Friday, July 15, 2011 at 8:50PM
Dave Knechel |
Amy Pavuk,
Anthony Colarossi,
Bianca Prieto,
RRed Huber |
Bill Sheaffer,
Casey Anthony,
Caylee Anthony,
Cheney Mason,
Dave Knechel,
David B. Knechel,
David Knechel,
Human Interest,
Jose Baez,
Marinade Dave,
Marinade Dave Knechel,
Marinade Dave’s Caylee Anthony Posts,
Orlando Sentinel,
marinadedave |
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Reader Comments (123)
Dave, how did you get your hands on that video? Wow, was Bill Sheaffer ever wound up. Good for him. It shows he is just human like the rest of us, Thank you so much for posting this for us.
My pleasure, Snoopy. I found it on the Orlando Sentinel site. It was kind of, sort of, hidden and I think it's very much worth a look. Bill gave it a strong and powerful finish with a hint of needed humor.
Dave, I am going to post a link to this video on my blog. It is a must see in my opinion. Just to see Bill so passionately animated made my night.
By all means, Snoopy. I'd like everyone to see it.
Thanks so much for bringing this to our attention! I especially appreciated Bill Schaeffer's comments about the money that was collected from the sale of photos of Caylee. Not only did Baez wizz the money away, he did not even pay the taxes that would become due on this money. He sure did hit Casey up for that one. I believe this shows that Baez does not have the moral compass to be a lawyer. How can he be trusted to take charge of a clients escrow accounts when he can not be responsible enough to make sure that income taxes were not paid on money from Caylee's photos??
I believe the word is "shyster"??!!
I also liked the point that Bill S brought up about all of the so called "leaks" that the defense team were always crying about were leaked by the defense team themselves, or the Anthony's and their media trips.
I really hoped that this circus had packed up their tents and left town but I see that it still a dead fish.
A Lot of people are upsett enraged at Trunkmoms aquitall for MURDERING CAYLEE...However I have reflected on it an whats for you will not go by you.Caseys KARMA began with her not guilty verdicts.In prison she would have been in a protective bubble.She would not have had to endure genral population.People whom have never been to prison dont realise that any inmate wether there high profile or in for shop liffting can asked to be placed in protective custoday at any time.An the jail has to respect there request an comply.They could be victims of sexuall advances from predetor inmates.Could be someone they ratted out before arrives in the jail an there scared.Often inmates will run up massive debts for drugs tobbaco ect on the blackmarket that thrives in every prison.An then when time to pay there debts arrives they simply ask to be placed into protection.Now though Casey will be thrust into a world that despises her ,She has no money no family to support her like in the past Baez an co will soon tire of haveing to act as nannys,She has law suites comeing out her yazoo ...She may think she won a got away without punishmen yet again but she hasnt.The court of public opinion will ensure her bella vita will never ever materilize,An the last three years was just the calm before the storm.She isnt going to face a wave of hostillity.But a tsunami of hate.
Hi Carole - The prosecution and judge were well aware of the defense leaking stories all along. That's why, when Baez cried foul, no one had pity. As for the money, I have no idea how much was actually paid, but Bill certainly made an excellent point, and it really hit home. By the way, I see that some of the cable people, like JVM, are still in town. I'm in no hurry to go back to the courthouse, but I've got to say, the people who work there sure were friendly. That includes the deputies.
I'm with you, ecossie possie. Great to see you, by the way.
Casey will have to watch her back for many years to come. It's a hostile world out there, and she's going to have to change her name and her appearance in order to remain safe. Yes, the world would have been better for her and us if she had stayed in jail/prison, but it didn't work out that way. Personally, I don't really care where she goes, but I do care about her having any more children. There should be a law for people like her.
Uuummm!!! Bill Schaeffer said "bull poopie"! Boy! Bill was good! He was not happy about Baez' antics with the media and how he spent Casey's money. He could care less about her safety and the audience agreed! I do, too. Thanks for sharing this video, Dave. What a nice way to end the night.
Casey has to change her name, hmmm? I have a suggestion: Casey O.J. Manson.
That's a good one, Sherry! What a name.
I'm glad you liked the video. It is a nice way to end the night, speaking of which, that's precisely what I'm going to do.
Ol' Bill was pretty intense except for the bull poopie. Interesting tape. Thanks for giving us the opportunity to see it.
I'll just be glad when you can watch the news without something related to Casey popping up !
A Woman was attacked for resembling Casey Anthony here is the article along with photo of the alleged Casey lookie likey.I Know Cant post links here but if you want you can make it so,,,Strange thing is she has a Daughter named CAYLEE,...hOWEVER this poor woman is gainfully emploed working at a gas station.This alone should have been enough to clue the attacker that it couldnt possably be Casey .However she waited for her to finish work followed her for sever miles an rammed her car with her van causeing it to flipp over twice an could have easily killed her
Woman who resembles Casey Anthony attacked
I admire and respect Bill and I agree with him about not caring about Casey's safety. I heard today something that really scared and concerned me about this. The defense team hired people to monitor the social networking sites and blogs. Based on the comments made, the defense changed their strategy and went after George and this is how Casey got off. It is also my understanding that based on the findings of these sites and blogs, Casey is filing an appeal. I hope this blows up in the defense's face. Are they being overconfident? This is a perfect reason why cameras should not be allowed in the courtroom. There was also a psychologist on Dr. Drew and he said that Casey does not suffer from some kind of mental illness. She's just immature and suffered seizures while in prison. When is this going to end. There has been so much bull "poopy" that the truth is swimming somewhere in it and we may never really know what happened to Caylee and if Casey is some sociopath and George a molester. I for one do not think George molested Casey but I do think he had an affair and that is why he came across the way he did on the stand. After all, can you blame him for his attitude? His daughter was willing to say and do anything to get off. He IS married to Cindy after all. The poor man probably needed someone else at that time. I heard on one of the news programs, that even before the trial started, Baez and his team was developing their theory based on what the public's theories were! I kept telling family and friends not to follow the duct tape but to follow the media and that was exactly what Baez did. He used that to his advantage. Caylee DID NOT DROWN IN THE SWIMMING POOL. It was never about justice for Caylee, it was about notoriety for the defense team. I will not buy any books nor will I watch any interviews of Casey or her defense team.
Great find Dave. Bill Sheaffer has been by far my favorite and respected legal expert throughout this three year ordeal and then the trial. Tell us how you really feel Bill, anytime.
Couldn't agree more with him regarding the little efforts safety, I don't care either. Open the jailhouse door and let her loose. Of course Baez isn't going to let anything happen to his investment and he's up to ears in it to negotiate one hell of a deal for her first interview. A million isn't going to put a dent in it.
Casey will be looking over her tattooed shoulder for the rest of her beautiful life.
Thank your for sharing this video, Dave. I was validated and encouraged by its content. Bill Schaefer spoke truthfully about the reality of the questionable antics of the defense team. They created a "media frenzy" while criticizing the media for responding to their efforts to entice them. The hypocrosy was incredible. I am amazed and appalled by their dispicable behavior. The actions of the Anthonys and the defense team, in my opinion, is indicative of narcissistic antisocial behavior with their complete lack of respect for the United States criminal justice system, their blatent lies, false allegations, and contradictory fabrications of reality.I hope they will eventually be held accountable for their criminal actions.
Welcome back to sanity, Dave! Seems like we've all been in some kind of parallel universe for the last three years. My heart still aches from this verdict, and shows no sign of letting up.
The video was very interesting--thank you for letting us know about it. But I want more! I went to the OS site and couldn't find anything at all about it. I hope if the entire round table is released that you will point us in the right direction.
What shall we talk about now?
Oh Dave, I LOVE this! I am a great fan of Bill Shaeffer! This is so refreshing to read. I have also been reading alot of reports by different psychiatrists many of them think she will kill again! One thing that angers the hell out of me is the fact that Baez had a "Paid Consultant" that was reading all the blogs and sending messages to Baez in court! Telling him who, what, when, and where...
for instanct, she told him to go after Geo. after hearing comments about him. It went on and on. Then they turned on Lee about molesting her etc....this chit went on during the whole trial! Yeah, the whole trial was BULLCHIT, and now we have a MONSTER out there who will likely kill again! One shrink said that she was not mentally able to attach to, if she doesn't like you, down u go!
I will talk with u later. Tks. so much for this video! So interesting...I am not worried about the MONSTER...I AM worried about her victims!
Tks. Friend,
Mary Beth
A very special how do you do to you, Newbie! It's always an honor and privilege to see you.
Bull poopie. That's Bill for you. He's polite to a fault, and quite a gentleman. I've always had wonderful conversations with him and I will admit I originally took him the wrong way. I have the utmost respect for him.
Believe me. I am weaning myself off of Casey, and I will be shifting to new stories soon. Meanwhile, I've got a thank you post to write.
I saw that on the news, ecossie. Trust me, I know all about weird people with sick obsessions. There's one living in British Columbia who spends every waking second of every single day, day in, day out, thinking of only me. That's just plain sick. Fortunately, there's almost 3,000 miles that separate us or she would be doing the same thing.
Hi Mary - I'm with you all the way. I will not spend one red cent on anything that comes out of Casey or her defense. Considering what George went through, I can't say that I blame him, but cheating is still cheating and I would never condone that. Given the circumstances, he was in a weakened state of mind, so it's, at least, understandable. I don't believe George ever sexually molested his daughter, either.
As for Casey's appeal on the four convictions, I hope it blows up in her face, too. I hope the judge then says "we made an error" in the release date and this time, he sentences her to the maximum penalty and readjusted gain time. End of story.
I'm not surprised that the Baez Law Firm visited the blogs. I saw him peeking into my blog all the time.
You're absolutely right, Redrelaxed. Although I would never wish anyone dead, I don't care about Casey one bit. Do I want to see her dead? No, not at all. Death is swift. Looking over her shoulders for the rest of her life would be enough punishment to wish her to live. For the rest of her life, she will garner no respect from anyone. Even the big paychecks are nothing more than paying a sideshow freak.
My pleasure, Sharai! I think that Baez was brilliant in his defense for Casey, but that doesn't make it right. Although there's no comparison in real life, Hitler was brilliant, too, except for a few important character flaws.
In the long run, George and Cindy were duped by Baez and Mason. All along, I reminded everyone to be leery of Baez. He wasn't as dumb as he acted. He may have won this battle, but he placed himself in the middle of a moral war. Let's see what happens next, but if its got a price tag on it, walk away.
Thanks, PKRaddock. It's good to get back to my blog and there's nothing stopping me from writing about anything that I find interesting.
I think we'll all feel the sting of the verdict for some time, but it's pretty much over now, and that's a heavy burden lifted from my shoulders.
What should we talk about? Gee, I don't know. Does anyone have any ideas?
Hi Mary Beth - At least no one can blame me for any ideas pertaining to George and Lee molesting Casey. I never believed it and said so on numerous occasions, but I'm not trying to toot my own horn. There were hundreds, if not thousands, of wild accusations floating around the blogs and forums, and they attacked everyone who disagreed with them.
As for Casey killing again? I doubt it. She's going to need some psychiatric testing and rehabilitation before she could really think about engaging the public, and Baez is going to have a tight grip on her for years, I'm sure. As long as the money doesn't run dry.
Talk to you later!
Hi Dave,
How about talking about this screwball in NY who murdered and chopped up this little 8 year old feet boy, dumped some of his body parts in a dumpster but kept his feet in his kitchen freezer in a baggy like a souvenir! Although fully functional all his life with no reported history of mental illness, his defense is now claiming he is hearing voices in jail. Will there be justice for little Leibby? Or because he is not as cute and photogenic as Caylee will this atrocity be lost on page 8?
Thanks for the idea, Sharon. That's a very sad story. I may take an in-depth look at it. What would compel an otherwise sane person to do such a thing?
Hi Dave
Thanks for the video. I think highly of Bill Shaeffer, He always seemed much more balanced and reasonable than most of the talking heads on major cable television stations such as HLN. During the trial I often preferred watching the live coverage on, despite a few computer problems I had, to watching HLN or TruTV on my cable TV, which didn't have problems with broadcasting, because Bill was the legal analyst on WFTV.
I like your blog for the same reason that I like Bill Shaeffer. You have a fair and balanced and practical approach. I don't care to listen to hate mongers. I really appreciated the videos where you took us around Orlando or to Suburban Drive. It made those of us who live far away feel much more connected to what was happening long before the media descended on Orlando for the trial.
I think you will continue to find plenty of things to blog about now that the Casey Anthony matter is winding down. As disappointed as we might be in the verdict, it will be hard enough winding down after this case and it would be even harder if we lost contact with all of our friends on this blog also.
This case has occupied most of my discretionary time for the past several months and a lot more time than I care to admit long before the trial started. I couldn't stand giving up reading your blog, but I am ready to get back to some of the practical matters of everyday living which I have neglected for too long. I might start doing some housecleaning or sorting through junk mail today.
Please don't leave us.
Dave, You were right, this Video was worth watching.
Kudos to Bill Schaeffer, he is not dancing around how he feels and I do agree with what he had to say about Casey Anthony and her Defense Team.
I like Bill, Amber. He's a consummate gentleman, which I must admit I didn't know until I met him. His wife is a sweetheart of a person, too, and they really complement each other, like mashed potoatoes and gravy, or apple pie and vanilla ice cream.
God knows I've tried to maintain fairness on my blog over the years, but alas, I'm human like everyone else, and I've had my share of issues. That is over with now. I'd like to think I've aged like a fine wine, but that's for the reader to decide. As for me leaving here? Not a chance. I'll need to find some new directions, but I'll be here. Thanks for caring.
Hi Hilde! Great to see you. That video was well done all the way around, but Bill sure did shine. I guess we could call it "Bill Sheaffer: Unplugged". I'm glad you enjoyed it.
Oh good grief... mashed potatoes and pie and vanilla icecream... and fine wine. I dare say that you have hunger pangs in your little tummy.
Bill is more like steaming hot lobster smothered in butter...a side order of clams on the shell and a nice white wine. I don't know Bill's wife but I will make a guess that she is like chocolate cherry cheese cake.
I just may venture out to the Pig & Whistle for a draft and some fish and chips. Good bagpipe music too.
Oh, you say potoatoes and I say potatoes ...LOL
Dave, if you need some direction, I can tell you where to go.
Bye for now....your bestest friend, the Snoop.
Gee, Snoopy, you strike me as more of a bangers and mash kind of gal. Or macaroni and cheese. Even big kids love that.
Gawd, I love Bill Scheaffer. And thank you, Dave, for all your work in covering this trial - in a very refreshing way. I enjoy reading you!
Dave, if I had to compare you to a food, it would be a hard boiled egg or one half cracked. Now we best dispense with this food fight and get on with business.
Did I read correctly, somewhere in my travels.. that 3 representatives from the media will be present when Casey is officially released from jail? Everyone expects it to happen around midnight tonight but whose to say. The jail will just be glad to see Casey gets safely off their property. Do you think Geraldo is willing to give Casey a safe haven for a while??
Dave -
Can you imagine what Casey will do when she finally has free access to a computer. She can spend the rest of her days just reading about herself, something that should appeal to a narcissist like Casey. Maybe then, she can see what people think of her and the horrific crime we know she committed. Best of all, it would keep her out of our sight! Yikes, is there any possibility she could join your blog?
Do you plan to be on Simon's show tomorrow, and do you think this will be the last one dealing with Casey?
Dave, I found this bit of info.
A jail spokesman said the facility has not given Anthony any special treatment, but her release is the exception. The jail's preliminary plan will allow three journalists: a videographer, a photographer and a reporter to be inside the jail to capture Anthony's final steps to freedom.
Read more here at Source...
Jail prepares for Casey Anthony's release
Things may get interesting around midnight....
Tune in here for live audio feed of the Orange County Sheriff's Dept.
Orange County Sheriff's Dept
Crowds are gathering outside the jail.
Fox News Live-updates on Casey's release
I'm hoping she flips the bird to everyone who took it upon themselves to deem her guilty before trial. Why shouldn't she collect? She has gone thru hell losing her daughter and being thrown to the wolves for 3 years. Been abused and continues to be abused by the media and thensome. Shame on you!!! Sickening to say the least. Focus your energy and demand that the investigation be reopened for Caylee's sake. Shame on Florida!!! Poor Caylee! OCSD failed you!!!! IMOO
Casey is released-video etc.
I believe in the adage "innocent till proven guilty", BUT, as a reasonably intelligent person I can judge for myself from the evidence shown that casey did indeed do what she was accused of. Damn the jury's "opinion".
I, along with millions of other women, mothers, grandmothers, as well as just as many men, et al know that you don't make a drowning look like a murder. You DON'T sit in jail for 3 years keeping your mouth shut about an "accident" and we also KNOW that the poor child did NOT put the duct tape on her own mouth.
And as for her attorneys, there is a BIG difference between known for their "notoriety" connected with this case and being judged by the public as a fair and honest lawyer that most people would want to represent them. And you would think that the "bearded one" would have shown more class and waved a "V" for victory instead of his middle finger.
I am so glad that this circus has taken the tents down and moved on. There is still much "elephant and monkey" doo doo to shovel up after all this fiasco. Good riddance to them all!!
Good morning Dave, thanks for the link, I could have listened to them speak for hours. It was well worth 10 minutes of my time. Please tell Bill not to hold back & tell people how he really feels! :)
Watched the "release" & glad to see public followed the law. I will not be buying, listening, watching anything related to this case UNLESS it is your book. I read Laci Peterson's mom's book, the proceeds went to the voluntary support for search dogs. The search dogs & their handlers are all volunteers.
Color me stupid when it comes to Caylee's law. I always thought it was illegal to NOT know where your child is. I raised my child by this "law" everytime we had a conflict. When she was 10 & wanted wider limits on her bike, I told her it was against the law for me not to know where she is at all times. When she was 16 & wanted to go to some no name field in rural Milton to hang out I used the same reply. When she was 17 & promised(lol) to run away, same reply, I will call the police & tell them I have no clue where she was. Worked everytime, having nothing to do with age or grades & she knew I was dilligent enough to follow up. Breaks my heart that children need such a law for such common sense. I know i did someting right, she rocked the LSAT & is headed to Law School she wants to go into family law to prevent what happen to our family to happening to someone else.
My mother served my stepdad with divorce papers in NY after having retired to the country of Turks& Caicos 15 years earlier. My mother was dead 10 days later & mere days before he was to appear in Court & force him to allow my daughter & I back in the her home. There is so much more but the last 8 months have been hell & a mystery that trumps Sunny Von Bulow & as ugly as Brooke Astor's saga, yes my family is affluent. It was her grandson that saved her & her son will die in jail for the same thing my step dad did to my mother, including banning her only beloved grandchild from their home. I am fighting for justice in 2 countries & the Turks (UK property) was stripped of their constitution for rampant corruption by the UK. True story & yes my mother's affairs were in order down to the last "T". It does not matter. Thanks for letting me get that out. It has been the roughest few days.
I will stop by everyday lurking for your next post. Not a weak one in the bunch!! I have learned alot from you & your regular posters. Thanks again & take care of you, Lisa PNS,FL
Kudo's to Bill! I have always admired his take on this case..Hopefully we will see more of him on WFTV.
Lisa PNS FL,
What a horrible thing to have to endure! I pray your family will find the strength to deal with all that has been dealt to you all.
It is not you that is stupid trying to understand "Caylee's law". It is those that need this law to take care of their children that are stupid! Unfortunately there are mothers out there that need a law like this to make them understand that they are not going to get away with throwing their children out like common gargage.
You must have been a fantastic mother and you most certainly did everything right for your daughter to have achieved the grades that she got and to have the desisre to go to law school.
Keep up your fight for your rights and I am sure that there are people here on this blog that would love to hear how things work out for you;
Hey GCG~~what do you suggest? Should LE arrest Gas Can George? You are certainly have a right to your opinions even tho they are a tad farfetched. There was a young man outside the jail holding a sign which read, " She is Not Guilty, Get over it".. When interviewed, he said that he would like to marry Casey because she was cute and liked to party. GCG, was that you? LOL
I haven't seen that video.... Awesome!!! Bill was on a Roll... :-) Jose wrote he might post something for his fb friends... will b looking for... Life does has its Twists.. Have a Great Day!!!
The verdict - not guilty. Jury never said innocent!
Bill is a funny man with a great sense of humor. After the verdict I think we all need to find ours. Casey will live in fear everyday for the rest of her life. She is not safe out in the real world. People HATE baby killers.
Maybe felon can apply for a job at Henkle or maybe at Hefty. She seems to know a lot about both of those items. I just hope I never have to see her mug on t.v. again unless she is in handcuffs.
Hi Dave - This was a great video and I also enjoyed Bill's sense of humor. It helped after the disappointment of the verdict. I agree, Casey will never be free to enjoy all the freedoms she would have if she had just led a normal life with her child. Even if she changes her name and looks I don't think she can keep it a secret. She just can't resist telling people who she really is. Can you imagine her getting married and then someday her husband finds out - Suppose she has kids and they later find out - What a shock and they best start running.
I hear you, Carole, and you are 100% right. If there's one solid statement that came out of the trial, it was When Ashton so rightly claimed that "you don't make an accident look like a murder." As fantastic a job the prosecution did, the jury decided to believe the lies from the defence. Baez created doubt in their minds. Yes, it's sad, but it's too late now. The only thing we can do is boycott the network that pays Casey to talk, and every company that chooses to advertise on that show. She is toxic and I hope she just fades away. I don't wish her death, but I don't want her to be rewarded for Caylee's death, either.