A look at this past week's events
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Simon & Jan Barrett’s ever popular radio show continues on the Internet airwaves today with…
Casey Anthony - Killer Mother?
Please tune in at 4:00 PM EST.
The usual suspects will be back to discuss the events of this past week. George did what!!!??? Did Cindy abandon her daughter? How is the defense strategy panning out? It was a strange one.
Reader Comments (19)
I will be there. Looking forward to the discussion today after watching the trial this week.
I am ready to listen. Caught a glimpse of you on tv, look all nice and business like in your tie. Doing a great job. Take care. Answer a question on show if possible, "Why are lawyers allowed to spread lies for the sake of a client?" Thanks Dave.
I just saw your question now, Margaret - 5:47 pm - but it may have been a tough one to ask, especially with an attorney on the panel. You know, I think Casey inferred it first, and her defense rode with it. Made it bigger than it ever was. George may have punished her as a child, but he doesn't strike me as someone who would sexually abuse his daughter.
Very very good and interesting conversations on Simon today Dave, you make us proud. I find it interesting that this case even has the regulars coming up with some different theories about the presentation of the defense and the whys. Good thing I am not signed up there because I felt like telling Manny (the attorney) to give some time to the others lol . I would have over ruled him a few times. Does he take into consideration that he is in CA and the Florida laws in some ways differ.
You sounded good Dave, those coffee grounds aren't eating up your throat tissue, yet!
Thanks, New Puppy. It was a lively show, to say the least, and my voice was a bit stronger, too. I'm quite surprised I didn't lose it. My voice, that is. Yup, the theories are still lingering. Lots of them. I'm a bit surprised about that, too. Well, time to eat. I'll be back!
You did a great job on the show today, Dave. Your voice sounded really good. It is too bad that Cobra got to talk as much as he did today. I sometimes wonder what the heck he is smoking. A lot of people wanted to hear what you had to say about how the jury was reacting to different things. Some were even threatening to leave the show because Cobra was talking too much. That is Simon's problem and not yours though. I am sure when you are talking or trying to listen to what the others on the panel are saying that it is hard for you to see what is being said in the chat room. People just need to be more patient because you eventually do see what is being said and you can't respond right away because you are talking or listening to the others.
Mary Jo, was it Cobra that talked more, I made a mistake and thought it was the attorney. It was very interesting "they" had so much to state as a fact when Dave is right in there and observing it all first hand and did not have as much chance to verbalize. I did loose some of the last minutes because a visitor came. Good thing we can read Dave's posts. You know, I really don't find anyone on Simon doing anything more than speculating when Dave really knows what he is talking about. They come down so hard with "That's the way it is". At least with all Dave is witness to he still has the courtesy to state "this is the way I see it at this period and time" etc. I can't do anything about the outcome of this trial but it sure is an education in humanity isn't it? The good, bad and ugly without the horses, just the asses. Actually in my lone opinion the chat room is not really valuable to the program in any way.
Dave, what can I say that I haven't already said? I wish some of the folks who wanted to hear more of you today would come here and ask you the questions. In that way, you wont be interrupted by a screaming know-it-all. You did great with what little you could squeeze in over the snake. LOL
New Puppy, if it hadn't of been for Dave on the panel, I would have left today. Cobra thinks his theories are cute but I didn't hear too many laughing in the chat room. At least Dave and the others do not keep using offensive language. If they keep Cobra on there, they will have to put up a sign X rated.
Thankyou Dave bet your glad for the wee break from court...Is there any truth to the rumour that Casey is winking an makeing cow eyes at someone in the Jury?
Honestly, I can't see why people involve themselves with down-the-rabbit-hole theories, when so many interesting truths are getting confirmed or being disposed of right smack in front of our faces with the drama of the trial itself. That's the Big Show here, and Dave, I'm glad that you at least are keeping your head on straight.
Hi Karen C, I always love reading your comments. Let the trial proceed... BTW, Robin Adams is being transported back to Orange County jail. Now the question, will Judge Perry allow Casey's letters into evidence re the sexual allegations?
In listening to the program today, I was astounded at the far-fetched theories some came up with. I'm not the sharpest tack in the box, but my theories sure make more sense - and at this point I'm keeping them to myself. Eventually I'll know if I'm right or wrong.
Hmm, Snoop, let's run this one down- if NO, doesn't come in- they have to rely more on Jesse and maybe recall Lazzaro, but considerably weakens the whole supposition. OK, BS supposition! Lee is set to take the stand soon, and the most he'll admit to (or even is likely "guilty" of) will be playing doctor when he was a horny 12 yo boy. George will be recalled, too, a few times, and I doubt he'll miss any opportunities to clear his name. So what's left?
If YES, comes in- this is a seriously double-edged sword for the Defense. Could look like these two jailbird trouble-makers cooked up a cynical witches brew but only one is facing consequences for doing it- and that's the snitch who takes the Stand! I've been impressed with some of what we've seen from Baez thus far but if he picks up a big ole double-edged sword he may well do himself (and his client) some serious damage.
I'll maintain that the hugely narcissistic Casey will not be able to resist taking the Stand, and as things worsen for the Defense side (and they will worsen! Much, much worse!) they might start buckling to her demands and assurances that she can handle the State folks and Jurors just fine- after all she's snowed so many people for so many years about other stuff. That has it's own irrefutable logic, don't it now? Hee hee
Karen C, I like your Hee hee.... IIRC, in the letters, Casey was only having vague memories of her father abusing her. Her memory came back very explicitly from what Baez was relating in his opening statement. Isnt that Robyn Adams on the states witness list to attest to the chloroform? I honestly don't think that Judge Perry will allow the sexual abuse to come in. It is considered getting the info into evdience without Casey taking the stand and considered self-serving. Heck, I should have got my law degree.
Yuh, but Snoopy, if that's all they've got (and that IS all they've got!), could this then be reversible?
Either way, I'm betting she takes the stand, and I believe from what I've been reading that to promote an accidental death she MUST do so. You won't be able to stop my Hee Hees then!
Dave: you mention that "Casey inferred" about sexual transgressions by her father. In law school
in evidence class, you learn that one infers information from implications, etc.
I see, Bruce. Then, perhaps, I should have said Casey implicated her father instead of inferring. Thank you for the correction.