To Pay or Not to Pay?

That was the question asked of Orlando Sentinel readers on Friday.
Should the public help pay for Casey Anthony’s defense?
On Friday, March 19 - Casey’s 24th birthday - Orange County Circuit Court Judge Stan Strickland ruled that taxpayers will have to pay all of her defense costs except for attorney fees. This includes experts, investigators and all of her lawyers’ travel expenses. Her legal counsel comes from New York and Chicago, as well as Orlando and Kissimmee.
As of 11:00 am today, 27% voted yes, compared to 73% who voted no. I realize this is a question for the people of Florida to opine over, but this issue reaches far beyond the bounds of the Sunshine State. Every state and plenty of foreign countries support a Public Defender’s Office to an extent, some more than others. Should we pay for indigent defendants at all, no matter what the circumstances are? Should we abandon this practice? What constitutes indigence? Are people forming prejudicial opinions because, in this particular case, the focus rests on a mother accused of murdering Caylee, her own daughter?
We know the decision has been rendered in Casey’s case, but opinions DOmatter, and all viewpoints are welcome.
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