The Ballad of Casey

It is a well established fact that in America, Casey Marie Anthony is not guilty of murdering her daughter - not yet, anyway, and no matter what we think, it will take a jury of her peers to make that determination. Until then, she is presumed innocent and all we can do is speculate. No matter what the outcome next year, I truly believe her name will be synonymous with Lizzie Borden’s. Lizzie, of course, found her father, Andrew, and stepmother, Abbie, hacked up by a hatchet in their family home in Fall River, Massachusetts, on August 4, 1892. A week later, she was arrested and charged with their murders.
Today, the notoriety of Casey’s alleged criminal act is so vast, there’s hardly a person in the civilized world who hasn’t, at least, heard of her or her daughter, Caylee Marie; whether they follow the story in depth or not. Credit the Internet, where someone in Dogtown, Florida can make headlines five minutes later in Tick Bite, North Carolina. Tick Bite? Yes, Tick Bite. They are almost 700 miles apart, give or take as the flea jumps, but the speed of communication today is just fascinating, it’s worldwide, and it’s mind boggling!
In Lizzie’s time, it would have taken several days to travel from Dogtown to Tick Bite. Today, it can be done in 10 hours. Aside from cars, what the Interstate system did to our roads in the 1950s, the Internet has done to news reporting of the new millennium, only multiplied by a few quadrillion nanoseconds. It’s interesting to note that, while Lizzie’s trial was over in 1893, we still remember her name and what she was charged with. That’s 107 years ago, folks! Why? Because it was a horrible crime? Sure, but it can’t just be that. Granted, there are no “nice” ways to commit murder, but there’s something that sticks in our craw when a daughter kills her parents or a mother kills her child. There’s something more despicable about it and we seldom forget it because there’s no way to explain murdering our own flesh and blood. Spouses and ex-spouses are another story. Speaking of which…
Before the Internet, we relied on TV. An excellent example of television at its finest was the OJ Simpson debacle. How many of us watched the whole thing unfold live before our very eyes? It was the first real crime to hit the tube with such focused intensity, and to most of us, we will never forget the white Bronco. That chase will forever be one of those “I remember exactly where I was” moments. The trial was among the most publicized in American history, while the verdict was watched by more than half of the U.S. population. It was huge.
There have been a few notable murders in our recent history; recent being that there are still people alive who can remember. Today, there’s Casey. Fifteen years ago, OJ was found not guilty. Sixty years earlier, Bruno Richard Hauptmann was found guilty of murdering famed aviator Charles Lindbergh’s infant son and sentenced to death. Both were called “The Crime of the Century.” No one is alive that would remember Lizzie, but in all of these cases, most of the evidence was (and will be) circumstantial in nature. Lindbergh and Simpson were famous before the crimes, but not Hauptmann or Lizzie, and certainly not Casey. It was the murders that mostly shaped their destinies. It is what they were charged with that determined how history would view them. History books don’t teach folklore, though. It’s passed down, and Lizzie’s tale continues to be embedded in our memories. That’s how legends grow, good and bad. Sadly, the murder trumps the murdered.
In the case of Lizzie, no one else was a suspect at the time, and to this very day, people continue to argue over who really killed the Bordens. During the investigation, a hatchet was found in the basement. It was assumed to be the murder weapon, yet it was void of blood. Most of the handle was missing and the prosecution stated it was broken off because it was too bloody to clean. A police officer testified that he found the head of the hatchet right next to the handle, but a Deputy Marshall contradicted his testimony. A forensic expert said there wouldn’t have been any time to clean it so soon after the murders. No blood-soaked clothing was found and Lizzie would not have been able to change her clothes or dispose of any in such a short time. Fingerprinting was relatively new then and authorities chose not to use it. Some considered it the junk science of the day. Despite lots of other incriminating evidence and testimony, Lizzie was acquitted. It’s interesting to note that shortly before the murders, the entire family became violently ill. Mr. Borden was not a popular man and his wife suspected they were being poisoned. Their doctor diagnosed their illness as food poisoning. They believed their milk was spiked, but after the murders, it was tested and cleared. Both victims stomachs were sent to Harvard Medical School and examined for toxins. None were found.
We can almost sense a semblance of similarities between the Borden and Anthony cases. Cindy washed a pair of Casey’s slacks. A few days after the murders, Lizzie tore up and burned a dress in the kitchen stove, saying she had brushed it against fresh paint and ruined it. No murder weapon has been found in Casey’s case, and no murder weapon was found in Lizzie’s. The fact that no blood evidence was noted on Lizzie a few minutes after the second murder pointed to reasonable doubt. All of her inquest testimony was barred at trial, as was her attempt to buy hydrogen cyanide, which she claimed she planned to use to clean a seal skin cloak. A lethal poison? You bet. In the end, the jury deliberated a mere hour-and-a-half before handing prosecutors a final whack.
In Hunterdon County, NJ, where I grew up, Bruno Hauptmann’s guilt is still split into two camps and it continues to be debated. I believe he did it. My father doesn’t think so. I believe that’s what keeps the embers burning throughout generations. Will Casey be remembered the same way? Time will tell, but I certainly think so. It’s a big story. In Lizzie’s case, she was memorialized by a popular jump rope rhyme that began circulating in schoolyards and elsewhere prior to her 1893 trial…
Lizzie Borden took an axe
And gave her mother forty whacks.
When she saw what she had done
She gave her father forty-one.
In truth, Lizzie’s stepmother suffered around 18 blows and her father just 11. Still, the legend lives on. In light of that, I came up with my own little rhyme for the times. I’m not insinuating anything. It is not indicative of Casey’s guilt or innocence. I am not predicting an outcome and I am not pronouncing a verdict. I am not making a joke out of Casey or Caylee, either. This is merely something that popped into my head. By all means, PLEASE take it lightly, tongue-in-cheek, and with a grain of salt.
For the rest of her life
Her name will be Mudd
For taking the life
Of her own flesh and blood.
For what lies ahead
Is a brewing storm.
Her daughter now dead
Was fed chloroform.
Samuel Mudd was the doctor who was convicted and imprisoned for aiding and conspiring with John Wilkes Booth, another name that will forever be etched in our minds. He was guilty of being in the right place at the wrong time. He tended to Booth’s severely fractured leg. His role is still in dispute. President Andrew Jackson pardoned and released Mudd in 1869, but his name is still, well, Mudd.

Reader Comments (90)
Excellent article, Marinade Dave!
Hey Dave. Not sure if I am correct or not but, in the second paragraph I believe. It says "sticks in our crawl". Is that supposed to be "craw"?
Thank you, Pace, I'm glad you enjoyed it.
Hey, Beast! Yes, you're right, it's craw, not crawl. Thank you for pointing out my grammatical error. I hate it when that happens. I'm glad you are keeping me straight.
Wow *Dave
I just have to tell you......I really love that posting. Thank you.
I think to most people this case is in a lull and they have lost interest (except for the bloggers), but once the trial starts.......this will be all over the news again in full force just like OJ was. Probably a few more blogs will pop up to critique all the evidence shown in court
. Casey should have surmised all the internet coverage (since she loved it so much) but I bet she didn't think it would turn out this way.
Thanks Dave great post as per usall...I do think the murder weapon has been found though.Hinkel Duct Tape,,,I dont know if you have heard of Dr Crippen an American convicted of murdering his wife in London.An one of the biggest frame ups an injustices ever ..Although many people still consider him guilty.He was the first suspect ever arrested due to the use of long range comunications the telegraph.
Wow, Diana... You just made my day! Thank you!
Yup, I think it's in a lull, too. There's not an awful lot to report right now, so I thought a slight diversion would be in order. I do think it will pick up again in January, after the holidays, because it starts the countdown to the new "Crime of the Century," whether it will be dubbed that or not. I believe it will be very, very big, though, and you're right, new blogs will pop up and the seasoned ones, like mine, will be quite busy.
You know, with the Internet possibly working against her, think of the cell phone. She loved it and it may spell disaster for her. She traded a cell phone for a cell. When she looked at the bars on her phone, she never knew she'd be looking at a different set of bars. Ones that don't serve cocktails, either.
Thank you, ecossie possie. That tape may have been the murder weapon, but I think it will be difficult to prove since the medical examiner's autopsy report concluded it had no idea what killed her other than murder. I'm sure the prosecution will go with the tale of the tape, but the defense will counter. No matter, there's a lot of evidence against her.
I do remember something about that Crippen murder. I look into it because the closer to this trial we get, the more interesting it will be to make comparisons. Imagine, the Internet and a cell phone today compared the telegraph of yesteryear. Interesting. I saw something on it a couple of years ago. Crippen was arrested on the Montrose, on his way to Canada.
Dave, great article. I think Casey will go down in history as the biggest liar. (As well as her family.)
Real quick: every time I click to read your articles I'm getting surveys. It's a pain in the arse to get rid of them. Then while I'm trying to get rid of it other videos and what not pop up. Can you please make your site the way it was before? Am I the only one this is happening to?
Thank you, Sarah. Yes, she will always be remembered for being the biggest liar, but aren't all murders liars? Most of them have better aliases than her. She's not just a liar, she's a stupid liar!
I'm getting complaints about that stupid survey that I'm not getting. What I will do is take all the ads out and put them back in, one by one. Slowly. That way, if the survey pops back up, I should know what's causing it. I'm sorry about that. I'm testing out new ads.
Yes he was arested with his mistress whom had been dressed in disguise as his son.However the ships captain had noticed that the boy had wide hips an father an son seemed rather to afectionate.He realised it was Dr Crippen an Ela La Neive an informed Scotland Yard via telegraph.The police took a smaller faster ship an were waiting for them ,The evidence against him was very slight.The police claimed they found after three days of searching his house.What can only be descriped as a fillet of stomach burried in the cellar.No other body parts were found.Ask yourself this ...who would disspose of an entire body an yet bury one small peice in your home?His wife allegedly had a scar on her stomach an by coincidence this was on the stomach.His defence wich was almost non existant claimed it could be a fold or strech mark rather than a scar.However he was found guilty an hanged.His mistresss was found not guilty in a seprate trial.The peice of stomach skin with the alleged scar was preserved an placed in Scotland Yards black museum.Recently it was forensicly tested an D N A tested against surviveing members of Crippens wifes family.It showed that there was no scar an also no match to her family.So it did not belong to his wife,Not only that it belonged to male.At the time a young Winston Churchill was secretry of state an in charge of the police.He placed immence pressure on them to solve the alleged crime.He was married to an American.It seems that the police planted evidence to frame Dr Crippen.Its been proved that Crippens wife had arranged for all her belongings to be removed from the house prior to her diapearance.She had also attepted to empty there bank acount.It looks like she just up an left him.An for whatever reason was willing to watch an innocent man hang.Dr Crippen maintained his innocence to the end.
And I thought I was a poet hahaha. Good one Dave.
A side note: A while back a virus tried to attack me here. UGH. I have this program called WOT. It lets me know if a site is bad.. well guess what? For the first time in over two years. It showed me your site was bad. We rate each site of how we view it. Well some must be rating you as very bad because a warning came up and I had to go rate you good or the stooopid site blocks ya.
Geesh.. Have a great Holiday Dave and everyone
I wasn't aware of all that, ecossie. I knew about the murder, the ship, the "son" and that Crippen was found guilty and hanged, but I didn't know DNA exonerated him. That's why it's so important to know what the facts are before jumping to any conclusion. Think about it, back then, there was a mob mentality begging for a hanging. Today, there are plenty of people who insist Cindy, George and Lee were in on it, but law enforcement disagrees. Are they guilty of over zealously protecting their daughter? Sure, but that has nothing to do with aiding and abetting in a murder.
Thanks for that information. Although the cards are stacked against Casey, she still deserves a trial.
My screen goes to like a whiteout sometimes an a add or survey comes up.Its not realy a problem as I just press the return arrow in the corner.I just asumed I was scrolling over an add or something.Ive noticed on other sites that some adds are rather sensitive or foward.You just need to glance at them an up they pop.
Thank you, shyloh, you'll have to post a poem or two sometime. I'd love to read it.
I don't know how the ranking goes, but recently, someone or something attacked Squarespace, my host, and put them out of business for a few hours. On innocuous sites, like this one and WordPress, I've gotten that red screen that warns me it's not safe to proceed, but I know it is because I am logged in, working, and moving from page to page. The only difference here is that I support ads, but they are screened through ad agencies and no malware should get through. Whatever the cause, thank you very much for giving me a good rating. If the trolls can work against me, they will, but they'd have to go through Squarespace's whistles and bells.
That's it, ecosse, the RETURN button. I said the back button. Yes! Thank you. The ads in question are stripped out and I am going to put them back in one at a time. There might be a window that opens periodically, but it shouldn't be as obtrusive as that full page white screen begging you to take a poll or something. I don't like it.
Yes Dave its been a bit of a non story regarding his innocence,His relatives are trying to obtain a pothumous pardon for him.His waxwork is still on display in Madome Toussous murders display...Crippen Case
I've been to wax museums and they can be downright eerie. They look like real people, only not alive. Not quite dead, but lifeless, if you know what I mean.
Yes I know what you mean Dave. tourists wait in line for hours to get in to Madame Tousous in London.Ive never been in that one but have viited there franchise in Amsterdam.
Dave, what can I say except, this is one of your truly great posts. The way you have intertwined Lizzie Borden and Casey Anthony is pure genius and it goes to show that you know your stuff. To hold the interest of the reader, the way you do is what keeps us returning to your blog. You are becoming an addiction for some of us but it is a healthy addiction.
Hopefully, with all our modern technology, the state will be able to come close to the truth of what really transpired when Caylee's life was snuffed out. From our vantage point, it may appear that the state has a cut and dry case. That is just wishful thinking and the state have their work cut out for them to convince 12 jurors that no one but Casey committed this crime. We must keep in mind that it only takes one juror who may question some of the evidence and have that reasonable doubt. Let's hope that is not the case. I foresee riots in the streets of Orlando is a 'not guilty' comes back. In the penalty phase, I would like to see the death penalty removed , as an option, but that is JMO.
Even if a jury brings back a verdict of guilty, there will be those who will wonder if Casey murdered Caylee or it was an accident and she panicked and botched a cover-up. As with Lizzie Borden, the Anthony case will leave us dangling because I doubt if we will ever learn the real truth of what took place.
Thanks Dave, once again, you scored big with this reader!
Ecossie - The last one I went to was about 2 years ago, in St. Augustine, FL. I like that town. There's so much history.
Well, Snoopy, let me tell you it's a thrill to know how much you enjoyed this post. I did try to tie the murders together. Not in a nice bow, mind you, but in a way that I wouldn't lose readers from veering too far away from the overall theme.
I do feel the state has plenty of ammo in its arsenal, but so did the state of California with OJ. This team is not that team, but if Casey is truly innocent, they should have no trouble proving it. As for rioting in Orlando? I don't think so. As much as there is still interest in the case, it has waned because a lot of people are tired of seeing something on the news day after day. We don't tire of it, but life will go on. I mean, it's like the excitement of Disney. We're used to it. Because I live here, I don't give it much thought. It's just a theme park, but to outsiders, it's Disney! I hope that makes sense, because I'm not trying to down people interested in the case. Alfter all, I am one of them, but to your average citizen, if you love pizza, you get tired of it if that's all you get to eat, day after day.
I guess there will always be people, generations to come, that will argue it, but I think more so if she's acquitted.
Again, thank you very much, Snoopy. That means a lot to me.
Thanks for the trip down memory lane, gruesome as it might be.proof that these awfull things have been happening forever, just not so public. Communications, today are awesome, my granddaughter is visiting in philidelphia this weekend, I send a text to her and thirty seconds later she is answering, amazing. It was mind bogging reading the docs. about the money Casey was taking from her mothers account and the credit cards, yet they continued to believe she had a job. Talk about burying head in sand!! Casey told one truth if she never told another one the night they confronted her,when she gave Lee the illusion that they had all enabled her to do the things she did. Casey had been on a downhill spiral since Caylee's birth and they all just refused to see it. I believe Cindy realizes this now and probably has some terrible guilt feelings about this, but she is too proud to admit it.. So sad all the way around.
forgot to tell you great poem.
Dave, I forgot to commend you on your poem. The name Mudd that you included seemed very approprite.
It takes strangers or tourists to venture into our surroundings to point out the beauty of the things we take for granted. I may take lobster for granted while to others, it is a rare treat. J/K, with the price of it, it's a rare treat to me too.
Dave, great post! This prosecution is so different from OJ's and I don't think they will have a problem doing a great job on this case. It is never a done deal until the jury comes back with their verdict. Great job on the poem!
ecossie possie, interesting story about the Crippen case. I hadn't heard of it until now.
Not a very good memory lane, is it, Margaret? Murder, unfortunately, is almost as old as man and it will never be bred out of us. Sad, but true. You know, I was mentioning to someone else earleir today that it wasn't all that many years ago when none of this existed. I got my first glimpse of the Internet in 1998, and one of my e-mail accounts is that old now, and THAT'S old by today's standards. I e-mailed then president, Bill Clinton, and I actually got a real letter from him weeks later, signed and all, and on White House stationery. That was how I learned what the Internet was capable of doing and it's been an incredible ride. I'm happy to be a part of it.
I've been saying all along that Cindy buried her head in the sand. Casey got away with murder her whole life, I'm afraid, and it must be hitting her hard. She does not look like a happy person and it's sad.
Thank you, and double thank you for liking the poem.
I think one of the things Casey will hate the most about the trial is the fact that she will be required to be there everyday. So much trouble for her to get up and get dressed, and driven to courthouse! She will miss her naps.
Thank you, Snoopy. Yes, I think Mudd was apropos. It's stuck for 145 years now. It will be interesting to know, although we never will, whether Casey Anthony's name is bandied about a century from now.
As much as I LOVE lobster, I don't think my stomach can handle drawn butter anymore. All too rich. Maybe a few bites, but not a feast. I'd be sick for days.
Thank you, Mary Jo. This prosecution is so much better than in the OJ case, and you want to know something else? OJ's defense team was so much better, too, so it seems like a complete role reversal between the two sides. I really don't want to see a lopsided trial because a slam dunk would help on appeal, I'm afraid. Hey! I'm glad you liked my poem.
Yes, Jan, that's right. All day in a courtroom. Tsk, tsk. No nachos, either, but if there's any consolation, I'll bet the food will be better than at the jail.
I don't think that we can even begin to compare Judge Ito with the Honorable Judge Perry. Oh to have a Judge Perry on the bench during the OJ case. I think OJ soured us to the fact that justice is not always served in a courtroom. I think this is why we have to keep an open mind when it comes to this Anthony case. I notice that Cheney Mason has been relatively quiet. Maybe that is because he is thinking, which could be dangerous. I have developed a very uneasy feeling about that man. He is going to use everything in his arsenal to create a mistrial. He is looking for a technicality of some wrongdoing by the state. Mason is seasoned and he knows it will take very little to upset the whole apple cart and he is on a mission to find just that. That seems to be the only hope he has of winning this case. I would love to know exactly what is in his bag of tricks.
Oh, yeah, no comparison. Even with Judge Strickland there was no comparison. Ito fell asleep at the bench once. Maybe more.
I think Mason shot his wad with the recusal motion, which backfired badly.
Oops, 60 Minutes. I'll be back.
Let's be the defense here. What have we got? Ann Finnell can try to prove that Casey was 'temporarily insane' when she committed the act. Cindy's dominance can be brought into play in that it drove Casey over the edge. Ann may try to prove that Casey was fragile, mentally, during her pregnancy and it continued and then manifested during the next 2 and one-half years. There is a good possibility has Casey has been diagnosed as bi-polar.
There are some woman who cannot bond with their children. I don't want to compare Casey to an animal but it is a well known fact that it has happened in the animal kingdom. Animals give birth to their young and then walk away. Casey had Cindy present to force her not to abandon the child. Had Casey been on her own during her pregnancy, once birthed, the baby would have been left on a doorstep or abandoned in a bathroom. If Casey gave birth in a hospital, the baby would have been immediately put up for adoption. Casey did comtemplate abortion until Cindy stepped into the picture.
That is just a sampling of what Ann Finnell may come up with to try and get Casey spared from the lethal injection. I cannot see a jury voting for death in this case. As heinous as the crime may have been, it still does not justify death. I say this because the crime involved a mother and her child.
Although, Casey, from what we laymen know of her, cannot be deemed insane. You will have to admit that she has some deep seated mental issues. Her lack of emotion towards her missing child, then murdered child, seems to be the one that stand out the most. Also her lack of compassion for her mother, father and brother. Casey also shows a degree of narcissism but not to the extent of it being categorized as insanity.
Snoopy, do you think we will ever know what Lee meant by keeping his promise and who he had made that promise to. George told investigators that when Casey lied to Lee about being pregnant, that Lee never believed in her again. I have gone back and reread some of the transcripts and nowhere did I find anyone saying anything about Casey having any ambitions towards anything, making any kind of plan for a future. I think Casey and Cindy used Caylee as a yo yo against each other. Caylee got older and Casey was loosing control, so she got Caylee out of the picture. I think Casey thought she could go to N.Y. with her latest boyfriend and Caylee and orlando would fade in the past.
Snoopy, do you think we will ever know what Lee meant by keeping his promise and who he had made that promise to. George told investigators that when Casey lied to Lee about being pregnant, that Lee never believed in her again. I have gone back and reread some of the transcripts and nowhere did I find anyone saying anything about Casey having any ambitions towards anything, making any kind of plan for a future. I think Casey and Cindy used Caylee as a yo yo against each other. Caylee got older and Casey was loosing control, so she got Caylee out of the picture. I think Casey thought she could go to N.Y. with her latest boyfriend and Caylee and orlando would fade in the past.IMO Casey is still pulling the strings and I think she will make her family endure the pain of this trial because in her mind they are to blame for everything. I don't think she is capable of admitting that she is responsible for what she has done.
I think Ann will be a formidable foe for the state. She seemed to show a little frustration when B&M brought up things that didn't really pertain to what she was trying to get across, and she had the floor. What avenues will she pursue? I don't know, but they will be thorough.
I don't think Casey ever bonded with anyone. I get the impression that she tortured and killed small animals, like frogs, when she was a kid growing up. She justified it in her own head by reminding herself that frogs are killed and disected in classrooms everywhere. It's interesting how she interacts with people. As distant as she seems to be, she's very clingy. I don't understand her.
Margaret~~Lee Anthony at the Memorial service for Caylee, "CMA, I will keep my promise to you."
Caylee was 2 1/2 yrs old when she was murdered. What promise would an uncle make to his tiny niece? I do not believe for a minute that the CMA was for Caylee Marie. It was rather unusual for Lee to take his laptop into a church. He could have printed off his speech. I think Lee was making a video as he spoke in front of his laptop. Casey could watch his speech and hear his message to her, "CMA, I will keep my promise etc." This indicates to me that Casey may have told Lee more when they were alone in Casey's bedroom on the evening of July 15th. He may very well have learned the truth that nite after Casey swore him to secrecy.
I imagine if Casey gets LWOP, or even less, she will adjust beautifully, just like Scott Peterson. Her "fans" will send her money and letters, maybe even get to phone her. One thing for sure, she will not spend alot of time thinking about little Caylee. She will find someone in prison to manipulate, of that have no doubt. She will at least have a roof over her head, and be fed. Something she couldn't do on her own on the "outside."
Dave~~yes, Casey was known to be clingy. She seemed to be reaching out for affection and to be loved. You know, you can feed, clothe and educate a child and give them everything but a child needs to be touched and hugged and insured daily that they are loved. Some mothers are so busy, they neglect the intimate contact a child must have with the parent. If the child does not feel loved, they can carry that part of them into adulthood. When a parent lets their child get away with stealing and lying etc, it instills in the child that the parent could care less about them. It's the, "if she really loved me, she wouldn't let me get away with this."
I have a hard time getting my thoughts across the way I want them presented so you can understand.
I think the state in this case will have no problem getting a conviction. There is so much evidence against her, just too much to list. I do not compare this case with the OJ case for one simple reason. I believe the verdict in that case was based solely on race. If the death penalty is still on the table during trial, which I believe it will be, then it cannot be removed from the deliberations during the penalty phase, this assuming the prosecution doesn't offer her a deal, but really, why would they if they get the conviction. I also believe if this gets to DP phase of trial, she will get death. To me, she is a fool not to plead out now, but then again, I kind of think the state is not offering a plea, they want her to suffer to the fullest for what she has done
If Casey is convicted, Jan, she will not get anything less than LWOP. Yes, people will send her money, but there's nothing strange about that, considering that people have been doing it for a long time. Casey is pretty enough that men will ignore her crime and focus on her looks. Some will probably want to fatten her up. There are lots of weirdos out there.
I think I know what you mean, Snoopy. I do feel that Casey thought she was smarter and, therefore, superior to her parents. Did her mother's lack of strictness play a role? Sure, but it still takes a special person to kill. She developed that on her own.
I tend to agree, mchl54. I don't think the jury would flinch at sentencing her to death if they find her guilty. The nature of the crime and the evidence will be enough because, in order to find her guilty, the jury will have to believe it was a horrible and merciless death. In my opinion, the state will never offer a plea. If there ever was one, those days are long gone.
Dave, I think Casey will be a topic of conversation for some time to come. I can just hear my grandchildren telling their children, " my meme was always reading Marinade Dave's blog and reading about the Casey Anthony story on the news". Just when you think it can't get any worse along comes Zahra Baker and you are back to wondering how could they?
That would be real funny, Margaret. Reading Marinade Dave as a favorite pastime. Poor Zahra. Despite it all, she kept right on smiling.
Dave~~I disagree with you strongly. I believe Casey lacked self-esteem. Did you ever consider that Casey stole and lied to get caught? When Casey was arrested and she strode into the jail wearing that number 82 hoodie, she looked as proud as a peacock. She was finally getting the attention she craved. There was a look of satisfaction on her face.
Look how brazen she was when she stole Amy's money. She didn't slink around trying to hide how she spent it. She had to know that there was video surveillance in the bank, at Target and Wynn Dixie.
Low self-esteem is one of the main traits of a narcissist. They may come across as being self-confident and demanding but under that exterior, they are mush.
A person may be quite normal and be driven to temporary insanity by the actions of another person. Look at all the crimes of passion.
Maybe Casey feels that she is now special but I do not think of her as being special when she killed her daughter.
Another trait of a narcissist is that they are sexually promiscuous. It was quite apparent that Casey was not shy about hopping into bed with every Richardo, Jesse or Tony. Anthony Rusciano said that Casey made him feel like the girl after a romp in the hay. Rusciano said that Casey came across as someone performing their civic duty. She was dressed and out the door pronto. This represents how a narcissist needs to control to make up for their low self-esteem. Not all narcissists are in the Orange County jail.
I do not know if casey lacked self esteem or not, nor do I care, and as far as her being brazen, to me, that came from her thinking she would always come out ahead of any charge, be it from her parents or from a legal standpoint. This woman had zero feelings for her child, she only cared about herself, call it whatever you want, she is evil. This is not temp insanity, this is true evil at its worst
Good Morning Dave and All,
This is a most enjoyable post. Love your little poem. I'm not sure I knew that it was Lizzy's step mother. That paints a different picture. If Lizzy didn't kill her herself maybe she hired someone with their own axe to take out her parents. I'm just kidding. Overkill usually indicates a crime of passion doesn't it?
Thanks for another good post.