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    The convenience of karma and the cancer disconnect

    I want to thank everyone for their concern over my health. I came out a victor in Round 1. The bone marrow biopsy showed no cancer in my blood or marrow. Previously, I had been diagnosed with chronic anemia and thrombocytopenia, which is low platelets. Yesterday, a new diagnosis was added to the list… monoclonal gammapathy. That’s abnormal plasma cells in the bone marrow. I will have to learn to live with it. There is a risk, albeit low, that it may develop into cancer one day, but I’ll take that with a smile. Friday, I get the lung biopsy. I was supposed to have it this morning (10/4), but no one told me to stop taking baby aspirin.

    There is little understanding about what caused the blood conditions to manifest. They just strike people. At least I can stop worrying about it, although I will have to be checked every 3 months to keep tabs on whether it does turn into cancer, but if so, it could be years down the road.

    I really wanted to go to the hearing on Wednesday afternoon — the one concerning the motion WKMG-TV filed that asked the court to release a video recording of Mizzanthony’s shocked and distressed jail house reaction to news that her daughter’s remains were found very near to where she lived. You see, back in 2009, Judge Stan Strickland agreed with the defense that the video would have been too prejudicial to show a jury because it could have negatively affected her right to a fair trial. Consequently, he sealed it. That was then, and now that the trial is over, what harm would it do to release it? After all, the defense openly admitted she knew all along that her child was dead.

    WKMG’s attorney, Jack Kirschenbaum, stood toe-to-toe with Jose Baez in court, both arguing in front of Chief Judge Belvin Perry. While Kirschenbaum cited Florida’s open government in the sunshine laws, Baez stuck with his concerns over medical privacy. Perry is expected to render a decision by week’s end, and my educated guess is that he will side with the media. Why? Because administering the defendant a sedative in a waiting room with a TV does not constitute doctor/client privilege. Besides, the issue over the defendant receiving a fair trial is no longer a factor.

    One of the reasons I wanted to attend the hearing was to see some of the people I interacted with during the course of the case — countless reporters, deputies, attorneys, and the bevy of courthouse employees and everyday people I got to meet. You know, for old-time’s sake. I had an 11:30 appointment to see my gastroenterologist and I figured I’d have plenty of time to make it to the courthouse by 3:00. Alas, I didn’t leave the doctor’s office until then. The doctor explained, apologetically, that it wasn’t from overbooking as much as it was from the federal government’s new law mandating that all medical offices must be computerized or face stringent penalties. I understand how the learning curve would be difficult for medical personnel of a given age, plus the fact that the software is quite complex and not mastered in a day. In any event, the only outcome of my day was learning that I will have both an endoscopy and a colonoscopy on October 18. Whoopee! Fortunately, I will be sedated.

    Since I’m addressing doctors, sedatives, journalists and the court system, I’m going to haphazardly segue into one word that kept creeping up during the course of the whole Anthony ordeal — karma. But before I get into it, I want to apologize for not being all that attentive on my blog of late. For sure, I wanted a lengthy break after the crux of the Anthony mess came tumbling down in July, but it’s pushing October and I feel I owe you a legitimate explanation. I’ll get to that shortly. defines karma as “an action, seen as bringing upon oneself inevitable results, good or bad, either in this life or in a reincarnation.” It goes on to mention fate and destiny as descriptors. Unfortunately for some of my readers, I have a real problem with karma. To be quite frank, I just don’t believe in it and I’ll tell you why. Take the case of Mizzanthony. All through the legal process, countless numbers of people were adamant about her karma coming back to “bite her in her azz”, only it didn’t happen that way. Otherwise, she would have been found guilty and sentenced to life or death for murdering her daughter, Caylee Marie. Speaking of Caylee, what did she do to warrant such horrendous karma that she had to die at such a young and innocent age? If karma killed Lee Harvey Oswald, what karma killed JFK?

    While karma was a constant theme during the Anthony case, it was only used matter of factly, as a matter of convenience. In other words, when karma failed to get the defendant while incarcerated and tried in open court, it morphed into something else — that karma will get her while she’s out of jail and free. Just move the karma around to suit one’s fancy. Some people actually believe they have power over people by inflicting karma. Take a look at the slugs that attacked me and my friends unmercifully during the past two years. Karma was going to get us because they had ordained it so. In that regard, karma is pitted against karma; the good karma being us and the bad karma being them, although they would stupidly beg to differ. May the best karma win! Caylee’s mother may live to be 90, but karma will catch up to her then? Come on, we all know better than that. Eventually, she will have to meet her maker, and that’s what counts.

    Regardless, karma goes against the will of God, at least in the Judeo-Christian sense. I don’t think the Bible puts much faith in reincarnation, for example, and I think it’s safe to say that most of my blog’s readers fall under the auspices of the Judeo-Christian credo and, therefore, karma is a direct conflict with the principles of both books of the Bible, although Job 4:8 (KJV) does state, “Even as I have seen, they that plow iniquity, and sow wickedness, reap the same,” but I’m not about to get all preachy on you. In this particular regard, a simple explanation can be found with one of our contemporaries, Orenthal James Simpson.

    While O.J. was acquitted of murdering Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman in 1995, he sits in Lovelock Correctional Center in Nevada until, at least, 2017; sentenced to 33-years for kidnapping and armed robbery in 2008. His first possibility of parole comes in 2017, but don’t count on it. Was it karma that finally caught up with him? Hardly. You see, if you hang around bad people and do bad things, your odds of getting caught multiply tremendously. That’s precisely what happened to OJ, plain and simple. He was responsible for his own undoing because he chose to hang around a bad crowd. He did it to himself, with no help from fate, destiny, karma, kismet, or whatever else you want to call it. He chose his own path.

    That leads this article to yours truly and how karma did not come beckoning at my front door. Conveniently, the devil’s rejects who attacked me incessantly during the past two years will rejoice after reading this, but I don’t care. While they are sure I am Satan incarnate, sane people know otherwise. You know me as a caring individual. You know my sensitive side. Understanding human behavior is not in a troll’s vocabulary. For them to compare me to Hitler and Stalin¹, two of the worst people to ever walk the earth, is pure insanity. How anyone could make a comparison like that is beyond the realm of accepted behavior. Well, enough of them and their trashy troll talk.

    Everyone who has followed me for the past three years knows that I’ve had a number of health issues, none karma related. Recently, I was able to get some complex blood work done. One of those tests showed an abnormality in my blood protein, specifically, elevated M protein. For years now, my platelets have been quite low, along with RBC, hemoglobin and hematocrit counts. I was diagnosed with thrombocytopenia and chronic anemia years ago. Trust me when I tell you I am not seeking sympathy of any kind, nor am I looking for any sort of hand-out.

    I have been seeing a specialist in the field of hematology and oncology. You know, a blood disorder and cancer doctor. I have had x-rays taken of every bone in my body in search of lesions. I have had CT scans and PET scans. I also had an MRI. Why my veins haven’t collapsed by now is beyond me. On Monday, my hematology/oncology doctor performed a bone marrow biopsy on my right hip. Believe me, in my case, it wasn’t nearly as painful as it sounds. While those tests were being performed, something new crept up; something totally unrelated to the problem with my blood. Something that put everything else on hold.

    My long-time readers will remember when I was laid up with pneumonia back in December of 2008. It was confined to my right lung, and it’s not at all unusual to recur at any time in the future. Here’s where the karma comes in, or should I say, lack of karma? Some of the recent tests showed “an infiltrate is present within the left upper lobe and the right major fissure thickening.”

    What this means is that there is an astute possibility that I have a cancerous tumor in my left lung, as in lung cancer. That’s something no one wants to hear. My doctor said it was large, and the PET result stated it had an “uptake value of 2.7.” The injection I got before the scan contained a radioactive substance and glucose. Cancer cells absorb the material 10-times more than healthy cells, so they light up like Christmas trees. 2.7 is not full-blown cancer like 5.0, but it’s enough to make any doctor sit up and take notice. It’s also the reason why all other health concerns are now on hold. The “major fissure thickening” is the area between lobes, near a vertebra. While that one shows no sign of cancer at this time, it may down the road. Next week, I will be put under a derivative of morphine and Valium, and my left lung will be biopsied. No matter what it is, and I’m fairly certain I know, the growth will most likely be removed after it’s evaluated.

    This is just the start of many pokes and probes and possible operations. Trust me when I say it has weighed heavily on my mind, as my close friends and family will attest. Here and now, I am going to explain the matter of karma. I never did anything morally wrong enough for some silly karma to come and get me, despite being bitten in the azz by a biopsy needle. No, this problem has nothing to do with karma. The only thing that matters is the fact that I smoked cigarettes and cigars for nearly 40-years. It was my choice to smoke and no one else’s, and it’s what caused it. (I did quit four years ago.)

    When giving my mother the news, I told her the most important part — the only reason why it was found early was because of tests taken for another type of cancer. Had I not had those tests at this time, odds are it wouldn’t have been diagnosed until it was too late. I have no real symptoms and that’s the problem. By the time real symptoms creep up on you, this type of cancer, which is extremely aggressive, has grown arms and legs and spread like wildfire. That’s the main reason why lung cancer has such a high mortality rate.

    While I will insist it’s not karma, I will say I do believe in divine intervention, although I’m no authority on it. I think, in my case, it’s what made sure the right tests were performed at the right time — that caught it early enough. At least, that’s what I’m praying. So, if you wonder why I haven’t written much lately, truth be told, I’ll readily admit I’ve rested on my laurels, I can be a great procrastinator, and I have a lazy streak at times. But one thing is certain — there’s a lot on my mind right now that limits my creativity and I shouldn’t be that way. I need to find new stories to write about, but until I do, please bear with me. While I do not believe in karma, I do believe in the power of prayer, and that’s precisely what I am asking you to do. Please keep me in your prayers. That’s all I ask.

    And if you smoke, please quit now.

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      Amazing Website, Stick to the useful job. thnx!

    Reader Comments (84)

    Not to put a damper on the day but in case none of you have heard, I am posting this obit for you and your readers who may have know KNIGHT OWL.

    Knight Owl, you are missed!

    Oh, how sad, Weezie. I had no idea. I really liked knight Owl. She didn't drop by all that often, but she was well known all around the Anthony blogging and forum world. Everyone loved her! I wish her family all the best. I put a small memorial in my sidebar. Humble's tribute is linked to the picture of Louie if anyone wishes to leave a kind word. Thanks for letting us know about it. It's never fun to be the bearer of bad news.

    October 3, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterWeezie

    Hi Dave! I have been reading your site since I heard little Caylee was "missing". And continue to do so but not everyday. My prayers are with you & will continue throughout your journey. My grandmother will be 100 yrs. old Oct. 10th., she has been thru 2 colon cancers & 2 breast cancers, the last breast cancer was last yr. Her reasoning for that is, married to 1 man (which passed approx 20yrs. ago) had 6 daughters, 3 are living today. hasnt drank, smoked,had drivers lic., an has always believed that God would take care of her as he saw fit. Prayer is powerful, I dont care what anyone says. I am so very grateful to have my grandmother today even though my mom has passed. Be positive,dont depend on 1 drs. answers & pray. God be with you Dave! there is hope!

    Hi, Gaye - What a testament! Your grandmother is one fantastic lady! Good for her! I will take her advice and maintain a positive attitude. For sure! Thank you for your thoughts and prayers, and PLEASE! Give my regards to your grandmother. Now, there's a person I'd love to meet some day.

    Where there's a will, there IS a way. Thank you very much, Gaye.

    October 3, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterGaye (Paducah, KY.)

    Dave~~Whew!! I am pleased about the results of your bone marrow biopsy. That is something we can deal with if there are any changes. I was more concerned with that biopsy than the one you will have on Friday. Notice I said 'we' can deal with it. That goes to show you how much we all care for you, big fella.

    I dug the chicken soup recipe out of the trash. LOL Well just in case those noodles work in the place you stuck them.

    Yes! I am very pleased with the results. I just wish I could take something to lift my energy level. This chronic anemia and thrombocytopenia is still keeping me in a weakened state and I'm tired of it. No pun intended.

    I am very grateful how much you and many others have been showing me how much you care. Thank you. It's a good feeling.

    October 3, 2011 | Registered CommenterSnoopySleuth

    Dave... go to my facebook page and you can see a pic of my grandmother we put in the paper!:)

    We are friends on f.b.!

    Hot diggity, Gaye! I'm going to send her a birthday card! Thanks!

    (I edited your full name, but only because there are some real kooks out there on the Internet. Trust me, I know. I'm sorry I had to do that.)

    October 3, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterGaye (Paducah, KY.)

    Dave~~Popeye ate spinach to keep his energy level up. Just don't eat it with Olive Oyl 'cause it wont have time to stick to your ribs.

    Stress can deplete our energy levels, even subconscious stress that we don't realize we have. I am sure there are websites that can instruct you on relaxation techniques. For instance, the sound of the ocean can be very relaxing. Just close your are on a sandy beach somewhere on the Island of Maui. A half dozen hula dances are seranding you while you sit there and play "Tiny Bubbles" on the ukelele. Later you will feast on roast pig and fresh pineapple. (okay, okay, you can't eat that because of the sugar) Well in your fantasy, your sugar levels are not high so don't fret.

    Dang, maybe I best stick to the chicken soup. Ahola, my friend!

    Interestingly, Snoopy, I do listen to soft mystical music at night. Sometimes, it's the roar of the ocean, but the music is always calming. The volume is barely audible. And I love chicken soup - especially homemade. If that's not available, TooJay's is a close second.

    Ahola? Are you trying to tell me something?

    October 3, 2011 | Registered CommenterSnoopySleuth

    *seranding means to serenade by swaying the hips, in a grass skirt on a sandy beach.

    If your blog will not permit me to edit, I shall make up my own definitions.

    October 3, 2011 | Registered CommenterSnoopySleuth

    I do not see where Dave has reported here today on his biopsy. I'll take Snoopy's word for it that it was good news. Good to hear!

    Hi, New Puppy - I just wrote the results in a couple of the comments. No bone or blood cancer. I still have anemia and thrombocytopenia, but the problem with the M protein has been diagnosed as monoclonal gammapathy. I will have to be tested every 3 months, but in most cases, it doesn't turn into cancer. Hooray!

    I still have the lung biopsy, but it's been moved to Friday morning because no one told me to stop taking baby aspirin. Since I'm anemic, that could be a problem.

    Off to watch the new season of House!

    October 3, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterNew Puppy

    Ahola- the empty space you see while you stand holding the shovel.

    October 4, 2011 | Registered CommenterSnoopySleuth

    You did? I suppose I am blind. Well, not being able to find anything doesn't stop one from praying, I guess.

    Well, you're not blind at all, New Puppy. Not everyone reads each and every comment, so I added an update at the top of the original post. Thank you for caring so much. That's the important part. You are a very caring person, and everyone knows that about you.

    October 4, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterNew Puppy

    Dear Dave, I had not been visiting as of late and didnt know that you were dealing with medical problems. I remember in 2008 when you were ill. I believe in divine intervention, healing and prayer. All three will be coming your way. I will be praying for you. Please let me know if there is anything I can do for you or your family. Your friend always-----------

    My health just improved dramatically when I read your comment, Martha. You are such a delight to know, I honestly look forward to your comments. Thank you so very much. I really, really do appreciate your kindness over the years, and now, especially the hope and guidance you are sending my way. A person could not ask for a better friend. Thank you, too, for your offer to help me and my family. I will tell my parents.

    October 4, 2011 | Unregistered Commentermartha

    Hi Dave; I don't know if you will be doing a post on FOXY KNOXY but I found this article most interesting. I am one of those believers that again justice was not served. I think the investigation could have been better, but I sure didn't know about some of the background.

    Foxy Knoxy, the girl who had to compete with her own mother for men

    Hi, Weezie - I took a look at that story and scanned it, but I will have to go back and read the whole thing. I did see it was written on 10th November 2007, and by a British tabloid. What I'd like to do is contact the writer and see what her opinion of the Knox family is today. Thanks for the find. With British tabloids and all, I question the integrity of the story, but it might be worthy of a peek or two. At the same time, I think Amanda is worthy of a long holiday, though.

    October 4, 2011 | Registered CommenterWeezie

    Hi Martha; Well a voice from the past. Hope you are living a good life. I haven't seen you around for awhile. Are you ok?

    October 4, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterWeezie

    Smoking was never healthy but why is it that when I ask people to stop smoking, they would just tell me, "it's my only happiness, please don't take it away." Oh the drama. But then I realized that they still don't realize the immenseness of its negative effects and how it will affect their family if something happens to them because of their habit.

    Halley, I used to be one who said that smoking calmed my nerves. Now that I have stopped I have been in situations that at one time would drive me to hotbox a few cigarettes for my nerves, yet I have no desire to light up-I don't even think about it most of the time. Of course, I chew the heck out gum now and my chomping speeds up at times of stress, lol.

    So true what you have stated about the cost of that pleasure to the person and his/her family.

    October 4, 2011 | Registered CommenterSherry

    Regarding Amanda Knox, whatever dark side she may have it seems to me inevitable that the case would fall apart given likely prosecutorial misconduct and problems with evidence and witnesses. I can't recommend the book "The Monster of Florence" by Mario Spezi and Douglas Preston enough for a good look at the doings of Prosecutor Mignini in this earlier case which is, no other words for it, staggeringly inept and corrupt. Nothing that originates from him can be trusted in the least- he represents Italian justice much the same way that Berlusconi represents good governance- HAH! Fascinating and disturbing read and after finishing it one can easily see how the case against these two young people would not have made it past the gate over here. There were really two Monsters in Florence at the time, and one of them was prosecutor Mignini.

    You know, Karen, if I have a bit of time, I want to write something about how both Anthony and Knox went down. If there's anything we've learned about Italian politicians, it's that they lie and cheat and steal their way to the top. I'm not at all surprised that prosecutors come from the same mold. Even in this country, they have been known to stretch the truth for their own gain. There are many stories where prosecutors only wanted a conviction, whether guilty or not. Back to Italy, though, what makes their leaders so unscrupled? I know it's not right to stereotype, but how many corrupt prime ministers have been booted from office in the past 25 years? I wouldn't be one bit surprised if Mignini is eyeballing the top spot, either. No doubt, he is setting his sights high.

    October 6, 2011 | Registered CommenterKaren C.

    My Dear Dave, I too have been so busy with my two grandchildren with school and homework and normal kid stuff that I haven't had a lot of free time lately. I read about your medical problems and my thoughts and prayers have been for you each day. You have passed one big hurdle and we have such a good and loving God, he is going to bring you through the next one. God says to ask and it shall be given and we have to just simply believe and trust. Last Novemember I wrote you about my nephew, 40 years old, never had drivers liscense, never lived on his own because he had such bad seizures. He had a special surgery, that could have left him blind and still having seizures, God was with him all the way. Last month Mitch was able to get a drivers liscense, bought himslf a car and has not had a seizure since. I will be praying for you to receive those same results. When you are all well I will have to get Snoops seagull to fly over and I will make some stuffed peppers for him to drop off to you. Take good care of yourself we all need you to keep us inline. Will be waiting for the good news.

    Hello, Margaret. It's a pleasure to see you!

    Grandchildren and school are very time consuming and intensive, so I know exactly what it's like from my own experiences years ago. Yes, I've passed one big hurdle and there's one more to go, but I have faith in God and the prayers of so many people. I remember your letter about your nephew and what you said then. I also remember you talking about the surgery. I am so happy it was a success and he is now able to drive. That's a real blessing! Thank you for praying for me. It's precisely what the doctor ordered. Tomoorow morning, I get the lung biopsy. When it happens, my mind will be somewhere else. Where? I don't know, but I think it's across the street from La La Land. When I come home and regain my faculties, I will say something on the blog. Oh, and don't forget... I might just take you up on that offer. I LOVE stuffed peppers.

    Again, thank you for your prayers. I will let you know, but now, it's time for bed. Up at 4:30 and it's going to be a long day ahead.

    October 6, 2011 | Registered Commentermargaret

    Know that I am spending the day sending nothing but positive thoughts and energy your way. I have thought about your medical issues daily and I must say, I have not stopped thinking about your view on Karma ever since I read this article.So far, you have gotten good news and I feel today will head in the same positive direction. With all of these lovely people walking beside you, I can see nothing but sunshine ahead! I, like Frankie, do think there is more to karma than just a word but I feel we start out with karma being our own. It would not be available to throw around like a spell. It is our own karma that we try to learn from and correct or we receive good things because we share good karma with others. It's more of how we live our own lives and you, my friend, have lived a good karmic life. I wish I was more capable of explaining in words how I feel but know that today will be a good day for you and I am sending all the positiveness I can muster. I look forward to hearing from you as do the rest of us Marinaders!!!!!

    October 7, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterSageMom

    I am home from the hospital. The doctor went in through the left side, just below my armpit. He had to go between ribs. I didn't feel it at the time, but I can feel a little something now. It's not really pain. Actually, I don't know what it is. Anyway, I am going to take a nap now, so if I'm not around, that's why. Thank you for caring and for your prayers. I guarantee, everything helped.

    October 7, 2011 | Registered CommenterDave Knechel

    Dave: Thank you for letting us know how it went. You sleep tight, and we'll all keep the prayers going.

    Thank you, nan11. I have been sleeping, that's for sure. My body must need it, so that's what I'll be doing until I catch up to it.

    October 7, 2011 | Registered Commenternan11

    Dave~~big hugs from Snoopy and the kid! We are glad you got that test over with and didn't have too much discomfort during the procedure. You may be sore for a couple of days so take it easy.

    Thanks for the hugs, Snoopy, from you and the kid. I'm surprised how neither biopsies really hurt. This one just drained me more than anything else. At least, they're over with. Now, I have to wait for the results and the colonoscopy and endoscopy. Whoop-di-doo.

    October 7, 2011 | Registered CommenterSnoopySleuth

    Hoot Hoot from California, Gee Golly, good wishes, prayers and chicken soup, you must be feeling all warm and fuzzy! Seriously, I send my good thoughts your way also. I have a rather positive outlook on life and assume all will be well for you.
    If you go down under to visit Tiffany I am coming along as a stow away. While you two visit I will take the kids out to play with turtle eggs. Teasing....My mom did two weeks in New Zealand and loved it.
    You take care Big Boy, I will be thinking of you!

    Hi, cali patti! Chicken soup is something I would enjoy having right about now. Believe it or not, I have a positive outlook, too. It's depressing when you're told the word "cancer" twice, in two different places, but these biopsies have helped put things in a different light. For instance, without the bone marrow biopsy, I wouldn't know today that I don't have blood cancer. I'm optimistic the lung biopsy result will be just as promising. I, too, have a positive outlook on life, and I'm positive things will be OK.

    You know how people have their favorite life form, like whales or birds? I have always had a soft spot for turtles. There's just something about them, although I wouldn't want to hang around with a gator turtle. Look up alligator snapping turtle. They are vicious!

    I'd love to go to Australia, and I would do it in a snap. New Zealand, too. Tiffany is a very nice person, too, and I think it would be great. You, too!

    October 7, 2011 | Unregistered Commentercali patti

    Sleep on, Dave! So glad you let us Knechelheads know how its going. We will keep those prayers going for you concerning the results and beyond!

    {hugs}-ever so lightly and tenderly-don't want you to hurt!

    Knechelheads"... You gotta love it! Thanks, Sherry.It is now 4:30 Saturday afternoon and I am feeling much better, although, I am now ready for another nap. Thank you for the prayers and hugs. Trust me, they are helping!

    October 7, 2011 | Registered CommenterSherry

    I too quit smoking about four years ago.
    My thoughts and prayers are with you Dave.
    Chin up...tits out. ;0)

    Thank you for your thoughts and prayers, Alyce, and good for you, too! I will keep you "abreast" of everything.

    October 8, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterAlyce

    Sherri ~ Oh no you did not just write Knechelheads! That is so great! A Knechelhead Club. Maybe we could become a gang. I always thought being in a gang would be fun. I vote for pink leathers with a logo of Dave on the back and a laptop in there some where. Snoop can design something for us, if she doesn't mind.
    This is the best idea ever, WTG, Sheeri.

    Dave not only is Tiffany very nice, well spoken, she is also very pretty. Yes I've seen a photo.
    She also has a slightly spunky attitude when messed with.
    Hope your feeling better. A Knechelhead Club, LOL, just what you always wanted. Teasing.
    I came back to comment on Karma but will do so later.

    Oh no! A Knechelhead Club! Pink leathers! Oh my. We'll have to give credit to Sherry for "coining" that one, but would I have to change the name of my blog to the Knechelodeon? Good thing you're teasing!

    Yes, cali patti, Tiffany is very pretty, nice and well-spoken. Don't worry, I wouldn't think of messing with her, but I do like a woman with an independent, spunky side.

    October 8, 2011 | Unregistered Commentercali patti

    Well Dave, I don't come in for months and thought I'd just peek in to see how you're doing and wow! You've been through a bunch haven't you?

    I believe Karma is only dished out to those who have had issues like lil Casey, not everyday people who've done nothing in their life to deserve retribution of any kind. Let her worry about her wigs, her lawsuits, her lies and just take care of you.

    You know it's a good thing a dr tells you it might become cancer down the line but I find myself wishing they would just keep it to themselves a bit longer. My daughter had a tumor removed from her pancreas which they said is so slow growing they won't know if it's cancerous or not until they see if it comes back "down the line" and she has had to go in for tests every year for 5 years "just in case". I think it causes unnecessary worry when you need it least. But that's the outcome of all those malpractice lawsuits. Take care of yourself, go in with a positive attitude and on this end I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers.

    Hi, Connie - Great to see you again. Yes, I've gone through a lot lately, but it's something that had to be done. I had the lung biopsy on Friday and I'm awaiting the results - good or bad. Either way, I'm very positive, because, if it is cancer - which I doubt, it was caught early enough to be removed without too much damage. Unfortunately, cancer runs in both sides of my family. My father had prostate cancer years ago and underwent treatment, and my mother just had a cancer removed from her right cheek, immediately in front of her ear. Her biological mother passed away when she was 12, of - you guessed it! Cancer. But I'm not too worried. There's no reason to let it upset me because I am going to do whatever needs to be done and I would be much better served if I keep my wits about me. Also, it could be similar to your daughter's predicament, although I don't want to think about opening up my ribcage any time soon. I fully expect to be tested for the rest of my life; my lung for cancer and my blood for bone marrow or blood cancer. I pray that it never touches your daughter's pancreas.

    One of the reasons why I have a real problem with karma is because people will it on others and that's not in the cards. How many murderers, rapists and child molesters are never caught and they take their secrets to the grave? If they stand before God in judgement, that's not karma. What about all of those innocent victims? What happened to them could not possibly be karma, could it? Certainly, they didn't (and don't) don't deserve it. You see, karma is just a catch-all word for what people WANT to have happen to bad people, but there's no pattern that proves it any more than anyone can predict it. That's my logical way of explaining karma. While I do believe we can pray for good things to happen, I don't think praying for a violent end to violent people is the best course of action in a religious world. Just my opinion, of course, but I just can't see it any other way.

    Thanks, and it is really a pleasure to see you again. I mean that.

    October 10, 2011 | Registered Commenterconniefl

    Dave, I'm just checking in after a time and I am touched by this news with great concern for you. I believe you were in my prayers long before you asked - mine are usually made of gratitude. Something in your voice (those lingering words) makes me appreciate you and wish there were more people like you to contribute to the world. Be well. <3

    Thank you, my friend. That is quite nice of you to say. My health is something I want everyone to know about. Not because I'm asking for sympathy of any kind, but imagine if something were to happen and I never let anyone know about. That would be selfish, I think. Besides, I can certainly use the prayers! To be honest, I hope that I can get this behind me so I can go back to concentrating on my writing. I don't know, I just haven't been all that creative lately and I'm sure that my health is a good part of it. Oh well, it sure is sweet of you to keep me in your prayers. I need them.

    October 10, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterlilredkayak

    Hmmm, Karma! I've never used or thought of Karma as a flat tire, bad Karma or never running out of gas, good karma. I also never gave Karma much thought. I do remember thinking way back that Karma did not exist, that if it did, bad things would not happen to good people.
    As the years went by, I did hope Karma existed. I am NOT big on wishing anyone "ill will" or to hope bad happens to anyone not even to those that did me wrong. I felt wish bad on anyone had the possibility to come back on me. I counted on Karma taking care of them.

    I think we are all born blank on the Karma scale, no points for good or bad. Not every good or bad deed added points but large deeds do matter. I also thought Karma, good or bad, was direct line to the event. Example; you break a heart, your heart might gets broken or maybe you will never know true love. You would not suffer bad health. I don't think "ALL" people suffer or are rewarded with the Karma force.

    Logically Karma probably does NOT exist. I take comfort in the possiblity that it might. It has allowed me to move on emotionally from anger and disappointment. Since I want to believe in Karma, I accept that I must do good deeds w/o recognition in order for Karma to work for me. Sort of ying/yang. It is a TOOL is use to move on, knowing it may NOT exist.

    I believe you just need to believe.
    It has nothing to do with being born innocent, as Caylee was. She was born w/o Karma.
    Hope this makes sense.

    Sorry I'm so late getting back to you, cali patti. I've been a little preoccupied lately. Thank you for your thoughts on karma. Here's more of the way I think...

    Logically, karma does not exist, because when people bring it up, it's almost always in a bad light. I don't know how many thousands of times I heard about karma going to get Casey. First, it was going to be a guilty verdict. Well, karma didn't get her then. Conveniently, people change the date, so instead of the bad karma verdict, it will be sometime down the road. All throughout the Anthony case, bad karma flew left and right at everyone's whim. Look at my tormenters. Bad karma was going to keep me out of the courtroom. It didn't. They used the word karma to cast spells on me. You see, as I mentioned, people have their own interpretation of karma, just like they have their own interpretations of the Bible, especially when it conveniently suits them. People have absolutely no power over other people by simply willing it as some convoluted karma crap. If I end up with lung cancer, it's not karma that got me, it's 40 years of smoking.

    If we look at experiences logically - for what they are - there is no karma. Karma, for instance, did not kill JFK. It was a madman hellbent on murdering the president. It wasn't karma that killed Lee Harvey Oswald. His actions brought about his demise. as it karma that saved President Reagan? No, it was nothing more than John Hinkley not making a direct kill. His aim was off. These were but two attempts at stalking and assassining important public figures. Had Reagan lost the election, Hinkley might have gone after a different man, and karma wouldn't have had anything to do with his actions. We alone are responsible for what we do. God fearing people don't act like that, but at the same time, God did not force anyone to pull the trigger. The real answer to karma has more to do with being in the right place at the right time, the wrong place at the wrong time, the wrong place at the right time, or the right place at the wrong time. It's the same thing with luck. There really isn't such a thing, because it would be easy to explain away her stroke of bad luck. We can't.

    October 11, 2011 | Unregistered Commentercali patti

    Hi Dave..long time no see...I am thankful my life has moved on from Casey Anthony..I hardly ever google her latest nonsense, but do admint to taking a peep now and again. And a belated thanks for all your hard work in covering the saga! Sorry about all your medical woes. I do believe a positive attitude will ensure a good life hereon in. I also believe that eating alkaline foods which oxygenate the blood and cells will go a very long way in keeping the cancer at bay..cancer is after all, in simplest terms, dead cells which multiply..and who needs a body full of dead cells? As for smokinbg: i quit immediately and permanently after reading Allan Carr's Easyway to STOP smoking. The best book ever written is what most people who have read it say. If anybody wants to stop smoking the easy way...READ THIS BOOK! It's a 6 hr read and will change your outlook on smoking and life, forever. Good luck to you Dave. Stay positive. regards, Melanie

    Hi, Melanie - Yes, it has been a long time, and my life moved on soon after the verdict was delivered.

    I have a high level of acid in my body. That's one of the reasons why I have GERD. I've heard that people with high levels of alkaline will never get cancer but I never understood why. It's the blood oxygenation that does it! No, no one wnats cancer in their body, and I will most definitely look into a new diet. Thank you for the information and for wishing me well. I will stay as positive as I can possibly be. A also hope someone picks up the Allen Carr book, because smoking is a terrible habit. It took a long time to break it, but I have been smoke free for 4 years now and I never looked back. Thanks again, it is great to see you!

    October 13, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMelanie

    I have an appointment with the hematologist/oncologist on Monday at 12:10. The doctor will give me the results of the lung biopsy at that time, so there's nothing to report until then. Am I nervous? You betcha.

    October 13, 2011 | Registered CommenterDave Knechel

    Dave, this is just a thought, but if you had your lung biopsy on October 7, and the doc isn't seeing you with the results until October 17, it sounds good. Had it been something really bad, you probably would have been contacted right away. So, let's hope that in your case no news until Monday will be very good news!! I'm a breast cancer survivor (1994) and was notified of the biopsy results immediately.

    You make some very good points about karma and, if you're a Bible reader, Ecclesiastes 9:11 explains things quite nicely. When in doubt, go to our "owner's manual"!

    "Again I saw that under the sun the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, nor bread to the wise, nor riches to the intelligent, nor favor to the men of skill; but time and chance happen to them all."

    I have eleven different Bible translations, and they all say basically the same thing. This particular quote is taken from the Revised Standard Version.

    I'm wishing you the best and will keep you in my prayers. K in AZ

    I sure hope you're right, K in AZ, that no news is good news. Even if it is cancer, I am certain it was caught very early, so the only thing I'd really have to worry about is extracting it. I'll wait until Monday to even think about it.

    My problem with karma stems from a simple question: Can religion and karma coexist? In eastern religions, yes, but in western religions, such as Christianity, the answer lies in faith itself. That means faith in God, not in any one individual wishing good or bad karma upon another. Even an act, whether right or wrong, is something that may be rewarded or punished in the hereafter, not in the present. By present, I mean the lifespan of a person. There's just nothing that supports karma, especially within the structures of biblical teaching. People may wish for something to happen to someone else, but that's not the way life works, any more than good karma will help someone win a race or a battle. Thanks for your Bible quote, and thank you for your prayers and for wishing me the best.

    October 13, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterK in AZ

    For myself, I like Karma. Karma, FOR ME, works on its own and doesn't work by wishing evil upon anyone. I never wish bad to happen to anyone, ever. Its a lot like faith for me.

    That's good, cali patti, and I think it's very important that you say so. Too many people use the karma excuse for their own private wishes, which generally, are not good. It's why I had such a terrible problem with Casey getting her karma. No one controls that sort of thing, and way too many people wanted karma to come get her and tear her into shreds. I sometimes felt that what they hoped for was that the more they said it, the more it would connect with everyone else who thought the same way and BANG! It would get her.

    October 16, 2011 | Unregistered Commentercalipatti

    An interesting similarity is found between the concept of the 'law of Karma' and the law in Westerns physics which says 'action is reaction'. One could argue that the law of Karma is the mental equivalent of this law in physics.

    The article I read says all pple are born karma free OR born with left over Karma from a past life. Two different ways to look at Karma. It also says many who believe also try to avoid karma all together. Higher intervention cannot over ride karma.
    LOLoud, I dont know, and most of us wont know until we pass over.
    Interesting to read about.

    October 17, 2011 | Unregistered Commentercalipatti

    Well, I do know about Karma. Its of a false religion and I happen to know that on this side of death's door, thank God! It'll be too late to know the truth on the other side to save our souls.

    October 17, 2011 | Registered CommenterSherry

    ah hello Sherry, I know Karma has it's base in an very old religion, however I do not consider my "hoping" Karma exists as a religion. I want it to exist as a cosmic force. I try to live by the ten commandments because they seem to work for me. I try to live my life with character and a very open mind to others who believe differently.
    I do not believe the arms of God will be closed to those that do not believe in the Christian bible.
    I believe God is larger than "a" religion or one book, the bible. There are so many ways that people worship God that I do not believe in only one way is the right way.

    This is for me only. I do not want to change anyone else's belief system. I also do not believe God will close the door to anyone that greets Him with an open heart, no matter what they believe.

    October 18, 2011 | Unregistered Commentercalipatti

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