Tuesday, July 5, 2011 at 10:35PM
When Cheney Mason joined Casey Anthony’s defense team in March of 2008, he proclaimed that the day would come when “we will walk out of here with Casey in arm.” He was that confident she would be acquitted. He was right.
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As i stated in a comment in yesterday article we've come full circle...i was brought to your sight not that long ago by allegations that you blog was the reasoning behind Judge Strickland recusing himself. From that day on i read every article you wrote and i agreed with the Judge. A very respectable, unbiased forum.
As indicated above this is full circle. There is nothing left to gain and we will part ways knowing of a grave injustice. But before you read my opinion I'd like to share an incident that occured just a few months before Caylee's dissapearance on an investigation i was working on. April/May of 2008 an incident that involved the company i worked for made the news. 3 major utiliity companies were named as possible defendants to what would amount to be a huge case.
I take pride in my investigations and this one was no different. I spent countless hours interviewing those involved. in the end everyone agreed that no one trenched through this irrigation canal. 3 years all those deposed by attorney's indicated my company had no liability. It was amazing the amount of documentation, photos, videos accumulated over 3 years. I looked at my investigation with pride...almost like i look at my sons.
The day before everyone involved will meet with the plantiffs and the defendants i will be contacted by our attorney asking about a video...one that had not been seen...one that would change my view of my people forever...the smoking gun, in retrospect,...on the video it shows a backhoe TRENCHING across the irrigation ditch...our logo is on that backhoe!!...it honestly brought a tear to my eye but nothing would compare to when i sat through depostitions when i met the people our actions affected. I felt deflated. Much like this case Dave, everything i had worked towards was undermined by dishonesty. Lying to you, me and the trees. Lying creates a believable truth to those who avoid the truth...
But i digress, i was very angry. I was very upset at the verdict as many of us were but this is what i take away...
What is Reasonable Doubt? Is it to tell a story in which there is no way to dispute what is being told? A recent search offered me this: “The level of certainty a juror must have to find a defendant guilty of a crime. A real doubt, based upon reason and common sense after careful and impartial consideration of all the evidence, or lack of evidence, in a case”.[http://www.lectlaw.com/def2/q016.htm].
I would venture to say that my definition is not too far off from how it’s defined on the internet? With the recent verdict it makes one question themselves on what they really know about law. Should the juror’s be “damned” because they did not choose a verdict in which we had predicated since day 1, Guilty?
Would it change your mind if you were to find out just a week prior too what this case was about and although you had heard of “something” you really didn’t have an opinion? Would it be fair to surmise that what the jury saw and took into account was exactly how the Defense tried to convey the excuse? We know there was no accident. But did the Prosecution offer up enough evidence to support this to these Jurors who, supposedly, had no idea who this person was? We must remember that in the court of law we are innocent until proven guilty not vice-versa.
I agree that a miscarriage of justice was done but that is because I know what I know as well as YOU know what YOU know but the Juror’s obviously, and painfully, didn’t. I will not bow my head to this person nor will I show anything but cordial respect for the Defense (luckily I live on the other side of the country so there is more of a possibility I get stung by a jelly fish here in my land locked state) as I believe their tactics were shameful if not bordering on inadequate.
We will all recall when we were first made aware of the lies. We will all remember what brought us to the “blog sites”…because something was just not right!! There is still nothing right about this and I fear that we may never, ever know what happened. The “made for T.V movie” will cast KC in favorable light and not what we know and what we can gather. She is a horrible, lying, conniving, narcissistic, maniacal person I’ve come across and or read about in a long time. Although many of you will state that eventually she will be in front of the ultimate judge and although I am at odds with this scenario can we agree that “what comes around goes around”?
Remember Caylee’s shirt, Big Trouble Comes in Small Packages...this could be viewed as an Omen of sorts if you choose to believe?
Now I think this might help us understand what these jurors are all about. It is disgusting!
Report: Casey Juror 6 Will Talk For Price
Juror 6's Publicist Sends Out Letter To Media
ORLANDO, Fla. -- A publicist for juror six in the Casey Anthony murder trial, who is still unidentified, has sent out a letter to the media stating his client is willing to grant interviews, but only if he is compensated, according to a TMZ report.
The letter from publicist Rick French states: “Our client – a married, college-educated, 33-year-old white male with two young children – is willing to consider granting one or more media interviews so long as the opportunities are paid, which I know is always a sticky subject."
TMZ reports the juror has already received high offers in the mid 5-figures and an offer from at least one major network.
French continues in his letter to reaffirm his client will not take any offers that don’t include compensation for a “myriad of reasons."
You write so well, and you are always a joy to read. However, during this trial, there were many places to read more timely columns, blogs, etc. There was such a limited window of opportunity to comment on this trial in the Orlando Magazine, and how many times you were able to update may have been driven by the magazine. I would look daily for your insightful views on what was happening, and was often disappointed. This is not a criticism of you, but more of a comment on the vehicle you used; a daily column during the trial would have been a more appropriate use of your talents, I think. Best of luck going forward!
Judge Strickland is on Nancy Grace right now. He is speaking very kindly of you.
Dave, Ijust saw Judge Strickland on Nancy Grace. He is such a gently caring man and he told the story of calling you to the bench and calling you when you were sick. It was nice to see him state exactly what you have been saying for the past 2+ years. He called you to the bench and he called you, not the other way around. He seemed proud to know you and to say that you had the only honest blog that does not allow bashing of the Anthony's etc. In my eyes you have been vindicated and all those idiots that gave you so many problems can all eat crow now.