his article that blames George for everything. It's passing the buck, and just like an alcoholic, it's never their fault. It was never Casey's fault. George did it. There's something inherently bad about that statement.

    January 24, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterBMan

    Dr Ablow gave Casey a license to kill because she was sexually molested. This is exactly what the doctor is trying to get across to the reader. How many mothers who have murdered their children were sexually molested? Does Ablow have any statistics to back up his claims?

    In his article, he did not use the words, 'supposedly' or 'allegedly' when he referred to the allegations made by Casey against her father regarding the sexual abuse. If Casey said it, it was the gospel truth. Ablow did not administer a polygraph to Casey so what is he basing his assumptions on?

    Notice how Dr Ablow seems to dwell on the sexual aspects... did he think the reader of his article would find it titillating or maybe the good doctor happened to be enjoying what he wrote.

    Here is an example...

    This is the same daddy who boldly told law enforcement officials that his most treasured memory of his daughter’s ultrasound was when the obstetrician pointed out his granddaughter’s vagina and called it a hamburger.

    This is the same daddy whom sources told me stole a girl’s panties from her house during high school and needed to finish up in another school system.

    This is the same daddy, by the way, who watched his daughter give birth, from the foot of the bed, staring at her naked.

    Danziger stated that the scenes of sexual abuse Casey Anthony related to him as occurring at the hands of her father George Anthony were “disgusting, demeaning, intercourse, and everything.” Casey Anthony told him the abuse started when she was 8 and tapered off when she turned 11. After that, it was an occasional rape, with the last one occurring when she was 18. “I tried to fight back when I older,” Casey Anthony told him. “I’m not a big person.”

    “I’m not a big person.” She sounds almost apologetic.

    Notice how the doctor emphasized, 'I'm not a big person.' Come on, Ablow, you aren't kidding anyone. In every profession, there are the good and the .....well.. I will let the readers of the above figure that one out.

    January 24, 2012 | Registered CommenterSnoopySleuth

    Dr Ablow couldn't make up his mind if George was into 'incest' or 'pedophilia.' If George wanted to dress in a clown suit and hugs kiddies at Disney, he was suggesting that George was a pedofile. If that was the case, why would George want to have sex with an eighteen year old? (Casey) Pedofiles want children before they blossom out. This is where Ablow keeps contradicting himself. Then Ablow has George hiding behind a cop uniform. Why? So he can molest young women when he hauls them over to check their driver's license? Maybe the cop was going to ticket kids on tricycles.

    Now you can see why this Dr Keith Ablow is a nut!!

    January 24, 2012 | Registered CommenterSnoopySleuth

    Ok- finally thought this thing through. I'll quote Wiki here, on "Outliers":
    "In statistics, an outlier is an observation that is numerically distant from the rest of the data."
    In other words, in a sequence of numbers, say: 2, 31, 34, 43, 44, 47 and 89 the outliers to discard are 2 and 89. There you go, Casey and Ablow- outliers!

    He actually takes everything she says at FACE VALUE. Why, for pity's sake, would anyone, professional or layperson, do that- did he not review the interrogations? Read her statement to police? WE all did.

    I understand that in most cases in which we have a baby-killing Mom (and so many to choose from these days) some sort of abuse is usually a component in the background of the Mom- I think we all get that. But most young women in this situation, when confronted with certain obvious untruths in their stories, crumple up like tissue and plea, in time blaming Drugs, a Bad Boyfriend or the Abuse for their behavior, BUT acknowledging the behavior. This one made up new and wilder untruths and there was NOTHING about abuse FOR ALMOST THREE YEARS. And her professional Enablers never submitted one teensy item in support of her dreadful lies.

    The Baby-Killing Skank absorbed what she needed to in her jailhouse environment via her reading material, her fellow inmates or one (or more) of her attorneys, and certainly her own very fertile imagination- and eventually we may even come to have a pretty good idea of how much each factor contributed.

    In terms of credibility Ablow can now be safely moved over to the "Spitz" pile- what he's done here is pretty much equivalent to "The duct tape may have been placed there by the storm", or whatever damn fool thing Spitz said, under oath yet! ARRRGGGHHH!

    January 24, 2012 | Registered CommenterKaren C.

    Karen C ~~I will join you with the ARRRRGGGGHHHHH.

    January 25, 2012 | Registered CommenterSnoopySleuth

    Ablow also brought up the subject of Casey could relate better to men than women because Cindy was so controlling. Well wouldn't Casey be turned off by men if she were being sexually abused by two males, George and Lee?

    I am beginning to wonder is someone is working on commission and has been hired to soften Casey's image. I cannot see any other reason for putting such outrageous garbage in different articles. We are only reading the one here that Dave posted a link to. There are dozens all over the internet and are meant to advertise a book.

    I read the detrimental remarks made against Jeff Ashton. Do I see shades of green? Ashton's book is a best seller.

    Here is a sampling of some things Ablow writes...

    'Millions of young people who do watch Dancing with the Stars will have to ponder this question,' Ablow wrote, 'Maybe my problems really stem from the fact that I’m a girl inside a boy’s body (or a boy inside a girls body). Maybe I’m not a tomboy; I’m just a boy! Maybe I’m not just being bullied because I’m a sensitive, reflective young man interested in flowers, not football. Maybe I’m not just uncertain about my sexuality. Maybe I’m a girl!'
    and.... posted and then quietly removed Ablow's utterly disgraceful piece on Chaz Bono yesterday. Presumably Fox is starting to realize that giving a forum to this kind of viciously hateful vitriol could affect its relationships with its own advertisers and the general public - whose heads don't in fact explode at the prospect of someone who isn't a white conservative Christian.

    Fox News psychiatrist Dr. Keith Ablow may need to see a shrink

    January 25, 2012 | Registered CommenterSnoopySleuth


    Snoopy and Karen, you both made some excellent points.

    January 25, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterAmber from Maryland

    I'm working on a project right now that is keeping me from tending to my blog. Please bear with me.

    January 26, 2012 | Registered CommenterDave Knechel

    I haven't read all the comments but I've just got to say this. Why on earth do so many people say Casey was a good liar? (not here but in the articles) I think she sucked at it and thats why she got caught everytime.The fact that her mother and father either covered it up or excused it over and over again doesn't mean she was good at it. The police didn't fall for her story from the minute they met her.

    Keith Ablow is nothing more than an opportunist whose attempt at garnering fame from this case is so clearly evident (from his constant hawking about it and ca ca) that he fails to see himself as the arrogant lying caricature he's become. He's been lying about other people or cases in the past so no one in his medical community has any respect for him. he takes he BS to the publishing world and fails to make a bestseller of the hogwash.

    He's extremely angry at Jeff Ashton's success and likeability. It's obvious it just eats away at him. Ablow needs deep and thorough psychiatric help to get over his delusions of grandeur.

    I do agree that it would be difficult for George to pursue a defamation lawsuite agains Ablow but he really should just man up and do it. If not to save his good name but to stop him from continuing to tell these despicable lies. Wouldn't Ablow be required to prove his findings in a defamation suit?
    Wouldn't the burden be on him to prove his findings as true just as the burden would be on George to prove how Ablows lies have affected his life? (and that wouldn't be hard to do). I think George should leave Cindy if she tries to stop him which could add even more fuel to his case if that happens but even if she doesn't it would still be easy to prove how Ablow has caused a lot of harm to George's life and his own mental health. Imagine that a licensed psycologist getting sued for ruining someone's mental health. I think it would be a slam dunk case.

    There are so many excellent valid points members have made here and on other sites with regards to Keith Ablow's manipulative exagerations and complete fabrications and I think it was Snoopy who mentioned the jailhouse videos it reminded me of something I thought of during the trial as Baez accused George in his opening statements and throughout the trial did any notice how calm CaCa became whenever George talked to her without Cindy interrupting him. You could tell from her body language alone that George had a calming effect on CaCa you could tell she trusted him. Is this the behavior of an incest victim - to trust their molester enough to relax and calm down when he spoke?????

    January 31, 2012 | Unregistered Commentermystical pippin

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