The loud bark of low heeled derelicts

Last Tuesday, Cindy Anthony e-mailed Local 6 News saying she would give away a pair of Caylee's shoes to a nonprofit organization called Children of Love Foundation, which, primarily, donates shoes, food and clothing to orphans in Central Florida and Honduras. What a mess that simple e-mail created. After WKMG announced the news, the trolls came out in droves, like a festering cauldron of abomination boiling over.
Here's what went down. It's based on factual information interspersed with my opinion, so decide for yourself. Cindy knows a woman who works at the Walgreens Pharmacy near her residence, on the corner of Narcoosee Road and Lee Vista Boulevard, in southeast Orlando. As a matter of fact, the two women have known each other for years, including before Caylee's disappearance. Cindy's acquaintance, Doris Patalano, is affiliated with Children of Love. When she found out about the shoe drive, Operation Barefoot, the group had planned for Saturday, Cindy said she would do what she could to help generate local generosity. This meant contacting the media, something Cindy has never shied away from. What unfolded was a pity.
First off, Cindy can be a pariah. We all know that. She's not the most beloved mother in Orlando or anywhere else. Neither is her daughter, but that's another story. Cindy has been known to contact the press to stir up the works, so her reputation is far from sterling. Think rotten pizza smell and her blatant spinning of words. OK, fine, but remember, she lost her own flesh and blood, and no matter what any of us think of her, it's still very painful. What ensued reminded me of the 'boy who cried wolf' syndrome, so when Cindy tried to do something righteous, it came out wrong, as usual. She, more than likely, told Doris she would contact one of the media outlets and the woman thought it would help tremendously. Cindy thought about it later and decided, on her own, to donate a pair of Caylee's shoes. What a marvelous idea! Only it wasn't. To some people, everything she touches turns to crumbling dirt, and that's a shame.
As soon as word got out, all "heel" broke loose and the laces became untied. What started out as, more than likely, an innocent gesture turned ugly very quickly. Suddenly, the pharmacy got nasty and threatening phone calls. The nonprofit foundation got the same treatment and more, including despicable e-mails from some very vulgar people. Trust me, I know who some of those trolls are because they admitted it on a very open and malevolent site, where they plotted this nefarious plan of attack. One person with many phony names compounded by more of the same appears larger than the truth. What they decided to do was astonishing, and just about as stupid as the Salem Witch Craft Trials of 1692. They body slammed Doris and the foundation. Hard. They said if she or her damn organization accepts a pair of shoes or anything else from George and Cindy Anthony, they wouldn't just boycott the pharmacy and foundation, they'd bury them. They'd get the word out that Children of Hope is evil, rotten, and deserves to be driven out of existence. Not only that, but CVS would be more than happy to take their money for all of the psychiatric and antipsychotic medications they are prescribed, not to mention drugs for IBS and other maladies brought on by their own self-destructive doings. Of course, they finished their tirades the same way they do everywhere they squat - JUSTICE FOR CAYLEE, as if justice is theirs and theirs alone to give.
Initially, the poor foundation was beside itself. It had no idea the world was filled with so much hate, particularly against one person; two, if you count George. Fearing for their own safety, the group almost called the whole thing off. Fortunately, sound minds came along and sanity prevailed. In the end, the shoe drive was successful. George and Cindy dropped off six pairs of shoes and a bag of socks, all new, that will help orphaned children. Lots of other people did the same, ignoring the persevering pestilence that permeated the Interwebz.
The sad part about this is that a small clan of people can almost disrupt a good cause. Did Cindy set out to help Children of Love or was it more along the line of trying to make herself look good; to help rehabilitate her ailing reputation? It may have been a bit of both, but so what? In truth, most of those caustic complainers do not live anywhere near Orlando, nor will they ever give an ounce of help or hope to the foundation or anywhere else. What they set out to destroy was a complete farce. How dare they try to take shoes, clothes, and other items away from hundreds of children in need because of their hatred of one woman. What rotten souls they are. If ever there were a line of shoes called Cads, they would be filled by these worn out, low-down heels.
Reader Comments (90)
Unbelieveable!! Thank God you are there in Orlando to set the stage for us readers!
Thank you, venicehippiechick. I will have a report on the hearing today, too. Tomorrow, I hope.
Great post Dave. I think it was uncalled for of those people to make threats to the Pharmacy and the Children Of Love Foundation. It is too bad that some people don't stop and think before they do the things they do. I can see them getting upset that Cindy contacted the media because of her track record, but they should have left the Foundation and Pharmacy alone. They are only trying to help other children and didn't deserve to be threatened. I am glad that they went ahead with the shoe drive and that it was successful.
Excellent, excellent, excellent!! Dave, I am so glad you went ahead and wrote this post. It goes to show that these haters so full of malice put their hatred for Cindy ahead of the children who so desperately need the help from those who really do care. These hatemongers would rather destroy a benevolent foundation to get even with Cindy. They do not have compassion for anyone or an ounce of decency in their rotten souls.
Let's say that Cindy's motive was not that sincere. Maybe it was a combination of both, publicity for the foundation and some to regain sympathy for herself. Why couldn't these scum set aside their vengence just for this once and shut the hell up? I hope and pray that the generous and compassionate people will ignore this latest outburst of insanity and the foundation will meet it goal as was its intent.
I will admit that, from alot of her actions, Cindy is not my favorite person, but dammit I do care about those children and can ignore what Cindy may have intended, be it good or bad.
Thank you, Snoopy! That's precisely it. Their priorities are way out of kilter. Their mission in life is to distort the truth and ruin people's lives. Fortunately, they're no good at it (or anything else, for that matter.)
Although I despise people who must make a show of their charitable acts, including Cindy Anthony, what happened to Doris and her organization was dispicable. But, consider the source-it was done by people more dispicable than Cindy Anthony. I was appalled to hear that protestors would be so cruel as to threaten Doris, her honorable organization, and Walgreens. I even wondered if these blidiots were from Orlando. I guess not. One day they will need help and won't receive it. For the "christians" among these devils who think it was a just thing to do, remember, God is only merciful to the merciful,did God approve of your brand of "mercy"?
Nice touch with the CVS remark, Dave, lol!
Excellent post Dave. Very, very powerful. You once again showed how fair you are, even to Cindy who is probably one of the most unpopular, unlikeable people in this country.
I hope someone gives a "play by play" on the hearing today as I am at work and am very anxious to know what is happening.
Have a great day folks!
Thank you, Carmen. I have to call it like I see it and those people are morons.
You know, those scabs make Cindy look as good as a pair of Manolo Blahniks, and that's not easy to do. I'm heading out, but I will return!
Dave, You done did it again!!
Your post today is right on the money. I believe that Cindy was only trying to do something nice for needy children when she e-mailed the media, but like everything else she has done since Caylee went missing her foot found its way into her mouth, again! She needs to keep her trap shut! Everything she says or does is suspect.
This is a really screwed up family. And after listening to "In Session" rehashing all of the interviews this morning and hearing KC so calm as she lies over and over it is easy to see that she does not appear to ever have been challenged about anything in her whole life. I believe that is why she sounds so confident that she will be believed.
I sure hope this trial comes quickly......I am getting too old to wait for too long to hear the jury declare her guilty!!
Thanks, everyone. Just one more thing. If comments don't appear, they are in moderation and I will let them out later today. I will be gone for several hours starting right now - 12:53.
I really enjoyed your post Dave and I truly appreciate the people of Orlando who set aside their feelings of Cindy and helped the children. I was so afraid this would happen when I first heard about the e-mail. If Cindy wants to give I just wish she would do it silently. It's hard to believe that people who do not even live in the Orlando area or Florida can be so hateful and think they can decide what happens there. Thank you Dave for telling us the truth.
Thank you, Dave, for this excellent article and for your response!
I had read that some "people" sent threats and protests to the poor, dear lady
who runs the charity, but I didn't know just exactly how far they had gone with it!
Inexcusable behavior!
As tasteless as it was for Cindy to mention her donation of Caylee's shoes, that did not give
anyone the reason or right to do what they did! Thankfully, people responded and the event was
a success in spite of these insane jerks, who are so obviously full of hate that they didn't pause to think of the children in need at all!
I agree 100% with your post, SnoopySleuth! This website sadly doesn't give the times of the post, but it was your first one on this thread that i am referring to. I wish all the hatemongers who did so much damage could read what you and Dave wrote, and would wake up!
I am so happy that the event was successful. It shouldn't matter who it is donating the items; I don't think the children who receive the donations will care where they came from, as long as they have shoes on their feet! Great post! :) :) :)
Self induced maladies? I think you stepped way out of bounds on that one. Psychiatric meds and meds for IBS are not self induced. Have you ever suffered from depression or IBS? I have and I would not wish it on anyone. If it is self induced, why does snapping my fingers and telling it to go away not work?
Comments like the one you made are the reason many people do not seek treatment for depression and THAT is really sad. Is diabetes self induced? Is taking medicine for it wrong? I don't have it but I don't think it is wrong to treat it.
Like you say, Life's short and words linger. I know this won't post but at least I expressed my thoughts.
If you paid attention to what I wrote, you'd realize that I said this, this, this and what those idiots did to themselves. Pay attention to what you read before you pass judgement on what I write. In other words, learn how to read with an open mind or don't read at all.
Dave--great post. I dont think much of Cindy but regardless-if that organization was helping children in need it wouldnt matter where the shoes or publicity came from. It IS TOO bad that giving in this instance was turned into a Casey Anthony thing. I read every day that I am at work. Hope you and family are happy and well.
She has herself to blame for this *Dave. She has to know by now that she is very much hated in the publics eyes and she doesn't even seem to care. Why did she feel the need to contact the media anyway when she wasn't even the one in charge of the drive? Nothing worse then a control freak who screws up everything they touch instead of leaving well enough alone. And why did she lie about the shoes? She gave new ones after saying she would donate Caylees shoes.
I wish I could feel the sympathy for her that you do but I just can't. You are as kind and forgiving as I am mean and vindictive. :)
But my point, Diana, was not really about Cindy at all, no matter what people feel about her. As a matter of fact, I was quick to point out Cindy's errors. The sad thing is, people will support any cause as long as it denounces Cindy. What makes those simpletons right? Just because they hate her? Wow, there's a cause to believe in. Hate Cindy and get away with murder. Yeah, right. Those trolls are worse than her and that was precisely my point.
IT is so sad that this has been allowed from this group of people. So what Cindy Anthony owns the Caylee Marie Anthony foundation website, not all the other agencise helping children.
Richard Grund has also dealt with this sorry bunch of bloggers? sad sad sad. These people are in enough trouble and the things is, the new ones don't even know they can be prosecuted for doing what they are doing. We don't have to donate to Cindy Anthonys foundation but why attack others?
NO reason other than IGNORANCE in the highest form. Thanks for the story Dave but a shame that is happening here in the USA! more IMPORTANT WARS TO FIGHT than this for sure!
That's a very good point, Nancy. Don't give to Cindy's foundation, but don't follow the blind trolls who have nothing but hatred to spread.
I am watching the hearing on Click Orlando. I love Judge Perry! He tells him they will get the depositions done on time or he will set them up for them and they may not like the time he picks.
Isn't that Dave in the far left corner? Hi Dave! ~waving~
Who? That bald headed guy?
Awesome! Thank You Dave! It is very unfortunate that there are ''trolls'' and evil people in general - many whom do not even recognize themselves as so - who declare themselves as pursuing justice in the name of Caylee Anthony - shocking! This Orlando organization is obviously worthwhile and for them to receive such wicked ''tirades'' is simply just wrong - it reflects very badly on those of us who just want justice for all the children - young and old - who have been a victim of a crime, esp those who have lost their lives.
Thank you, Sara. Those trolls are about as self-centered as they come. All you have to do is disagree with them one time and you are automatically anti-God and against justice for Caylee. They own the world.
Sick people, that's all I have to say.
All of that viciousness caused me to send some money to them. It was wrong and I hope nice people will not be afraid to continue their good works because of this. I am sure they will perservere. Whatever Cindy was thinking, many children can now go to school and church with shoes. Some for the first time ever. It is a good grassroots charity and I thank CVS for allowing it in their stores.
Thank you, Tob. Whether CVS or Walgreens, the more work they do for charities, the better the world is.
Anthony Defense Amended Witness List
It only goes to prove that even bad publicity in advertisement for a cause sometimes works out ok. I'm glad it didn't hurt these good people in the long run, but we'll see. If I were Cindy, George or Lee I'd be thinking at least 10 times or more before adding my name or promoting anything in the near future. Up here in Jacksonville, 2 hrs away all we got on the local news was that Cindy was going to donate Caylee's shoes.. we didn't get all the rest of the brouhaha that they got down there in Orlando. The case has just lost its news interest in a lot of places for now.
I got tickled today when Judge Perry brought up all those motions to block abuse of the Sunshine Law. He said the Orlando Sentinel wanted it looked into because of all the motions filed. He said what we've been saying all along that no matter how many motions are filed they all need to remember he's already decided on a sequesterd jury to be brought in. Good for him! He essentially gently settled the argument simply and finally. (hopefully).
I'm looking at this case not the way they want it to look like the OJ case but more like the case of Jeffrey MacDonald who killed his entire family in 1968 in NC and to this day professes his innocence even though recent DNA showed damming blonde hairs in his wife's hand were his. He was a "media hound" also and loved all the publicity until it turned against him. By that time with all his interviews the media wasn't going to go away.This case isn't as big as OJ's but is as big as his. It doesnt' make it out of Florida for the most part. I think those out of towners/out of country people are doing what I'm doing and checking up on it on the Orlando news stations. If this was the days before internet it wouldn't be more than a blip on everyone's radar.
It is pretty sad that these people threatened to not help innocent children. Hate Cindy all you want but to threaten another organization trying to help children just show you how petty these people are. Is that what they wanted to get others to not donate shoes to children? That is all I got out of their stupid rant. I am glad that others ignored them just like all the news stations, the court, le and all the other people sent their petty letters.
Do they think because they use stupid internet names they cannot be found out? They will threaten the wrong person and then the shit will hit the fan. Thanks for showing just what cruel people they are. What is it they stand for justice for Caylee? Yet they could careless about poor children who need and want shoes. Petty souless idiots.
I completely get that they hate Cindy but this was not about Cindy it was about shoe donations for children. Guess they did not understand that.
I believe what Cindy said in the origional article Cindy said she would pass out FLIERS to the media. But Cindy took it a step further and told them SHE would be there to DONATE CAYLEE'S Shoes. To me. It threw some off. As if Cindy wanted the attention on herself. Not actually the orphans
And that is original. I can't go back to edit on this site.
Regardless, shyloh, why attack the charity? That's why editors open their doors to letters, although I guarantee none of the letters those trolls wrote would ever be published by anyone. Nothing justifies taking shoes away from orphans. Nothing.
Dave, I could have sworn I saw a little wave after you were seated in the courtroom today. I don't know who it was meant for, but at the angle behind Baez, I nearly waved back!
Though I missed most of the proceeding, I'll catch up tonight. Great post, once again. I will never understand some people...
Actually, dadgum, I was waving to Red Huber, the award winning photographer with the Orlando Sentinel. He sits in the jury box. Good guy.
I am sorry Dave but I do not believe for a minute that Cindy was trying to do something nice, if she wanted to donate something she could drop it off without saying a word, and no one would even notice and she would be doing something for a good cause, I go to goodwill all the time and I don't call the press. Cindy made her bed and now she is sleeping in it, her intentions might have been 5% good but the other 95% was in some way, form, or fashion manipulative, selfish, or more than anything else, above all, trying to get publicity for herself, she craves those "cameos"! A real Christian does not tell their right hand what their left hand is doing, Miss "born again" Cindy spreads it across national news.
I am sorry Dave but I do not believe for a minute that Cindy was trying to do something nice, if she wanted to donate something she could drop it off without saying a word, and no one would even notice and she would be doing something for a good cause, I go to goodwill all the time and I don't call the press. Cindy made her bed and now she is sleeping in it, her intentions might have been 5% good but the other 95% was in some way, form, or fashion manipulative, selfish, or more than anything else, above all, trying to get publicity for herself, she craves those "cameos"! A real Christian does not tell their right hand what their left hand is doing, Miss "born again" Cindy spreads it across national news.
I am sorry Dave but I do not believe for a minute that Cindy was trying to do something nice, if she wanted to donate something she could drop it off without saying a word, and no one would even notice and she would be doing something for a good cause, I go to goodwill all the time and I don't call the press. Cindy made her bed and now she is sleeping in it, her intentions might have been 5% good but the other 95% was in some way, form, or fashion manipulative, selfish, or more than anything else, above all, trying to get publicity for herself, she craves those "cameos"! A real Christian does not tell their right hand what their left hand is doing, Miss "born again" Cindy spreads it across national news.
I am sorry Dave but I do not believe for a minute that Cindy was trying to do something nice, if she wanted to donate something she could drop it off without saying a word, and no one would even notice and she would be doing something for a good cause, I go to goodwill all the time and I don't call the press. Cindy made her bed and now she is sleeping in it, her intentions might have been 5% good but the other 95% was in some way, form, or fashion manipulative, selfish, or more than anything else, above all, trying to get publicity for herself, she craves those "cameos"! A real Christian does not tell their right hand what their left hand is doing, Miss "born again" Cindy spreads it across national news.
I read you the first time. I also wrote that if you stay in moderation, I will let you out when I return. Patience is a virtue, in other words. My point was not to castigate Cindy. It was not to seek praise for her, either. My point was ALL about the slobs who would deny poor children help in the name of hatred for one person. I think you missed my point, and I'm sorry for that.
Great post Dave, thanks for posting what happened. It really is a sad situation. I am sorry that it had to lead to this. BTW, you looked good on TV, it was nice to see you again. I was surprised how long the hearing lasted. Thanks again for all you do for us.
I will never understand the stupidity of some people. Are they so stupid that they think it is OK to threaten people because Cindy "donated" a pair of Caylee's shoes? I personally couldn't care less if Cindy gave a lung to someone but I do care that she has to seek publicity to make herself look better which I honestly think that is what she did. She may have thought if she made an announcement that she was giving Caylee's shoes to this organization that zillions would follow suit. Did she even bother to think just what could happen when she called the press? It is not like this is the first time she has ever decided to cal the press, she had to know what might happen. She is not the Patron Saint for anything, I guess she just thinks she is.
That's the problem, Peggy. Cindy doesn't always think before she acts.
Dave,lovely post ,alot of truth there.I believe that Cindy should not have publisized her donation either way! But it would have never prevented me from donating if i wished to.Those poeple where just 'hot headed ' fools i think,,for them i have this wonderful quote. ' At the center of non-violence stands the principle of love' Martin Luther King .
Thank you, sweet tooth, and that's a great quote, too.
I think it rather ironic that Caylee's favorite song was "You Are My Sunshine" and the Sunshine Law is certainly doing it's part in her case...So much we have learned and much more to come all because of the Sunshine...
And another thing, Estee, is how much Casey relied on her cell phone and now, look what her cell phone is doing to her.
One word immediately came to mind after reading your post Dave. BRAVO!!!!!!
Thank you so much for writing what many people had to be thinking.
Thank you, Vicky. I know that's the way I feel about the mess. Why would someone hurt a hundred children over hatred for one? I don't think anyone could ever justify that.
One word came to mind when reading your post Dave. AMEN!!!!!
Thank you for writing what many were thinking.
Gratias tibi ago. Benigne dicis.
I have been reading your blog for a very long time and always count on you to tell it straight, I love your blog and all of your post Thank you so much for the work you do. I have read the Cayleedailey as well, and wonder if they are the trolls you mention? I am somewhat confused about what is a troll? Can you help clear this up for me? Thanks Dave I feel I know you from all your post, thoughts and fair minded Blog.
There are trolls everywhere, brunswickgrama, but those weren't the one I was referencing, unless I missed something. Fortunately, Snoopy answered the troll question before I got home, but I want to thank you for feeling like you know me. That's a nice thought.
From WESH...
NeJame calls Baez a Liar etc
brunswickgrama ~~I think this explains what a troll is.
Definition of a Troll
I reread several times and I see your point. I suppose it would have flowed better for me if there were quotation marks around what "they" said. I try to use them if I am qouting specifically. :)
Thanks for getting back to me, apeach123. I tried to make it clear that when it comes to trolls, they wish horrible things on people. Because they do that, they suffer, and a good part of their suffering is self-induced. People who think ugly thoughts become ugly people. The more they hate, the more hatred they bring into their lives. No good can ever come out of it.
..and I thought you were waving at me...
WAVE! WAVE! See? I'm waving to you now, dadgum.
Thanks Dave for clearing this up for me.You are a wealth of info and I certainly enjoy everything you write.Keep it up.
Thank you very much, brunswickgrama! You just made my night.
I thought it was wrong to bash the foundation. As far as Cindy? I dont think she went out to intentionally cause problems. I really do feel it's not too late For Cindy to do some good all in Caylee's name. But first she must come to grips with what has happened and perhaps help others in similar situations so another baby doesnt have to suffer the consequences. There is still hope to turn around what you have done Cindy and ask for forgiveness....It has to come from the heart, not from feeling guilty.....I think an apology and thank-yous are in order to all the people who looked for your granddaughter while you did nothing. I think that is why some ppl are so hateful, dunno but this case is a mess.
This case is worse than a mess, G.C.G. It's a living hell for a lot of people.
I wonder if those trolls are the very same ones who malign Dave on a weekly basis? Maybe I'm naive but I've never seen such unfounded viscious hatred towards any blogger the way Dave has been portrayed by these sicko's. It all started the week the first Judge in the case resigned.....
Wonder no more, MysticalPippin. Although they shall remain nameless here, you are correct. They claimed right out in the open what their intentions were and, sure enough, the foundation couldn't believe the world was filled with hideous creeps like that. It is.
Here is a small clip from WFTV in reference the shoes and the mayhem over Cindy's involvement.
The threats over the shoe donation
Evil people out there, Snoopy.
I have to say, I could not disagree with you more on this one. Cindy Anthony made this about herself. She called the news station. IMO she is still doing her spin to make her whole family, incuding casey, look good. I am glad to see that your post did say it was interspersed with opinion, because your opinion of what happened here from Cindys end of it is wrong. I do not agree with the fallout that this charity may have suffered, but Cindy brought it on them.
So, Cindy is responsible for the oil spill, too, I gather. The problem I see with tunnel vision is that it is exactly that - a one way street, no matter that those creepy a-holes, not Cindy, made the woman at the charity cry. She must be plenty stupid, too, because she still considers Cindy her friend.
You see, I was careful not to take much of the blame away from Cindy, but I was also smart enough not to place ALL of the blame on her, either.
Besides Cindy apologizing to people to try to make things right, she also needs to start telling the truth and trying to throw other people under the bus. She has lied about several people only to make the case against Casey better. She would rather have anyone else be charged and found guilty for Caylee's murder than the person who did it, her daughter. I believe that Cindy is fully aware of what she is doing and to me, that is what makes what she does so bad. Cindy and Casey are exactly the same. To me, they are both sociopaths and Casey learned her behavior from home.
OK, fine, but where did the trolls learn their behavior? From their mothers? God help their children. They tried to throw that charity under their own bus.
Some people cant walk a mile in an others shoes.Some people cant walk a mile in there own shoes.Try to walk a mile in there bare feet.An give generously to those less fourtunate than our selfs.
Thanks Dave, I thought as much. I remember that week clicking on my weekly email from the blog to find all Hello had broken loose and you were upset because the Judge was compelled to resign due to issues arising from rumors and inuendo regarding comments he made to you. When you tried to clear up the misperception several people starting attacking you on your site and on theirs. They were actually recruiting others on their sites to join them in their little hate game - attempting to discredit you but in the most nastiest personal fashion I've ever seen in my life on a site. I remember being so disturbed by the hatred they were spewing towards you - so personal and unfounded. they attacked your readers as well claiming we were stupid and "hung on your every word". I'm still angry about that viscious overkill and the fact that nothing coluld be done to stop these liars from posting the crap they did on their sites.
Dave, I think the trolls were totally wrong with what they did. They shouldn't have taken their anger towards Cindy out on the Foundation and those children. My comment above was in response to G.C.G's comment.
Casey complained to Lee in an early jailhouse visit that she had tried to phone the house from a payphone at the jail but the call was unanswered.Lee explained that there parents were not answering private calls.Casey just shrugged an said yeah?MMMM Im presumeing any prospective kiddnapper would have called on a private line.Casey herself said she received a phone call from Caylee on a private number.Even Cindy admitts to Casey in a letter that they changed there home phone number the last time she went to jail.I suppose they knew the chances of kidnappers contacting them were zero.
Ecossie possie~~well said my friend!! Some cannot see beyond the end of their own nose. When the pictures of the little children who are starving come across the tv screen, they will immediately change the channel. Sad so very very sad.