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    From the Department of 'Things Don't Always Appear as They Seem'

    I ran across this today…

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    Reader Comments (21)


    My sentiments exactly!

    November 2, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterdadgum

    LOL Dear Ms. Jones I want to be a Lot Lizard just like my mom LOL

    I must admit I had never heard the term lot lizard before, so I had to look it up. Interesting, I must admit. I was familiar with a lounge lizard, of course, and there will forever be a lot of them in bars all over the world. They're easy to spot, too.

    November 2, 2011 | Unregistered Commentercharlee

    This is cute! How did you manage to come across this?

    I found it somewhere on the Internet, Mary Jo. It's definitely cute, and I'm sure we will all run across it elsewhere, too. Things like this have a tendency to spread like hot cakes.

    November 2, 2011 | Registered CommenterMary Jo

    Oh the things kids do lol

    ... and their parents, too, Johnsy. At first glance, that's what it looked like to me, and if I were this child's mother, I'd be compelled to clear it up. Kids... You gotta love 'em.

    November 2, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterJohnsy

    Very cute! lol

    Where have u been? U r missed!

    I was having some medical tests and procedures done, Mary B., and to be honest, my creative juices haven't been flowing all that much lately. I do have some stuff I want to write about, but I'd really like to find another crime story to sink my teeth into. Outside of Orlando, it's not as easy because I can't do as much digging as I can here.

    November 2, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMary B.

    Lol! Love it...I needed a good laugh today...

    For sure, this one was clearly a good one for a hearty laugh!

    November 2, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterGLENDA


    So did I, Gerri.

    November 3, 2011 | Unregistered Commentergerri

    Dave I had a similar problem with my son when he was three. This is when my leg was already broken for 1 1/2yrs. He was probably used to it by then. Four surgeries done many more to come. Well, he went to a Preschool that used valet service. Simple pull your car up and the teachers unhooked them from the car seat. Well, I needed to take my meds before I got him up then I was fine and could move. I had and IIlizorv (external cage) on my leg. I could some days drive (with the left foot) and drop him off. Well, a neighbor saw me struggle and offered to drive for two weeks while on vacation,. Thanks for the help. Teacher asks him at almost the two week mark "How's Mom, I haven't seen her in a while?" Son replies "She's OK as long a she takes her 2 long white pills!!" Out of the mouth of babes!!!

    And only out of the mouths of babes, Annie. Who was it? Art Linkletter? That segment called Kids Say The Darnedest Things. I really enjoyed that part of the show. I'd like to offer up a post sometime where everyone can tell their embarassing moments with their children.

    So... Did you have to explain your "drug addiction" problem with your teacher?

    November 3, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterAnnie (Oh)

    I lke my exotic dancers with a bit more meat on there bones...Need a shovell?When in a hole stop digging...............Very funny post or pole thanks Dave...

    I liked it, too, ecossie, but I had never heard of a shovel dancer before this.

    November 3, 2011 | Registered Commenterecossie possie

    Dave: I got a good laugh out of that.

    Very true, as well. You should always take a second look; and remember to consider the source before arriving at your final conclusion. ó‿ó

    How true, nan11. Look how the defense completely misconstrued my post titled, Casey Anthony Must Die! My point was the exact opposite. It's funny how easily we can look at people and assume things that just aren't there.

    November 3, 2011 | Registered Commenternan11

    I also had a similar instance with my son when he was in 2nd grade. The teacher had the kids list and draw pictures of their favorite things. My son said his fav thing was R rated movies. His teacher didn't say anything to us but when his paper was hanging in the hall at parent teacher conferences (along with all the other kids) I felt that I had to explain! He'd see trailers for action movies and ask if he could see them and we'd have to tell him you can't see that because it's rated R.

    Now that's a funny one, Patti. One thing I've never quite gotten the grasp of is how action movies can get the R rating, while movies with nudity can get a PG. Heck, when I was young, I saw all kinds of action shows with lots of violence and it never affected me. When I saw naked women, though, it was quite a thrill and they left quite an impression on me.

    November 3, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterPatti O

    This was perfect to end my night with a smile!! I can remember the days where I had to watch what I said out of fear what my son would repeat when he got to school. Thanks for the smiles.feels sooooo good to laugh!!!!

    I sure did get a chuckle out of it, too, SageMom, and I'm glad it was a great way to end your night. Yes, we must be careful what we say to children. Their world is a whole different thing.

    November 3, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterSageMom

    It never really occurred to me that her mommy was a pole dancer. I just got curious on why people were handing her money and so I read and I was enlightened. This is very cute by the way. It's like peeking into the way a child's imagination works.

    Hi, Lorene! I must admit at first glance I thought of an exotic dancer, but there had to be more to it than that. Yes, it's very cute, and you are correct. It is peeking into the innocent mind of a child's imagination. Thanks.

    November 3, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterLorene | Poster Printing

    I love double meanings and interpretations. The imagination of children when they are drawing pictures, gives us such joy. I knew it was her mom on top of that SHOVEL, but why did the Mom want to correct it? I wonder if Mom has a guilty concience? huh huh....

    I think from the titles of some of my posts, Weezie, you can tell I enjoy double meanings. That's probably the main reason why I got a good laugh out of the picture and explanation. And at first glance, I thought about a pole dancer, but knew there was more to it, despite the fact that I had never been one. As a matter of fact, if I paid people to watch me dance, they would turn around and run. One thing I have never been is any sort of Fred Astaire.

    November 4, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterWeezie

    As a former exotic dancer I'd be deeply offended if my child drew a picture of me selling shovels at the Home Depot. Just kidding. Very funny post thanks Dave, has put me in a joking mood.

    An exotic dancer, Tiffany??? Something tells me you are just shoveling us an exotic story, but to be honest, you did peak my imagination. Hmmm, now you've gotten me in a joking mood...

    November 5, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterTiffany (Australia)

    Dave, did you draw the stick figure pics or is this what came with the story? I have danced around a shovel many times in my yard. lol I Love the children's innocent take on things.

    You know, New Puppy, you'd be surprised how many women told me the same thing about dancing around shovels in their gardens. Amazing! You think that's how money trees are planted?

    In all seriousness, you're right. Out of the mouths of babes.

    November 5, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterNew Puppy

    Hilarious ... Yes, please do a interactive post where we can share our kids stories. A great idea!
    i forwarded this page to a few teacher friends and they all roared with laughter.

    If I find any more of these, cali patti, I will definitely put them up here, although I won't ever take credit for them. I'm glad your friends got a big kick out of them, too.

    November 9, 2011 | Unregistered Commentercali patti

    OMG, too funny! I would have been mortified!!! It reminds me of a few years back when I had a mole on the side of my nose - I was standing in line at the local Stop & Shop and there was a mother and her probably 4 year old son in front of me and he kept staring at me, I finally said Hi to him and smiled - he then turned to his Mom and loudly said Mom, she has a really big zit on the side of her nose LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The mother wanted to kill him haha - I could tell she just wanted to die! I laughed and said well it's not a zit it's a mole and I bent down and he just stared at it like it was going to jump off my face and bite him LOL! I had it removed shortly thereafter haha!!!! I wonder if he realizes how much money he cost me with that comment haha! Hope you are well!

    That's truly a funny one, Lisa! And it proves that Art Linkletter was right - children say the darnedest things, and nothing is sacred. I went to high school with a girl who had a mole or birthmark on her cheek. It was the size of a silver dollar and quite dark. I don't know if she ever had it removed, but she must have been quite conscious of it and had her fair share of remarks over the years, especially in grade school, when children can be so cruel. At least you had it removed, but yes, I'm sure it wasn't cheap. Still, it beats cancer, which is something moles can develop into later on in life. I've got a mole on my right temple/cheek, and one time my former brother-in-law (note former) told me to wipe the dirt off my face. When I asked him where it was, I told him what it was.

    Anyway, I am well enough to sit up and take a little nourishment now and again. A bit under the weather, but good otherwise. Thank you!

    November 10, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterLisa L.

    Where is Mr David B Knechel hiding?? Do I have to put out a MPB on him??

    That's an APB, Snoop. ALL Points Bulletin, not a MALL Point bulletin. I don't shop at malls.

    November 21, 2011 | Registered CommenterSnoopySleuth

    Dave, where I come from, it is a Missing Person's Bulletin. How's your belly?

    November 21, 2011 | Registered CommenterSnoopySleuth

    New Puppy, New Puppy! The blog Daddy is picking on me so, you being the blog Mommie, make him stop.

    November 21, 2011 | Registered CommenterSnoopySleuth

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