Important Notice to ALL Readers

Sick-minded people never take a holiday.
There are anonymous Web sites out there in the wild, wild, Internet that allow people to send phony e-mails that look like they come from someone else. This is a typical ploy for narcissists like wordslinger. What these sordid types do is simple. They can type the name of a sender, ANY SENDER, so it could be Snoopy, me or anyone else. They then send it to whoever they want. When that person sees it, and it appears to be from one of us, they open it.
I can’t stop you from opening your e-mail, but just be careful. They have already sent me vulgar messages from myself. How stupid. They’re doing the same thing to Snoopy. This is another one of their disgraceful tactics.
I will refrain from sending anyone e-mails until I feel it is safe. Until then, you can e-mail me through the very safe and secure Squarespace submission form located at the lower left sidebar.
Thank you, and be careful.
Reader Comments (31)
OK Dave Merry Christmas an a bountifull Newyear to you an yours............
Merry Christmas, ecossie possie!
Hey Ecossie.... Merry Christmas Matey! Thanks for leaving the greeting on my blog. Here is a something to give you a chuckle. I do cartwheels when I hear this man sing. BTW, Dave has a very sexy telephone voice. I would love to hear him sing sometime.
Jingle Bells-Andrea Bocelli and the Muppets
I was thoroughly enjoying your previous posting about the hearing when your new post came in about the trolls. It is upsetting to many of us to read about how the trolls seem to live for nothing better than to make your life a living nightmare. I pity them that their whole life seems to be focused on making your life miserable. They sorely need to get a life. Here it is just a few days before Christmas and they are focused on doing their dirty work on you rather than spending this very special time fo year spreading peace, love and good cheer!
Well, I am thankful to be able to read your posts, blogs, articles..........whatever term suits you best. Your talent will be remembered by many for a very long long time, but their silliness and nastieness will soon be forgotten.
I wish you and your parents a wonderful Christmas filled with good will and good health. And a very prosperous new year!!!
Hi Carole....Merry Christmas to You and Yours!
Interesting. This is similar to the reasons I have changed my phone number so many times my family doesn't even know it. I don't open emails from people who have no reason to email me like you and snoopy, so I'll keep your warning in mind. I just changed the password yet again on yahoo due to a warning about "suspicious activity" . This wasn't email related though but through messenger.
Merry Christmas, Dave! I can't believe you're still being harassed, this happened to Murt, too. Are the A's behind this or Baez's flunkies? Or some alcoholic old biddies- who else would try to disrupt websites dedicated to the truth about Caylee's murder? Just be careful, they poisoned Murt's kitty in his yard. Anyways, thanks for all you do - you're the best! Happy holidays to everyone!
Wishing a very Merry and Blessed Christmas to Dave and Friends.
Here's hoping that Santa delivers a new attitude to all the Grichites out there, but if not...oh well.
Hi Snoopy,
The link to the Muppets and Andreakh Bocelli is delightful!! Thank you for posting it! I think I will play all of the you tubes that they are in this afternoon when Christmas crunch time comes.
I wish you and all of Dave's readers and posters a very Merry Christmas and a Great New Year!
o.k., this really caught my eye!! I have only been a reader of dave's blog for less than a year so there are things that have happened in the past that I do not know about but, I have read the name "Murt" on several places. I have no idea who it is but after reading the post above about his kitty being poisoned in his yard you got my attention! Did someone really kill his kitty?? And who?? I know these trolls are rotten to the core, but killing a poor defenseless cat is outrageous!!!
Thank you, ecossie possie, and a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you, too!
Dear Dave, It is such a shame and a sin that people dont have anything better to do than send vulgar emails to people. What a waste of a person's life. Hope you have a great Christmas--your friend always,
Thank you, Carole. I don't know why terrorists like that exist in the world. The only difference between them and the suicide bombers is that they don't strap bombs on themselves. Instead, they lob them from their filthy minds.
I am thankful that you enjoy reading my posts. I intend to keep on writing unless the trolls take it to the next leest!vel, which means physical. Until then, all they can do is make complete asses out of themselves.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you. I wish you all the best!
Dave, I am so sorry you continue to be harassed. I hope that their childish stupidity will come to an end.
I wanted to take a moment to wish everyone here a wonderful Holiday and a New Year filled with love, health, prosperity and more importantly, safety for all the precious children out there and justice for Caylee Marie Anthony.
Christmas is a season
of warmth and good cheer;
and I hope it fills
your hearts and homes
with happiness this year.
May you receive much joy,
and two special Christmas gifts;
love to make your heart glow
and hope to give your soul a lift.
I'll pray that God's blessings
are with you across every mile.
May you find much happiness
and many reasons to smile.
Hi Carole, Murt used to have a Caylee blog and he used to televise live events about Caylee, like the Blanchard Park search & vigils for her (he has a TV news truck). Cindy hated that he was following the case so she banned him from Caylee’s memorial, er, I mean Casey’s PR event. And yes, Murt’s black kitty named Justice was poisoned during the time he was under heavy attack by these cretins, they hacked into his emails & so much more. Some sicko peeps out there.
Connie - Those trolls have absolutely no scruples whatsoever. Unfortunately, some of them have children and grandchildree more than happy to carry onn. They spread hatred in the world. I imagine their offspring will b their torch, just like the Nazi Youth.
Mary Christmas, merrymac! Or is it the other way around...?
Are the A's behind this assault? No, not at all. They're not as cruel and hate-filled as the baboon goons. Oh well, the world will evolve and they'll be stuck over there doing the only thing they know how to do. Spread hate and violence in the world.
Have a wonderful Christmas!
Merry Christmas, Peggy!
They don't believe in Christmas over there. They believe in distorted mutations of the truth. Lies, in other words. Sick, sick, demented people.
Merry Christmas to Dave, and all of the readers and posters here! I hope you have a holiday filled with much joy and happiness!
Hello, Carmen, great to see you!
The babs are like The Blob movie, only instead of growing, they simply feed off each other like the pariah they are. Cannibals.
Thank you for the warm and inspirational words. Merry Christmas to you, too, and I wish you all the best.
Mary Christmas to you, too, Mary Jo! Stay warm and safe.
Good morning, Martha - Sorry your comment was in moderation when I answered the others. I am going to send you a login name and password. All it will do is keep you out of moderation. Your comments will immediately publish. It will come from Squarespace, so don't throw it out by mistake. This is one way I can keep the trolls at bay on this blog.
Merry Christmas to you, my friend. I look forward to a new year, and May is not that far away.
I am so sorry this is happening to you and Snoopy. I will never understand why some people do what they do. I have been unable to download the Caylee Daily for some reason I wonder if they have done something to that site as well. Have a very Merry Christmas Dave .................
To all my email friends I am no longer using my AOL account. I set up a new account elsewhere.
You know, scrapbooker5000, for matter to exist, there must be antimatter. For good to exist, there must be evil, I guess. For honest people, there are liars and thieves. Murderers, too, and rapists. That's what the trolls are all about.
I went to the Caylee Daily and all it did was download a compressed file, so I threw it in the trash. It seems someone is going after her, too, so be very careful.
Merry, Merry Christmas to you, scrapbooker5000!
Merry Christmas to all and thank you for the warm wishes. I will never understand those that are so bitter and I have given up trying. I can turn off my puter and shut them out. They have to live with themselves 24/7 and that, in itself is just punishment.
Most of my relatives live out of town but I have some wonderful neighbors who I call my extended family. I am truly blessed, not only with them, but the great people I communicate with here on this blog and my own. Christmas is a time for sharing and caring.
I may be back a bit later and post a nice Christmas song. Right now, I am listening to Celine Dion, a gift from a very kind friend.
Andre Bocelli & Reba-Blue Christmas
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and your family! Wish the best of health to all. Will continue reading your blogs, despite the trolls. Thanks for your dedication and updates. So enjoy your site and appreciate your writings. You are the best!
Thank you, simba, and Merry Christmas to you, too. I appreciate your continued support despite the nasty trolls. That's great! I hope to see you before the year is over, but if not, Happy New Year!
Merry Christmas to each and every Marinader AND of course, a very Happy New Year! I'm not even going to make notice of TROLLS on Christmas! It's all about the elves for me!!!!!
BABOONS = BAH HUMBUG! They are the snake pits of humanity.