The Creature Stirs...

I have been conspicuously absent and completely inattentive for the past two months. There were several very personal issues that arose and one, in particular, was explained on my Facebook page. I won’t go into any details here for obvious reasons. This is not a place to offer extraneous information regarding such issues, but suffice it to say, I am once again sticking my head out of the rabid hole and seeing the light of day.
There was something else quite pressing during the past two months that I would like to share. I decided to take an online songwriting course at the prestigious Berklee College of Music located in Boston. What happened there last week was a real tragedy, and my heart goes out to everyone.
Anyway, I was a graphic artist for many years when I decided I was getting a bit old. I always had dreams of becoming a writer, so I decided to make a move in that direction. I mean, think about it… If you were an ad agency art director, would you be inclined to hire a 25-year-old with fresh ideas or a 50-something getting paid a higher salary? I realized my glory days were behind me and I wanted to write, so I switched gears.
I think most of you are aware of what I’ve done as a writer or you wouldn’t be here. I’m certainly not bragging, but one thing I’ve always told aspiring artists is that you’ve got to think you’re great at what you do or you wouldn’t be very good at it. This rings true in every profession. A car mechanic is someone you have confidence in; just as much as a brain surgeon. Who wants mediocrity?
I went from being a graphic artist to writing and making a name for myself. There is one final frontier for me and it’s a natural progression because I love new challenges. I will never get old of that, and as a creative person, why not try songwriting? Yes, I’ve dreamed of doing that, too; figuratively and realistically. I used to wake up in the middle of the night with original songs in my head. Within seconds, they were gone. Now, with an iPad purposely nearby, I can record the gist of them on a piano App with one finger for future reference — to work into complete songs, hopefully. Well, I’ve written two already, and I will share a link to one of them. Two links, actually. One is on SoundCloud and the other is on YouTube.
Please keep in mind, this is a SONGWRITING COURSE, not a SONG-SINGING COURSE. Therefore, you will have to put up with my voice, sadly. My grade IS NOT based on singing. None, whatsoever, so don’t even consider it. Don’t comment on it, either, inless you want to tell me I’ll never replace Joe Cocker. I’m mostly interested in the music and lyrics.
60 Second Friend
Please don’t read too much into the lyrics. It’s just a fictional song — not retribution or anything.
Now, to completely switch topics without a proper segue, I have other news of importance. I was granted media credentials by the Seminole County Courthouse. That means I will sit in the courtroom during the entire George Zimmerman trial as a journalist. For those of you who followed me during the Casey Anthony case and subsequent trial, you know I wrote for a magazine. I learned a lot from that experience. This time, I want to do it on my own. I do not want to have to answer to an editor. I will write what I want and from the hip. Take it or leave it. Because of the hours involved — sitting in the courtroom only to come home to write — I will not have much time to respond to comments, but you will be free to discuss the case among yourselves. My intent is to not try to steal anyone’s thunder, but to complement other blogs and forums. Take my observations for what they’re worth and use them any way you see fit.
I have one other obligation with my Berklee course, and that is to critique the songs of other students. That will be my final assignment and by week’s end, I will be freed up. It means I will be able to, once again, write about the George Zimmerman/Trayvon Martin case. I may have lost some readers and I may be a bit rusty, but I will plug along anyway. Thank you for hanging in there. This was an extremely difficult course and I had to give it my best shot. I’m sorry I neglected my blog, but I had to focus on it as best I could. (By the way, I am also taking piano lessons, which will be followed by guitar lessons. If I plan on writing music, I need to feel it and play it.)