Odds & Ends and Odd Endings

By now, most of you are already aware that Jose Baez is no longer affiliated with the client who turned his name into household fame. Cheney Mason made that clear a month or so ago when he stated that Baez severed all ties with her right after sentencing. It’s now official:
By clicking on the above image, you can inspect it at a much larger scale. Very revealing are the lines drawn through his name, his affiliation with the client and his work number, that signify his departure. Scan all the way down to the bottom left and you’ll also find that a Notice of Withdrawal [of] Attorney of Record was filed on 2/21/2012.
There hasn’t been much said about it until now, but it’s most likely what I assumed since it was first reported. First of all, Casey Anthony is an ingrate. She only thinks of herself, which is something most of us will agree on. I can’t say for sure, but my guess is that it was one of those “I quit!” moments, followed by a typical response from an ingrate, “You can’t quit! You’re fired!”
While I am not offering any sympathy or line of defense for Baez, I do look at it from a rational point of view. After the trial, logic dictated that he didn’t need her any longer. He won the case and garnered one heck of a lot of publicity. He’s set because of it, no matter what anyone may think of him. He’s not the first criminal defense attorney to clasp a client from the clutches of the executioner’s claws, nor will he be the last. Think of Johnnie Cochran and OJ, but the world didn’t go wild when he was found not guilty of two counts of first-degree slaughter, and Cochran’s legal practice and notoriety gained significantly in the wake of that trial.
Here’s one little detail I’ll bet you’re not familiar with. Baez was the lead attorney on another murder case while the Anthony story was taking center stage. Contrary to what some may think, attorneys do work on multiple cases at a time. Speaking of time, please take time to watch the video below. It will open a number of eyes because, clearly, this client was not guilty, contrary to what the prosecution thought.
Back to the famous fall out. What Bob Kealing reported on Tuesday, in a nutshell, was that Casey was quite upset that her attorney didn’t land her a big dollar TV interview; something her parents were able to do for their charity, and trust me, I use that term loosely. In any event, so what? The man spent the last three years of his life eating, breathing, and… well, never mind, all things Casey. He was attacked from the left and from the right; from the front and from the back, but lest you think I’m being too kind, I am not. He knew what a strain it would be, but he also knew what the end reward could be and, in the end, he gambled correctly. The best possible thing for him to do was to stop affiliating with her. In a thunderous flash, she became toxic. Now, I’d venture a guess that he’d disagree with me publicly on what I just wrote, but that’s the way I see it. Like it or not, because of the outcome of the Anthony trial, he’ll have speaking gigs and new clients for years to come. That is, as long as he keeps his license to practice law, and I expect him to do just that, whatever the outcome of the Bar complaints filed against him. In other words, I don’t think they are significant enough to disbar him if he loses.
There’s a little bit of a situation unfurling with former prosecutor, now candidate Jeff Ashton, over his decision to represent his son in a Seminole County DUI trial. Clearly, there are two brains of thought. It’s understandable that any attorney would come to their child’s defense. I’ll give him that and add that no matter what, we can look at his worth as a caring parent and not argue the point. At the same time, he is running for the office of Ninth District (Orange/Osceola) State Attorney. If elected, he would be responsible for prosecuting people in the same boat, so was it a wise thing to do? In a later press conference, he said he had a problem with voters who couldn’t understand what he did as a father. Like I said, he’s loyal, but I read a lot of comments on Hal Boedeker’s Orlando Sentinel television blog and many of them were firmly against his decision. Some of them added that he’s just another typical lawyer and no hero after all. Do I agree with that assessment? No, but I will say that, in my opinion, he could have saved himself a lot of votes had he cashed in some of his courthouse chips and asked another attorney to handle his son’s affairs. Now, word comes that he’s defending his daughter, according to Seminole County court records. She was charged with driving without a license and for failing to show proof of insurance.
While I refuse to blame Ashton for the Casey Anthony loss, at least not to a large extent because it was a team effort, he failed to win his son’s case. If he loses his daughter’s, too, his odds of winning the Democratic primary for state attorney will begin to deteriorate, but not enough to harm him beyond hope. However, it’s a tough road ahead any way he looks at it. Lawson Lamar has a huge political machine in Tallahassee and throughout the state, and lots of powerful friends, not to mention a much larger campaign chest. There’s also the old idiom, if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. Obviously, he doesn’t see it that way.
That leads me to Linda Drane Burdick, but first, a little more information. When asked if she would support Jeff in the election, she said that she couldn’t do that in a Democratic primary because she a registered Republican. However, a month or so later, she donated $100 to Lamar’s reelection campaign. Incidentally, two other candidates are in the race. Ryan Williams, also a Democrat and former assistant state attorney, entered the race in September of 2011. And recently joining the fray is Orlando criminal defense attorney Joerg Jaeger, a Republican hellbent on defeating Ashton. He told Orlando Sentinel Senior Reporter Anthony Colarossi that, “I don’t think Jeff is fit to be state attorney.” And he’s made that point exceedingly clear.
Back to Miss Linda. In case you haven’t heard, the lead prosecutor in the Anthony trial threw her hat in the ring, along with 22 other applicants, to fill the bench left void when 9th Circuit Judge James Turner was removed for violating several judicial principles, including hugging and kissing a court clerk. This was also reported by Anthony Colarossi in the Feb. 13 issue of the Orlando Sentinel. If I could vote for her, I would!
There have been many changes since the end of the Anthony fiasco. Judge Strickland retired at in December of last year and I don’t blame him. He had an outstanding career on the bench and it goes without saying that we wish him all the best. He is right where he wants to be at this stage in life and all is well in the world.
I also want to wish Jeff Ashton continued success in his career, including the upcoming election, but like Drane Burdick, I won’t be voting for him, either, but not for the same reason. You see, I live in the 18th District, and that’s Seminole County. If you want to learn more about him or contribute to his campaign, read HERE.
Thank you, and hopefully, I won’t have more to say about ‘you know who’ until the date of her civil trial filed by Zenaida Gonzalez - the real one, with no Fernandez in her name.

Reader Comments (7)
Jose Baez' name will be forever linked with caca. It doesn't matter how many years pass, or how many other high-profile cases he lands, his death notice will have caca's name front and center.
I do feel some sympathy for Jeff Ashton. For the past 3+ years he has been thoroughly absorbed in trying to bring justice for a three-year-old child, which kept him away from his own family. Perhaps the trouble his children find themselves in may be, at least, partially a result of that.
The sky is the limit for Linda Drane Burdick. She would have my vote for anything she wanted to do.
Judge Strickland is a very decent man who got caught up in a snake pit. Wishing him many happy years in retirement.
And, as for caca, well, nothing would surprise me. I am a sadder person for knowing about her and her entire family.
Yes, I agree that Baez will forever be linked to Ca Ca, but think about it. We remember Lizzie Borden, but who was her lawyer? Over time, his star will fade, but not Ca Ca's.
I know that Jeff Ashton relished the opportunity to prosecute her. This was not the only case he prosecuted during that 3 year period. Just like defense attorneys, he multitasked. During the Anthony trial, his wife came to the courthouse often. They are quite a happy couple. His children, both adults, came from his first marriage. His son's DUI was his own fault and no one else's. A lot of young adults drink alcohol and sometimes they get caught while driving.
I would like to see Linda on the bench. She's a driven woman and she's an expert in her field. More power to her! And Judge Strickland? A classy guy all the way.
As far as im concerned Dave, everyone had a job to do in the Anthony trial. I was pretty sad to read Jose Baez lost his home. This latest news about Jeff Ashton's son isn't good either. I can't feel sympathy for Casey because any mother with an ounce of decency would have admitted the tragedy surrounding their childs death and shown a lot of remorse. Instead she chose to put her family through unnecessary unimaginable grief and cause endless damage to many innocent people along the way.
Linda is great. Im a huge fan. I wish people like her and Judge Strickland really good things in life.
Thanks for another wonderful blog.
Hi Tiffany - Yes, and everyone has a constitutional right to defend themselves by hiring a lawyer. As for Baez's home, I don't know whether the bank foreclosed on it yet or not. I haven't heard anything lately, but perhaps someone else has.
I have zero sympathy or respect for his most famous client. Infamous is more like it, but what she did to her family and friends was deplorable. Sadly, she hasn't learned anything about remorse or compassion from her experience. Just say the words "baby killer" and who springs to mind first? That's her legacy. Linda and Judge Strickland, on the other hand, will do just fine. They've moved on.
I'm glad you enjoyed my new post!
Like your new pic, Dave! Great looking herd of 'black baldies'.
My best friend (except for KD, the Airedale) is darlene. She is a 1500lb Angus heifer (never been bred, then it's a cow). The boys used to ride Darlene, but she is too old now. She follows me around like an old dog...
Jeff said on In Session yesterday that his daughter's was a clerical error. I believe it. My son in law hired a lawyer for a speeding ticket. Lawyer messed up, but paid the ticket. Clerk goofed, and it went to warrant and suspension. When he was pulled over later, his license was suspended and he didn't know it. He was nearly arrested. Took weeks to finally resolve, Wish we had a family member attorney, life would be cheaper.
Thanks, dadgum!
You know, I never knew that about heifers and cows, so you gave me an education. It also means that the cow in the banner is, in fact, a cow and not a heifer. I just couldn't resist the play on words. I had lots of cow friends growing up. I'd call them in the field and they'd mosey on over to me, where I'd pet them and give them treats to eat. They were such docile creatures.
If his daughter's trouble is based on a clerical error, then that's great, but why wouldn't the Seminole County Prosecution just drop it and amend the record? I don't know, but we'll soon find out. If she did go and satisfy the court by showing her license and proof of insurance, then this should be over before it starts.
My license was revoked once and I didn't know it until I showed it to an OCSO deputy. He didn't take me to jail or anything, and I cleared it up the following day. It was no big deal and I never had to go to court. I don't even remember what the mix up was, but it was a simple fix.
InTheGarden- I think you have a real point that the rigors of the Baby-Killing Skank case certainly drew Ashton away from his family (2 kids with problems? Hmmmm....), and he likely should have let another lawyer handle his son's case for sure.
Dave- I think you got all that about Baez just right, the blinders are off! He should seek the High Ground and settle for respect and less visibility at present (imho); high-profile defense attorneys are seldom universally beloved, but the best (Jose is not the best) are at least respected. I always thought it odd that Skank didn't make or release some sort of statement of thanks to her Team (something we see a lot of at acquittals), but then, as you say, she is a thoroughly selfish ingrate.
You made an interesting point about the lack of a statement from Ca Ca, either to her team of attorneys or an acknowledgement that she was found not guilty by a jury of her peers and to thank them, too.
The first thing she wanted when she got out of jail was a meal ticket. Money and fame; that's all she wanted. All she's getting now is notoriety as a despicable baby killer. That's all she's worth.
Hi Dave - great article as usual! I love the new picture as well - very artsy (if that is a word)! It still amazes me the anger that surfaces just seeing her name and the charges next to her name and then thinking she was found Not Guilty - I don't think it's something I will ever get over. I was too self-absorbed during the OJ trial for that to affect me - I was younger and newly married and had much more important things to worry about - now that I'm an adult "ahem" and was able to actually see from the get go how this case came to be and what the outcome was, how the system worked, who it favored, etc. it sickened me - still does to this day. I still at times will dwell on the disbelief of what happened and because I'm a 48 Hours Mystery and other crime show fan, I will compare what was found at crimes scenes, what Casey's "scene" showed and how a not guilty verdict could even be muttered - one of the things I have thought about recently was that with most trials that involve a murder and a "scene" the jury is brought to the scene to be shown what they think happened, where the body was found, etc. Don't you think that if the jury had seen firsthand where she lived, the short distance to where Caylee was found, how close to home she really was they might have used a little more "common sense"? I know there is no use in crying over spilled milk at this point, I guess I just try to justify this in my head someway. I can tell you this - anyone that is around that girl will be infected with her toxic personality and we all thought Jose was stupid but apparently he knew when to run. Mason, well he gets everything he deserves - I don't have one nice thing to say about that man - and if he was my father or grandfather, I'd be highly embarassed at the way he acts - he's no gentleman - he's a bully. Not sure if you can tell I'm still mad LOL! Anyway, great article!!! Thanks!
Hello, LLund! I'm sorry I'm late responding, but I was out of town and my iPad's 3G service was intermittent and it became frustrating enough that I just gave up on it. It was very cloudy today and that may have had something to do with it.
Yes, artsy is a word, and thank you for enjoying the new banner.
Casey brings out the worst in a lot of people and there's not much anyone can do about it but admit that they are powerless. The only real weapon is to keep complaining to the media outlets that they want no part of her.
I imagine the verdict will be argued for years to come. I have spoken to different attorneys and the reponses are a cornucopia of opinions; sort of like politics, where the Democrats think they are right and so do the Republicans, with both sides arguing effectively. You wondered whether taking the jury to the area where Caylee was found could have made a difference. I think it would have. The home and wooded lot were so close to each other and the woods had a haunting look. On the other hand, once the woods were cleared of debris, it never looked the same again and may have had an adverse effect instead. Certainkly, this case left plenty of “what ifs” in place, and we'll never know for sure.
Hi Dave,
In regards to Mr. Ashton representing his children, I have very mixed feelings. On one hand, he wants to do the right thing and be there for his children. The flipside to that is he's running for a pretty important position and I believe, in his best interests for election, a colleague of his should represent his children. The empathy I hold for Mr. Ashton concerning his children is from experience. No, I am not an attorney. My boys have been in and out of trouble (one is currently incarcerated), and even if I was an attorney, I could not bring myself to represent them. They broke the law and should take full responsibility and be held accountable no matter who's son or daughter they are. There are no breaks in life and they need to learn that. I surely hope they don't have the mindset that they can do whatever they want because daddy will always bail them out. I think that sends the wrong message.
Hi Texas Mom - Generally, a judge will enter a plea of not guilty at an arraignment if the person charged is not legally represented. That's because, in this system, we are innocent until proven otherwise. Also, if one cannot afford an attorney, the judge will set the person up with the public defender's office. The costs of a DUI charge and conviction are astronomical. So are the consequences. Because of this, it is in everyone's best interest to fight it because it will change a person's life forever. And there's a good chance a jury would agree with the defendant. With criminal convictions, the judge has leeway when sentencing, but in DUIs, it's not the same. The penalties are pretty much set in stone. Either way, it's best to plead not guilty in most situations because of the chance an attorney can get the charges reduced. Reckless driving beats a DUI conviction all day long, and it all hinges on how strong the evidence is.
I'm sorry you've had your share of family issues, but on the positive side, you, more than most people, understand it had nothing to do with you as a parent, and you stood tall by telling them to take their medicine. In Ashton's case, he didn't do that until he lost. Was he right in advising his son to be represented? Yes, but was he right in doing the representing? Time will tell. So will the August primary.
Hi Dave, So he really did quit. I thought they were still scheming when he didn't make it official. Geraldo told Shepherd Smith about a month ago that baez had quit.He said Baez was broke, he had not been paid for three years' baez house had been foreclosed and he was moving to Miami. He would keep office in Orlando, but baez would be working out of Miami...What do you think caca and Mason did when they learned of Amanda Knox 4 million dollar deal with Harper Collins. That should deflate their ego's..... I am proud of Jeff and I think Linda would make a fantastic Judge Now that there is limited terms, won't that upset Judge Perry's plan? I think about Frank George now and then. Poor man ,everyone only talks about Linda and Jeff. He probably has a complex by now , no one remembers him. ....... By the way , were you in N. Fl. today in Subway..If not you, there is a twin Dave right down to your new hat. Almost went up to person but then realized how foolish I would look. So you Dave Kneckel have a twin in N. Fl. Thanks for all updates. You covered it all. Thanks
Hi Margaret! Yes, it's official. He either quit or was fired, but no matter, they have parted ways for good. Personally, I don't know if Baez has moved to Miami or not. That was his intent from what we learned earlier.
I'm not sure of what you mean by upsetting Judge Perry's plans. In one respect, Baez's move to south Florida won't change possible charges by the Bar because it's statewide. In the other respect, Perry will lose his position as chief judge because of term limits, but I'm sure he has a good handle on it. It comes with the turf.
Frank George is one of the most respected assistant state attorneys in Florida. He's got an incredible track record and he's not one for the spotlight. I'm sure he's quite content right where he is. Fame is not in his name, so the posturing of his colleagues, I'm sure, have no impact on him whatsoever.
That wasn't me in north Florida. The closest I came was 3 weeks ago in Gainesville. I do feel a bit sorry for the other guy if he looks that much like me. Poor thing. Anyway, thanks. Hopefully, there won't be much more to cover on the above stories.