Look, Listen & Learn

Watch this video, which has been released on the Website. Judge for yourself and feel free to express your thoughts here, in comments.
To me, it looks like she’s sitting in an office somewhere. Also, she says this is the first of many videos, but trust me, I won’t be posting them unless you express otherwise.
Reader Comments (59)
Dear Dave, Havent been on your website for a while. I apologize for that friend. Hope you and family are doing well. I saw Casey's video this morning on the news. Didnt know whether to watch it or ignore it--that was my first thought. Then the second one was--well, it is still "ALL ABOUT ME" Casey. Thirdly, she said she finally had something of her own--she had a child of her own but chose to murder her. My opinion, I dont know whether to continue to look at her drivel or not. I will read your take on this too. your friend always
Hello, Martha! It's so nice to see you. You are such a lovely person, but believe me, there's no need to apologize for anything. We all are busy over the holidays. I hope you enjoyed yours!
When I saw this video, I watched it and decided to put it up on my blog for one main reason -- it's almost like a parody of a circus sideshow. Sort of freakish. Does she deserve the air time? Absolutely not, but there's just something so odd about it that it warrants a look, see. Then, everyone can decide what they want. She's certainly a curiosity.
I always look forward to your comments, Martha, because it is always a most pleasant surprise. Take good care and I am proud to call you my friend. Thank you!
well well where did this come from ? LOL :-)
I don't know, charlee, but it sure wasn't an act of God.
I don't think it's her.
Hi, Calystah - I think it is her. It not only looks like her, it sounds like her, too. And I think her defense would have been quick to debunk it if it wasn't her.
Oh, yuh, I've no doubt it's her- she only talks about herself and never mentions Caylee at all, let alone her family that's left! Good luck, Dog. Maybe some kindly neighbor will "liberate" the poor thing. I've often wondered about the real COD of the two dogs the Anthonys had had, the two that had died so close together. They were replaced by the ones that Cindy was supposedly so concerned with, when she claimed to make the "accidental" chloroform searches (trying to find "chlorophyll"- yeah, whatever....)
That's interesting, Karen, I never thought about the dogs like that.
Video was all about "I" and "me". Still a phony. I don't think she ever has a true emoition or shows any except when she is angered. That is the only true emotion I have ever seen from her. She is such a pathetic waste of earth-space. I see she's gone blond now. Wonder who pays ALL her expenses. Who feeds, clothes, and furnishes her abode and pays for her entertainment? She has no job, therefore no income. Someone is footing all her expenses!
Yup, Kitty, a sure giveaway is that it's always about ME, ME, ME, ME, ME! Yes, someone is footing the bill. Now, who would do something like that? Also, it appears, to me, that she's in someone's office or den. No idea where, though.
Hi, Alexander - If she is trying to test the waters, most people will drown her out. Her words are worthless, and I do believe it will always be that way. It's like the value of Confederate money after the Civil War.
Mason just confirmed it's her.
Well, there you have it, then.
I think it is her, this has probably been "their plan" all along to tease the country to get their response to her coming out and talking without actually doing it! sick sick sick....
Yup, it's the real thing, but everything that comes out of her mouth is so unreliable. Despite being found not guilty by the court, the public will never accept her.
I could really care less if she puts one or more videos out there. She doesn't deserve my time or anyone else's as far as I am concerned. It is her because all she talked about was herself. I am sure she is testing the waters to see how much attention she is going to get. What I have seen so far she is getting the attention and I am sure she is enjoying it. I hope after this first video that people will not want to watch any of the others. She doesn't deserve to get any attention from anyone. JMO
I agree that any subsequent videos should be ignored by all but her very small fan base. There will always be an audience out there willing to watch. Look at Jerry Springer. Freaks.
Thanks Dave I started not to watch but my curiosty got the best of me. She does not mention that beautiful daughter she is more concerned with the Dog computer phone. Poor Caylee what she must have went threw. Hope all is well with you Dave.
Hi, Crystal - I guess there's always going to be a morbid fascination with sideshow freaks and human oddities, only she's not physically deformed.
So far, so good with me. Thanks!
You can see on her YouTube page that she's already got 169 followers:
Where the heck did she get that blond wig and those hideous glasses? So is she selling these videos? What is her point in putting out this crap? I watched the video a few times to try and detect if it is Casey or an imposter. I still cannot say for 100% that it is really her.
The front page of Wordpress says it all. She is getting the publicity that she craves and we are all feeding in to her ego. She is sitting back now lapping it all up and we are fools to cater to her.
When I look at the false front she displays, I see a baby killer applying duct tape to a little girl to snuff out her life. So she paid for her computer and she has a camera and a phone. Where did she get the $$$$'s? Maybe this video was just a sampling and the rest will be pay per view.
Oh whoopee, Casey has a real family now, a dog. Caylee gave her unconditional love and look what happened. I wonder how long this poor mutt will survive.
Cheney Mason says it is her. It must be true since he thinks he is the next thing to God. He must feel proud that he helped to set a psychopath free.
Casey can disguise herself all she wants but underneath the mask still lies the heart of a cold blooded murderer!!
[just because she said she paid for her computer does not make it so. What's fascinating is that she has almost 200 fans. Huh? It's the same people who wrote to her in jail, I'm sure, with a few more thrown in. Who knows, they could still be seding her money thru any of her attorneys. The location of her video doeas not appear to be a comfy home somewhere. It's more like someone's office. The dog idea is probably true because the dog will be her only real and caring companion. She needs an entire overhaul before the general public would be willing to look at her as a human being, let alone anything else. Nowhere does she offer any sympathy to anyone. Let this be her message: It will always be about ME!]
NG on HLN saying this comes from a PPV deal originally! She has the guy who broke it on tonight. Mason saying it must've been leaked, what a card.
Skank must feel like a deb at her coming-out party....
Yeah, she's a real debutaunt. Taunting us all.
Good morning Dave & Everyone,
Well, well, well...Surprise, surprise, this little effort just can't lay low, nor does it appear that the so called therapy been successful in any rehabilitation, she's still as utterly delusional as she was in the beginning.
Surreal? What hasn't changed is the fact that your daughter Caylee Marie was found discarded with duct tape across her air passages and hidden to rot in the woods like trash. Explain that Casey, that's what I'd like to really hear the truth about.
Most of the comments on her "video log" are not in the least supportive, and from what I can see if she's looking for any type of positive validation she's in for a big shocker.
Hi, Redrelaxed - Just when we thought it was safe to go back in the water... Well, I knew she would have to surface sometime, somewhere. The way her mind works, she's still living in a world where she convinces herself that everything wrong in her life is someone else's fault. Always! I sense no remorse whatsoever.
Thanks for the post, Dave. The things that struck me are 1) someone's paying to cut & color her hair, 2) someone is giving her a decent place to live, 3) she paid for her own computer? with what money? jail money?, 4) who on earth would want to Skype with her, 5) she had a child she could call her own, 6) someone paid for or gifted a phone & camera for her, and 7) she is excited about things. I don't even know what else to say about this person.
Hi, Trudi - Who knows, she could have taken a couple of cosmetology courses while in jail and learned to cut hair. Didn't she cut Robyn's or Maya's hair? The fired jailer trusted her with scissors? I don't know about her, but I am sure she is in complete denial, just like her mother.
There have been pictures out pre-trial when Casey was wearing glasses. That stopped after her arrest for some reason. With the blinds drawn, it keeps the outside view from being identified. So, it was probably because the outside view would be a dead give-away for that particular area. Since she hopped into bed with first-daters, perhaps that is how she is repaying whomever is financing her life now. Flatbacking it! I wonder how this individual's wife likes her hubby supporting a baby-killer in that style. Beauty shops, new computer, Skype, etc. DIRTBAG!
Flatbacking it! I love it! Yeah, what's up with Skype?
Ah, so this might mean that someone may have LOST $ on it, that now it goes out free and so long after the fact! Hah! It goes out now FREE so people "find" it and pay for a subscription later- they couldn't sell the first one, I'd bet any money.
Don't know who might pay for more of this insipid nonsense, if this is the example they put out....
I like the way your mind works!
I can't stand looking at her, nor hearing her voice. I wish she would just go away.
She won't be back on this blog, Sue! Mostly, I wanted to find out what sort of reactions I would get. Great! There's still hope for us, but not for her.
It's so funny, they're trying to humanize her and she overlooks mentioning Caylee. "Mommy" Sims should have written her a script.
Good idea, Dave- no more of this sort of thing unless she commits hari kari on camera.
Nope, Karen, no more of her. I also think that had she said she misses Caylee or something to that effect, the public outrage would be staggering.
Dave, its up to 214 followers on that You Tube site. Mason is angry because he thinks someone hacked her computer and got this video unlawfully. Hahahaha! No, I don't think so....It looks like a Felon Anthony con job...the website and its name, the YT site and its name, the video going viral-of which I believe she got paid for since she has to pay for her own computer, all narcissistic doings. Another thing-there is a picture on the wall behind her. I wonder if it would be clearly seen if enlarged. Then we may have a clue to where she is at. Maybe.
Well, at least she has something to do these days. Maybe her fan base will consist of those who trolled the Caylee blogs, like MFM and such. Couldn't happen to a nicer felon...
I'm not surprised, Sherry. There are, what? 6 billion people in the world? There are probably a couple of thousand who support her. I think the most interesting thing about this will be the overall reaction from the populace. As much as Mason doth protest, I actually believe it was a carefully orchestrated release -- no different from leaks from the White House or from any other politician. This "coming out" party is really a test of how the public will react.
I am also reminded of someone on a "mission." I wonder what her reaction will be. One of the interesting things about them is that they refuse to accept that she did anything wrong, yet by her own admission, thru her attorney, Caylee was dead all along. Why didn't she say so since the beginning? She most certainly cannot say she was protecting her father. Since she ended up blaming him anyway, why did she allow herself to spend 3 years in jail? For what purpose? Would one of her fans please explain the rationale? Zuben Schmelly? Anyone?
I have no intention of watching her...Didn't and won't...As far as I'm concerned her picture isn't worth the paper it's printed on...RIght on Dave, she's defnitely in hiding in broad daylight...Wouldn't want to be her for all the tea in China...The leopard's spots won't change..
Thanks for this update anyway...Always a pleasure to read you even if I don't like the subject...
You just have a way with words....
I didn't really have anything to say about this one, Estee. I'm a bit flabbergasted. This video is garbage, and the more Mason "complains" about the release, the more she will remain in the news. I mean, who could hack into a computer if no one knows she has one now? If it was a mistake, which I seriously doubt, she has a mole inside her micro-world. That would mean someone she trusts is not trustworthy. Hey! It's perfect! Just like her!
I didnt catch about the dog either. Poor thing--adopted/rescued? How awful for that poor trusting creature. Should call in the ASPCA and take it away from her. And I mean that sincerely. I dont think I want to watch another skype "episode" either. Hope everyone is having a good day--especially after looking at the "thing" from the lagoon!!!
Yes, the dog. I think little Fluffy is safe with her. Dogs don't generally turn on their masters and I can understand giving her one since, while her attorneys have gone back to work other cases, she must be very, very lonely. Not that I really care or anything. I just mean I can grasp the concept. I like your "thing" from the lagoon description.
I think Mason's running interference. Let's see what Jose comes up with. Someone who can deliver an Opening Statement like that and never once back it up with ANYTHING is capable of ANYTHING.
I don't know who leaked it, but it was a good thing in the sense that it completely devalue$ whatever Mason thought anyone could get from her. Her worth is truly worthless now. As for Jose, think about it... what have we really heard from him lately? Since the jail release?
This video was probably released by Casey herself, and when asked about it by her defense team she did what she does best, she lied and blamed someone else.
Casey is better at lying than any politician I have ever come across. She's the best! And that's nothing to brag about.
Did they tie a bone around Casey's neck so the dog would play with her? Couldn't hear so much as a peep from it during her video. I'll bet that doggy looks so cute in duct tape and a heart shaped sticker.
Thanks for posting the video Dave. Glad Casey has a computer, pet, phone etc. Its very important apparently to have 'stuff' compared to her deceased little daughter who didn't even rate a mention. Omg, somebody send her an electric can opener, she might get so excited by it she dances on the next video.
What I want to know is this... Does she do lap dances for her lap dog? Which one has fleas and who had them first? What about ticks? What makes her tick?
All kidding aside, it's amazing she still has no heart when it comes to her daughter. While her parents stood by her until the bitter end, she still isn't potty trained. She continued to crap all over them. At least her father saw the light, but does he still? Cindy got run over by a train and all she did was get back up, brush herself off, and claim that it wasn't a train. Can opener or not, I'm not going to eat any kind of Casey dog food.She's barking up the wrong tree as far as I'm concerned.
Seems she missed the limelight! Blah - I haven't missed her in the least. Me, me, me, I and mine - what drivel...
Hi, LCoastMom, great to see you. I don't think a narcissist can stay away from the limelight, can they?
Hi Dave If caca has the money for a computer, why is she allowed to lie on her monthly probation check=ins? She doesn't pay her monthly fees because she claims to have no money. I don't believe the video was made back in Oct., but if it was ,why is she still allowed to walk clear of everything? ...............caca may have been tied down so long that she is ready to break free. I hope.. I hope she makes mason and baez eat every word.
Hi, margaret! I can't figure it out, either. If you say one thing about her, you might as well say the opposite. She can be black or she can be white. Or she can be white when she's black or black when she's white. However, she can never be anything in between. There are no shades of grey with Ca Ca. In a world filled with colors and greys, she stands starkly in the raw, like the burning sun or the darkest depths of the universe. She is both extremes with no balance; no warmth of the soul. She is hot and she is cold. That's quite distant from most of the world. There is nothing cool about her. I don't know whether her attorneys will ever eat their words, but I do worry about what she's feeding her dog.
Granted, Jose has been busy with family and the case in Aruba (he's gotta get money from some client or other!)
If you can catch JVM right now, Padilla has been very entertaining....
Thanks, Karen, I just put it on.
Karen C~~Lenny is good for a few laughs. He doesn't think that is Casey on the video. The airways are really buzzing tonight and now it seems new pics of Casey have surfaced.... ah shucks.... So the video was originally a pay to view... three bucks a peek.
If you've missed it- He first came on and said he doesn't think it's her! After Jane almost shook him right through the screen, he back-pedaled quite a bit, after break.
Snoopy- TCD had a still of her (DEF. HER) with the brown hair, no disguise, in a booth at a family eatery (I forget which) in OHIO! She's sitting next to a Dude, by the aisle, and there seems to be two people across from her and food has been served...
This is dif. from the ones Jane is getting up....
Doesn't Lenny think it's some girl named Daisy Cheney or something like that?
Geez, Dave, for a brief moment I thought you were describing me instead of Casey in your response to Margaret. Your words are very poetic... LOL
[Sometimes, when I'm using that thing between my ears, I wax poetic.]
Link to pic from TCD:
Casey Anthony sighting at Olive Garden in Ohio
Yeah, I heard that too (from Padilla), but that's her, and her voice, in this waste of Skype. Lenny thinks a lot of things, don't he now?
Karen C~~did you hear what Brad Conway called Casey at the very end of the JVM show? It started out with whiney, self-centered.... was the last word bitch?
The video log I watched was HLN, and names were blanked out of it. This had to be leaked by her or her people, cause they are trying to protect the people she named. The person who bought her the phones name was blanked out and at the end she said she was gonna do another video, but may have Blank, Blank, do it, she may bring the dog. They are protecting the people helping her imo.
Hi. karri! I downloaded the video onto my hard drive and when my computer problem is fixed, I am going to scrutinize it in my video editing software. It appears to be snipped in at least 3 locations, so someone did edit it already for public consumption. That could explain any censoring. I will look at it frame by frame and re-post it on my blog. When? It depends on my computer. In my opinion, Casey's people did the editing and censoring, not the networks.
Snoopy- No! Dang- son person interrupted right then, but there's no surprise if true. He's right.
No, none of the networks would have edited that without referring to it themselves and stating rationale for it. The "blank" names provide verisimilitude but the whole thing is so clearly self-promotion. What a slap to her parents, this dog being her "family"....
How much is that Cindy in the window? Arf! Arf!
OMG...I just mentioned to you I wanted to know what she was up to, I am sorry. I am done. Yes, I believe this tape was a taste for future pay-for-view tapes. It won't pay her well.. There are plenty of card board boxes and soup lines for her someday.
That poor puppy. I do not think a "real" animal adoption service would give her a dog. I'd like to know if the dog has a micro chip?
Well then, cali patti, it must be your fault! But if it's any consolation, there won't be any further videos on this site, so there's no need to worry, and to be honest, I don't know what kind of audience she is after other than herself, in which case, she did nothing to make herself seem human.
I wonder what she named her dog.
I just couldn't resist. This pic is too funny. The baby killer and her adopted dog.
Casey and Her Dog
Now, that is a truly funny pic, sad to say. But it is! Thanks, Sarah.
I wish I had the power to summon what I wanted in life, well, maybe not, since I often speak before engaging brain. What a mess, I would be in! I am one of those that is able to talk for hours without saying anything.
I don't think so, cali patti. You just said something and I completely understood what you meant. Therefore, your statement does not compute. Not only that, but it didn't take you hours to get your point across. I knew within a matter of seconds that you were wrong about your assessment of yourself. It's like buttering the wrong side of a slice of bread. There is no such thing as a wrong side.
Dave, I am not going to think of caca anymore......I have just one suggestion where she is concerned.......In finding your blog and I have read others saying the same as me, it is because of your articles about Little Caylee and her story... My suggestion, why not make your book as a journal of your articles and the day to day happening?? O.K. I will quit being bossy, but I would love to read it and I think the world would be interested. Instead of a story form ,everyone could read a true ,on the scene account from day one..... I can't decide if your new look is of a fabulous artist or a english lit proffessor...Either way You are looking very dapper.
OK, no more caca, but I may have something to write about the stuff that's coming out lately. It makes me want to puke and I need to purge it from my system.
I can't say I haven't thought about writing a book lately, but there has to be a theme; a flow to it. The problem with your suggestion is that hearings and oddball events flew left and right and there was no pattern or consistency to any of it. It's the nature of the beast. On day, Mason files a stupid motion and the next day, Cindy throws a hissy fit. It needs to be put in a neat package in order to sell. As far as a journal is concerned, yes, to a certain degree, but by the time the reader is finishing the book, a message should be conveyed, whether it be a moral or something else, like a convergence of everything I said. What's my message, in other words. I think I would want to attack it from a different point of view from any other book about the crime. That, I am trying to work on. I think I would be able to keep the reader's interest. At least, I hope I would be able to. Just getting it organized is something that needs work. An outline, perhaps, but you're right about one thing... I've got hundreds of articles to cull information from; all my own stuff.
Thanks for thumbs up on the picture of me. Maybe my sister knew what she was doing when she got me that hat.
Ok if you write artcles I will read in spite of myself, only because I know it will be truthful and not glamorized. I read on WESH that lee had posted the last video . Me thinks they are all still in cahoots and they think we are all really dumb.
Thanks, margaret. I always tell the truth, and when I'm wrong, I admit it and fix it. I saw that new video. I think, since there's no TV show that's willing to interview her, She's taking a different route -- YouTube, where everything can go viral. She's a virus, alright.
Dave~~~I am going to write a book, The Taming of the Shrewd....yes with a 'd'....
And it's going to be about Ca Ca?
Dave I thought you might want to know that I was reading Simon's latest news blog and Sunday at four ,he and Barling will be back to talk about caca video.. Good -nite
He wants to try a different format, margaret, by tackling crimes and having different guest speakers each week. I wish him all the best. They do well together.
Margaret~~I wonder if Lee and Mallory Parker got married last October?? I can just picture Lee breaking into laughter when it got time to say, "I do."
If you watch the video of Casey on full screen, it looks like a male and female in that picture hanging on the wall.
Casey said she finally has something of her own. Was this a slam to her mother because Caylee preferred Cindy over her?
If I had to make a wager, I would bet that is a blond wig that Casey is sporting. She has those beautiful brown tresses all tucked in under it.
Except she's been blond before, who can forget those ever-so-enticing drunk pics? You remember, the parking lot ones?!
Dave~~~I am going to write a book, The Taming of the Shrewd....yes with a 'd'....
And it's going to be about Ca Ca? asks Dave....
Dave, you are dead wrong...LOL
I finally figured it out (after long pondering mostly with my mouth wide open in disbelief) just how will this girl survive (from how can she sleep now to how will she exist as the world's most hated girl) and I figured it out finally!
Denial. She will keep denying. Her attorney will deny for her. Her mother creates new and creative ways to explain her abbynormal brain (young frankenstein) and she will keep everyone's interest because of the DENIAL OF EVERYTHING FACTUAL.
Not only did her defense not explain what she did with that kid that fateful day, but there was never any explaination demanded, therefore never denied (stay tuned for more fabrication from the entire anthony family) for what she did with that child whilst out humping and partying to the wee hours and overnights where the boyfriends said she said she took caylee home, etc. That poor child went nowhere but the trunk of the car for months is my best guess (Cindy did not support babysit for boyfriend overnights).
I don't understand why the prosecution didn't press upon this point, it was not an isolated incident but a pattern, and with the babysitter admitted to be false. I also don't understand why anyone goes after the death penalty - it's an all or nothing and that chick should be miserable in jail for ever and a day.
That baby was in the truck for months before the fateful day.
Those jurors are too stupid for words. Shame on them all.
Hi, Ugly Helen - (Although I doubt you are really ugly) When I was a drinker, there was one person in particular who lived in denial. Nothing he ever did was his fault. He lost his license to drive, for instance, and it was the state's fault, not his. Well, he was in denial for so long that it finally killed him. In Casey's case, it is the same thing. I've also met people who are in such denial that, when they make up a story to cover the truth, they eventually believe their excuse is the truth. Unfortunately, she's grown up in a world where she was pampered, starting with her mother and continuing through her "surrogate" parents, her attorneys.
The reason why the prosecution couldn't mention a pattern with her placing her baby in the trunk is because it would have only been speculation. No proof existed that she tucked Caylee away in the trunk until after she was dead and her mother was under arrest. Without proof of a behavioral pattern, it had to be left out of the trial. Even so, and I agree with you, it wouldn't have meant a thing to the jury.
Hey! Thanks for your opinion.