Whiskey River and the 3 Marlboro Omelet

This is a piece I wrote almost seven years ago, back in February, 2006, although I did edit it a little. My writing style was a bit rougher around the edges, but my message is as clear today as it was then. Times may change, but are they always for the better, as we move more into a world of political correctness?
When I was doing design work for a local printer, we had a film stripper who set up our work to make plates for the presses. He was a really good guy and we got along quite well. I was from New Jersey and he was a Florida native. A lot of people from here have a fair amount of resentment towards people from other parts of the country, especially northerners. If you were from Alabamee or Mississippa, you were OK. The northeast? Eh. Not so much.
Ron and I used to tease each other about northern and southern differences - the Civil War, the South Rising Again! That sort of thing, but it was all done in a good-natured, friendly manner with no implied intent. Whenever he tried to goad me with some Yankee insult, I had a standard reply; one he could not defend, “Well, at least I didn’t have a hangin’ tree in my back yard.”
Ron lived in Apopka, which is a relatively rural town northwest of Orlando. Plenty of the deep south has areas of racial hatred, including parts of Apopka. I’m not trying to single out any community. They’re everywhere, and most of the town is not like that, but there’s a long history steeped in racial bias and, yes, hangin’ trees that should have been chopped down a long time ago. Ain’t been no hangins’ around these here parts in a long time, yet there still exists a small faction of folks who believe the old rules of the deeply segregated south should never and shall never change.
When I moved here in 1981, I found a place in Winter Park called Harrigan’s. My sister used to work there. It’s been gone a long time now, but one of the bartenders ended up buying an established business in downtown Orlando on the corner of Orange Avenue and Pine Street called Tanqueray’s. It used to be part of a bank and housed the vault. You walk down a flight of stairs from street level, step inside, and immediately feel the warmth of the friendly crowd.
Many of the regulars from those days were professionals who worked downtown and stopped in for a drink or two to unwind and socialize. It was known as a hangout for attorneys and it always seemed to be a well mannered, intellectual group. That’s where I met John Morgan, but he has nothing to do with this story. I seldom go downtown anymore, but if I do, I try to stop by, since I’ve known Dan a long time and he always has a few good jokes to tell, plus he’s an all-around great guy.
One time, I dropped by for happy hour. I had to go into the city for some reason and, I figured, why not go see Dan. I took a seat at the bar, near the front door, and we exchanged some friendly banter. The place was quite busy, so we didn’t have much time to talk. Moments after I arrived, some guy was standing to my immediate left. Talk about rough around the edges, he didn’t quite fit in with the rest of that crowd. He ordered a draft beer and said to me, “Yup, I was at Whiskey River at 7 o’clock this morning.”
Whiskey River is a liquor store on S. Orange Blossom trail. It’s certainly not in one of the nicest parts of the city. There are a few scattered around and they have a reputation for catering to hardcore drinkers - the labor pool and unemployment collecting types who live off their pay buying cheap booze and cigarettes. Such was this particular fellow. I have no idea why he chose me out of the crowd to enlighten, but there we were…
“Whiskey River? At 7 AM? So, tell me, what did you have for breakfast?” I asked.
“I had me a 3 Marlboro omelet,” he responded in his gruff, seasoned and rather pickled sounding voice.
“Hmm. Sounds delicious.”
“Yup. It was.” Suddenly, out of the blue, he blurted, “I’m a card carrying member of the KKK.”
“No. No way.”
I had never met anyone with any sort of affiliation to a white supremacy organization. You know, you always hear stories, but have you ever met anyone like that for real? “OK. Let me see your membership card.”
“Ain’t got one. Don’t need one.”
He didn’t come across as some sort of nasty fellow. He didn’t seem to have gone in there to start trouble. I think he just wanted someone from the “big city” to talk to. Maybe, I looked slick enough. I seem to collect those types, anyway, but I don’t mind. I guess I have a friendly demeanor that people pick up on.
After telling me he lived in the outskirts of Apopka, I thought to myself, why not give the guy a chance to speak his mind. I would try to rationalize everything he says and come back with an appropriate response. I asked him how he could feel this way and have so much hatred inside?
“They’re animals. Damn n*ggers are monkeys.” I think he really wanted to test me, yet I sensed sincerity in his statement and a certain curiosity on his own part, like he was questioning his own tenets; the ones he was most likely raised on.
“Animals? What if you had sex with a monkey, could you get her pregnant?”
“Nah, of course not. That’s stupid.”
“What if you had sex with a black woman, could you get her pregnant?”
“Yeah, of course.”
“Well, what you are accepting is that if black people are animals and you could get that type of animal pregnant, then you are a monkey, too. You are an animal. We’re ALL animals.” He had no smart answer.
With every racist claim he made, I had a response. At one point, I asked him, “What if you were in a horrible accident and needed a blood transfusion and found out later you now have the blood of a black man inside. A BLACK MAN. A NEGRO. AN AFRICAN-AMERICAN. What would you do? Would you try to return it? Would you tell your card carrying KKK members that you are now tainted with the blood of an animal? Would they hang you from the highest tree?”
No responses to my queries made much sense. He didn’t necessarily agree with me, but I could tell he was grasping, if not absorbing, everything we were discussing. He really was trying to understand the other side. I brought up the “be they yellow, black or white, they are precious in his sight” song from Sunday School days of my youth. He knew the song, but many southern racists are born into religious families that adhere to odd and distorted interpretations of the Bible, as if Jesus was lily-white and black folk dangled from olive trees.
I asked him about black heroes who had saved plenty of white hide during the war, World War II in this case. A lot of us wouldn’t be here today if it weren’t for good ol’ blackie.
The conversation had taken on a kind of flow. It was never a heated exchange and we showed each other respect. I couldn’t judge him for his status in life, but I surely did question his morals and prejudices with a vengeance. Our discussion began to wind down without ever really unwinding. The conversation had just taken its natural course. At the end, I had one final question to ask.
“What if we were on a deserted island — just you, me and a really good looking black woman…” Suddenly, the door opened up and a group of very good looking women sauntered in, one of whom was black. “HER!” I exclaimed, looking right at her. She didn’t see or hear a thing. “What if it was just you, her and me?”
“I’d kill YOU, not HER. A man’s gotta do what a man’s gotta do.” I knew what he meant. Sex. Ain’t no way this dude was gonna go for me, Deliverance-style.
“You mean to tell me you’d kill a white man to save a black woman? Wait a minute. Doesn’t this go against your entire credo? People you’ve hated all your life? What would the KKK say about that? Kill a WHITE to save a BLACK?”
“You’re confusing me, man, you’re confusing me!” Aha! Gotcha, I thought to myself. “You know, you’re right.” he continued, “Yup, you are, but I’ll never tell my friends about it. I can’t. They’re my friends and they’d kill me.”
I guess I felt some satisfaction in thinking I had gotten through to the guy, but did I really? He had listened to enough, I reckon, and I’ll never know for sure.
“Thanks for the talk. Gotta go.” And off he went.
What surprised me the most was that the patrons sitting at the bar had listened intently to our conversation, unbeknownst to me. After the guy walked out the door and it shut behind him, they broke into a loud applause. They, too, thought that, maybe, just maybe, I had gotten through to him. Perhaps, I did, but that was then…
Occasionally, I think about him — the KKK man who sucks Marlboros for breakfast — the guy who returned to the hangin’ trees that only sway in the wind these days; back to the recollections of fiery crosses from days gone by. I hope and pray those days will one day be burned from all of our memories forever and that warm southern breezes of kinship will sweep through the minds of people like him everywhere. Gone with the wind.
We can still have a dream, can’t we?
Reader Comments (40)
I have a doctor appointment this afternoon, but I will bring my iPad with me.
Thanks for the memory Dave....Wonder what we will be discussing this time next year.
[Thank you, ecossie. Hmm... next year? It will probably be a different murder or, if I'm not mistaken, this one. I think the defense will ask for a delay if the immunity motion is denied. O'Mara will appeal that decision and slow down the process. Other than that, the next war in the Middle East.
By the way, that video you asked for was this one. Sorry, I'm late getting back to you, but I never forgot: Zimmerman Time Warp Speech]
This is a tough one to comment on, Dave. I enjoyed reading it, and appreciate your sharing.
I think maybe that guy went in that particular bar hoping to raise a spot of dissent to cheer his sorry soul. Instead, he found someone who preferred to listen rather than raise their fists.
I do believe you may have given his something to think about.
Yes, we can and should dream. It is only when we let our dreams die, that we become lost.
[I don't know what he was after, nan11, but you might be right. I've always been the sucker when it comes to people unloading on someone, though. I don't mind. Maybe, I look like that type of guy. Hopefully, I did give him something to think about because, deep down inside, I could tell it was something that bothered him. I sensed that he knew there was more to life than hating others. I hope he's living the dream instead of wallowing in the past. Thanks.]
Dave~~thanks for resurrecting this story. I read it a couple of years ago and I enjoyed it today even moreso especially with all the talk of racism lately. Your timing in bringing this story back now was a good call on your part. Come to think of it, I have read most, if not all, of the articles you wrote prior to blogging about the Anthony case. Yes, your writing has improved over the years but the man applying the plume to the parchment is the same one who can hold my interest while I read along.
I remember reading many stories of the deep south and the days of slavery and cried for the blacks who were exposed to so much inhumane treatment. If I live to be one hundred, I will never understand what the color of a person's skin has to do with the beauty of the soul hidden beneath an outside covering.
Relating events from past memories is not an easy task when you want to put the reader right there , such as this story, in the bar right beside you as you spoke and questioned this regular Whiskey River patron. I believe when he left the bar, his conscience may have been jarred somewhat. Who knows, maybe you did make a big enough impression on him!!
So you did rub elbows with John Morgan now and then? LOL You know, of course, that I do admire Morgan & Morgan and the work they do pro bono, Michelle Parker's family comes to mind and Zenaida. I know that you and I do not always agree about John but he has built up a good reputation and for that I will give him credit. I guess I have this thing for lawyers since I wanted to be one until circumstances beyond my control put the kabosh on it.
Dave, will we see a few more stories appear? It was a pleasure coming in here today and a nice break from the Zimmerman case which seems to be in limbo at the present.
I can think of a couple stories... How about when you swallowed the bee? Oh yes, your pet chicken, Fred, who had polio. I am still waiting???
[My pleasure, Snoopy. I figured this would be a good time to bring this one back. There's not an awful lot to discuss in the TM/GZ case; certainly nothing all that new, anyway.
It's a shame that prejudice exists at all, but it does and it's inherent in human nature. It's not just color, either. Look at religion. Muslims hate Jews and think about the countless wars that have begun over the name of God. ALL FAITHS. We are a weak species, and I have so much I could write about on this subject alone, but that will come another day.
I have always tried to write so that the reader is along with me; right by my side. I don't consciously do that, but it's still something that drives my writing. I want people to feel what I feel and see what I see, but it's sometimes tough with words. If I do that, then my words are successful, and for that, I thank you.
Yes, I did rub elbows with John Morgan. We did shots together, I'm sure, but that was many years ago. Now, I haven't had anything to drink in well over two years, but I don't remember the date. I just lost interest and it faded from view. However, I have no problem talking to John today. As a matter of fact, we talked at the last ZG hearing I attended and I got him on video.
As for more stories like this one? Yes, I will probably put them in between stories related to the subject at hand, but I don't know when. I know you've been waiting a long time for Fred the Chicken, and one day, I may surprise you. But this one today does have something to do with the Zimmerman case. Racism is still a hot topic on this matter, whether we like it or not. At least the demons of the past are beyond us. Well... are they? I hope so.
Thank you again. I've been meaning to put this one up for some time. Today was the right time. I appreciate that you think my writing has improved over time, too. I agree with you or I would have quit by now.]
Following are three ’year in review’ articles that mention Trayvon’s case.
The Huffington Post | Top 12 Crime Stories Of 2012
MSNBC ‘s most watched in 2012 | Lawrence O’Donell eviscerates Zimmerman lawyer
VIDEO and write-up at link.
Orlando Sentinel | by Walter Pacheco | Change.org: ‘Justice for Trayvon Martin’ most popular petition of 2012
Below are two recent write-ups concerning the lawsuit against Zimmerman that we have not been ‘privileged’ to view.
One has got a great headline, and the other makes a ‘perfect’ observation.
TMZ | George Zimmerman – Sued Over Bill To Protect His Ass
Perez Hilton | George Zimmerman SUED Over Outstanding Security Bill!
[I've been looking all over for the court filing, nan11, to no avail. I will keep looking and try to contact the 9th Circuit Court tomorrow to find the document.]
This is the Sentinel's attempt to spin the lawsuit against Zimmerman in favor of the Defense. Why else do they not provide a link to the actual suit, itself? MOO
Orlando Sentinel | Lawsuit reveals details of Zimmerman's hideout plan
[Let me just say that I can tell the difference between writers and how stories are spun.]
What a great article,as usual. I wish I could believe you got that man to thinking about his beliefs but somehow I didn't think so. I was married to a "good old southern boy" and nothing will ever change his mind aobut anything. I worked with a wonderful lady who is black and I can never,ever repay her for inviting me to worship one Sunday morning. To say she saved my life is an understatement. I have never been interested in someone's race I just take people as they are.
When I was very much younger I worked in a CC that had only Jewish members,started because they were not accepted at a very prestigious CC so they built their own. That was in the 60's in an area right outide of Rockville,Md.
T/O Sad news
Retired U.S. Gen. Norman Schwarzkopf has died.
[Thanks, Tommy's Mom. I'll never know anything about what that guy took with him when he walked out the door, but one thing is certain - he'll never forget me. By that, I mean the conversation more than me, the person. I know I gave him something to think about, anyway.
Times have changed, but it's not that long ago when blacks were not allowed to join exclusive country clubs. Whether they are admitted today is something I don't know. OJ Simpson had a problem at one, and it wasn't a matter of joining; it was whether he would be allowed to play on the course or not. Of course, this was long before his name became synonymous with murder, and I do believe the CC bent the rules. There's another one in town that I know of. What they did, like other clubs, was to limit membership. By that, I mean you had to be invited by another member in order to apply. The board had to approve you, too. Members did not invite blacks or women, and membership was $25,000, not including annual fees. I have no idea about how these CCs operate today, but I am addressing the recent past. I think Tiger Woods changed a lot of things after he became the hottest golfer to hit the pike.
Yes, it's a shame about Schwarzkopf. I'll bet you he could have played anywhere he wanted.]
Yes, very sad.
The Star (Associated Press) | Retired U.S. general ‘Stormin’” Norman Schwarzkopf dies: official
The second video is a little over seven minutes, but the other two are just short. I thought the first two fit in, at least a little, with the topic of Dave's post.
The third one is photos put to video of the inside of 1950 Retreat View Circle--at a time when it was empty. It contains some interesting 'price listings' from 2006, as well. I agree with the video producer, too, in that it is/was a very nice place to live.
YouTube VIDEO | Sanford Watch | Published on Dec. 23, 2012 | Zimmerman's Doctor (Says he's WHITE)
YouTube VIDEO | Sanford Watch | Published on Dec. 24, 2012 | Profiling WHITE Men (CNN Debate)
YouTube VIDEO | Sanford Watch | Published on Dec. 16, 2012 | Zimmerman's House
[I'm going to put together a short video on the Newtown victims, set to appropriate music. I need to do it soon, too.]
Dave~~I have not come across anything that has changed my mind. I do not believe George Zimmerman or Shellie are racists. I see George pursuing a black teen with the intention of holding him at bay until the police arrived and then something went terrible wrong. George broke the rules of Neighborhood Watch and for that has to pay the price and to which I agree. Zimmerman did not set out to kill anyone. Paranoia and a concealed weapon can be a lethal mix when combined with medications.
I do not pay any heed to Robert Sr or Jr. Blood is thicker than water and it was no different during the Anthony case with Cindy, George and Lee supporting Casey at every turn. Sometimes these people do more harm than good but can we really fault them for trying? Until we have walked in their shoes....we cannot be one hundred percent sure what we would do if our loved one was in the same predicament as Z.
I still think that George Anthony sanctioned Baez' plan that he be the scapegoat in keeping Casey from a possible lethal injection. We may have had a different verdict had the death penalty been taken off the table. In the Zimmerman case, I would get rid of the Second Degree Murder charge and just have the manslaughter charge be presented to a jury.
Dave, I belong to the 'old school' and still wish the bow and arrow was the weapon of choice. Kind of hard to conceal eh? BTW, during the season, we have bow hunting here in N.S.
The above is based on my own personal opinion. ~~SS
[Racial profiling in this case would be very tough to prove, but there's no doubt Zimmerman profiled Trayvon. As a matter of fact, all of his suspects were young black men, so a case could be made by some in the public. In criminal court? I doubt it, but if he loses the immunity motion, he could face that in civil court. That's one of the reasons why I firmly believe O'Mara will appeal if he loses that motion.
Zimmerman had every right to exit his vehicle and walk wherever he wanted inside that complex. He was legally carrying a firearm, too, but there's no doubt he lacked common sense. He had no right to hold Trayvon, who was doing nothing wrong, either, if that was his intent. While there's a lot of discourse on who approached who first, I believe Zimmerman confronted Trayvon and the fight ensued. As for the immunity issue, I think it's all about timing - the precise time Z felt his life was in danger. I think he panicked and shot the boy, but he put himself in that position to begin with. That's why the immunity motion is so crucial. It's only the few seconds that matter.
Don't get me started on those damn Anthonys. Yes, George wanted to be the scapegoat in order to save his daughter's life, in my opinion. Would he have done it had Casey been facing prison instead of death? I just don't know.
The bow and arrow? If we still killed with that, no one would be run over by a car, jets wouldn't crash, and everyone would still be sitting around the dining room table, enjoying quality family time together. Imagine that concept!]
Interesting story Dave. I think that we have those types in every race though. The good thing about it is racists on both sides are becoming more and more marginalized.
[Thanks, Robert. I hope you're right about racism and marginalization. After all, Obama won a second term. 20 years ago, he wouldn't have stood a chance.]
Dave, Are you holding my comment? I am aware it did not follow the exact meaning of this post and you can delete if not acceptable. Thank you.
[I assure you, New Puppy, I did not hold any of your comments in moderation, nor are there any in there to let out. I have had problems with comments up and disappearing when I hit the "Create Post" button. That's why I always write them in a word processor so I have the original to submit again if necessary. All comments from non-members go into moderation. If you are logged into your account, they should publish immediately. I always try to remind people to write the original somewhere else. On my laptop, I use Caderno, but any word processor would work. As for following the meaning of posts, I am not strict at all on that matter. All good comments are welcome from everyone.
I'm sorry you had an issue, but I assure you, it wasn't due to me.]
I see even these little questioning comments are also going into moderation. Yes, I am logged in!
This story really bothered me. Not your responses to the man or anything of that sort, but the fact that even though racial relations have progressed over the decades at times it seems like it has missed a few spots on the map, or some people who are too old to change their way of thinking. Thank God the Clan isn't what it used to be.
I left home for the first time in 1968 and moved with my new husband to Charleston, SC. So I saw the words "white women, white men" etched in stone over a bathroom in the park. The play "Porgy and Bess" was written about SC and I watched on tv as it played for the first time in the Dock Street theater downtown and the CBS news reported it as the first time blacks and whites had gathered in that theater since it was built. I saw the race riots on tv while in high school and was in fear for my life when one was supposed to hit the shopping center I worked at one night when my step-father was late picking me up. We've truly come a long way IMO but not far enough it seems. I don't think Zimmerman was being a racist when he went after Trayvon Martin, but I do think he was profiling him because I doubt he'd have chased him down if he had been a white kid walking home. So it's there beneath the surface like it or not. Blacks have fought a long hard battle and those that work hard and make something of their lives need to be recognized, not profiled.
[Sadly, Connie, those little spots are scattered all over the maps of the world. Here in the US, it's better than it was 20 years ago, but there's still a long way to go to reach equality. We may never see it, though. A long time ago, a friend of mine once said that the only way to achieve it is to homogenize colors, meaning to mix us all together so we are all colors rolled into one. That won't happen in our lifetimes, but it's a great idea.
I grew up in rural New Jersey and we didn't have race problems. In the citis and surrounding suburbs there were, though. I will never forget the race riots in Newark in 1967. It was a war zone. Thank God we have advanced from those days, but like I've often said, there's still a long way to go. As for Zimmerman, I agree with you. Beneath the surface, he profiled Trayvon, and had the boy been white, there would have been no shooting because he wouldn't have followed him.
Thanks for your thoughts on this matter. It's a tough one any way you look at it.]
New Puppy: I was looking forward to reading one of your excellent comments on this issue. I so hope it turns up.
Dave said: [I've been looking all over for the court filing, nan11, to no avail. I will keep looking and try to contact the 9th Circuit Court tomorrow to find the document.]
Me: Many have been looking all over for that court filing. I do not think it is going to turn up without help. I believe O'Mara has the blinds drawn to keep the sunshine out. moo
Here is another short article from TMZ which is, again, cleverly titled. Gotta luv it!
TMZ | George Zimmerman | Ass Protectors Jacked Up Prices On Me
Following is a four page write-up by the Associated Press. concerning the top ten news stories from Florida in 2012. Trayvon's murder is #1.
News-Press . com (by Associated Press) | Trayvon Martin death is Fla.'s story of the year
[Ass protectors? I like it! Fat chance they'll ever work for Z again. Fatter chance they'll ever get paid. This is nothing new to Z. Does Z stand for Zimmerman or Zero? While I'm not going to take the security company's side just yet, I have no compassion for Z, no matter what it stands for.]
There isn't anything new in this article--it is a pretty good recap of the little we know though.
Daily Mail Online | by Hayley Dixon | Quick change in the toilet, GPS trackers and body armour: The secret plan that let George Zimmerman vanish on first release revealed
This quote below is enlightening, imo. Now, why no written contract from the business man?
Anyway, I'll also add a little bit of the conversation from one of the jailhouse calls that I transcribed quite a while back. There could be better ones where more information on this was exchanged, but this one is all that I have handy:
Call 114:
Shellie: We have to leave as quickly as possible.
George: Okay.
Shellie: That’s what we were told. But as far as safety and everything—they are taking care of it.
George: Okay.
Shellie: So... But, yeah, your plan is in place.
George: I guess I’m just nervous because a lot of people don’t see things from different perspectives—like I do.
Shellie: I understand, honey.
George: Like O’Mara didn’t even want to wear his vest—so, I’m like...
Shellie: Yeah.
George: ...you know. And ‘safety’ doesn’t think of things that we think of—frequently.
Shellie: He is not in this.
George: Okay.
Shellie: No. He is not in this, and O’Mara has just pointed—has just connected us with the experts.
George: Okay.
Shellie: And has told us to listen to these people. They have the plan. They have everything we could need.
George: Okay.
Shellie: Including Susie and I’s safety.
George: [clears throat]
Shellie: You see what I am saying?
George: I guess...
Shellie: Okay. Well I don’t know what—I don’t know why you are getting mad at me?
George: I’m not.
Shellie: I’m doing everything you asked me to do.
George: I know, but I don’t like putting all of our faith in, you know, one entity.
Shellie: I understand. Well, what would you like me to do?
George: It doesn’t matter.
Shellie: A plan ‘B’?
George: No, it doesn’t matter. ‘Cause it’s.. It doesn’t matter. {Long pause.} What are you doing now?
Shellie: Going to get gas.
George: Did you have to pay them?
Shellie: I did.
George: How much?
Shellie: Five dollars.
George: Okay.
Shellie: Or—not five dollars. I’m sorry.
George: Yeah. Do we still have money to live of off.
Shellie: Five hundred. Um, yes.
George: Okay.
Shellie: Yeah, of course we do.
George: Okay.
{Shellie and ‘Susie’ whispering in background.}
Shellie: Fine. I can’t wait to see you.
[Shellie said 500 to live off of? FIVE HUNDRED? Does that mean they once had $500,000 PLUS in that account? If so, then O'Mara and his gang are lying about the amount. Hmm... very interesting.]
Thankyou for the link Dave although I still cant veiw vt says its private..Its not realy important I had it saved an lost it somehow...Was going to post it as georges responce to LLPappas gravity videos..I predict a move from the defence for money from taxpayers as gz will be indegent also indignant as he dont do dignified...Happy New Years to you an readers an commenters...peace.
[I'm sorry, ecossie, I must have set it to private by mistake. Try it now; it should work.
Zimmerman Time Warp Speech
Happy New Year to you, too, but I hope to see you before then!]
Dave said: [Shellie said 500 to live off of? FIVE HUNDRED? Does that mean they once had $500,000 PLUS in that account? If so, then O'Mara and his gang are lying about the amount. Hmm... very interesting.]
Me: Well, I don't know about that. Remember 'Susie' had to exaplain to Shel lie how many zero's to put after the 10 to indicate thousands.
I'm guessing she probably meant $5,000. That is not to say that I believe they have truthfully disclosed the amount that was actually received, and is still being received.
Also in regards to this: Dave said: [Snipped . . . While I'm not going to take the security company's side just yet, I have no compassion for Z, no matter what it stands for.]
Me again: If the Defense has nothing to hide, why haven't the news outlets posted the lawsuit? Just sayin'
I suppose their excuse could be that it may reveal details as to the defendant's whereabouts. Good excuse, I guess.
[It could have been $5,000, I guess. My error.
Civil suits don't follow the same protocol as criminal, nan11. In other words, discovery rules/sunshine laws don't apply. This is a private matter between two litigants, and motions are not made public just because of a criminal action against the defendant in a high profile case.]
Dave: Sure. I dunno; but I think it is a 70 some page lawsuit, not a motion, though.
We did most certainly see the Zimmerman vs NBC lawsuit. We saw it, and saw it, and saw it. That is also a civil matter, I think.
That one just happens to favor the defense. Which, I guess, is my point.
Sorry if you see this as my questioning your buddy.
Orlando Sentinel | Lawsuit reveals details of Zimmerman's hide-out plan
(Edited to add: Not to worry. I think I read in one article today that O'Mara has promised to provide us with a few more 'details' on Monday, I believe--or relatively soon anyway.)
[Well, we saw the NBC suit because O'Mara released it. That's all. If he chooses to release this one, then I guess we will see it. You're right, it's not a motion, so I did err on that one, but it's still true that it's up to the litigants to release documents if they so choose. There is no law that forces them to do it. O'Mara will release documents along with his slants, as long as they favor his client. I guess he could go begging for money after publishing the new one filed by the security company. Poor George. Send Money. Need Help. Have mercy.]
Dave~~how much weight would an 'oral' contract carry? Since we are watching substantial amounts of money being paid out for security, I would think that a contract between Zimmerman and the security party be on record in the form of a legal document. The contract would stipulate the hourly rate and other terms of how security would be provided along with causes to terminate said contract if necessary. Read the following and let me know your opinion. TIA
Stephen Milbrath, the Orlando attorney who filed suit, said O'Mara was bound by an oral contract. The bodyguards took on a challenging assignment: To make a high-profile, widely-hated man invisible and safe.
I am shocked to think the contract was not in written form and signed by both parties.
[In Florida, a binding, legally enforceable contract can be in writing or oral (verbal.) Florida is certainly not alone in this regard, but since it happened here, we will stick with here.
You've got to remember that the security company performed the actions it was hired to do. The main obstacle facing O'Mara and his client is this - the two of them never told the company to stop what they were doing. They never complained about services rendered, either, nor did they ever question why they were doing what they were doing. Had I NOT hired someone, why would I let them do anything at all? All of this is what made it a binding contract since it's obvious that nothing stopped until money stopped flowing. In law, the act, promises, goods, services and/or money are called “consideration.” To have a binding, enforceable contract, there must be consideration, which there was in this case because the proof was in the work.
Where O'Mara may have a slight upper hand is in the fact that verbal contracts can cause disputes over the terms and conditions of an agreement. Nothing was written down, but, then again, nothing was stopped until payment ceased. And depending on the type of contract, once the service began, could O'Mara have cancelled at any time? That falls under something called the right of rescission, but it never got that far. O'Mara never told them to stop; they did it because they believed they were stiffed. My hunch is that will go to mediation first and it may never see a courtroom, but I don't think O'Mara wants to foot this bill at all. We'll see.]
Dave~~ here is something else that I cannot understand. O'Mara along with Zimmerman (autographs) have been and continue to solicit money to fund the defense. This is not illegal! The people who remit the donations are doing so by their own free will. We can only speculate why they are sending Z money, maybe gun owners, those who do not like blacks or it may be old ladies who think Z's big brown eyes display an innocent look.
Now let's stop all donations....make it illegal or just hope everyone stops sending any money to Z. That would give us something to gloat about since we only want the worst for him.
Z has no money so O'Mara will file a motion to declare him indigent. Who will fund the defense when the motion is passed? Remember Z has the right to a fair trial. The JAC will have to take over and pay the defense bills, within specified rates , of course. Who fills the JAC's piggy bank? The tax payers of Florida will have to shell out and NOT by their own free will.
Maybe the tax payers should be thanking O'Mara and let him continue to save the state a few coppers? JMO~ ~ SS
[I don't care if Zimmerman begs for money and I don't care about the fools that send it to him, either. Money for indigency is allocated long before a high profile case like this comes along, such as the Casey Anthony one, but it shouldn't raise taxes because the money was already in the pot to begin with. It's in the local, district and state budgets. I didn't see our taxes go up on account of her. If Z is declared indigent, taxpayers would foot the bill regardless of what transpires after the fiscal budget has been set. In order to raise taxes, the politicians have to ask for it. The JAC is not one of the first ones on the list when it comes to money and taxes, that's for sure.
But I do know what you mean. I think signing autographs is as tacky as it gets, but coming from Zimmerman, nothing surprises me. His brother is a media whore who wants to make the big time. I think it runs in the family - BIG EGOS. That's why George cannot stomach being called indigent. He thinks his autograph should fetch a lot of money.]
Essence | EXCLUSIVE: Trayvon Martin's Mom Sybrina Fulton Reflects on 2012, Wants 'Justice' in 2013
By Sybrina Fulton as told to Yolanda Sangweni
[That's a really touching article, nan11. What a strong woman she is, yet I can feel her weakness inside over her loss. Thank you for this link. It's an excellent read.]
Dave~~thank you so very much. I never took the following into consideration...no pun intended...lol
In law, the act, promises, goods, services and/or money are called “consideration.” To have a binding, enforceable contract, there must be consideration, which there was in this case because the proof was in the work.
There you go, Snoopy learned something new today. So oral or written contracts for services are both legally binding under the circumstances you stated.
[Yes, they would be. Like I said, O'Mara did nothing to stop the security company from fulfilling its contract duties, whether written or oral. He, nor Zimmerman, ever said, "Hey???!!! What are you doing? I never authorized this!]
Dave~~if you recall, Judge Perry had to go out and raise more money. If he had not received more funding, Casey's trial would not have gone forward. Granted, it was near the end of the fiscal but they would have run over the budget. Where does the money in the budget come from? The tax payers.
Yes, I totally agree that George sending out his autograph was pathetic. Let's just be thankful that he wasn't going door to door selling Girl Guide cookies....disguised as a Brownie. lol
[The point is, the money had already been allocated in the budget. The judge can't just arbitrarily ask for money from the state or anywhere else. Once he authorizes indigent status, he can ask for money to be shifted around. That could mean less money to finance other, minor, prosecutions, but if push came to shove, the money would be there if absolutely needed. Raising taxes is not an issue. Money would be appropriated from somewhere, but that's why there are always contingency plans. There's always money on hand for emergencies. You just can't raise taxes with a snap of the fingers.]
Dave~~would you believe that I have never watched Robert Z Jr. ? I have never read his tweets or any comments he has ever made. I am just not interested as anything he states would be hearsay and have no bearing on this case. Could he sway potential jurors? Judge Debra Nelson is not too concerned. When the time comes, she feels quite confident that a fair and impartial jury can be picked.
A media whore cannot exist without an audience so......
[My problem with junior is that he complains about being forced to pay for protection, then he goes out into the public domain to preach his brother's innocence; his face plastered all over the place. He knows exactly what he is; a media whore. The media are going to let him speak because he's the closest conduit to his brother, and he is fully aware of that fact. It's not a question of an audience. People watch the news, no matter what's on that day. Ratings are based on the news program, not one person or one story. This is a big story and he's taking advantage of that. He knows he's a magnet. One day, he won't be, and then he'll fade away.]
This issue is generating more write-ups than the bloody nose pics. : - )
The first two links are fairly news worthy. The remaining may just be that their headlines are intersting.
WESH | VIDEO Incl. Bob Kealing reports | Details surface about plan to hide George Zimmerman
Courthouse News Service | Trayvon's Killer Owes it $27,000, Security Firm Says
Business Insider | George Zimmerman Is Being Sued By His $7,000-A-Week Security Detail Over Allegedly Unpaid Bills
Gawker . com |Don’t Cry For George Zimmerman, Who Got Screwed By a Security Firm That is Now Suing Him
Miami News Times Blog | George Zimmerman Sued By His Security Firm Over Unpaid $27,000 Bill
[I guess I could write about this, but it's been so covered by every news agency, anything I do would be redundant and just an opinion. My opinion isn't important, but I will say I have zero sympathy for Z and his attorneys.]
I clipped this from Frederick Leatherman' s Law Blog dated December 27th,interesting article on his being a criminal defense attorney and law professor.
I feel obliged to remind my former colleagues that the presumption of innocence does not require them to blindly accept a liar’s story and actively defend that liar by supporting his effort to demonize an innocent victim and his parents. I am offended, horrified and disgusted by the unrelenting attacks on Trayvon, his family and their supporters. I have no respect for anyone who participates in or supports those attacks, including members of the mainstream media who publicize them, and by so doing, legitimize them.
Enough is enough.
[It's an opinion piece, which is OK, but the bottom line is that a criminal defense attorney will do what it takes to get their client off. Period. Or they shouldn't be criminal defense attorneys. We saw it with Casey Anthony and Jose Baez. The bottom line there, of course, was that he won and she walked. That's what matters because that's what they're supposed to do and it's completely legal. When a criminal defense attorney takes on a case like Anthony or this one, he is placed under a giant public microscope. This kind of thing goes on every day in courtrooms all around the country, and attorneys never ask about their client's guilt. NEVER or they would be fired and no one would hire them again. But we don't care about all of those other cases, anyway. Just this one. Was O'Mara obligated to ask? Zimmerman is a liar. What would he tell him? The truth? Attorneys cannot ask questions like that.
Is it ever really about true guilt or innocence anymore? Look at the Carla Larson case; the one I was interviewed on TV about. Her killer is still fighting his conviction - over 15-years later. Where is Carla's justice? Does anyone really care anymore?]
Tommy's Mom: Yep. I thought that was well said, too.
They are being viciously attacked over there by 'impersonator trolls.' Well, I guess it is going on everywhere. Nasty stuff that. : - (
For Trayvon:
Vince Gill: Go Rest High on that Mountain
colin black says:
December 29, 2012 at 11:52 am
Thing is raceism has nothing to do with race peoplesdiffernt shades of colours or faceial features,Raceism religious intolarance can all shelter unnder the uberrella of hate.Ipsofacto reaceism is just an excuse to inflict hurt or slavery demeaning social stauture in Society.Take India foe an example a country /sub divided contienent close to my heart.
I have many Indian pakistani freinds in Scotland,Ive live in India for a lot of my adult life an consider it my second home.Yet iy is perhaps the most raceist countrys on this mortal coil we call a planet.
An the realy strange thing is the purest liniage of Indians bred with only there imeadiate villigers an same caste ,Therfore where pureblood stock of the Indian Land.However Indians that bred with europeans an became mixed bloodlines so to speak mongrols became higher caste simply because there skin was lighter like westerners
Considered superior thermore thease halfcastes where above life staion to pure bread stock an on an on it went .So the Inseans with least pure blood an maximum western blood an hence the lightest skin becam e top castes An original Indians pure stock became lowest of the low…Refered to as the UNTOUCHABLES…..
Were not allowed to handle food prepeatin an were given the lowest of the low jobs .Empteying shit an piss slurry tanks.Barbers wouldnt even cut there hair so they ended up with dreadlocks hundreds of years before Bob Marley was born .Serbians killed fellow sebians sometime s family members through religioud differences an nothing to do with colour .Australia treats abboriganies as tenth class citizens
Imprisons them at a higher rate per capita of any miorites in the world Even higher than S Africa at the hight of A PART HIDE..Scots show raceism towards English an vice versa ..An I could go on an on with examples proveing Raceism has nothing todo with fear of skint tones .An everything to do with fear intollarance jealousy .Tribal instincts inxtalled since the dawn of mankind..But those days are gone we are all the same .We have to learn to get a long
To live together because if we choose not to an cling to our petty tribal band of brothers oiutdated crap…We will not live together an EVIL will prevai…Dot beleive me think im full off it?…..Do this simple experiment.
Write down the word evil .Write down the word live..Then read both word back to front an see what they spell…..An this is a point for those treeple whom seem to think skin colour is Important an TRAYVON MARTIN being black contributed to his death…..I assume most are caucasion or white?
Well wrong you are not white In fact you are darker skined toned than Trayvon an all PEOPLES DECENT FROM Africa as all people alive today were decendants of less than ten thousand Africans whom left Africa few hunderd thousand years ago
I digress Treeple if you know anything about light an refraction freqencies..Objects absorb colour anany it cant absorb bounces of the object an reflects.So we see the sky as blue but its every coulor but blue.Thats the one colour it cant deal with so it rejects it .Same with grass apears green to us as it cant absorb it so rejects /reflects it same with ever colour we see.
Same with TRAYVON he wasnt a coffee colured.beutifull hue.He was every colour but.Same with George he wasnt white or pasty coloured.He in reaity was darker skinned than his prey…
So treeple you better strat hateing yours selfs an loveing black people…..Wait a minute you already do hate yourselfs an allthough not loveing black people you are certainly jealous an in auwe of there physical prowwness… M O O…………..
[EXCELLENT, ECOSSIE POSSIE, AKA COLIN BLACK!!! Your message came across loud and clear. Imagine that... all those treeples are only white because they are really black. The blackness stays inside. How insulting that is to my African-American friends. Thank you! Well, well said!]
SORRY FOR many spelling mistakes cant figure out spell check
also have bad eyesight poor cordinaton an dyslexia...
but hope you get the gist.......................thanks by the way c black is ecossie possie........
Ecossie~~you did just fine, Matey! Your message came through loud and clear. hugs..
ecossie possie: You know, in all my years I never realized that if you turn the letters in 'live' around you have the word 'evil.'
Huh, I'm still thinkin' on that.
What was it Dave said - "We can still have a dream, can't we?"
BTW: I really appreciate the paragraphs.
This is has been around since June, so maybe you have all seen it. It is so funny, though. Especially the little character that represents the detective. It's as if he can't believe what he is hearing--he just walks in circles and scratches his head. Hysterical!
YouTube VIDEO | JumboVids | Published on Jun 22, 2012 | George Zimmerman Reenactment Of Trayvon Martin Shooting
Dave~~ Is Leatherman sending a message to his colleague, Mark O'Mara? See...Tommy'sMom's comment above which included a c&p from FL's blog. That seems to be quite a blanketed statement and certainly did not make a great impression on me. Fred would have been better off to shoot an e-mail off to Mark and offer his advice. O'Mara does have a waste paper basket.
I do read Fred's posts on occasion and used to comment on a regular basis. Once I read, "anyone who supports Zimmerman is a racist".. I had heard enough. How does he know that some who support Z are not just gun owners and do not have a racists bone in their body. He should not lump everyone together.
I see someone impersonating Leatherman at Huff Post...I read a few comments and nothing to warrant trying to file a complaint over. The person was using the name 'Professor Leatherman" and not FL's real name. I notice when things get slow in a case, the in fighting begins. It is the nature of the beast.
P.S. The use of 'mainstream media' hit a nerve with me. Aren't blogs a form of the media too?
[I had a response up for Tommy's Mom, but I took it down. More on that later, but...
I don't agree, either, that you must be a racist if you support Zimmerman. To me, that would include reaching the top, which would make Mark O'Mara a racist for representing his client. That would mean nullifying ALL of the work O'Mara has done for minorities, including African-Americans, and that is just plain wrong. You might as well call Jose Baez a baby killer for taking the Anthony case. There is no catch-all word for every case. Each one faces its own challenges and, of all people, I would never expect any attorney to stereotype anyone, although it does happen. Old Dixie lawyers were known to bend the rules to protect the white man, but O'Mara? Had the roles been reversed, I could see him representing Trayvon, in which case, would there ever be an argument over what constitutes mainstream media and blogging?
I wish Bill Sheaffer were back in the saddle, although he does work for mainstream media. But WAIT... he had a blog! GULP.]
Dave~~while I am still perched up here on the soapbox... thanks for installing the ramp so I can drive up...
One other thing that irks me, if anyone is pro Zimmerman or still on the fence so to speak, they are lumped in with the Treepers. I read there on a couple of occasions and what I read was so disgusting, I never went back. I expect many who think Z may have been in the right would not venture into the Tree's blog if their life depended on it. The birches and ashes are bigoted racists right down to their stumps. They are a 'hate' group who have gathered together to see who can come up with the most outrageous saying about a black person. They put me in mind of another group that we both were familiar with.
O/T...blizzard headed our way....E.T.A....around 3 am...possibly up to 30cms of the white stuff... better get down off this soapbox... no snow tires...
[Those treethumpers don't even warrant an honorary mention because there's nothing honorable about them.
Please stay safe up there!]
Finding your Roots with Henry Louis Gates, Jr.
Snipped from Cal Thomas: PBS genealogy series breaks racist myths
"That's because the whitest and blackest among us are actually a mix of genes formed out of a racial melting pot that includes ancestors who were both black and white"
Have any of you watched Finding your Roots on PBS? It's a facinating show. He takes famous people of color (all colors) and traces their family history. There are quite a few surprises on his show and it leaves you with the obvious feeling that we are all one "color" beneath the skin. People who thought they were descended from slaves and/or masters were actually free men, and visa versa. There is a group of Jewish people who can all trace their lineage back to 4 women. Just 4! It's an interesting show.
[We all bleed red, Connie, and that's all that matters in life. In death, it means nothing, but I guarantee if a racist needed a transfusion and it was a matter of life and death, he'd take the transfusion from a black man. Or he'd deserve to die, sad to say, because his life would have no meaning. Thanks for the link.]
Mainstream media
By Michael Snyder | 25 Facts That The Mainstream Media Doesn’t Really Want To Talk About Right Now
[What is different from the media publicizing a story and bloggers writing about it? Who and what legitimizes who and what, and who is authorized to make that call? I'm not attempting to attack anyone here, but what makes one source OK and the other a pariah? And just what is the public asking for? THIS STORY!!!
That said, we are a nation built on news slants, and I don't believe there is a single entity called the "mainstream media" any more than there's one word to describe blogging. Mainstream media is highly biased, mostly leaning toward the liberal slant if you ask most people, which means supportive of Trayvon. Of course, FOX News is an exception, but so is MSNBC in the other direction, yet both are considered mainstream media. The Huffington Post is a blog. Period. It supports advertising, just like my blog, but is Huffington any more mainstream media than me? It's much bigger, of course, and if that's the real difference between mainstream media and blogs, then it's strictly a matter of money, which is precisely what many bloggers strive to do. MAKE MONEY. I, on one hand, utilize advertising. Someone else, on the other hand, asks for payment. Send money. Does that mean my blog is more mainstream than that one? Because that's what happens when we watch TV, listen to the radio, and read the newspaper. All are supported by advertising. So what is the difference between mainstream media and blogging? I really need to have a clear answer from someone in the legal community, I guess, because blogging is so much more than writing about children these days.
Because I am a credentialed journalist now, I need no help in order to sit on the media side of the courtroom, and I did it all by myself; no bragging intended. Where does that put me? I still consider myself a blogger, but I also think of myself as a journalist. Don't journalists work for mainstream media? And what if a legitimate news agency or magazine hires me to work during the trial? It's certainly something within the realm of reality. Where does that put me? What would happen if I shifted my reporting more toward the middle in order to be most fair all the way around? Would that mean I sold out? That's why I have a problem with the statement C&Ped in the above comment. I have a right to report the story in my own particular way, and because I may be taking the Trayvon tack, it makes me no better a reporter than someone or something that doesn't. And no one needs to preach to me about it, either. I'm sorry, but I'm playing by my rules, not someone else's. I think I established myself long before this case came along, and I take pride in my writing, no matter what other bloggers think.]
A moving post.
by Thats_so_not_racist | Remembering Trayvon – Standing with Sybrina, Tracy, Jahvaris and Ronald
An interesting post:
by trayvonstruth | Racists, Racists, Read All About It! CTH Word of The Day: Blacktards!
And let us not forget this blast from the past:
GZLegalCase: Please sir, can I have some more?
For the grand-daddy of them all, I prefer this link to the actual two page MSM article--from the Grio, owned by NBC: ;)
Zimmerman’s lawyer seek a ‘chat’ with conservative bloggers?
Dave: I know not so many fine and fancy words as you, but I’ll give it a shot.
When someone in the ‘media’ writes a story, I believe they are working under a contractual agreement with their employer—to some extent, even if they are freelancing.
They are bound by that contract and held accountable.
If, for example, they were working for Fox News and they wrote a very liberal piece, they could pretty much be sure that it would be rejected. So, I guess they adjust or look elsewhere for employment—the same as any of us would do.
They are legally allowed to keep their sources private, but they must have sources. They cannot just make things up.
Do they ever get it wrong? I am sure that they do. They are human. In fact, I have heard it said that they are only as good as their sources. If they slat an article, I suspect it has more to do with who is signing their paycheck than their personal opinions.
On a blog, and I recognize many wonderful journalist’s have their own blogs, they could say the sky was pink. Their thoughts and impressions are all that is required. They may want to consider their reputations, but the blogosphere offers them much more freedom.
I feel that Professor Leatherman’s blog post was taken out of its true context—thus doing a disservice to a very fine blogger. I implore everyone to read his complete post.
I might add Professor Leatherman has also published a blog post encouraging positive thoughts toward Jeralyn Merritt—so I appreciate him as a fair minded individual.
I recognize the fact that you take pride in your writing and that you have a right to slant a story in your own particular way.
Should I apologize because I made a short comment to Tommy’s Mom on your blog? I certainly do and would have before had I realized you were offended by what I wrote.
I believe I have always complimented your writing skills.
[Nan - Yes, you have always complimented my writing, and thank you for it. No complaints from me!
In no way did I intend to malign your comment. My response had all to do with the statement made elsewhere. Perhaps, I should have read that post in its entirety first, but I didn't. There was no link. Just the same, the statement was made, and I don't happen to agree with it completely. Certainly, I am still entitled to my own opinion because NO ONE rules the blogosphere, no one ever will, and I am asking for no one to take sides. This is merely a difference of opinion; not the start of anything else. Please let me explain.
In this day and age, blogs and mainstream media can be interchangeable to some extent, so there's a hazy area in, out and around there somewhere. Also, there's another dimension we must consider. When does news become entertainment? Is Tom Cruise's love life news or entertainment? Who gets to make that call? And that's precisely my point. Not one single person can do that unless he believes he has a right to, and in my opinion, no one does. I am not here to attack anyone, but I certainly will defend my right to report the way I see fit, and when I'm wrong, which I have been, I will be the first to admit it and apologize. NBC certainly erred and heads rolled because of it. That, in a sense, lends credence to the lawsuit filed by Zimmerman and his defense. Do I hope he wins? No, of course not, but I understand the rationale behind the move, and for anyone to call me wrong for saying that is... well, just plain wrong. Not that anyone has, mind you, but the door was opened.
We may perceive news as liberal, conservative, or not newsworthy at all. It hinges on what we find to be important in our lives, and the media people are quite savvy in that regard. They know how and where to strike. So do some bloggers, including myself. For the most part, I choose not to, but that's not my point. This case has become such a giant in the media, where would bloggers be without mainstream media? NOWHERE! And that's extremely important to keep in mind. It's like biting the hand that feeds us and, like the media, some bloggers are better at stoking the embers of burning emotions. That's all. Without this story; without mainstream media to make it huge, I would be writing human interest stories. Where would others be?
Once this case is over, that's probably what I'll do. Go back to what I enjoy doing the most, and I'm also smart enough to know that my audience will disappear, just like it did after the Casey Anthony case ended, until this one came along. And keep in mind, had mainstream media not picked up on this story, but I had, what would that make me? Who would care? Would I be famous for shooting videos inside the Retreat? You'd better believe I wouldn't. No one would give a hoot.
I apologize to you. I didn't mean for you to take my comment to you the wrong way. I'm just touchy about blogging. I guess it's because I've been doing it since 2004. And reporting on crime since 2008, including in the mainstream media - liberal to some; conservative to others. Right, wrong and everywhere in between depending on where one leans, but never, EVER, set in stone. To my conservative friends, FOXNews is fair and balanced. To my liberal friends, it's not. Same thing in reverse with MSNBC. It depends on which way the preacher stands at the pulpit and whether the congregation sits on the left or right, but any way you look at it, a slant is still a slant, and in that regard, there is no difference between mainstream media and blogs, especially on a story like this one.]
ECOSSIE POSSIE........I just had the opportunity to read your Dec 29th comment. Wow ! So well put. I would shake your hand or give you a big hug if I could but since that isn't possible, may I just applaud !!!!!I
Dave~~it has been a wild old day here weather wise so finally have had a chance to catch up on the comments and responses.
A good example of a news station with a slant was WFTV. You and I both covered the Anthony case on our respective blogs. I think that I spent more time at yours during that time. When I wanted to check out the news outlets, my first choice was WFTV. That was followed up with WESH and then off to the Orlando Sentinel. I chose WFTV mainly because of Bill Sheaffer. That attorney taught me a lot! During the course of the case, I found WFTV just a bit too rushed in being the first to get the story out. Misinformation can be a turnoff... as a result.. I found Bob Kealing was getting my attention but I still watched Sheaffer's videos. Those three mainstream news outlets supplied me with what I wanted. Had I of been pro Casey, I would have avoided all three like the plague.
Dave, you have earned a voice and I do not consider you a lowly blogger. You did your own investigating... I recall those automatic doors at Walmart. How many trips did you make out to Suburban, Hopespring, Lee and Tony's residences, Fusion, Caylee's Memorial, Jay Blanchard Park? I could go on half the nite. We cannot forget all your days at the courthouse covering the case. Buddy, you are Mainstreamlined...
I feel compelled to add this video... I will use my own title for it which I think is fitting...
Mainstream Meet Blogger??? UH UH...Mainstream meet Mainstream
[WFTV was definitely slanted toward the prosecution leading up to and during the trial, Snoopy, and they made no attempt to hide it. Bill Sheaffer was the only redeeming light throughout their coverage. What's most interesting now, because of present circumstances, was that Mark O'Mara remained even keeled while he legally analyzed the case for WKMG. Of course, we cannot forget Richard Hornsby and Judge Eaton, the legal analysts for WESH. They were great, and what's interesting today is how much George Zimmerman prayed that Eaton would become his judge.
I'm surprised that, with every concession O'Mara gets from Judge Nelson, such as TM's school records, that she isn't under attack, too. I also wonder if she thinks Zimmerman doesn't deserve a defense because he's clearly guilty and no one should buy into his story. Oh well, fortunately, that's not the way our court system works, thank God.
Thanks for the compliment. I guess I've earned my spot and I would never consider myself a lowly blogger. Right now, perhaps, I'm not writing precisely what people want to read. I'm not feeding the frenzy, in other words. That's fine. I'm happy where I am in this mess and, at least, I'm no longer the punching bag of detractors. I'm glad that's over.
You know, I forgot about that TruTV/CNN video. No doubt, I let the ending drag on and on, so it's not one of my better ones. I don't know if I'll be going out of my way again to shoot videos related to the Zimmerman case. I get requests, but nary a thank you. Thanks to my YouTube channel, I do get a lot of feedback there, but when I present them here, they are dissected elsewhere, so what's the point?]