Zenaida, Zenaida, Zenaida, Part 1

I used to work with a woman who was the most superstitious person I’d ever met. I remember one time when she pondered out loud, “Did you ever notice that people usually die three months before their birthday or three months after?”
I responded, “Helen, three months plus three months equals six months. That’s half a year. Everyone who dies has a 50/50 shot at that happening. It’s a coin toss.”
Helen died years ago, and I have absolutely no clue about what side of that 50% she fell under, but she also loved to point out that things come in threes. In honor of Helen, let me say that she would be the first one to believe in a conspiracy theory about the Anthony case, and she would go nuts over the new set of threes - three Zenaidas. Three, you say? Yes, three.
First, we’ve got the suing kind, the Zenaida Gonzalez without the Fernandez hyphen included, although John Morgan’s lawsuit chose to add it anyway. Next, we have the River Cruz Zenaida who, along with her sister, claims that she was the Zenaida George based his description on, and finally, we have the one that Cindy went crazy over.
Since we are familiar with the suing Zenaida, this article will take a look at Cindy’s Zenaida. Part 2 will delve into George’s, and whether it’s for real or just a nightmare gone wild.
On December 2 of last year, I received a phone call from Sgt. John Allen about something that was found in the comment section of one of my posts. After a 25 minute conversation, he asked me if I would be willing to come in and write a statement. Of course I said yes, and I went down the next day.
Most of what we discussed had nothing to do directly with Caylee, Casey, George or Cindy, but one thing he told me, and I offered it up here, was that during the entire time precious Caylee was listed as missing and presumed dead, long after the stench of death was found in the trunk of Casey’s car, law enforcement never gave up hope that she was alive. Over 100 deputies and FBI special agents continued intensive and extensive searches around the country for the missing toddler and they followed up on every lead. As Cindy lambasted law enforcement for not looking for a live girl, they were actually doing their job, going above and beyond the call of duty, and coming up empty-handed each time.
One of the most obvious frustrations observed in Cindy Anthony is her seemingly endless penchant for inner conflict. Given the circumstances, I can understand some of this. Her entire life was turned upside-down. In February of last year, I attended the memorial service for Caylee at the First Baptist Church of Orlando, and I chronicled it in a post titled, Are there green beans in Heaven? While this should have served as closure for the family, it did not. Not for Cindy, at least. As late as August 2009, Cindy and PI Dominic Casey were desperately sifting through every lead in hopes that it would take them to her living grandchild or the person responsible for her death. One of the most promising was a Zenaida found in Puerto Rico¹/², one that Cindy thought “may be connected.” This Zenaida allegedly runs a daycare center and she thought there was someone working there who had Amy Huizenga and Ricardo Morales on his list of Facebook friends. Therein would lie a connection, but I found none in my research.
What helped set off whistles and bells was this Zenaida’s last name: Fernandez. Close, but no Gonzalez cigar. She’s 26-years-old, too! How coincidental, and to add fuel to the burning fire, take a look at the picture of the little girl. When it was brought to Cindy’s attention, she had a forensic expert look at it. Sure enough, it was Caylee, she was told, “but probably Photoshopped.” Yup, it looks like Caylee, or perhaps what she might look like today, but it’s not her and because DNA proved beyond a doubt whose bones were found in the woods, to the rest of the world, it’s not her. Now, the most important thing is to understand that the identity of this little girl - a minor - should stay private. Law enforcement is not interested and that speaks volumes to me. Since this Zenaida is not involved in any way, it is only fair and proper that we do nothing to exploit her, and instead, we leave this woman and her family alone. Because this information is well documented elsewhere, including all media outlets, I brought it to your attention to prove a point. Some people are obsessed. Some people never give up. Some people will go to all extremes, and if it means stepping on toes and breaking a law or two, they’ll do it.
I have a sneaking suspicion that there’s a lot of work going on behind the scenes. In my next post, I will tell you why I believe investigators are digging deep into the lives of George and Cindy, deeper than we may have thought. Case in point: How else would you explain tracking text messages and phone calls to George’s alleged mistress, River Cruz? Now, why in the world would law enforcement want to do anything like that?
Be sure to watch Bob Kealing’s report today on WESH starting at 4:00 pm
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