Baez doesn’t know JAC

“Dr. Henry Lee once told me at a national association conference that he’s been known to work for a crate of oranges.”
- J. Cheney Mason at Casey’s indigence hearing
Dear Mr. Mason, as a Florida native, you are keenly aware that this state is loaded with oranges; some of the best tasting ones in the world, I might add.
Request to seal all documents from the Justice Administrative Commission
Today, I chose to watch the hearing on TRU TV and the Internet instead of making the tedious trek down to the courthouse. I’m glad I did. Money handling is not one of my stronger points. Being on time is, and so is it with one particular judge; 9:00 AM sharp!
The first thing Chief Judge Belvin Perry, Jr. wanted to discuss was Casey’s request to seal all records related to the public funding of her defense. Jose Baez opened by saying that he wasn’t asking the court to reinvent the wheel, something Judge Stan Strickland referenced at a previous hearing. Baez mentioned that limited circumstances do exist to lock up public records and it’s addressed in the policies and procedures manual. He cited 3.216(a) as his guide. Immediately, I went to my Florida Rules of Court (State) manual and looked up 3.216(a).
In the section on pretrial motions and defenses, Rule 3.216 is about insanity at the time of the offense. Oops, wrong book, although some may beg to differ with that. Regardless, Baez argued that not granting the motion would bring a clear and present danger to Miss Anthony’s right to a fair trial and closure is essential to ensure that. He brought to light the Orlando Sentinel publishing her purchases of spicy nachos from jail and other items. He also mentioned pseudo-news media, which probably refers to bloggers and forums. I would strongly question how snack items would prejudice a jury, though.
Chapter 119 of Florida Statutes covers the area of public records. The law is quite vast and specific in granting us the right to know what’s going on, particularly when it comes to paying taxpayers’ money. An attorney for theOrlando Sentinel, Rachel Fugate, stepped up to the podium after filing a motion to intervene. She argued that the defense’s exemption motion was too broad. Agreeing, the judge decided the defense had not met its burden because the motion to seal was too vague. It would have covered a multitude of legal issues at one time. Individually, he said, the defense could readdress some of the elements. The defense can request to seal specific records on an expert-by-expert basis. He understood that some are ones the defense doesn’t want to reveal.
One of the reasons, in my opinion and that of others, including attorneys, why Cheney Mason filed the motion to dismiss Judge Strickland was due to his response to Mason’s request at the indigence hearing. He had just stepped up to the plate and expected to hit a home run out of the ball park. How, you may ask? By having the judge grant his request to keep money spent on Casey’s defense behind closed doors. Judge Strickland denied that request and made him look bad. Unfortunately for him, his temper tantrum garnered a tougher, more strict judge, one that’s not going to let one penny of the State’s money go unguarded without knowing where it’s going. Perry’s still not satisfied with where all of the ABC money, and then some, went. This is no different from how Judge Strickland would have ruled. Mason’s net gain? Zero.
Show us the money!
That led directly to the matter at hand – why the hearing was called in the first place. Just who and what does the defense want the state to pay money to? Judge Perry opened by announcing that the State doesn’t pay “full monte” for travel expenses. The JAC objected to out-of-state providers if common experts exist in the state of Florida. That sounds reasonable and with that, the door was opened for the defense to begin providing a litany of experts they expected the state to pay. A lot of the judge’s decisions were conducive to how much work out-of-state experts had spent on their studies up to this point. In other words, would it be cheaper to let someone like Dr. Henry Lee finish his work to date and continue or cheaper to hire someone in-state who would have to start from scratch? In the end, Dr. Lee will stay. He is well-known for his work in forensic science. GRANTED.
Jeanene Barrett is the Mitigation Specialist for the Center for Justice in Capital Cases. Baez said that she has spent 384 hours working on the case. That includes many hours investigating Casey’s family and old friends in Ohio, Florida and elsewhere. He stressed that Barrett has a close and personal relationship with Casey and it’s crucial to the case that this bond is kept. The judge agreed it would be less expensive and unfair to hire someone new, but the JAC attorney was quick to point out that the rate for investigators and specialists will drop from $50 to $40 per hour on July 1 of this year. GRANTED.
At that point, the wisdom of good Judge Perry shone through. He quoted formerChief Judge Susan Shaeffer of the Sixth Judicial Circuit:
“Death is different.”
Baez emphasized that the defense team will “certainly make sure we are as frugal as can be, especially with investigators.”
Moving right along, as is the case in Judge Stricter’s court, the topic turned to depositions. The judge set the cap for out-of-state depositions at 100 hours. Baez stated that he expected to do at least 400 hours in-state. No you won’t, Judge “Stricter” said, and promptly set the amount at 300 hours.
At this time, 10:30, the good judge decided to take a 15 minute recess. It resumed at 10:45 sharp.
Next up on Jose Baez’s wish list was forensic entomologist, Dr. Timothy Huntington, from Nebraska. Dr. Huntington is the Assistant Professor of Biology at Concordia University in Nebraska, where he teaches Principles of Biology, Elements of Anatomy and Physiology, Entomology, Gross Anatomy I & II, Zoology, and Community Ecology. Because he is deeply involved in his work on the case, permission GRANTED.
A request for a forensic anthropologist was GRANTED.
The defense asked to keep their forensic botanist from Colorado. GRANTED.
Baez wanted two forensic pathologists. Judge Perry granted one, and reiterated that any and all specialists will work under strict JAC guidelines. GRANTED.
Can we keep Dr. Werner Spitz? Please, please, oh pretty please??? He performed the defense autopsy on Caylee back on December 24, 2008, so most of his work is through. GRANTED.
How about a digital forensic expert from North Carolina while we’re at it? As long as over 50% of the work has already been performed and there’s a saving, sure, the judge responded. GRANTED.
At this point, Judge Perry reminded the defense that Skype can always be used to save money in lieu of travel costs. He also said that video conferencing is available through the courthouse as an electronic alternative.
What about noted DNA expert, Dr. Lawrence Kobilinsky? He is well-known as a blood, mitochondrial and nuclear DNA specialist. JAC pointed out that there are several doctors who do the same work in the state of Florida. Because his work is over 60% done, retaining him was GRANTED.
Baez then moved into lesser known avenues of specialists and experts. He requested a trace evidence expert, one who explores such things as hair and textile fibers. Judge Perry asked why Dr. Henry Lee can’t do that work.DENIED WITHOUT PREJUDICE.
Just so you know, “without prejudice in a judgment of dismissal ordinarily indicates the absence of a decision on the merits and leaves the parties free to litigate the matter in a subsequent action, as though the dismissed action had not been started. Therefore, a dismissal without prejudice makes it unnecessary for the court in which the subsequent action is brought to determine whether that action is based on the same cause as the original action, or whether the identical parties are involved in the two actions.”¹
Next up, Baez talked about hiring a forensic chemist. This is almost an exclusive club with Dr. Arpad Vass manning the helm at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory. He is well versed in chemistry, physics and anthropology. Baez mentioned a doctor in Belgium, but he did say he would consult with Vass for other alternatives.
This delved deeply into the area of human decomposition. Was this the body farm, Judge Perry queried? Baez said this covered human and canine odor observations. Judge Perry said that much of the evidence was circumstantial and another expert was necessary. GRANTED.
The conversation then, naturally, turned to the issue of forensic evidence and the study of human decomposition. What about the timing and placement of the body? Here is where Barrister Jose Baez uttered the biggest $10 word of his illustrious career: taphonomy. There. He said it. Taphonomy is the study of decaying organisms over time and how they become fossilized, if they do. Paleontologists work in this field. Paleontologists study dinosaurs, which Assistant State Attorney Jeff Ashton was quick to point out they do not. The State does not recognize it, either, and a 2-prong curriculum vitae may be necessary, the judge said. In other words, he wants to see some resumés from both sides.
Baez asked for a cell phone expert. This perplexed the judge. He said the State could tell when Casey was sleeping and awake by her cell phone pings and there would be no way to determine the time of death or place by those pings. Judge Perry didn’t buy into that one and the motion was DENIED WITHOUT PREJUDICE.
Jose Baez came ready. Talk about 2-prongs, there’s the old adage about asking for everything and settling for less, but more. There’s also the one about being careful what you ask for. He expected the state to buy two Pontiac Sunbirds to determine if the same results could be achieved. No, the judge said, DENIED WITHOUT PREJUDICE.
He asked for jury consultants. Jury consultants? Linda Drane Burdick pointed out that Jeff Ashton and Frank George are jury consultants. Judge Perry said so is Cheney Mason. DENIED WITH PREJUDICE. In other words, don’t bring it up again, silly.
The defense requested a K-9 expert. This is where some barking took place. How reliable are dogs? All dogs are handled differently. What about dog logs and methods of training? How do those procedures vary from one trainer to the next? There’s already substantive conclusionary evidence. The work has been done. This is a contentious issue! Look, said Mr. JAC Attorney, since the bulk of the work has been done, put a limit on the time. OK, 20 hours max. GRANTED.
Baez spoke of the amount of money spent on public records requests from various government agencies. While the JAC wasn’t aware of any specific requests, it still decided to waive all fees. Baez said the defense had spent thousands of dollars on records. In the end, the judge set a limit at $3,500.
Some motions and requests for funds and specialists will be held in camera in the future. Perry warned the defense that he would go over the specialist’s expenses with “a fine-tooth comb.”
Cheney Mason speaks!
Some issues could be resolved without hearings, he said. Burdick responded that when the State has responded, it was an ad nauseum giant waste of time. Judge Perry said it was like blowing “smoke over the papers.” Ashton said Lyon has declined those procedures without a hearing, so it all comes back to square one. As much as the new judge is there to rule, plenty of squabbles still exist and nothing will take all of them away. These are two sides that are so far apart from each other, there’s no way everything will be settled until the jury says so.
The issue of schedules came up again. The prosecution and defense must provide deposition schedules by May 17. At the end of today’s hearing, there were a few odds and ends to be cleared up. The judge reiterated that he is bound by the rules of the JAC. Because Mason is a jury expert, as witnessed by his cases argued in front of him, and since he is working pro bono, there will be no money for travel expenses. Mason whined that his Serrano case took three weeks to find a jury. Judge Perry said we will have time to work on that. There will be 12 jurors and 6 alternates. This judge is not a fan of jury questionnaires, either.
Mason made one bold request. Actually, it wasn’t a request, it was more like a mild demand. Miss Anthony does not wish to attend the hearings any longer. She’s had enough and they are irritating her. The media hordes are making a mockery of everything she does, everything she wears. Assistant State Attorney Frank Gorge spoke up. No way, Jose, although it was Cheney. In the end, Chief Judge Belvin Perry had one more thing to say. An amended trial order will be sent out and she will not have to attend status hearings, but for all future motion hearings, the defendant needs to be present, particularly because this is a death penalty case. DENIED!
In some key areas, the defense made some headway. But would it have been different under the other judge? I would venture a strong guess the answer is no. Both are recognized for being fair. One is more formal than the other. One is more by the book. Will Casey receive a fairer trial because of it? I seriously doubt it. One thing is certain, the hearings are about to get really hot and heavy. After Monday, Tuesday and a smattering of motions, including ones that the defense is arguing over how Judge Strickland ruled, expect to see some motions to suppress evidence. They haven’t even scraped the surface yet.
One last thought on today’s hearing, and as the title suggests, Jose Baez didn’t know JAC today, but the judge most certainly did.

















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