Today is Umpteenth Dump Day

926 pages of documents were released today, including transcribed law enforcement interviews, TES-related materials and interviews with search volunteers. Also made public were water level tests of the areas surrounding Suburban Drive and police reports, including a short interview with me.[shown below and on the link - starting on page 459 - or HERE]
One of the Texas EquuSearch volunteers looked on his own time, too, and he told OCSO detectives the area where Caylee’s remains were later found was under water when he looked.
“I walked up to the edge of the weed line, the grass there just over the ah, edge of the up from the curb and it was deep in water. Or I would’ve gone back there,” according to a transcribed interview with Tony Rovinsky. “And previously I’d had the experience of getting the ATV stuck in the other area. And it just kind of didn’t make sense to wade into the water because you couldn’t really see anything anyway.”
“But I went back there on a number of occasions and I’m telling you it was, it was deep in water,” he said. “And so ultimately when the remains were found and I learned where. [sic] I was not shocked. I was not surprised at all.”
We’ve got that Joy, Joy, Joy, Joy, down in those woods
Joy Wray claimed she searched the wooded area but didn’t find anything. Investigators’ interviews with her are among the documents released today. Unfortunately for Joy, she has been the topic of many blogs, YouTube videos and other Internet postings since Caylee was reported missing. The reasons are quite obvious, though, because she inserted herself into this case.
I was called in to OCSO by Sgt. John Allen on Dec. 3, 2009 to write a statement based on comments Joy had written on my blog. The conversation evolved from there and he asked me if I would mind coming in to sign a statement. I was more than happy to oblige. Sgt. Allen is a great guy; very friendly, professional and polite. We did talk about other things unrelated to Joy, but that’s for another post on a different day. Here is a copy what what the good sergeant wrote about our encounter, followed by the interview transcripts of Joy Wray. By the way, I will swear under oath I have never used the alias George Knechel, nor was I ever a spy during the George W. Bush administration. Also, I met her in 2009, not 2008, and it was at a hearing, which is correct.
Many thanks to Snoopysleuth for digging this up. She’s the real sleuth here.
JOY WRAY 11-23-09
JOY WRAY 12-10-09
Additional PDF Documents
TIM MILLER 12-12-09
LORI CREE 8-20-09
JOE JORDAN 1 - 10-28-09
JOE JORDAN 2 - 11-5-09
But the f****** b**** won’t talk!
Tim Miller, founder of Texas EquuSearch, told investigators the Anthony family acted like no other family he had ever worked with. They offered no help in searching for their granddaughter and wouldn’t allow him to talk to Casey at all. He also told detectives about George Anthony’s close friend, a former law enforcement officer like George. Miller said this friend told him the key to finding Caylee rested in Casey’s hands, but she wouldn’t talk.
“And his words were, ‘But the f****** b**** won’t talk,’” Miller told investigators during the December 12, 2009 interview. He also said that he, George and Casey sat down at a table with a map and George asked her where they needed to start searching. Would you make a spot on the map? Would you make an X?
This angered Cindy to no end. Casey got up and went back to her room. Miller threw up his hands, and in complete exasperation said, “You know, I’m sorry. We really didn’t come to cause any trouble,” or something to that effect.
Casey’s attorney, Jose Baez, told Miller he couldn’t talk to Casey, who was the last known person to see her alive. Miller said Casey never mentioned her daughter’s name, never begged anyone to find her, and acted more like she was going to a “cheerleading competition,” always smiling, laughing and giggling. He got so disgusted with the family, he wanted to quit. The only glue that held him together was that this search was all about Caylee and no one else.
Miller and several of his TES volunteers told authorities that they tried to search the area where Caylee was eventually found, but there was too much water on the ground. They even sunk one of their vehicles one day, and that’s when the search was called off there.
Helen Davis was a volunteer for TES. She sent an e-mail to Tim Miller. In it, she encouraged investigators to take a closer look at the woods. She said:
I, Helen Davis, give the following statement voluntarily.
My name is Helen Davis.
During late August and early September 2008, I was a volunteer member for Texas Equu Search (TES).
During that time (Sunday or Monday) I, Lori Cree, Bret (last name unknown) and five or six other TES volunteers went to the area of Suburban and Hope Springs Streets in Orlando, Florida. We went to that area to search for the remains of Caylee Anthony.
Although I was in the area with a larger group of people, only five to six volunteers and I searched the area by the wooden stockade fence along the south side of Suburban Street near Hope Springs.
We searched the area where Caylee Anthony’s remains were found. During our search of that area I did not smell anything unusual. I did not notice any unusual animal or insect activity. I did not see anything unusual.
I kept a list of the items I saw and thought were important to the investigation. I submitted my notes and report to TES.
The above is true and accurate to the best of my recollection.
Signed _____________________ Date ___________
[See: Statement by Helen Davis]
In today’s OCSO Suplemental Report, Helen Davis is listed as willing to testify to the area being under water at the time. Remember, searching around the back side of the fence and in that immediate vicinity, the elevation is higher than where the body rested. I took a ride down to Suburban Drive to shoot a video last July 31. My point was to show you those woods as closely as I could to the previous year. What I found was an area that was flooded, and the precipitation in 2008 was greater than 2009. My conclusion was simple, if there was more rain in 2008 by that date, the woods were just as flooded - or more so. [See:Where Caylee Anthony Rested]
On Augut 12, 2009, I took another ride down to those woods to replicate what Roy Kronk saw a year earlier as closely as I could. When Kronk went there on three successive days, it was about before T.S. Fay rolled through on the 19th. Those woods were flooded. [See: Driving Miss Casey Part 1]
For good measure, I shot one final video there one year after Jim Hoover shot footage of Dominic Casey poking around the area. This has been documented to be roughly 175 - 200 feet east of the spot where Caylee’s skull was found. [See:Suburban Drive Same Time Last Year]
From footage that I shot, I came to the conclusion that those woods were under water when Tim Miller said they were.
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