Casey Declared Indigent!

This just in from the Orlando Sentinel, and I quote:
Casey Anthony is considered to be indigent by the Orange County Clerk of Courts, according to documents filed this afternoon.
This is the first step needed for Casey Anthony to get state financial help to pay for her defense. Her indigent status allows her access to certain costs, such as hiring expert witnesses and investigators.
However, Orange Circuit Court Judge Stan Stickland will have to approve these costs.
Prosecutors are seeking the death penalty. The trial is scheduled to begin in May 2011.
Casey Anthony filed documents last week, saying two of her attorneys have run up a $112,000 bill for their work. In the motion, Casey Anthony claims she doesn’t have enough money to pay for her defense. She has no income, no savings and no assets.
Experts say this is not an uncommon request in complicated death penalty cases.
Keep in mind that the Clerk of Court examined the documents and approved Casey’s indigent status. This should usurp all rumors about money issues until the judge examines and hears the motion and approves costs.
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