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I belong to a private group on Facebook that’s set up exclusively for residents of Flemington, New Jersey and surrounding areas. By that, I mean past and present citizens, and it encompasses nearby towns like Ringoes, Three Bridges and Frenchtown. Plenty of people, like myself, do live out of state now, but Flemington will always be my home.
There were plenty of thoughts and prayers regarding the safety of everyone along the path of Hurricane Irene as it etched its way up the east coast. There still are. Many of us were able to communicate our concerns on the Flemington page and elsewhere, where others were in harm’s way. As much as some people may feel negative about Facebook and social networks in general, there are some benefits, such as reconnecting with old friends and keeping in touch in real time. In this case, until power went out.
Where this picture originated, I do not know. If it is copyrighted, I apologize for republishing it here. I don’t know if it is fake or not, either. If it’s real, all I can say is that it is one INCREDIBLE photograph that illustrates the forces of nature at work - something we have no control over whatsoever.
Wildwood, NJ
Reader Comments (72)
Good to see you writing again. This is really scary looking. I think it is real as I saw this on CNN.
Hello, Cindy - It's good to be writing again. Let's hope it's catchy. I had a hunch the photo was the real deal, but I could make no claim either way. If CNN published it, it should be authentic. It's just so powerful a statement. I have never seen anything like it, and I've been through a number of hurricanes before. Thanks!
I saw it too, I forget where. Lovely but lethal... an amazing image. What little ants we are!
That picture is unbelievable. It is very scary looking. Thanks for posting it for us to see.
Amazing, Karen, isn't it? You are right. Nature produces some very beautiful, but deadly images. How puny and powerless we really are.
My pleasure, Mary Jo. I have been watching the news and I don't know how this photo escaped me, but it did. I imagine there are many others, not just you and me, who haven't seen it until now.
Hi Dave Hi Karen please not ants anything but ants....
Hi Dave - This is quite a picture - It looks like a tornado is beginning to come down. The NE really took a beating like NC and Virginia. I know how it is to not have electricity for a week or so and I feel so sorry for everyone.
No ants, Ecossie. They were making me feel buggy! Bugger this, bugger that...
I've never seen anything like that picture before. Scary, no, ominous...
My prayers go out to all the victims of Irene and for the loved ones of those who lost their lives. I hope things get back to normal as soon as possible and that all those who have to start over find it a worthwhile new beginning.
Hi Nika1 - Yes, it is QUITE a picture, indeed! My sister and her husband are in the mountains somewhere in NC, but my mother told me they are fine. Near and dear family friends in NJ weren't so lucky. They live along the Delaware River and evacuated. Roads are still shut down from damage, so they have no idea what is in store when they return. I remember the hurricanes of '04, like Charley. We lost power for a week on more than one occasion. Let's see... there were Hurricanes Charley, Frances, Ivan, and Jeanne, and Tropical Storm Bonnie. That's a year we can never forget.
I've never seen a picture like that, either, Sherry. Sadly, I think the death toll stands at 40, but I'm sure there will be more, unfortunately. I will stay in touch with my family and friends in NJ, and the rest of the east coast. So far, the worst thing to happen to them has been a loss of power and closed roads.
I must leave for a doctor appointment now. I shall return!
Also, there's some discussion over the actual location of the shot. Some are claiming Wildwood while others are saying it was taken in North Carolina. My only concern is that it is a true representation of weather conditions at that time.
Dave~~what an ugly monster of a cloud! I feel so bad for the people who felt the wrath of Hurricane Irene. I believe the latest report is 41 deaths attributed to her. I am thankful the the storm was downgraded to a tropical storm before it reached our shores. We still had some minimum wind damage, rain and there are still a few thousand without power.
The damage caused by Irene, along the east coast, is in the billions and it will be weeks or even months for things to begin to get back to normal, if ever. One elderly woman who survived the Holocaust lost her life to Irene. Another was a 20yr old girl who was trapped in her car, was able to call 911, but they didn't reach her in time before the raging waters swept her away.
We have another storm, Katia (KAH-tyah) that emerged as a tropical storm near Cape Verde islands, Tuesday morning and began a long trek across the Atlantic. It is expected to develop into a major Hurricane.
Dave, thanks for putting up the picture and this post. It was nice to visit your blog and find some action. One little favor, please don't send Katia to Nova Scotia....please!!!
I have some bad news about the image, everyone! Snopes debunked it. At the same time, hurricanes are nothing to joke around about. I'm glad you escaped most of Irene's wrath, Snoopy, and I shall do my best to push Katia out to sea before heading in your direction.
Hurricane Irene Photo
Dave~~when you look at that photograph, it does appear to look like thunder clouds. The clouds of a hurricane look more 'swirling', if there is such a word. Regardless, that is one ugly looking cloud.
I Dave - I am leaving the mountains of NC tomorrow. We did not have any rain or wind so I was really happy- Now back to the heat of Florida but the Gators are getting ready for Sat. and I am looking forward to seeing the new coaches and what they can do.
04 was a terrible year - by the time we got our lights turned on here came another storm. I hope the east coast is able to recover rather quickly although I know for some this will take a long time. Just getting electricity will help the feelings of so many people. Snoopy will be happy to know that Canada was the first trucks in our area. I could have hugged everyone of them
Yes, Snoopy, that cloud is not friendly looking and I wouldn't want to be 20 miles offshore at that time.
Hi Nika - My sister said they didn't get any rain or wind, either, and they are in the mountains somewhere in NC.
I'm looking forward to watching the Gators, too, and how the changes will impact the team. There ain't no such thang as a weak Gator. A little disorganized, yup, but never weak.
'04 was just misery. One storm after another, and the last one was the one that lingered and lingered, and it wasn't even a hurricane. I don't remember if we lost power or not, but it sure did dump a lot of rain.
Have a safe trip home, and it will be great to have you back in the Swamp.
Nika~~I am glad Canada could help out. That is what neighbors are for. Now I will be keeping an eye on Katia. José fizzled out some fast so Dave does not have to worry. Juan was our worst one and I think they retired that name. What year did Andrew hit Florida?
I lived in Virginia from 2000-2004, I miss it very much. I don't miss hurricane season. lol But living here isn't better, lol we have here in AK. hurricane like force winds every winter but they are called taku wind rips off siding, roofs, utility poles. The taku can last 3 days or a week.
Snoopy - Hurricane Andrew (16 - 28 August, 1992) was the most expensive natural disaster in U.S. history. It impacted south Florida, killing 15 people in Dade County alone, and left around 250,000 homeless. Indirect effects killed an additional 25 people in Dade. I remember the destruction down there. It was horrible.
That's interesting, Gerri AK. I never heard the word taku before, and I like to learn new words whenever I can. You're right, though, I would never think of Alaska as a state that would see many hurricanes, if any at all, but with the climate the way it's been, anything is possible.
Thanks for the education!
I also am sending my thoughts and prayers to those who have suffered the wrath of Irene. It is just terrible to think that anyone would be without power and helpless to get out or into the road they reside on. I have kept CNN on for the last few days and it is quite distressing to hear that Fema is running out of money. Does that mean we have to rely on singers to raise more money. I don't know why the govt. continues to send so much aide to other countries, while failing its' own citizens in the U.S.A. It really pains me to see the mismanagement of funds. I sure hope someone is capable enough to bring this situation under control, for all your sakes.
Hello Weezie! I think it's a shame there's not enough money because of politicians that spend money recklessly and on personal projects, like the bridge to nowhere. The most shameful part of it is the amount we pay China just to pay the interest.
I think the government wastes money because it's not theirs. Why should they care?
Hey Dave,
South Eastern Pennsylvania checking in here.(just north of Philly).We fared the storm ok.Power was out til moday,but thanks to hubby's BRILLIANT idea of getting a whole house generator hooked up to a 1,000 gallon propane tank,we at least had lights,and didn't lose all the food in the freezer!!!
We needed all that rain like a hole in the head,since August was the rainiest month on recent memory.
Please keep up the brilliant writing,as I look forward to reading your latest....
Hope you had an AWESOME birthday!!!!!
Hi Lisa in PA! Are you anywhere near New Hope? I grew up in Flemington and spent a good bit of time in the Philly area, but more so north of there, like New Hope. Washington's Crossing. I managed a restaurant many years ago in Warminster. Hatboro had an old car cruising night.
A close friend lives east of Camden, in Sewell, NJ, and he said he got 9" of rain last week, or was it the week before? It was a little over 9" and he said Irene didn't drop nearly that much. But I see your point. You already had enough rain.
Propane is pretty clean and it's still relatively cheap. The U.S. has the largest deposits of natural gas in the world and I wish we had more vehicles running on the stuff. I'm glad you survived OK and have enough power to see in the dark and keep your perishables safe.
Yes, I had a very happy birthday, thank you, and it was one of my best ones ever. As soon as I can get a grip on something I find compelling, I will be writing more often, but in the meantime, I'm going to rehash some of my earlier human interest stories. Most of my newer readers never read any of it. I think I am a better writer than I was back then, so I'll edit my own work and see if it works.
Thank you again. I'm pretty much over the Anthonys - all of them - but if something is worth reporting on, I will.
I'm just above Quakertown. in Coopersburg.I have been to New Hope MANY times.I know Flemington well.Diehard (season ticket-holding)Phillies fan too! My best friend lived in Southampton.It's a great area of the country to live in!
I really enjoy your writing (old or new)so if you're writing,I'm reading!!!
God Bless!!
Dave~~Katia is now a hurricane and heading across the Atlantic in a NW direction at the moment. Katia replaces the name Katrina because Katrina did so much damage. Sorry I cannot post links in here unless I type them all out. It will not allow me to copy and paste anymore. WESH has a report on Katia if anyone is interested.
I've spent a lot of time in New Hope, Lisa. My maternal grandparents came from the Hatboro/Lansdale area. My grandfather was a minister. He preached at the Springfield Church of the Brethren in Coopersburg until the church moved him to the Amwell Church of the Brethren in Sergeantsville, NJ, which is between Flemington and Stockton, NJ. He used to take me to an annual steam engine fair in PA every year. I have many great memories of times spent there. My last name, Knechel, is about as Pennsylvania Dutch as one could get. My grandfather was a Landis, and I'll bet the farm you know of people with that last name.
Thank you for enjoying my writing. That's a nice compliment and I sure do appreciate it.
Snoopy - Al Roker said on the Today Show this morning that it should not make landfall; that it most likely swerve east and away from the US. Now, does that include Canada? I believe it does. By the way, I removed ALL advertising from this site. It was taking too long to load and I never expected to make much money anyway. Instead, I may revamp the blog and design ads for friends that would be free.
Davve~~I thought Knechel was German so now you are a Penn Dutch....Oh Ahum!
Our weather stations are keeping an eye on Katia. Hurricanes are unpredictable so who really knows which direction it will take. It has a long way to travel so it is a wait and watch. I just don't want to have to batten down any hatches.
I will try to copy something in here later to see if it will work. I will also try and Revise Post as they wouldn't work for me either.
Snoopy - Fortunately for me, there's no Dutch in Pennsylvania Dutch. Ahum. German settlers in the state were mistaken for Nederlanders because of a ,interpretation of the word Deutsch. Deutsch is the German language word for German (adjective). Der Himmel ist mein Zeuge!
Hurricanes are very unpredictable, and it's wise to keep track of Katia. Herr Roker said he didn't think it would hit land - not on the east coast, anyway. Wenn er sein Wort gibt, reicht mir das.
Try to revise something. I know that since I removed the ads, the pages load a lot faster. Schnell!
I will try and copy this...
Never try to shuck a turtle..
I copied the above from notepad so now will see if it shows up.
Dave, I was able to paste in here....
Never try to shell a turtle..
Now I will try and revise the word shell to 'shuck'
Dave, I was unable to Revise Post after I had clicked Create Post. I change the word shell to shuck but then it would not show after the revision. I am going to exit...
Katia is now a Hurricane
Hi Dave and everyone else
Glad for those of you who got through unscathed. I saw on the news about it, very sad the death toll. Mother nature sure wields an awesome power.
Hi Tiffany - It missed Florida, but it wreaked havoc going up the east coast. It was a terrible storm.
Hi Dave. I'm know OT here, but were you at the Ca Ca money hearing on Friday morning? The cameras panned to the back and I thought I saw you sitting there. May I ask what your thoughts might be? Or are you done with writing about what turned into a travesty of justice and a slap on the wrist for the person responsible for the death of 2 year old Caylee? Perhaps you're done with Ca Ca, her family, her scheme team and her demented supporters who are either paid shills or, because of their own issues have set themselves on auto pilot to fight against LE and the judicial system no matter what the truth may be or who the true victims are. The author and leader of JB's Mission web site has loudly proclaimed OJ was innocent of all charges and his acquittal was just and fair. Enough said.
I agree that writing stories about uninteresting trivia like where is Ca Ca, where are her parents, what are her parents doing, have they spoken to her, has Lee spoken to her, will she go to Lee's wedding, will she get a job, blah, blah, blah is redundant. Who gives a sh!t? Mr. Mason and Mr. Baez, honestly no body cares about Casey Marie Anthony. We fell in love with the beautiful doe eyed baby whose lifeless body was thrown in a swamp wrapped in garbage bags like trash to decompose and be torn asunder and gnawed on by scavenger animals, not her sociopathic, narcissistic mother. There are good reasons for Ca Ca to be the most hated person in America. Live with it. Joe public will never forgive Casey Anthony and they will never celebrate your "win". Your "win" was Caylee Anthony's loss and she's the only one that matters.
I still wish you were providing a commentary when something news worthy happens. The hearing on Friday was newsworthy IMO. However, I do understand if you're stepping away and moving on. For the most part, I have too.
Hi Terry Tsk - No problem being off-topic. Everything is open for discussion. Yes, I attended the morning session, but when the judge broke for lunch at noon, I went home and finished watching it on TV and my computer. To be there was boring and the seats were uncomfortable. I will say it was good to see some of the news people I hadn't seen since the sentencing. Kind of like old times, but not really. I do plan on writing about it, but it will not be just reporting. I will relate my personal take on it. As for JBMission... well, I don't even want to go there. She's as full of ca ca as Ca Ca is.
I will definitely provide a commentary on the motion, and if something newsworthy comes along as time progresses. Other than that, I'm going to have to find something else to write about other than just my personal experiences, although, some are rather comical.
Thanks for hanging in there with me. I will be on Simon's show today, if you want to listen.
Thanks for the reply Dave. I could never sit in the court room and listen to Mason drone on and on as he does. His voice alone, never mind the drivel he spouts, grates on my nerves like you wouldn't believe. I had to put him on mute part of the way through his tirade at the end. If I hear him say Jew-lie instead of July one more time, I'll lose it. His southern drawl is as phony as his client, the admitted pathological liar. He is obviously mad that they "won" yet he's not getting the accolades he expected. Hey Mason, you went on record complaining about the 2.5 million dollars donated in time for the defense of this "child", as he calls the 25 year old woman who is responsible for the death of her child? A helpless 2 year old baby. Aww, where's the pay back that he and Baez were expecting? They "won" damn it, and yet every one is behaving as though they lost! Boo hoo. Where's the big pay off now that Ca Ca is a pariah. Sucks to be you, Mr. Mason, et al members of the defense team, family members and Ca Ca supporters. Keep in mind, every dog has his day.
Thanks, I will listen to Simon's show today.
Sure, Terry Tsk, my pleasure! I have been calling Mason a big city country boy for some time now and it seems to fit him. I know what you mean by his drawl, but he was born in Florida (Jacksonville, Dec. 12, 1943) and in Florida he remains. I agree that he accentuates his "southernese" fully and it can sound grating at times.
Orlando magazine, where I served as an on assignment writer during the trial, has an interesting interview with Mason this month. Mike Boslet did the interview, and I recommend reading it. It's insightful, to say the least:
Wag the Finger
I hope you had a chance to listen to the show today. It was mostly about someone else, and I'm glad the Anthony case is no longer on the front burner.
Dave~~I never noticed your link to the Orlando Magazine. I read it earlier this evening and left a comment there. It is a great article.
Now I willl use my scroll bar more often, I see. Hmmmm
Jesse Grund is thinking of writing a book. José said his client is not too happy about it. Someone else cashing in on what she thinks belongs to her. Too bad!
Something tells me Casey won't like Grund's kiss & tell story, not that I would find it too interesting or anything. Hey, he's got as much of a right as anyone else to write a book. It sure would be different than Ashton's take on everything. For one thing, she never showered at his house.
Oh I think its real alright. I have not seen this one but I have seen many others that look similiar or even more menacing. When I lived on Guam and the PI we saw a lot of dangerous looking funnels far off with masses similiar to this one right behind (or was it in front?) them. Even in the Fla Keys I've seen something similar to this.
Hi mystical pippin - Oh, it's real, alright, but Snopes just said it's not from Hurricane Irene. I'll bet you have seen some very interesting cloud formations out in the Pacific Ocean. Believe it or not, I've lived in Florida for 30 years now and I've yet to see the Keys. One of these days... but I still wouldn't want to see something like that, let alone more menacing. I have seen my fair share of hurricanes, though, and this year I am very prepared.
Oh I forgot to say this Dave
Snopes can go Debunk if they even matter!
I've now read all comments and have something to add. Terry Tsk's post and your response is so true! I suspect Mason has always been and always will be a big phony. He's watched too many movies where the good 'ol southern boy grows up to be a good southern man who becomes the hero, wins the girl, the money and fame. He is as clueless as JB and as phony as Carrie Prejean's integrity! I think it's hilarious that the complete waste of space & oxygen you call Ca Ca and her merry band of no-class opportunists are indignant over someone writing a book about the case. Too bad so sad, it's like my aunt Rosanne Rosanna Danna used to say: "You lie with pigs, you sleep in the mud"!!!
You really owe it to yourself to read Mike Boslet's interview with Mason on this month's Orlando magazine. (click the link)
It's the best one I've ever read. Mike, by the way, is the editor-in-chief.
The only thing I will say about JB is that, while she may have won, Caylee didn't. Her new mission should be to find the person who DID kill the child, and it wasn't George. Nor did he ever molest his daughter. This whole thing is worse than mud. It's a cesspool.
Thanks, it's great seeing you.
Dave~~I just love the new banner. You did a wonderful job protraying the real you. I see Marinade Dave is flying high. Is that your private jet? LOL
Thanks, Snoopy. I guess it's up to the interpretation; flying high or flying away. Yes, that is my private jet, but if you stare at it long enough, you'll see that it's not really going anywhere.
Dave~~I stared at that jet and it moved. I can see in the front window and there is a man pounding away on a keyboard. That auto pilot comes in handy eh? Hey when did you learn to drive a plane or do you fly those big winged things? If it suddenly takes a nose dive, no need to answer my question.
Do you have a parachute or do you prefer to free fall?
Wow, I love this wide screened monitor. There is no need to scroll horizontally.
Oh? It moved? Let me know when it flies off the banner. Now, that will be something to wonder about!
Dave~~you have come a long way since Wordpress when you had grass for hair. It is hard to believe that was almost three years ago. Your blog was so busy, it took me over a half hour to read all the comments before adding my two-cents worth. Now things are so quiet.
When one has a great talent for writing, one must apply the quill to the parchment, otherwise one will get writer's block that there is no cure for. If you don't use it, you lose it. What a shame!
Will my words fly or should I fly the hoot out of here?
Monday, Sept 12th, Cindy and George will be on Dr Phil. Will you be watching? I hope to tune in out of curosity. I do not expect any bombshells but we may get an idea if C & G are having any contact with Ca Ca. We will see if Dr Phil stands by his word or it was just a lot of hype to promote his show.
psst...I am able to revise comments now...yipee!
Yes, I have come a long way since I first began writing about the Anthony case. We all have. Back then, it was crazy. As much as I liked all those comments, it was obviously not something that was easy to handle. Trust me, I am happy where I am right now. Slowly, I will rebuild, but I haven't quite come up with the formula I feel will be most beneficial for this blog. Clearly, the story that propelled us for nearly three years has come to an end and we all knew it was coming. Was I prepared for it? Yes, but no one knew from Day 1 of the trial if anything would come along to take its place once a verdict was in.
We have 9/11 coming up soon and I will have something up that will honor the fallen and the heroes that saved countless lives. I will finally write an opinion piece on the hearing last week, and yes, I will do my best to watch Dr. Phil's interview with G&C. Why? I don't know. To torture myself?
Anyway, I am glad you are finally able to revise your comments again. Must be that newfangled monitor.