Casey McDingles

There is a no-brainer running around like a chicken without its head who insists she knows what witness tampering is all about. She doesn’t, and this will serve to quash any and all rumors she keeps firing into wasted Internet bandwidth. At the same time, it will explain exactly what it is. Merely interviewing someone is not. Suggesting they change the truth most assuredly is.
In reality, two Texas EquuSearch volunteers told WFTV that a private investigator working for the defense tried to manipulate them into changing their stories about what transpired down along Suburban Drive in September of 2008.
Brett Churchill and Brett Reilly have accused PI Jeremiah Lyons of slinging words their way that would cause them to alter their testimony about searching the area where Caylee’s remains were found three months later by Roy Kronk, another defense target.
According to the WFTV report, Lyons was recently in court examining EquuSearch records. The station reports that he’s keeping low key while talking to volunteers who are not very happy about it.
In this case, both volunteers are prosecution witnesses. Churchill has been deposed by the defense and Reilly has talked on record to investigators. Both have stated that the exact area where the toddler was discovered was under water and unsearchable at the time. According to Churchill, Lyons went to his house and lied about Reilly’s story. “He basically was asking me if what I said in my deposition was the exact story because he had others who fared differently, one of them being Brett Reilly.”
Reilly had earlier warned Lyons not to twist his words after witnessing what Casey’s defense had done to others involved in the case. Lyons promised him he wouldn’t.
Let me tell you, from first-hand experience, I know all about what a professional manipulator Jerry Lyons is. They don’t get any slicker, but in my case, the defense ended up with the short end of the stick. What he succeeded in doing was to somewhat change the tenor of this court. It abruptly went from Strickland to stricter. Strickland to stricter… trust me, they will be words that linger.
The report also states that Reilly complained to Cheney Mason and that both volunteers contacted the sheriff’s office.
Great news is coming right up for those who want to see what Casey’s new tooth looks like. She is slated to appear at next week’s hearing, which will be at 1:30 pm on the 29th. It had been scheduled to be a status hearing, but with her attendance announced, it signaled that there would be more to the hearing than just an update from the attorneys. She has not been in court since her mother and brother took the stand back in July. Of course, plain old status hearings don’t require her presence.
What this should mean is that Judge Perry will hear several arguments, two of which should be the simultaneously filed MOTION TO DETERMINE REASONABLE BUDGET FOR DUE PROCESS COSTS IN A CAPITAL CASE AND MOTION TO INCUR CERTAIN SPECIFIED COSTS filed recently by new attorney Ann Finnell, and quite possibly the prior rulings over the public’s access to Casey’s jail records. This would include phone calls, visitor logs and commissary purchases. In my opinion only, I don’t care if she pigs out on nachos or not. I do not need to know how many hair barrettes, hair pins, hair claws, banana hair clips or how many other products she buys, including female doodads. With the latest ruling in south Florida, this information may have to be rerouted through the state and released through document dumps instead of coming directly from the jail. Hopefully, I will know more about that soon.
With regard to the budget request made by Finnell, the funding agency, the JAC (Justice Administration Commission) doesn’t like her cost estimates. The commission filed a response last week that questions some of the estimates as being too high and others that shouldn’t be billed to taxpayers. In a post I published two weeks ago, I wrote:
The distance between Jacksonville and Orlando, from her office to the jail, is 145 miles each way. The distance from her office to Fort Myers is roughly 300 miles. She anticipates at least one trip per month to Orlando and back, and at least two trips to Fort Myers. Overnight lodging is expected for the trips to Fort Myers and some of the trips to Orlando, all of which is feasible. She’s asking for $4,000.00. Let’s see… a round trip from Jax to O’do runs about $134.00. Jax to Ft. Myers would be double that - $268.00. We are 7-8 months away from showtime, so 7-8 Orlando trips would run… let’s give her the benefit of the doubt and say 8 months. 8 trips would cost almost $1,100.00. To Fort Myers and back twice would add up to around $540, bringing our total to $1,640.00, not including hotel stays, and I think it’s safe to assume she’s not going to spend the night at the No Tell Motel, but still, that’s over $2,400 in lodgings. Nope, that one should be questioned by the judge. If the court chooses to approve, it brings our tally much higher…
The JAC is requesting it shouldn’t have to foot the bill for attorneys’ travel expenses; that the costs should come out of the money the Baez Law Firm was paid by Ms. Anthony or be absorbed by the individual attorney.
Any way we look at it, the mere fact that Casey will be in the courtroom almost demands that some semblance of verbal chicken poop will be flying into the fan come next Friday afternoon. I’m looking forward to it, so I must admit, I will not quit. I will attend, as I intend.

Reader Comments (123)
Great post, Dave! I am glad to hear that you will be at the hearing and that nothing will keep you away. I am anxious to hear how Judge Perry will rule on the latest two motions. I hope you find out soon how the new ruling in south Florida will affect this case. I personally don't care what she eats either, I want to see who is visiting her. I would imagine if that new ruling affects this case, that Cindy and George will try and get a visit with Casey. I don't think Baez will allow Casey to see them even if the names of the people visiting her or the video visits are released. I think he is afraid that she will do too much talking with them. I think he wants her as far away from her family as possible right now. I am looking forward to seeing the hearing and I am also looking forward to your write up on it. I know I can always count on you for everything that happens during the hearing and also a more personal touch added to what you write because you are witnessing it first hand. Us at home watching it can't always see everything that happens. Thanks for all you do for us and keep up the good work! It is appreciated.
You sure have a talent for using words! You are a brilliant journalist! I look forward to your next post.
Take care!
Keep up the good work Dave. Looking forward to your report about the upcoming hearing.
You're doing a great job.
It should be a very enlightening hearing, Mary Jo. Even if the judge stops the jail from releasing info, which I still question because of his scope of power over other government branches, it will still be released through document dumps. The only thing I would call it if it's a defense victory, is no victory at all, it would merely be a delay in their release. If G&C go see her, we would still see and hear it, only later.
Thanks, Mary Jo. I appreciate you very much, too.
Thanks, Frances. I don't know why I wrote this one with a little more humor, but I think it was an appropriate time to be more whimsical.
Thank you very much, Yvette. I will pay extra attention at the hearing so my report will be true and factual, with a few subtle nuances thrown in from careful observation. I appreciate your reading my posts.
Well, you did it again, Dave. Another great post. I think the financial wrangling between the JAC and the defense will be a great show. I also wish I could be a fly on the wall of Judge Perry's office when he found out about the PI that is trying his tricks with the TES searchers.
Knowing what KC buys from the commisary is not something I want to know, but the visitors, that's another story. I do not believe that Cindy or George would be allowed to visit KC. I believe that Baez would not allow the visits for fear that something would be said that would sink their boat. Can't wait for the next hearing.......will have to stock up on popcorn and milk duds.......would I be out of place to hope for cartoons, also??
Thanks, Carole - I don't know if the JAC will be around or not next week. Like past times, it could be a conference call, but I would expect Ann Finnell to be there, so it should be an interesting day. Whether George or Cindy will be allowed to visit is anyone's guess, but ultimately, the visits will be recorded and eventually released. I have to think about how the judge will decide. The circumstances in south Florida may not be the same, so he may not change his (and Strickland's) orders. There still exists that line separating judicial from legislative.
Dave~~oh you certainly applied the whimsical, so much so, I cannot seem to concentrate on what I want to say. All I can think of is that headless chicken. Was that bird US grown or did you import the poor thing? It needs a few good shots of formaldehyde to whiten it up a bit. Oops, sorry, I am supposed to be discussing the PI's.
I would love to see Jeremiah Lyons taken to task for trying to influence a witness. I doubt if any communication between Lyons and the Bretts was recorded so how do they go about proving that influencing was going on. There always seems to be a glitch and the truth never gets revealed. This time there are two different individuals with the same complaint so maybe it will carry some weight with LE, the judge and whoever else is involved. They both reported it to the sheriffs office. I wonder what Cheney Mason's response was when they made him aware of it.
That takes care of one PI and now we come to Mortimer Smith. I wonder how involved he was with falsifying a TES search document. When is Laura Buchanan supposed to take that dreaded deposition? Judge Perry may have to give her an escort as was his promise for the no shows.
I think the JAC and Judge Perry are going to put the kabosh on Ann Finnell's nice little budget. She may possibly get a few bucks but nothing close to what she is asking for.
I am at a loss as to new laws being introduced that jail records will not be released by jail administration and have to go thru the state. I also have no interest in any doodads she purchases. I would like to have access to the names of all her visitors, including attorneys and expert for the defense.
I doubt if we will ever see Cindy and George visit Casey. George would be a bit gun shy calling her gorgeous after all the sexual accusations. It would definitely be an awkward encounter. Baez would never take a chance of them getting together on video tape.
I would love to continue discussing the headless McDingle but it is getting late so will have to do that another time.
Great post, Dave! I was almost going to say the headless wonder was numero uno but that title still goes to you , Knechel. Thank you .
Hi, Dave & All. Ha! I had a funny feeling I knew what the subject of this latest was likely to be, and Love That Chicken! A wee slight quibble- I recall that Casey WAS in Court when Cindy came out with "I still think Caylee is alive", and that was in July, mid-July. Memorable to say the least as Casey broke down just as if she'd finally realized she's made her whole family loon-crazy. The elevator mishap, that would be in beginning of June sometime. I just really remember that hearing quite well, with Cindy on the stand, and Polisano's testimony, etc., etc. We can only hope this next one is something like... BTW, when does Ms. Buchanan finally get sworn in? Anyone know?
Karen C~~my recollection tells me Casey has made a court appearance since her fall in the elevator. You are correct.
Hey, Snoopy! I'll just never lose that image of Cindy saying That and quick! the camera pans on Casey who has turned red and is really sobbing (for once)! And, where DID Dave get this headless chicken, anyways? I have to skedaddle - tired obviously.
Thanks for the informative update *Dave. See ya Fri.
Never surprised by your impressive wrtings. Wonderful job!
When are Baez and his clowns going to stop playing with the justice system? He's as much a liar as his monster client. Good teacher! I think Judge Perry will put a stop to his pathetic tactics at the 29th hearing. Hopefully, that smirk will finally be knocked off that pudgey face. Enough is enough . . . Thanks, again.
Good morning, Dave. Perhaps this is the place to post a little something I've wanted to say, for quite some time. Perhaps not. You decide.
It really makes NO sense, whatsoever, that you or anyone else for that matter, would post a deliberate falsehood (ie: having lunch with the Judge and all of the legal representation etc) when you well knew that Judge Strickland visited your site on occasion and would have seen your article and called you to task had it inspired other than a judicial chuckle. Even headless chickens have more sense than that!
As you were so obviously NOT called to task, as well as the whole affair was described by the judge as being of NO significance, it just seems to me that those who would thereafter attempt to speak for the Judge, or act on his behalf, are showing a great deal of disrespect for HIM and his biting response which was meant solely for the DEFENSE, which would include one conniving Lyons!
In focusing so much attention and exerting so much energies upon you, those who would babble on about how YOU got a judge recused are doing the State of Florida a grave disservice by allowing the true perpetrator of impropriety escape accountability! And that would be Lyons under the direction of the Defense! THIS is the stuff that mistrials are made of, not some silly little article that anyone in their right mind would have known better than to have believed, and again, especially in light of the fact that you put it right out there for even Strickland to read, which in and of itself is sure indication that you meant it to be taken only in jest.
Imagine, if you will, what good these babbling brooks could do for the Prosecution and the State's case against Casey if they went after such as Lyons, calling him to task for what he's done, and thus exposed the true deviousness of the Defense! Were they to do something like that they would most certainly be exercising true justice! But of course, expecting them to exercise a bit of common sense would be far too much to expect of them, wouldn't it?
I, for one, can't wait for this whole mess to be over and done with! I can't wait until his Honorable Judge Strickland can speak for himself. I fully expect him to address these babbers and blabbers demanding to know what gave them the right speak for him, and worse - to so absolutely discount that which he said! I am sure he is not pleased with the means through which they are using him in order to attempt to destroy you and all innocents who choose to read and to comment at your site.
I do have to chuckle, though, each and every time they boast of having how many signatures on their silly little petition? Considering the fact that they have gone global with this petition, offer it up on the numerous sites they have going and encourage all who visit these sites to sign it so pushing it on everyone they can and everywhere they can, and considering the many long months that have passed since its inception, I'd have to say 700 something signatures is pretty minuscule when put in proper perspective. They've offered it up, along with their tale of woe to absolute millions, only to end up with 700 something signatures. That speaks volumes as to what the opinion of the majority of the world's population is, Dave. Chuckle, chuckle.
As always, at your discretion.
Have a good day, and stay focused will you? We so appreciate it when you do.
Dave , again you have informed us of the defense's manipulation...It seems to me that the whole trial will be a game of semantics and leading questiions...He said, she said...trip them up on their own words...No elaboration needed...You do such a fantastic job in painting a verbal picture of this obviously devious team...I can't wait to hear Ms. Finnell in court...I wonder how she likes this circus...By the time the fat lady sings she will no doubt wish she had stayed at home...By the way I LOVE the chicken...however I prefer it fried, fricasseed, or with yellow rice...
Snoopy - Oh, I think Jerry Lyons will be grilled on his unscrupulous methodology. These are allegations that warrant a state investigation. If he falsified TES documents, along with witness tampering, he will lose his license and probably spend some time alongside Casey. What I can't understand is the power she holds over men - that someone would risk a career over her. Then, there's Laura Buchanan. God forbid that she's in on it. Why would anyone go out of their way and lie for Casey? It makes absolutely no sense at all. Even Cheney Mason admitted the woods were under water.
There might be fireworks next week inside that courtroom. A lot of dung has been flung, and coupled with the JAC requests, Judge Perry is going to have his hands full.
Thanks, Snoopy!
Hi, Karen - You are right and I reworded the post. My timeframe was a little out of kilter. Thank you for the clarification. I hate it when I have a senior moment.
Oh, I found the chicken and removed its head. It was so fitting.
Good morning, Diana. It's an honor and a pleasure to inform you. Thank you, and yes, you will see me next Friday.
Thank you, Dave, for yet another great article! It looks like you will be busy in the next week or so with this case. I hope that you are feeling well!
With all the twists and turns in this crazy saga, we must remember that it will all be worth it
to see an outcome of justice for a precious innocent child~~~Caylee Marie.
More and more we are being shown how the defense team lacks in morals, character, honesty
and even common decency. Baez, Mason and company would be a joke if this wasn't such a serious and heartbreaking crime. I hope that they too, will be held accountable for their
unscrupulous behavior, not to mention sad lack of professionalism. They give attorneys an even worse reputation than they already had.
Thank you so much for all that you do, Dave! Your writing and the time you take with this case is genuinely appreciated! Thank you to all the wonderful people that comment here as well!
Thanks, simba. Much obliged. I also feel there will come a time when the judge says enough is enough. Will he give the defense a fair warning? Does he have to? I think he will be less tolerant of illegal tactics than the defense thinks. We'll see, but whatever it is, the state will have to file charges of some kind first. That means a formal investigation.
I think people who lie often do it for 'fun' or to help someone out with their mis-truth (Cindyism). Laura B didn't realize how it would backfire on her.
I can't wait to see you on the TV Dave! Thank you for being a consistent journalist in this. We can rely on you to give us the true scoop.
Jose will keep the As away from Casey until after the trial. There is too much at risk now. Cindy would probably end up leaping for Casey's throat. She says she supports Casey but I really think she hates her with a vehemence and is looking for her chance to attack.
You know, Skat, anyone in their right mind would know the odds of the judge, the prosecution and the defense going to lunch together is zero. Add me into the mix and it becomes absurd. For anyone to believe my tongue-in-cheek story is just plain naive, stupid, gullible and idiotic - all rolled into one. What we have here are people who will take any word I write and distort it. That's what those yo yos are doing. As for BMmission, or whatever her name is, she's just a phony. She wouldn't admit how dumb she was to fall for such a ridiculous scenario, so she threw a temper tantrum and her little flock of dimwits followed.
Of course, it was so stupid that when the blabs sent the "allegation" to the state, it was laughed at and thrown into the garbage. What nincompoops. Whatever. Meanwhile, those slugs have no idea what's really going on, and by inserting themselves everywhere they possibly can, they are obstructing justice. Well, not really, but it's a far cry worse than what I'm doing. Ironically, by focusing on me, they are doing the right thing. Their minds are incapable of concentrating on more than one thing at a time, and by staying away from the Casey case, they can't harm the state's case against her. How odd that they publish innocent people's private information in the name of justice for Caylee.
Here's the way it works. This is the absolute truth. All of those people had no life until I came along. Of course, they moved from target to target on the Internet, but think about it. They were nobodies, with no focus and no mission. Along I came and they became enervated. Wow! I am honored to give new life to old, stale, minds. They should count their blessings and hope nothing happens to me. Without me, they will fall deeper and deeper into depression and wallow in the mire they have each created for themselves. Let them play their silly little games. That petition is a joke. Over 75% of the signatures are phony. I have proof.
Thank you for your sane, rational and informative comment. It's the truth. Meanwhile, I shall do my best to remain focused.
So sorry, Dave! After I sent my comment, I refreshed and saw yours. I had no idea I would be using the same word, or basically being repeating what had been said.
Thank you for your excellent writing!
If Jose does get the jail house food log sealed and the visitor log sealed does this mean that all future prisoners should be able to get this too if requested? Wouldn't Judge Perry be setting a precedent if he approved these items for KC? I've only seen a couple of lists that KC has purchased so somehow the list isn't being released regularly to the public now.
Good morning, Estee - Yup, the defense is dabbling in illegal games and it will certainly hurt their client in the end. They need to stick to Casey's story; that she is innocent. If she truly is, then the truth shall set her free. By sleezing around and tampering, it only serves to destroy her chances of getting out of jail.
I prefer my chicken the same way, but this was a RAW story. Truth hurts in all its glory. The defense will soon see.
Thanks. By the way, I had chicken for cdinner last night. Baked skinless, boneless thighs, with seasoning on top. Delicious.
Good morning, Patti O - I know that some attorneys are conniving. That's why there are so many lawyer jokes, but this team seems to be taking the cake and giving good, honest, professionals a bad name. Too bad.
I tend to agree with you that the Anthonys will not see Casey in jail. Baez won't allow it. As for the judge, something tells me he may rule the same way he already has - he's not going to seal anything. Just because another judge did it, so what? It wasn't a Supreme Court decision. On the other hand, does it enhance Casey's chances upon appeal? It's a touchy situation. That's why next Friday should be so compelling. Thank you for your continued support. I will think of you as I sit in that courtroom.
Well, Suzanna - We think alike! I get the distinct feeling that most of us feel the same way about this defense. There's something below the surface that festers. Dishonesty comes to mind.
Thanks for the nice words about my writing.
Hi Dave - Great post and I do imagine the fireworks will fly unless Perry calls them to his office earlier, So what I am gathering Finnell has offices in Jax and Ocala. -Right? and I must be having a senior moment this morning -Why does she need two days in Ft. Myers? All I can think of is dinner and relaxing at Sanibel Island. LOL
Dave~~so much for that petitiion that is not worth the paper it is written on. I didn't sign it yet somone put my name on it. Most of the names on it are made up and false. Maybe the defense should hire some of those babbabboonies.
Roll on Friday, we should be seeing a little action in that courtroom.
Hey Nika1, as long as Judge Perry doesn't say, "This is a death penalty case." once again. LOL
Is there any news when Laura Buchanan will be deposed? Maybe Burdick will bring that to the Judge's attention.
Good fine morning to you, Nika1 - You know, I didn't think about that. Judge Perry could call them into his chambers and remain out of the public eye. That's a good point and one that's well taken.
Dorothy Clay Sims is the senior partner in the law firm of Sims & Stakenborg, P.A. with offices in Gainesville and Ocala. She specializes (in this case) in cross-examining medical experts like Dr.G.
Ann E. Finnell hails from Jax. I know it's confusing because both of them were announced on the same day, but their fields of expertise vary tremendously in this situation.
As for Ft. Myers, George's parents live there and I would venture a guess that there are probably other relatives in the immediate area, as well. I'm sure her visits will be to interview each and every one of them for mitigating evidence.
I hope you are having a great time where you are!
Snoopy - I haven't heard anything yet about Buchanan, but she's 1,000 miles away from here. I know. I've made the drive on many occasions. A court up there might have to order her to be deposed or face contempt. The law doesn't stop at state boundaries, as some might think.
Now this is a good example of how the Sunshine law here in Fl is so different from every state I've lived in. I doubt any where in the US we would have heard about Jeremy Lyons' witness manipulation (or is it tampering?). If it turned out to be something bad we would have heard about it in a post script to some news cast and that's all. Interesting. In the courtroom the jury and everyone viewing it is maniuplated in some way by the way they present the witness. We rarely see a witness the way they looked when they committed the crime do we? The defense always changes their appearance. A person stoned out of his mind who hasn't bathed in weeks will look like a school teacher before the jury. That might affect the verdict also, but not in an illegal way like altering testimony or pressuring someone to do that. So there is manipulation and there is tampering. Only an investigation will say one way or another.
And how many of us actually believed the JAC would accept everything in Finnel's budget? I have a feeling she knew certain things would be shot down but padded them anyway just in case. He might give her what she wanted here that was padded enough to cover what he didn't give her there. It's like they say with parties invite at least a third more than you think will come. That way if they don't all come you'll still be covered.
Coulda done without the nekkid chicken though Dave .. euyewwwww
Good article Dave.
Thank you for this informative post Dave. Casey doesnt want visits from her Family she very rarely even glances at them in court.Theres no reason for her not to respond to there mail they send her.Casey doesnt answer there letters despite Cindys pleadings for a responce.Doesnt stop her spending there money though.
I think that 2 different district court of appeals would have to have conflicting opinions before the Florida Supremes would deside.
It will be interesting, because Judge Perry wouldn't want his ruling overturned by the court of appeals. If Judge Perry denies the motion, The defense could motion the court of appeals because of the fourth district appeals decision.
Hello, Kara Zor-El - I'm on the phone with someone right now who will clarify that. Hang on...
Will Ann Finnell be working with Jeanine Barrett? Jeanine already travelled to Ft Myers and Ohio and interviewed Casey's relatives. Barrett put in alot of hours investigaing Casey's past. I cannot see Judge Strickland just letting that have been a waste of time and money. I am sure that he will insist that Finnell refer to the records that Jeanine compiled. JAC has already paid for this miitigating specalist or they have been invoiced for payment. Casey was very young when Cindy and George moved to Orlando so you would think that the mitigaing specalist would concentrate on Casey's life/upbringing when she went thru her teen years. I hope that I am making some sense here.
I love to read your post. Probably because of the humor you use in them. I have to agree with Skat and Snoopy no one cares one iota about the petition. I understood the anger at first over Strickland but it is not your fault. What I cannot understand is the amount of time these people spend on hate. So much more to my life than who did what to who. I feel bad that they have NOTHING else but you.
Now as far as the P.I.'s are concerned I too wonder why they would jeopardize their lively hood for a baby killer. I do not understand the blogs that still believe in her innocence. Uh what momma does not report her child missing? Her 2 year old child? IMO that alone explains the stupidity of believing everything you say. Obviously no room for humor in her life.
One more question today is the day, actually the time has passed since something was going to happen to you, I suppose it is just another one of their LIES? Keep up the good work!!!!
Just my opinion, but unless they get Lyons for tampering with Laura Buchanan on the TES document, I don't think they can do anything to the defense or Lyons for trying to makes witnesses change their testimony unless, one does or two Bozo and Mad Man Mason, put the witness under oath in a depo. A PI asking or let's say interviewing a witness, is not sworn testimony, this is where Bozo is walking the fine line. If he tries doing that in a sworn depo, well game over, that would definately be tampering with a witness. The sad thing about this case is that Bozo is in it for the money, (which appears to be gone for now) and he's really, really, trying to become famous, which you can see his buddies JVM and Geraldo promoting. Sad thing we're looking at when it comes to Justice for a small beautiful child, who was discarded like trash in a swamp.
Thanks Dave - I thought Ann Finnell lived in Ocala. It does seem like she is overcharging for her plane flights but I do know it costs more for shorter flights than longer ones. Now Sims needs to get in her car and drive herself to Orlando. I must check out this law firm in Gainesville/Ocala. I have never heard of them.
I am having a great time Dave. Ali-Rose and I were down by the creek in front of the cabin this morning when a black bear came down for water. Ali flew up the hill and into the cabin so fast the fall leaves on the ground almost landed back in the trees. What a watch dog.
Snoopy you just might hear me if Judge Perry says those words - Just brace yourself. LOL
thanks Dave, I appreciate that you would take the time to verify.
(ps, usually I just lurk)
Kara - What I know now is that the ruling deals with phone recordings, not logs. I am going to do some research on case law that I was given and a particular Florida statute. Then, I will do a new write up, but as far as Casey's commissary purchases and visitor logs, it should have nothing to do with them from my understanding.
I'll be back shortly. I've got a job that needs to be done right now.
Hi Dave..and thank you for yet another great post!
Though I have long enjoyed watching trials, and all that surrounds them, there is something different with the CA situation. Not only the characters on the defense side (I have long admired Ms Finnell, who was formerly in Las Vegas I believe..the Maestas' trial) and the actions of the defense attorneys, but everything from the forensic evidence to the words of everyone involved. Ms Anthony aside, I think this trial will have as much or more outfall than the Simpson trial, so many years ago.
I find it sad, however, that the guilty party may profit in any way from her crimes. Our justice system goes to great lengths to try to be as 'fair' and equal as possible. We can all point out the problem areas..but this case in particular illustrates how far we go to protect the defendant and to provide a competent defense..and how many others are injured in the process.
Dave, I appreciate the time and care you put forth. Keep it up!
Hi Dave and Gang. The chicken photo is funny. I think tonight I will have...beef. I think Baez has more than one reason for not wanting the parents to visit Casey. I think he is not only worried about what they say but the way they say it. With all that has been said tempers may get hot and a real drama scene could get played out. I have visions of George getting mad and stoming out and Cindy getting to Casey. We may see a flare up like the one that was aired so many times. I am glad you are going to the hearing and thanks for the new post.
Just for the record, it was Mortimer Smith who was the PI who interviewed Joe Jordan and was connected to Laura Buchanan re the TES records, not Jerry Lyons.
Snoopy - I think the answer is clear. Yes, she will be working with Jeanene Barrett, because she stated in her motion that she "anticipates needing additional hours for the mitigation specialist who has already been approved by the court." She's not looking for anyone new. As for Ohio and elsewhere, we do not know how much of the job Barrett is through with. Finnell expects another 2 1/2 weeks of work from her. Mitigation experts must be thorough, and that includes where she grew up. It's the nature of the beast. Did she have a tough childhood? Healthwise? Only her pediatrist can answer some of those questions. Was she beat up in kindergarten? Ridiculed? This is not an enviable task, but it's only fair for everyone who faces death. She fits into that category.
Hi, Tony - Welcome to the blog! I do try to make news stories easier to read, and if I succeed at that, then great.
No, no one in their right mind cares about a stupid petition that is absolutely meaningless. So what if they get 1,000 phony signatures? Where do they take it? To the news media? ROTFLMAO!!! They can go cluck themselves.
I have no idea why someone would jeopardize their career for someone like Casey, unless they actually believe she is innocent. But if they do, why would they lie?
I'm still alive, if that answers your last statement. I'm not going to let anyone bother me particularly bottom of the barrel scum like them.
Florida State statutes include cyber stalking/harassment.
I'm assuming you can put an end to the harassment, and press charges.
Hi, Maggie - Good, Snoopy answered the question about Laura Buchanan and Mort Smith. I am almost positive that what Lyons was up to was jury tampering and that is against the law. His license could be stripped if that's the case. Is Casey really worth it? As far as the defense attorneys, they wouldn't necessarily be held accountable for his tactics. This would be his bitter pill to swallow.
As for justice, don't fret over that. I will come right out and say that justice will come.