Zimmerman Jury Selection Begins

George Zimmerman’s wife, Shellie, with the family’s security guard, watches the proceedings in Seminole circuit court on the first day of her husband’s trial, in Sanford, Fla., Monday, June 10, 2013. Zimmerman is accused in the fatal shooting of Trayvon Martin. (Joe Burbank/Orlando Sentinel)
The last time I was called for jury duty, it was a criminal case. I had a terrible flu virus at the time, but I still had to wait until eventually being sent home. There was no way any person in that courtroom could have been unaware of my illness. We were all brought into the courtroom together. I don’t remember how many of us there were, but it seems to me it was well over a dozen. Each one of us was asked a handful of questions by each side and that’s as far as I got. When we took our first break, I was sent packing.
I think the Court is given leeway in jury selection, especially in non-capital cases such as this one. It’s second-degree murder George Zimmerman is facing and that’s why it will be a panel of six jurors. Generally, two alternates suffice, but this case is very unusual and high-profile, so Judge Nelson was wise to opt for two more than the norm. There will be 6+4.
From what we saw in the courtroom today, it’s a very tedious process. Aside from early motions, most of the morning and a good chunk of the afternoon — except for lunch, of course — dealt with explaining the process to the 100 jurors brought in for the day; asking them to fill out preliminary questionnaires and to introduce the defendant to them. The judge then went through important legal details with the attorneys while they tried to decipher what some of the people wrote, before finally sitting them down one by one to ask more detailed questions that are intended to go beyond the scope of the questionnaire. Four were interviewed today, and I expect a lot more tomorrow; perhaps a dozen or so — maybe more. I hope.
The people interviewed today will not be picked for the jury, in my opinion. B-12, up first, was a female. She seemed to want to be on the panel. She also said she had heard that Zimmerman was following the victim. B-29 moved to Seminole County from Chicago four months ago. She’s a Certified Nursing Assistant. She sounded compassionate enough; too much, I’d say, because she said any child’s death would affect her as a mother. She also said it would be a burden to leave her children without their mother if sequestered. She did say it wouldn’t be impossible. She has a 19 year old, a 10 year old, and 3 year old twins. B-30 will be remembered for saying he’d rather be called thirty than be sixty-five. He was asked questions by a local TV reporter several months ago while dining with family in a Sanford restaurant. He would be perfect for the defense because he seems to fit the type of mold they are seeking as an older, more conservative male. He could be a gun owner, although nothing like that was made clear. It’s interesting to note that the prosecution went easy on him and it was actually the defense that elicited more information about his news and TV watching habits, which may have hurt his chance to be selected. Sadly, he also lost his wife about the same time Trayvon was shot and killed. Finally, we have B-76. She seemed to be very open-minded. She and her husband do not watch cable television. As a matter of fact, they have an old-fashioned antenna in their attic. She was aware of some of the court hearings. She had heard of the case prior to and leading up to Zimmerman’s arrest. She saw Mark O’Mara on the news. She saw Trayvon’s parents on the news. When asked, she said she recognized the boy’s mother sitting in the gallery, but not one of the family attorneys, Natalie Jackson. Ben Crump was not present at the time. She and her children had discussed the case, but she did say they are very open-minded and hadn’t formulated an opinion. Remember, the law says you don’t have to be stupid about the news; you just have to keep an open mind.
From now on, I will probably not pay this much attention (in my writing) to the details of each interviewee unless something important stands out. We’ve got, potentially, 500 people to go through, folks, and I’ve got a feeling it might take two weeks before we see the last person seated. After today, that’s the general consensus in the courtroom. What’s of utmost importance is that attorneys from both sides are allowed plenty of free space in their line of questioning. Not only is this about the death of a 17-year-old boy, it’s also about someone who could spend a minimum of 25 years in prison. It’s extremely important the jury that’s seated is as fair as they come, no matter what you or I personally think.
I think it’s also important to keep in mind that there’s a Frye hearing to conclude. We’re in it for the long haul. I know I am.

Reader Comments (18)
Thanks for taking the time to keep us informed. Sitting through jury selection has to be quite boring. :)
Indeed, it can be quite boring, but it will be better now that everything seems to be in order. I hope, anyway. Thank you, Joanna, I'm about to head to the courthouse.
Aww, look at you making sure to show Georges FAT wife! You really must think you are so good looking or something. May god have mercy on your soul.
I showed that Shellie was in the courtroom, Britta. You're the one who called her fat. The guy next to her is bald. So am I. So what?
Britta~~do you have an opinion about the Zimmerman case? If so, I would like to hear it. I mean that in all sincerity. TIA
Quote from Britta, "Aww, look at you making sure to show Georges FAT wife!".
Wow that was an odd comment. To be called out on publishing a photo of George Zimmernan's wife in the court room supporting her husband is bizarre.That is George Zimmerman's wife. That's what she looks like. I agree with you, so what!
I'm looking forward to reading your take on things as you witness them firsthand at court. This case is very troubling to me and I'll be following it closely.
George Zimmerman's potential jurors have varying familiarity with case
George Zimmerman: Sanford residents feel tension, relief in trial's beginning
Security up in Sanford neighborhood during Zimmerman trial
Look to the right of Don West's temple... I see a radiant pate...How about you?
Lawyers for both sides grill George Zimmerman’s Trayvon Martin murder trial potential juror
Zimmerman Trial-Live Stream
You should have read Britta's comment from this morning. Needless to say, she will not be commenting here again unless she stops insulting people. She's obviously left over from the Anthony case, if you get my drift. She's a professional heckler.
Dave~~yes, I get your drift...keep her in Cell Block 'B"... bread and water...hold the peanut butter.
"B' for Britta and also ??? lol
I have been watching the jury selection... I hope they will reach their goal but it is long drawn out process...It seems that some have no qualms about serving on the jury....let's hope they are all being honest ...it only takes one mole..
I am tuned into WFTV as I love to hear Sheaffer's commentary...
To many empty vessels with very little knowlage they allege.
Im across the pond an no more than people from the area?
Want desprate to be on the trial as jurours an all these empty vesselllls make a lot of noise
Re to convive how little they know
If they are that un intrested in a major case on there doorstep
How can they be entrusted to maintain consetration an pay attention gureing the trial.
Dave~~it seems Judge Nelson caught herself a 'mole.'
Jerry Counelis gave long, rambling answers about his impartiality when asked basic questions by attorneys. When Circuit Judge Debra Nelson asked the panelist hopeful if he posted something to the Facebook page of pro-Martin group Coffee Party Progressives, he said ‘yes.’
Trayvon Martin justice group member tries to get onto George Zimmerman jury
A rejected jurour the Arbuckle lieing one
Invaded the jury holding area
Before two bailiffs pounced an dragged him kicking an screaming mrom the alleged secure area.
Its unclear his where abouts at this time
My best BET
Jail or a mental facility
From the bed of ecossie possie
To give presser from empty court room
Just started
He is happy that jury will come from Seminole very happy.
It appears slow going but its rolling along well good progress
Anagain heis very happy
Believes most jurours are bring truthfull
Doesn't think any of his constant propa ganda an zimmspin has tainted the jury
Looks SAD as he says this.
He says George is enthused an looking forward to aquitall
Slight strain but is happy its under way
He is shitting bricks
He says people have predispositions but if they hide them an are stealth then its dangerous.
Says he managed to remove a stealth TRAYVONITE an thank GOD they spotted him.
The Defence caught on to him the the magical innnerweb
As when you spin lies on the WEB they don't dissabear
Cant dust em cobwebs away
OMara critizes the press for over sensationliseing EVENT
Voire Dire allwosthem to spy on an check on potential jurours he says
Heard about loonie tunes invadeing secure rea.
Says he s glad he was stopped.
If he was the Sherrif of Seminole he would throw the key away.
Wont talk about strikes for cause
Returs to court three hours on Monday for a hearing an may finish on Tuesday
He talked to Mr Crump about deposeing him within next fortnight
An spin spin spin blah blah
Part of time frame will get a Jury by bext ten days an trial could commence depending on frie ruleing
Could delay it by a week?
Wishfull thinking methinks.
He hopes that all potentials will tell us the truth
Thinks there being coy as if he spoke to twenty people in Sanford Mall at random they would know more than most potentials has admitted
He thanks reporters wishes them a good weekend an exits left,
eccossiepossie .co.com..dash dasg dot dash dot must dash see ya laters.
I watched the questioning of potential jurors today and have been pondering their answers. I really don't know what exactly happened between GZ and TM, once they came face to face. I just wished GZ had stayed in his truck.
What I do know is GZ and his wife, by their documented actions of hiding money and lying to deceive the court, showed contempt, disrespect, and no fear of our legal system. No doubt, the trial and the probable civil suit will correct this attitude.
The last link provided by SnoopySleuth pertaining to a "Trayvon Martin justice group" is not what the article insinuated.
The Most Ridiculous Things Potential Jurors Said During George Zimmerman's Trial This Week