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    Behind-the-scenes look at the 9/11 memorial

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    Reader Comments (24)

    Beautiful. The pools of water with the fountain-like effects represented to me that the tears will always flow over this tragedy; if not outward tears, then inward ones. It was wise not to build anything other than a memorial here knowing that not all of the victims were recovered or were fully recovered. This is a memorial for the world but a somber tombstone of remembrance for the victims. Very respectful of the victims' families.

    Unfortunately, controversy over the "cross" has begun but maybe rightly so-it is unfair to the other religions that the 9/11 victims practised. I can keep it my heart what it meant without offense to others. But, it should, at least, be part of the museum's artifacts.

    August 14, 2011 | Registered CommenterSherry

    Hi Sherry - I went to Ground Zero 2-days before the first anniversary, on September 9, 2002. It was hallowed ground then and it is hallowed ground now. I remember standing next to that very same cross and it became a symbol to so many people. I'm glad that "political correctness" didn't prevail.

    I really like your interpretation of the fountains. It's an eloquent way of describing them, and not one I thought of until you described them both as inward flowing tears. Excellent! The world will never forget what happened that day. I am planning on going up there in November. Definitely, I will pay my respects. Thank you for your wonderful words.

    August 14, 2011 | Registered CommenterDave Knechel

    Dave, thanks for this video. Those water falls are beautiful and I love how they did the names. I hope some day that I will be able to see it in person. I am glad that they kept the cross there. I had no idea what this memorial was going to look like so I am glad that you posted this video.

    August 14, 2011 | Registered CommenterMary Jo

    I agree, Mary Jo, the design is in very good taste, considering the sadness and pain of it all. I hope you can go one day, too. I think it's impossible to not touch the hearts of all Americans and our allies. I'm glad I posted it, too.

    August 14, 2011 | Registered CommenterDave Knechel

    Tears prickled the back of my eyes as I watched that. I thought I could feel the 'love' put into the tribute, and the 'pain' of the loss still lingering.

    Like Mary Jo, I hope someday I get to see it with my own eyes.

    Thanks, Dave.

    August 14, 2011 | Registered Commenternan11

    Living in NYC and living through the 9/11 attacks makes sad that some have forgotten what happened. Every day in NYC we have reminders of this day, Police searching bags in the the subways, police with ak47s. Going through metal detectors etc. How life has changed. We must not forget but we need to have learned something from this, that life is fragile and we need treasure everyday.

    Marsha from NY

    August 14, 2011 | Registered CommenterMarsha from NY

    I hope you get to go, too, nan11, because there's no way to describe what you feel when you're there. When I saw the video this morning, I just had to share it. I knew construction was going on, and I knew where the memorials were going to be built, but I had no idea what they were going to look like.

    No need to thank me, I'm glad I found it.

    August 14, 2011 | Registered CommenterDave Knechel

    Yes, Marsha, you certainly lived through it and you continue to do so. I remember walking by Alexander Hamilton's grave at Trinity Church and learning it was buried in 4 feet of dust from the fallen buildings. We looked down into the huge pit that held the towers and other structures. Someone read the names of the dead, over and over and over again so that no one would ever forget. Even then, workers were busy connecting the subway from the northeast side to the southeast, to reestablish the route down to Battery Park. Nothing was going to shut the city down.

    Yes, you live it every day. And you will forever. We all will to some degree, but not like you and countless others who were there to witness the carnage. A lot has changed since then, but you see it and feel it the most. It took 9 years, but there will be no more laughter from Osama bin Laden.

    August 14, 2011 | Registered CommenterDave Knechel

    Dave ~~What a wonderful way to memoralize those who lost their lives on September Eleventh. It is a magnificent piece of architecture. The waterfalls makes it tranquil and a peaceful place for people to go and pay their respects to those whose lives were snuffed out way too soon. This Memorial will also be a symbol that a great nation will stand united and cannot be conquered by the ruthlessness of madmen.

    God Bless you , United States of America.

    August 14, 2011 | Registered CommenterSnoopySleuth

    Thank you, Snoopy, what a nice tribute to your neighbors to the south. For this tragedy, the world was united. France, of all countries, said of 9/11, "Today, we are all Americans."

    I hope I can pay my respects this fall. Of course, I will have to shoot a video and take lots of pictures.

    No doubt, there will be attempts to destroy us on 9/11/2011. Madmen is too nice for the likes of Al-Qaeda.

    August 14, 2011 | Registered CommenterDave Knechel

    The memorial is going to be so powerful and beautiful. I was there in 2003 and it was heartbreaking. I had not realized so many families never recovered anything of their relatives. I would love to see it finished. Take lots of pictures Dave and we will look forward to your thoughts. I also feel Al-Qaeda has something planned for the US on 9-11. Just hope we can catch it first.

    August 14, 2011 | Registered CommenterNika1

    Hi Nika1 - Boy, you really get around. Good for you. Sadly, when those towers came down, people were pulverized. The people in the planes were completely consumed on impact, along with the ones on the floors in close proximity. Only 8% of the remains were found after Flight 93 crashed. 125 perished in the Pentagon, but I don't know how many remains were found.

    No doubt, Al-Qaeda will do its best to revenge bin Laden's death, but would they try the same spot twice? I wonder if they're still eyeballing nuclear reactors.

    Believe me, if I go, I will chronicle my trip.

    August 14, 2011 | Registered CommenterDave Knechel

    Dave, So nice of you to have this video up ahead of the date. We should spend more time reflecting on how unaware we are to what can happen. People got up that morning with their personal thoughts, hugs and kisses to their families and loved ones to an unforseen destiny which shook our nation. The waterfall pools are beautiful , very very well done as the memorial to all the people who died there.

    August 15, 2011 | Registered CommenterNew Puppy

    Yes, New Puppy, the waterfall pools are beautiful. I knew as soon as I saw the video I had to put a link up here.

    It's so sad it took such a horrible and ugly tragedy to design and build them there, on the very spot where so many lost their lives. I do believe the sight of those memorials will give pause to reflect on how quickly life can be snuffed out for no reasons other than the hatred inside a few and their willingness to destroy life with no guilt or remorse whatsoever.

    Thank you! It is wonderful to see you and your words of compassion.

    August 15, 2011 | Registered CommenterDave Knechel

    There is always the question, are we born to be homosexual or is it acquired. Same question, are we born to be evil or is it acquired. We know that seemingly good people can become involved in cults and the occult, that government philosophies lead people, that mom and dad's dicipline and teachings can be effective in our lives, our peers draw us to try and fulfill our need for happiness. I wonder if there is any means of becoming successful in doing away with evil in mankind.

    August 15, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterNew Puppy

    Some people say they knew at a very early age that their preference was for the same sex. I don't think someone "learns" to be gay any more than I learned to be straight. I just grew up that way, meaning it came naturally. As for evil, I think everyone is capable of any one or more of the Seven Deadly Sins. It's as if we are born with them and some learn how to control themselves more than others. Obsessive envy, for example, could become more pronounced as certain people see others around them become more successful in amassing earthly possessions. Of course, that could trigger greed and gluttony among those enjoying their wealth. How many vain people are there in the world? Casey is certainly in love with herself more than anyone else, including her daughter. Was she born that way? I just don't know, but she did grow up in what I would consider a pretty screwy family. Did that have anything to do with what she became? I don't know, but lying does seem to run in that family. I would make clear that George and Cindy had nothing to do with their grandchild's death. We saw the anger and rage in each family member, yet not all people anger as easily, and a lot of it depends upon the circumstances.

    I think people are born with most traits and they are molded by how they are raised. How many times have troublemakers been straightened out by the military, whether they volunteered, were sentenced by the court, or were drafted? Does that mean they weren't bad to begin with or it took strong leadership to snap them into shape? I know I am against the death penalty, but it's for my own reasons, not something I learned from anyone. However, if someone were to threaten a loved one's life, I would do anything to stop him, including death. There, I'd go against my very grain, where a life is invaluable, in order to stop the death of a loved one. I think survival is a human trait, and in some cases, it's very pronounced.

    Evil will never escape humanity. Besides, what is the definition of evil? Those people who attacked me, my family and friends online are evil, yet they say I am. That's virtuous? Did they grow up evil or did they learn how to hate because of something that tore at them all their lives?

    August 15, 2011 | Registered CommenterDave Knechel

    A very valuable comment Dave, thank you! I guess we can not answer these questions in an overall general way. As Individuals we hold our own secrets as to who we are, why we are and why we do the things we do. I saw a movie few nights ago. The Boston Strangler with Tony Curtis playing the strangler. I found it an excellent portrayal of one who committed the murders and has never been convicted because he did not remember doing them. At least that is how the movie ended. If you can, watch it. Curtis did excellent acting in it. Someone made a statement on another blog that GA's first wife divorced him because he was a habitual liar. If true, a good example of genetic traits and how we are raised.

    August 15, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterNew Puppy

    I watched that movie a long time ago and Curtis was very good - almost as good as his portrayal of Houdini, but that's only because magic has always fascinated me. So have true crime stories, but Houdini sticks out more because I was a child when I saw it. I really liked Curtis as an actor.

    I heard the same thing about GA. Had he and Cindy not changed their stories so often, we wouldn't be able to say that they taught their daughter well. Was that part genetics and part training? I would guess yes. It's strange. Many times, children grow up despising a parent and say to themselves, "I don't want to be like that."

    Here, we've got a situation where a daughter despises both parents and ends up being worse than they could ever imagine. Strange.

    Thank you for understanding my comment. I wasn't sure if I said it right or not.

    August 15, 2011 | Registered CommenterDave Knechel

    Hi Dave

    Deepest sympathies to all Americans re 9/11, particularly those most directly affected.

    August 17, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterTiffany (Australia)

    It's hard to believe it will be 10 years come September. Thanks for caring. So many people were affected by the tragedy. It touched the entire world. No one deserves what was done.

    August 17, 2011 | Registered CommenterDave Knechel

    Hello Dave, this is a test. The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy chihuahua.

    It's working, but I have no idea to what extent.

    August 17, 2011 | Registered CommenterSnoopySleuth

    I have became bored with the little felon. Been to busy and sad to click on any links concerning the lying thieving baby killer. As far as Jose lying about something as trivial as a book deal, no real big shock in that either. He lied about molestation to get a baby killer off so again not to shocking. It seems him and baby killer were made for one another.

    With all of that said thanks for this article, I will continue to not click on links. The last thing I want to do is help anyone make money off a 2 year old"s back!

    August 18, 2011 | Registered CommenterLaurali

    I think you may have meant to put your comment on the "Examining the Examiner" post, Laurali, but this one will do since I can't change it without your password.

    It will be nice when the convicted felon disappears from the radar screen and she finally decides it's time for the world to revolve around someone else for a change. Until then, we're stuck with news stories filled with details of her life. Yuck!

    I will not click on any links about her on Examiner. They are snake-tongued, double-edged swords.

    Thanks. I sure hope things are getting better for you.

    August 18, 2011 | Registered CommenterDave Knechel

    Just a heads up~

    The Discovery Channel is having on the show about the ground zero project tonight. Its an hour long and will be on every top of the hour tonight.

    Thank you, Sherry! I am on Discovery right now, thanks to you.

    August 25, 2011 | Registered CommenterSherry

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